and welcome to hannity. and tonight, part two of my exclusive interview with former president trump. that s momentsf my exc. hea we re going to hear about an important update from president trump update fs searco much more of that s straight ahead. but first, today marks the 80th anniversary of d-day. thenow, in the early morning ho of june six, 1944, whilee of the tide of normandy ran red with blood, thousands of brave younge ra men, american men, far away from home, storming the beaches in northern france amid a hail of gunfire. no cover whatsoever.gunf ir2501 americans lost their livs that day. but it was not in vain because this marked the beginning of the end for mar. nazi germany and adolf hitler. and less than a year later, the wad thr in europe was final over. today, president biden was in normandover. y to commemorate day the solemn day. it was important for the president to b, itortante t. but now, unfortunately, as per usual, it wasn tbu up, joe.jectv he seemed t
fox news has donald trump clearing 50% in florida. in arizonas, in nevada. this is huge arizona and arizonona, 7% of those who say they re very motivated to vote favoy thatr trump by double digits. it shows joe biden in state after state has a gender gap problem with men. trump s beatinblemg joe biden b5 points among men. all we hear all day long is the women s vote. suburbanrban wom. fine. but there s a real gender gap an biden sand it s gender gap with men in that arizona poll. that many people are sayings that trump is the best on the issues to handle the issues and bring them for that they care most about. and let me just say y very d-day something something very quickly about d-day. i was there five years ago with president and mrs. trump. he gavhe an incredible speech. people can pull it up. he spent his time meetinh.g thoa veterans. he spent his time meeting with world leaders. i was there. i wansn with ls in those meetings,joe joe biden showed up last night and they cal