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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20170831 00:00:00

do, we have a customer service hot line that we turned into a nonemergency call center, and we've asked the residents if they need to be rescued and it's not an emergency, or if they think they might need to be rescued, that they call that 311. most of the people -- unless they get hit later -- or are near the river. w we are prioritizing those, the residents that can get out of their homes, like i said, we're prioritizing them. and also we -- they do know that we will wait until daybreak. because of the standing water, so many of the streets and the typically shelter in beaumont. we have three shelters open, they will not at capacity -- until they started to get at capacity, we'll look at opening another shelter. a shelter, you don't just put up there and ask people to come. you have to have supplies, cots, blankets, and someone that knows how to run it. and the red cross, because of all the devastation in texas is very, very limited resources for them, too. so i think that would be our biggest issue, the resources that we need to put into the new -- the secondary shelter that we're setting up. and then someone to actually run it. we partner with the red cross in helping, but we don't actually run shelters. but we will partner with resources. that's probably the biggest challenge right now. i've been the mayor for ten years, and i've never seen this many people that needed shelter. >> well, we hope you're able to open up that other shelter. thank you for the time -- >> we have already opened it. i'm sorry, i didn't mean to interrupt you. i'm having a hard time hearing. we have already opened it. we just don't have all the resources we need to complete it. but we will not -- no one has been turned away, no one. >> that is certainly good news. mayor, i hope to speak to you tomorrow night, as well. i wish you and the people there the best. as we mentioned, the military has ramped up rescue operations. two u.s. navy war shiships are g deployed to the area, along with 690 marines. medical, communications, other support teams, are already in place or are on their way. cnn's martin savidge has been out and airborne with the navy rescuers over east texas, capturing remarkable images. so martin, you're still on the chopper, returning to base. tell us what you've been seeing up there. [ indiscernible ]martin, we're hearing you. we're going to go next to beaumont and cnn's drew griffin, who has been having quite a remarkable day, as well. drew, you've been on the ground all day. talk about what you've been seeing there. >> reporter: it's a violent night, and to add on to what the mayor was speaking out, jefferson county is a series of islands, anderson. so you have these people rescued, they're put on an island. as water continues to rise, that island gets smaller, and those people need to be rescued off of that island to another island, to another island. that's where you have that day after day after day of rescue. and the water is still rising in this county. we just heard about a levy breach that's flooding another subdivision just west of here. it can happen in a split second. that's what we found out this morning. we're setting up for a live shot, when we heard a noise and we found this guy in really dire straits. take a look. look at this. get out, dude! you've got a power cord? you got a rope? hold on, i'm getting you a rope. don't go backwards. you all right? no, ma'am, we got a car in the ditch. we just pulled somebody out. lord have mercy. are you all right now, buddy? >> yeah. >> take your breath. we're going to get you off of this bank. we're going to get you off of this bank. >> reporter: 66-year-old jerry summ summeral, he was out hooking for food and got in trouble. this intersection was flooded just about an hour ago. in fact, the police are over there trying to deal with flooded cars that were just left here. but the water continues to move throughout the county. so it drains here, it has to go somewhere else. people are not used to these areas being flooded and they're getting in trouble. right now, this emergency is not only continuing for people who need to be evacuated, but for all the people who have been cooked up for days, find themselves getting in trouble just like that fellow. >> drew, that's one of the deceptive things. you can't tell how deep this water is, unless there's a submerged car that you just see the top of it. even in the areas we're if right now, if we just pan over here, you have no sense of how deep this water is. and it just goes on as far as the eye can see. i'm told, you know, further down there, it gets up to about the waist. here it's pretty shallow. drew, i assume that's what happened to that man who you helped rescue. he had no idea that the water he was driving into was going to be so deep. >> reporter: he thought he was driving onto a road. he had no idea that was an actual drainage ditch. it was a ditch he was driving into. he thought he was crossing a parking lot, crossing a road covered with water. and he was gone, it's floating. just after we pulled him out, his truck, his four-wheel drive truck, sank. it happens that quick. people do not recognize the difference between standing water that's over a road, standing water that is actually a raging river as a drainage ditch. it's happening across southeast texas right now. >> the images on your screen are from orange, texas, the first images i'm seeing from that area. again, you get a sense of how much water there is on the ground. drew, i appreciate that. that's near the border of texas and louisiana. we should point out. i want to get some perspective from cnn contributor russel honore, who headed up the hurricane katrina effort. and joining us is john connors, member of team rubrubicon, an organization that brings together volunteers nor moments hike this. general, what's your assessment in terms of rescue operations and the flooding? >> well, the problem has gotten bigger. i mean, we have search and rescue missions ongoing. this is the hard part, after we pick people up with helicopters and using the emergency signals to find people, once this water goes down, anderson, every house has to be checked. and that cannot be done by civilian volunteers. without these volunteers, we would be in a mess, because the military has been slow to scale up. we should have navy ships to follow hurricanes in. we learned that in katrina and rita. yet, one of the biggest hurricanes predicted as of last thursday didn't have navy ships following it. we have to get this fixed, because we're at the beginning of hurricane season. that being said, the shelters look great. everybody is getting along as far as the government agencies. we don't have the bickering and the fighting. >> and the volunteer efforts are incredible. >> yes. but i was here today with a boat. we came on this very road to go search. nobody to talk to. no communications systems. we need to tie that together with a disruptive technology, and allow the police and fire to talk to civilians that are coming into the region and say go here. we need you over here. this is your mission. when you get here, link up. and then communicate with them. >> john, you guys are veterans. what are you seeing on the ground? >> we're veterans, we pair our skills with first responders. so we're trained to respond to chaos. we're ready to go. so our folks got on the ground monday. we've been doing boat operations since monday. we'll continue to do those until the community doesn't need it. >> you're focused on long-term. >> we expect we'll be here for a few months. what we generally do is wait for the waters to recede, so it's safe for the volunteers to come in and then start working on long-term operations. >> that's the thing, general. obviously, there's the adrenaline now for folks that are here, that gets you through for a couple of days. but then there's the grim reality of recovery operations and rebuilding. >> and there are things the volunteers can't do. the big mission for volunteers is to go to houses. last year in baton rouge, katri katrina, for years after the hurricane, volunteer groups came from all over the world. you see that over there, anderson in every one of those catch basins have to be cleaned before the next storm. every drain, every culvert between here and the gulf has to be cleaned. if it took 40 inches this time, what the impact the flood has had on the drains -- >> that's one of the things, there's tension on storms when they happen and the media aftermath. a lot of people, once the water dissipates, they go, it's over. but it's not. >> exactly. and team rubicon is still working on houses in new york and new jersey that were wrecked during sandy. so everyone else forgets about it, but we'll stay there with the community. >> what do you see in terms of organization? >> what our teams have been seeing is the armada of the community that has stepped up to help each other. and to see everyone working side by side with the government agencies is encouraging. >> john, team rubicon exists without government funding. >> take a look at these live pictures again. what area is this now? this is orange, texas. and it just gives you a sense of -- i mean, this is not over. i know a lot of folks saw houston today, they saw the rain stop and they thought, well, the worst is over. and that may be the case for some neighborhoods here in houston. but check out what's happening here in orange, texas. you get a sense of just how deep those waters are. when we come back, what began as a life saving resuscitation has now turned into something of a mystery. no one seems to know where this survivor still is. she apparently still needs medical attention. and we'll hear from some of the survivors still making their way to safety with the help of the army of volunteers. we'll be right back from houston and all along the region. knowing where you stand. it's never been easier. except when it comes to your retirement plan. but at fidelity, we're making retirement planning clearer. and it all starts with getting your fidelity retirement score. in 60 seconds, you'll know where you stand. and together, we'll help you make decisions for your plan... to keep you on track. ♪ time to think of your future it's your retirement. know where you stand. on your acceptance..." through the tuition assistance program, every day mcdonald's helps more people go to college. it's part of our commitment to being america's best first job. ♪ the lincoln summer invitation is on. now get our best offers of the season. on the agile mkc. and the versatile midsize lincoln mkx. or go where summer takes you in the exhilarating mkz. hurry in it's the final days of the lincoln summer invitation sales event. ending september 5th. right now, get zero percent apr plus 1,000 dollars summer savings on the lincoln mkx, mkc and mkz. welcome back. we're here in houston. i want to give you a sense of what's happening behind me. this is the texas state maritime unit, division, excuse me. they were supposed to be stopped for the night. someone just came up to them and said their grand mother in a house and needs a rescuing. so they're actually mounting up again. they're going to take some of their boats out. they stopped because it's getting dark and they'll resume tomorrow. but they look like they're going to go out and try to find that person. you can see another boat just coming in, if we pan over here a little bit. i don't know if they're bringing somebody out or just a boat returning after a day of rescues. that looks like a group of volunteers. we've seen so many rescues just from this area today. more than 600 people we were told were brought out over the course of the day. again, some of these folks are just volunteers. they had a boat. they are not even people who necessarily live in this neighborhood. so we'll continue to follow what's going on here. we'll bring you any updates. we'll be seeing scenes like this unfolding around the area, whether by police, troops, or the volunteers around the gulf, as well as across the country. there's a lot to talk about. i want to go to ryan nobles. we've been seeing some of the images from orange tonight. what is happening there on the ground? >> reporter: orange is just on the louisiana-texas border. this area was hit hard by the second wave of harvey after it went back out to the gulf of mexico and came back inland. so a lot of the flooding here began around 1:00 this morning. you can see this area where we are now. this is a shopping market area. it's become a central locating point. and you can see in the distance there is a supermarket. we understand that supermarket is closed. but from time to time, they're getting if food and water shipments. so there is a line of people out in front of this supermarket, hoping to get stocked up on provisions so they can take care of their families. and the rescue effort has gone on here all day, starting early in the morgning. it is by and large a volunteer force. there are first responders from louisiana and texas helping to guide them. one of the problems they had earlier today, anderson, even into the night is that there are many boats willing to get people out of their homes and to dry land. but there aren't necessarily buses and cars and trucks able to take them to shelters. so that's one of the holdups in this rescue effort. but it's going to take some time before all these people can be rescued and to be put somewhere safe. and the water at this point has not started to recede. anderson? >> ryan nobles, appreciate it. so many people in houston and east texas are wondering about their loved ones, whether they're okay, whether they're alive. as you see behind me, these are some folks being brought out, thanking the folks who brought them out. you also have now this maritime division, which are going to start out. they've got helmets on. it may not seem like this -- they have to take all the precautions they can, because some of that water is very deep. you get into areas of eddy's. it can turn quickly. many of the survivors are looking for other ones. many of the survivors are in the george r. brown convention center. the chief of police joins us. what is the latest tonight in terms of rescue operations? do you have a sense how many people were rescued today? how many people do you still believe may be in need of help? >> well,ky tell you that rescue operations have continued in our west area of the city. i don't have a current number. this is really day six for the houston police department. people haven't gone home. this will be the first time tonight that we're going the let some of them go home to get some rest. but every hour it passes, they're going down. it's certainly with the thousands of people that have been rescued, we're down to a matter of a hundred or so. >> i wonder, to the people who see the waters receding and saying houston is out of the woods, what is your message to those people tonight? >> well, first, the message is that we're not quite out of the woods, because we still have a water event going on, on the west side of the area. and we still haven't gone into the neighborhoods for secondary searches. my heart is still aching. all of us fear that we might find folks in these homes. you look at the destruction here of two-story homes just completely engulfed and covered by water where you can't even see the roof tops. we just fear what we might find. while we're glad we have had such few deaths, the event of biblical proportions, we're still concerned about what we might find in the days to come. >> and that actual toll you may not know, is my understanding, until the waters recede and until you can do those secondary searches. >> correct. and so that -- and secondary searches, our first responders, it's still very risky to go back into those neighborhoods where power lines are down and gas mains and a lot of debris, a lot of things that they have to deal with. and so we're thankful that there are additional teams heading towards our area of operation here. and those strike teams will help us complete the secondary searches. >> chief, i wish you the best and all of your officers. i appreciate it. thank you so much for talking with us, chief acevedo, doing incredible work here in houston. so much need, so many people are responding. so many neighborhoods to cover. take a look at this video, this is not a bay, it's the freeway. it looks like the ocean or a bay. we'll talk to the man who took this video when we come back. ucn about my culture. i put the gele on my head and i looked into the mirror and i was trying not to cry. because it's a hat, but it's like the most important hat i've ever owned. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at there's water rising on their street. >> and that hadn't happened until this morning? >> until this morning. we said let me come and get you. and she was like, no, we're fine, we're just going to ride it. we don't think it's going to be a big deal. >> how old are they >> my uncle is 90, my aunt is like 83. >> so they saw the water coming but they thought they could ride it out? >> yeah. all of a sudden about half an hour ago, i get a call from my aunt. she said the water is up to the house. we need help. so i took off from the house, came over here. we borrowed one of my friend's higher trucks. >> the water is pretty deep. >> unbelievable. information, the address and the location and they just took off. >> are you still in communication with your aunt? >> yes. i'm talking to her about a minute ago. >> how are they holding up? >> they're there. they're scared. it's getting to that point where it's coming. it's a matter of life or death for them and they're ready to come out. >> so many people who woke up today, it wasn't raining, the neighborhood hadn't flooded. then certain reservoirs started to flood and overflow. new neighborhoods that started to flood that didn't flood before. >> yeah. it's going like the opposite. they were fine until everything calmed down from the storm and the rain, and now this whole entire -- >> you've been here since the early '90s. everyone seen anything like this? >> no. it's flooded for a day or two in certain areas. never seen like a river for the whole entire subdivision or the area. it's covered up a large amount of area. >> i appreciate you talking to us. i wish you the best. >> thanks to all the help for the coast guard. they're doing an amazing job. >> cnn's brian todd joins us now. you've been out there, i've been watching you throughout the day in houston. what are residents facing right now? what have you been seeing today? >> reporter: anderson, they're just trying to process this. they were taken by surprise with this wave of flooding that occurred, because it just started in this neighborhood in earnest at about 1:00 a.m. this morning overnight, after the brunt of the storm had passed. these people thought they had ridden it out without too much flooding, but that controlled release from the addick's reservoir is what brought all of these flood waters on. i'm in a high water vehicle, about eight feet above ground. just huge wheels on this truck we're riding in the pack of. but you can see behind me just how deep the water is. we were on an airboat earlier today with some private rescuers, just going around doing door knocks and watching for people nagging us. but my estimation, we pulled probably 20 people out of these homes. and look at athis, anderson. it's a labyrinth of places. the only way to get out is with a vehicle like this one or an airboat. some of the people now being rescued have thought they dodged a bullet. >> yesterday afternoon, the sun came out. it receded a little bit. we put everything back that we had put upstairs. and then we had a little hurricane party last night until about midnight. and at 1:00 we had a foot of water. >> reporter: volunteers like mark and his partner joe are out looking for victims to help, especially any place with a towel or other distress signs. repo do you think about the danger out here? >> not really? >> reporter: why not? >> you just come and do it. i am on a boat all the time. i don't think twice. people need help, i come and help them. >> reporter: we talked to a lot of people when they got to safer ground. i asked them do they want to return to their neighborhoods? some of them said they wanted to stay. but others said they had to make a decision whether to return home to all of this. anderson? >> brian, do you have any sense of how long these rescue teams plan on staying or how they're planning for days ahead? >> reporter: a lot of the time, anderson, they gauge it how exhausted they are at the end of a given day. the rescue teams, all private boat operators, planned on staying. one of the guys who operated a boat said he was just completely fried by the end of the day. so these guys assess it on a day by day basis. but they wake up and they seem to want to go out. i think a lot of them are going to be here until these waters recede. >> there's a lot of people who appreciate what they're doing. thank you very much. when we come back, we'll hear from the man who shot this incredible video on i-10. it looks more like the open ocean. we'll be right back. ♪ welcome back. we're waiting to see what happens, we just talked to a guy, frankie aziz, who is worried about his aunt and uncle. his aunt thought they could ride out the storm in this neighborhood, but the water started to come up just this morning. they're an elderly couple. she just called him and said we need some help. so some boats have been launched by state authorities here in texas to go and get the couple out of their home. so we're waiting for them to come back. with each passing day, we're seeing more and more images that the people have taken on their own. i want to show you this image we've looked at several times tonight. i want you to hear from the person that took this image, video taken on i-10. you would never know this is a highway. i talked to the man who took this a short time ago. listen. i think for some people the video is kind of hard to wrap your mind around. what we're seeing is the interstate under water, right many >> yes, sir. six, serve foven foot of water. >> how long did that go for, how far was that? >> the stretch that we drove across was about two miles. >> wow, two miles with water that deep on the interstate. >> as you got closer to the interstate, it got shallower and shallower, but where we were out in the pasture and the canals, it was seven foot or more. >> that's just uncredible. i appreciate you taking the time to talk to us. be safe. >> yes, sir, no problem. >> that's logan weed. the images are extraordinary. there are 28 people confirmed dead in the aftermath of hurricane harvey. 28 lives ended far too soon. joining me now are two people in the midst of that grief. they lost their dad, ruben jordan, a beloved high school football and track coach. lindsey, i'm sorry for your loss and i appreciate you spending time with us. can you tell me when is the last time you spoke to your dad? >> i actually spoke to my dad saturday morning. i'm a physician. i had gone into work saturday morning, checked on my patients and got out around noon and spoke to him. you know, he was -- we all kind of thought harvey had come and gone and there wasn't much going on and he was hanging at the house. he told me to be careful getting home and that was the last time i talked to him. >> roger, did you speak to him at all about the storm? >> yes, sir, i spoke to him saturday, saturday night around 8:00, 8:30. we were just conversing about the floyd mayweather and conor mcgregor fight, just having casual father-son talk, trying to place a personal bet as to who was going to win. he mentioned going out to see it at a local sports bar. that was the last i had spoken to him, as well. >> lindsey, tell me about your dad, what kind of a man was he? >> my dad was an amazing man. he has been a coach in the area for 28 years. he's been a pillar of the community. he is now -- prior to him retiring, he was teaching the kids of the kids that he taught when he first started. >> wow, that's incredible. >> yeah, yeah. >> he's taught the kids of the kids. i understand his grandchildren were the light of his life and he told you that you had done everything in his life that -- that he had done everything in his life that he ever wanted to do after he was able to meet your son. >> yeah. i have an 8-month-old, and my dad, for everyone that knows him, he's a big guy. he's a big guy and he keeps a serious face most of the time. but with my son, he was a teddy bear. i had personally never seen him like that. he has enjoyed this eight months with my son so much. >> roger, i know there's been a huge outpouring of support from your community. what do you want people to know about him? >> he was a very determined, caring, and nurturing soul. he was adamant on encouraging today's youth to be as great as they could. he's a loving individual. he taught us to carry ourselves with class and dignity and ensure each and every one that they received respect. >> i'm just so sorry for your loss. i know those words sound so hollow, but we're thinking about you. i wish you both the best. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. >> 12 years ago tonight, all eyes were on the city of new orleans. it was the day after hurricane katrina hit. i'll speak with the mayor of new orleans next. for him and simply styled for her! plus hot deals on jeans for kids, starting at 8.99. hurry - sale ends september 4th. ostriches don't really stick vitheir heads in the horns on their helmets. and a real john deere is actually real affordable. you learn something new everyday. the surprisingly affordable john deere e series tractors. moments. which makes their effort and that of the volunteers worth taking note of today. randi kaye reports. >> reporter: the air national guard if the midst of a dramatic rescue. on the other end of that rope line is a newborn baby. this other child from the same family was also rescued. it went on and on until the whole family was safely inside the chopper. they were let out on dryer land. strangers came together to rescue an elderly man trapped in his car. he was being swept away by floo quickly formed a human chain, stretching from dry land to the man's car. the car appeared to be sinking fast and rescuers yelled to those closest to the man to bust the window. they finally got the door open and the man out. he was taken to a local hospital and reunited with his son. a human chain would also help save the life of annie smith and her soon-to-be-born baby. she was 9 months pregnant, going into labor, and trapped in her houston apartment. she and her husband, both doctors, had just moved to houston last month and had never experienced a hurricane. they began to prepare for a home birth, boiling water and sterilizing equipment. then, they sent out an alert in their apartment complex, calling for an ob/gyn. strangers, some with medical backgrounds, came running. one quick-thinking neighbor stopped a dump truck outside. neighbors formed a line, holding hands, so annie could safely walk to the dump truck, which would take her to the hospital. one neighbor posted this video on instagram, writing, my incredible neighbors made a human chain to help the woman and her husband to the truck. moments like these are incredibly precious and remind me of all the good in the world. the couple's daughter was born hours later, in a real delivery room. there were countless rescues by boat, too. and when a boat wasn't handy, there was a cowboy on horseback. >> this is what we do. we help livestock. this man and his son set out to rescue horses, posting this video on facebook. >> you can come out now, son. go ahead and -- careful with him. >> reporter: he later posted, we were able to swim in and save four of these horses today. one of the greatest feelings in the world is having my best partner by my side. my 17-year-old son. in a storm this bad, every rescue counts. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> incredible images. for some people, right now, it might be hard to have hope here in houston or in beaumont or in port arthur, tonight, which is seeing a lot, a lot of water on the ground. a lot of that city, port arthur, submerged. 12 years ago yesterday, hurricane katrina made landfall. and i wanted to talk to the mayor of the great city of new orleans, mitch landrieu, who joins me now. mayor landrieu, you've helped bring new orleans back from the brink. you've helped make new orleans the extraordinary city it is now. as you see what's happening here in houston, elsewhere in louisiana, and in beaumont and port arthur, what goes through your mind tonight? >> it's really unbelievable. those images, they're just hard to watch, actually. you interviewed me 12 years ago, and it was just incredible to watch these individuals go through what we went through. for those of us that were in the water, helping people out, you know, you saw the most unbelievable tragedies that you can imagine. yet at the same time, miraculous, you saw people who would just walk across the street from other people normally, helping each other out. and it just lifted your spirit about our capacity to help each other in the darkest hours. and so even though it's hard to watch, you're witnessing this in realtime, how heuman beings can really rise above all the differences that we have and reach down and lift each other up. and it's just incredible. painful, but incredible. >> and it is, i mean, rebuilding is possible. and for new orleans, it took, i mean, obviously, a lot of help from the federal government. a lot of help from the state. but also, incredible volunteer efforts by churches, by veterans, by school kids, by college students. just people coming for years and years and years. >> well, i would just say a couple of things to the people of houston and port arthur and beaumont and lake charles. i know it's hard and you're frustrated and you feel like you lost everything. but there's going to be light out at the end of the tunnel. you can actually see it happening as you spaeak. the truth of the matter is, new orleans could have never come back on its own. we relied on the great help of the federal government, but the fate-based group, kids from all over america came and helped lift us back up. and essentially, that's where you get the great hope for our country. you know we're going to survive because of what we're actually seeing on the ground right now, as tragic as it is. and it's going to be okay. and the one lesson that we learned that really transcended everything else is that in our darkest hour, we're all in the same boat. we're all the same, and it's an amazing thing to be a part of. it hurts, but at the end of it, there's a rainbow and it's going to get better. >> what is -- i mean, as you see the rescue efforts that have been underway here, what is the key? what is the next step for houston, for boat arthur, for all communities that are so badly affected? >> there are a couple things going on right now that are unbelievable. 28 usar teams have been dispatched by fema. that's the largest in the history of the country. the governor actually created a dual commandership, so that north com now, military assets are helping, so there's a rescue effort going on, that you can see. there's also a lot of folks that are in shelters. i think there are 146 shelters that are open, upwards of 22,000 people. the last statistic i heard was that 100,000 homes were hurt. so what's got to happen is people have got the get back to normal as quickly as possible, but they may not be able to go as quickly as they want. so those shelters have to stay in front of the storm. unfortunately, there are a lot of electrical outages. if they can get electricity back, get that water down and start to pick up that debris, everybody will start to lift everybody else up. one of the keys for us was getting the schools back open as quickly as possible and trying to help people clean out their homes. and what happens is, you create a virtuous cycle. but here's the thing, the cameras are going to leave and the hard work is going to just be starting. and you have to remember, put one foot in front of the next, love your neighbor and help each other up. at the end of the day, it's going to get better, but it's is not going to be easy. everybody knows that. but houston is strong, texas is strong, and the rest of the world will be there like they were for us. no doubt about it. >> that's the thing. houston was a city that opened its arms to a lot of folks from new orleans, who got on buses and ended up here. >> i tell you, anderson, it was unbelievable. i saw a story today about mayor bill white who had to get evacuated. he was the mayor at the time who opened up the entire city for us with the county judges and he had to get rescued this week. it was heartbreaking for me to watch him walking out of that water. he was a giant when the recovery happened. and all of the people of houston, they received the people from new orleans, opened up their schools to us, opened up their homes. we want to do the same thing for houston if the need arises. we're hosting the lsbyu game this weekend and we'll do anything we can to help. right now it's hard. you've got to let the teams do their work. let all the experts and the shelters work with the individuals that are there, help them work through their pain. but you can imagine how scared everybody is who think they lost everything, and they can't see tomorrow. and but at the end of the day, though, they'll be able to stand back up. and i know the whole world and the country is going to help. >> i know you just marked, obviously, the 12th anniversary, more than 1,800 people lost their lives in katrina. there's a beautiful memorial to them in new orleans. my thoughts were with the great people of new orleans yesterday on that terrible anniversary. i appreciate, mayor, you being with us tonight. >> well, thank you so much, anderson. thank you for all the work y'all are doing. >> take care. we'll see you soon. we're going to take a short break. we'll have more from houston. actually, sorry, we're actually going to go to chris cuomo, who -- oh, sorry, ryan nobles is standing by in orange, texas. let's check with ryan. ryan? >> it's okay, you can call me chris cuomo. that's an honor to be called chris cuomo, anderson. we are here in orange, texas, right on the texas/louisiana border. and the rescue effort here is ongoing. many of these communities, water is as much as 4 feet up in some of these houses. and they really weren't expecting it. this is not a town that traditionally sees a lot of flooding. so we were in one neighborhood that's about a mile down the road from where we are right now. and i talked to a grandfather who said that the water started seeping in, at around 1:00 this morning, and he just did not expect it. he got his family up, he had several of his grandkids that were staying with him in the house. and they started the process of trying to evacuate. he had a jet ski, but that wasn't enough to get everybody out. but that wasn't much longer into the day that the cajun navy came through and there were boat after boat, going through these neighborhoods and getting people to safe. that continues tonight. there is a shopping center that's here behind me, that the market itself is actually closed right now, but they've been getting in supplies of provisions, water, and food. they've actually been giving it out free to people that can get here. and there's been a steady stream of trucks, trucks pulling boats. we've seen national guard come through, with the high-water trucks, trying to get people into safe areas. the one concern that we've found is that they can get people out of their homes, they can get them to dry land, but getting them to shelters has been a bit of a problem, because they haven't had enough buses and cars to get these folks to. so this is just the beginning of what is going to be a long recovery for the folks here in orange, texas. anderson, back to you. >> ryan nobles, you stay safe out there. i just want to show you, one boat has come back, but we're still waiting for that boat. a young man, franky aziz came earlier, told some of the rescuers who had stopped for the night that his aunt had just called him, heshe's elderly, wi his uncle in his 90s as well, saying that the water has risen faster and much higher than they anticipated in their home just today and they need help.


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