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Transcripts For DW Eco-at-Africa - The Environment Magazine 20171120

a reason to celebrate. one of the start of the second half stronger but their own finishing let them down. and up to fifty five minutes raymond broke on the counter cruiser making no mistake his first goal in games moments later crows again. bremen fans couldn't believe their eyes three nil up. and bremen weren't finished yet crows are completing a twenty two minute to trick. the game finishing fourth and handing the club its first win since april their goal drought banished. let's take a look now at all the bundesliga results from the weekend we have that bremen win first over hanover that we saw earlier shock at as he did how we also saw back him on saturday. after berlin munich took care of. laver coups and drew with leipsic acid hoffenheim with frankfurt. down cologne and was dealt freiburg a loss on friday stuttgart beat dortmund and let's take a look now at the open as they get table following match day twelve byron are now six points clear at the top of the table shall go jump to second place while gladbach shoot up for make the third in the bottom half her temper len tumble to fourteenth and bremen move up to the relegation playoff spot. to tennis now the season ending a.t.p. world tour finals came to an end in london with all gary and gregory dimitrov facing belgian farm dimitrov and thrash to go far in the group stages but as i was coming off the morale boosting semifinal victory over roger federer it was a first appearance in the a.t.p. finals decided for both athletes but they put on an entertaining show grigor dimitrov made the first breakthrough taking the opening set seven five you don't date roger federer without hot though and they go far for his way back to win the second set six four were dimitrov showed his quality in the deciding set however he broke a fine serve to take a four two lead. were good and closed out the match from there an epic last rally in a grueling contest that lasted more than two and a half hours sealed the final set six three. the but it was the biggest heart of all of the bulk ariens career to make sure of is now number three in the a.t.p. rankings a career high. right and coming back to our top story now coalition talks in germany have collapsed we've been watching that with our correspondent chris a first brigade and germany's current government is actually giving a briefing to the press right now let's listen in to what they're saying. is that when this concert invitation to so to speak with me and when that's why i took the second point that's going to mention it all it's always something sounds like a relieved. president and just like she had announced a during the night in order to give an update on the events thank you very much mr zelaya but. i don't want to ask you what else you're going to say maybe mr liberal can tell us something about the constitutional situation what's wrong with a legal perspective thank you very much chairman i'd love to do that right now it is a constitutional theoretical consideration it's not meant to the say that some thing some of the options would be more probable or even not so as you know the federal president. asked chancellor and the government to. serve as acting government and chancellor this status is going to stay there is no limit to this condition but a theoretical. next step would be. go for election of parliament in contrast to what has been in. the constitution does not know or right of the start of parliament to dissolve itself there are only two scenarios for a new election it's only first the question of trust according to article sixty eight of the constitution which includes that the cation of the chancellor to express trust. wouldn't get a majority and then such as scenario they. can be dissolved within twenty one days but that requires that the chancellor were asked for the transfer of parliament. would have been elected with a majority in the parliament now this is a version which doesn't apply to an acting chancellor. because. the acting chancellor has not been. appointed now in addition to that there is the option for the transfer to get elected upon the proposal that the president chancellor can be elected by the parliament the constitution requires the absolute majority of parliament members as a condition if that cannot be achieved by the absolute if the as majority would not be. achieved then the parliament. elected chancellor within fourteen days with an absolute majority if such an election doesn't take place within fourteen days another election is going to take place in which a candidate with the absolute majority would get a chance and if only a simple majority can be achieved by a candidate then. president can appoint a chancellor within seven days. dissolve parliament according to article sixteen all three hundred how very graphic for if parliament gets dissolved and that new elections will take place they follow now weighing the article thirty nine within sixty days of the solution of parliament thank you very much mr deborah that brings us to your questions regarding the complex situation after the expert very coalition talks have failed. the question cannot be interpreted. because the journey is not using a microphone. all . began the it had better apologize as we have to wait for the answer the answer was there and target. was. i can stay if i can and announce any changes with regard to the planned time line of the federal government. you know. that this protest isn't to mean this also applies to the date that you mentioned there is no change to be announced it has been declared moments ago that an acting government is not a government that would not be able to do anything that's not the case. because you can also state rail. you already included and if into your question in. your part right scenarios of which we do not know when they would come true and therefore i don't want to get involved in speculations. there's a question regarding the options that i think chancellor is. again the journalist is not using a microphone or doesn't have a microphone available interpreter can't hear the question is. this. next bit more in. matter of the parties the goetia rating and not a matter of the acting government who we represent and that. this hasn't changed regarding the gallant policies can be directed to us now if you have questions regarding what the parties are doing with the situation these questions have to be directed to the party i can only refer to what the current chancellor said last night she says she is going to do everything as an acting chancellor to help the country be led well through the coming days and weeks which are going to be difficult. welcome back to you've been watching a press conference from germany's current government after talks aimed at forming a new governing coalition collapse we were watching it here in our studio with our political correspondent chris the first brigade christopher just listening in there anything new about up to you there. no nothing really i mean as. the government spokesman was just pointing out she is chancellor merkel's government spokesman he represents the government not a political party and some of the questions that the journalists were asking him there were political in nature and he said that is a matter for the parties that been negotiating during the exploratory talks and that he could not comment so so that is essentially an unpalatable press conference that we are hearing that. what they did talk about in quite a lot of detail was article sixty three as you mention of the german constitution which governs when and how fresh elections might come about and tell us more about article sixty three because this is fairly complicated but it talks about the next steps now that chancellor merkel would take as she goes to germany's president steinmeyer well indeed and he is absolutely crucial the gym president to this. to this process essentially the german president is a ceremonial post with no executive power except in this situation. and this is what's governed by article sixty three i'm going to take you through blow by blow what this article sets out but. the principle is this it is the german president who proposes a chancellor to parliament in parliament then vote on whether that chancellor whether they like that chancellor or not and the chancellor needs to get an absolute majority of the chancellor. put forward by the president who's nominated by the president fails to get that majority then the president essentially has the option of allowing that chance. to govern with a minority government or the president can dissolve parliament which leads to fresh elections that is the only small amount of executive power than jim president has let's talk about all of the options going forward that are on the table right now one that's being proposed is that the f.t.p.'s walking out of these coalition to go she was a shell bluster and that perhaps they were hoping to get some concessions and could be considered convinced to come back to the table do you see that as a possibility well that would be a really dangerous thing maneuver and you know there's a lot of finger pointing at the moment going in the direction of the the f.t.p. the pro-business liberals. there is a feeling in senior conservatives are coming out and saying we're actually very close to an agreement. that we had the greens had signaled movement we the conservatives had made concessions to the liberals and we were just about to more or less to get an agreement and suddenly the two lead negotiators of the liberal stood up and walked out so it's in the realm of speculation as to whether they're trying to secure further concessions there is also speculation that the the liberals who bear in mind were not even in the previous parliament they had been voted out of that parliament in the previous election and that there is speculation that christian and the young leader of the liberals was a little bit worried about jumping from being outside of parliament straight into government you know only one third of the liberal members of parliament have any experience of government so that there is speculation that he actually wants four years in opposition first to build up his party what about the other possible constellation which would be the so-called grand coalition the current government that we have in germany right now between. so markel is the conservative alliance and the social democrats they were rolled out that coalition right after the election there is speculation that they might be willing to reconsider what do you think well but i don't know whether this i wouldn't say there's speculation they might want to reconsider there are indications we were expecting a statement from martin short's the leader of the social democrats at ten a.m. this morning instead of him a. much lower low ranking politician turned up and said we are still discussing issues there is a meeting of the social democrat party executive going on so that seems to indicate that they are perhaps not completely in agreement within themselves within the social democrats as to what to do i think it's likely that the president frank on my who's talking at two thirty p.m. this afternoon local time will appeal to all of germany's parties to put that the nation before the party that is something that has a tradition within the social democrats and i expect chancellor merkel to invite them to coalition talks that will then put them under an enormous amount of pressure they would have to stand up and say we are not available for that and i think that would damage them in fresh elections what we fresh elections is one option that's the most drastic option but there is another possibility which would be a minority government to do you see that as a real possibility theoretically it's a possibility it's something that germany has never had before i think that chancellor merkel will first explore the option of getting the social democrats to a negotiating table and of course the social democrats will have quite a strong negotiating position. if she does offer them coalition talks i think we're going to have to visit that option first before we come to my minority government i'm pretty sure that chancellor merkel won't want to rule with a minority government ray davies christopher spring gate exploring all the possibilities with us here in studio thank you very much christopher you're welcome . and we'll of course to keep you updated on the top stories and as the latest details to come into us for now though we'll move on to some other news as zimbabwe's in battled president robert mugabe has defied expectations by not resigning in a widely anticipated speech to the nation on sunday mugabe stressed that he was still in power despite mounting pressure to step down now he has missed a deadline from his own party to step down and could face impeachment proceedings when parliament reconvenes tomorrow. zimbabwe's longtime president robert mugabe addressed the nation for the first time after being sacked as p.f. party leader his expected resignation was not forthcoming merely an acknowledgement that mistakes had been made as the president of zimbabwe and. chief do acknowledge the issues they have drawn my attention to and do believe that these were raised in this spirit of honesty and outlook. and that tree are to. for this. nation and for the welfare of our people not only did mugabe not announce his resignation as expected he further pledged to preside over the upcoming zanu p.f. party congress a clear slap in the face to his own party who had given him twenty four hours to resign or be impeached. zimbabwe's main opposition leader morgan tsvangirai said he was baffled by his failure to step down as were many ordinary citizens. to his roots nation. despite everything that he has done to be with dignity and to just walk away. and with his dignity to do that. is so stubborn. with the confusion following mugabe speech the way forward for zimbabwe suddenly seems unclear let's get the latest from harare journalist who is standing by for us on the line hi ray there was a deadline for mugabe to resign and that is now past and there's been some media reports that he struck some kind of deal what is the latest that you can tell us. thank you see me for having me well the latest that we have from hari is off to new noon is that design appear if he's going at it with the impeachment process and we have some information coming from the party that all it senate does in all its members of parliament have been asked to meet at truth to be at the party headquarters for a caucus meeting and i suppose that's where they will get direction how to proceed in terms of the impeachment which is going to be taking place and underway within zimbabwe's parliament when it resumes tomorrow after a two week break ok we saw him basement proceedings are going to be started today how much longer can robert mugabe really hold on to power and why do you think he hasn't bowed to the pressure so far. well there was a cave in you know president but that's the reality and it's most likely you know by the end of this week he's fate will be known and you will probably be out of power the reason why he's holding on i suppose is the fact that he hopes he can come in and intervene in some way or that you try and risky in from the situation where basically he's been rejected by his political party he's been rejected by the people of zimbabwe who came out on saturday for. protests and street marches and now he's looking like that at the parliament is grange also reject him so he's facing you really a resistance from all fronts. as things stand this afternoon in harare where he's also been rejected by war veterans who support him and they said today they could actually want to take mugabe to court for him to step down why would they do that if impeachment is possible. well most likely there is a feeling. that we've seen zanu p.f. as well there are those who still remain loyal to president robert mugabe despite you know the public show of support that they might otherwise so it's really a case of the veterans not taking or leaving anything rather to chance they want to use and maximize and in your courtroom to that are available to them so that's why we're seeing them threatening to take prisoners to the high court because they are not. you know the empties we'll see through the votes that is needed the number of votes that are needed to actually succeeded impeaching him and ray tell us more about all these demonstrations that have been going on so far there hasn't been any on rest could that change i think the political temperature has a different the rising that's one thing that we've seen today with the strong statements that came out from. a press conference earlier this morning in harare just indicating strongly that president robert mugabe his time is up calling for protests and marches to take place tomorrow even marches that see people going to his mansion which is his private residence and the soul of the university of zimbabwe students this morning as well you know refusing to seat for examinations and saying that they will not sit for examinations until president steps down and. the recall of the decree i wanted to use wife was so. as a rising and it's. following quite closely journalist for us in harare ray thank you so much for that update now london is set to lose two of the european union's most important agencies following britain's decision to leave the bloc the european medicines agency and the european banking agency will now move to other destinations but it is up to the remaining twenty seven members to vote on who exactly lands a brags that windfall. that's some of europe's most glamorous that the nation's but this isn't about choosing your next holiday these are just some of the cities battling it out for two highly prestigious prizes. now they may not look like much but these two institutions help keep europe running the responsible for the money and health of its citizens the m.a. and a.b.a. are currently based in london said they're going to need a new home combined they employ hundreds of people and will bring in talent money and prestige to whoever hosts the next making these cities keen to prove they can turn the u.k. . into their again. hopefully the future home for the european medicines agency sama so keen they've thrown their name into the hat for both agencies brussels for example already home to vast government institutions it all views that having as many e.u. bodies in one place as possible is the way to go. a lot stay with this decision not only does it help shape the landscape of the bracks it but when it comes to the e m a medical experts say nothing less than the future of public health is at risk if its staff aren't happy with the choice it's fit many could refuse to leave london so the importance for us will be that the business continuity of the agency is ensured and that access to life saving treatments is not delayed or reduced for the patients in the u.k. and in europe so will it be beaches bikini's and banking the sun sea and science labs that's what e.u. leaders will have to decide later today. top stories at this hour in germany preliminary talks on forming a new government coalition have collapsed they ended after the business friendly free democrats pulled out the party sided irreconcilable differences with merkel's conservative alliance and the greens. could now try to form a minority government or face new elections. and zimbabwe's president robert mugabe has defied the pressure from his party to step down that's despite being sacked as the party's chief he now faces a deadline to step down impeachment. you're watching news from berlin we'll have more for you at the top of the hour don't forget please have a website for all the latest information and news around the clock thank you for watching. full volume. full power. and lots and lots of fine. a mish died. this morning band has been rocking the world for more than two decades. please explain the secret of their success. public school. thirteen of the. where i come from we have to fight for a free press i was born and raised in a military dictatorship with just one divisional and a few newspapers with official information as a journalist i have worked on the streets of many canvassed and their problems are always the same or do social inequality a lack of the freedom of the press. corruption who can afford to stay silent when it comes to the fans of the humans and see the microphones who have decided to put their trust in us. my name is jenny harrison i work a day w. . they're black and living in germany. is reminded what that means on a daily basis presenter john up like this not being able to blend in and i was. being you know different than the rest. she traveled across germany to meet other black people and to hear their stories so . it's. not who up and why. family in a white neighborhood it was definitely a challenge. she decided to put me up for adoption. the main thing was to keep your head down can your mouth shut of course of the face like this i could never completely disappear if you see all these stereotypes about it because it's good so you. do something for your country but you're still the black guy it's awesome. afro germany starting december tenth d.w. . the date of your news live from berlin a political crisis looms in germany after coalition talks collapse the head of the liberal free democratic party unexpectedly bails out of negotiations to form a new government is this the beginning of the end for chancellor angela merkel opening the legs. also.


Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Highlights Of The Week 20180520

animal craze. a game of thrones it seemed a live show it was currently touring in europe. an abundant repeat your own a flower festival turning the spanish city into a floral paradise. animal videos and pictures tend to generate millions of clicks on the internet especially those of cats but more recently other animals are showing enormous popularity on the web so move over cats and puppies these days the alpaca is the it animal it now serves as a motif for various products it's celebrated on social media and hiking with a real alpaca is becoming a sort of trendy sport so what makes an animal a hit on social media we talked to some experts to find out. big irresistible lies and a full head of hair it's an alpaca. the lama's little brother is making it big on social media. will this fluffy animal from the end these become a trend for twenty. first is the parkas appearance that's one of the factors which make them loveable they've got these big sweet eyes and a crazy hairdo that's just right for exaggeration and accentuation on product packaging. and it's another factor that doesn't necessarily have to do with appearance that kiss says that it's got a very special pakistan to the office conquest of social media as a motif on thousands of cakes. it made the rounds of the do it yourself sites. and put in appearances as fashion items and accessories. even got under some people skin. but if that's not enough elle pack up for the style obsessed couples can even hold their weddings with alpaca. just how does a given animal become trendy. you can tell an animal is starting to get trendy when it starts popping up everywhere online and then ad agencies spot this trend and include and their product ranges for your so they compound the craze of their own marketing strategies will. feel like it is the latest in a long series of animal trends last year the unicorn was anything but a non-existing piece to an ad campaigns for a couple of years tops the train feet. and the flamingo never seems to go out of style. more evidence of the fact is increasing popularity this year can be seen if the packer ranch. here ever growing crowds of visitors get an introduction to the alpacas little idiosyncrasies. they can even put halters on them and take the first wrong that's usually all it takes for them to fall in love with the fluffy creatures. in the hold up is used to play cute very soft and affectionate. the stroll was easy and very pleasant and they really showed that you know all this. now let's look at the social media's been stampeded with packers and they're so adorable apart from the supposed. fun i think these animals are fascinating you don't see them very often and they look different from your ordinary dogs cats and mice they're so cute and trusting with those eyes and those teeth. because they are native to the n.d.s. mountains of south america. as are their close relatives the larger and heavier elements both were domesticated by the indigenous people who use llamas as beasts of burden packer's our brain for their fine. trained researcher thomas nybo says the package is the coming thing. that's the alpaca has essentially everything an animal trans needs and that trend basically last the whole summer through the lighting people and various product packages it's a ford i will but there's always an element of luck involved in one animal craze taking over from another. even if it isn't the years only animal trend the alpaca is here to fluff up our gloomy hard edged days for a while yet. time now to take a trip and since this week kanu played host to one of europe's most glamorous film festivals we thought we'd take a look around town the french riviera is a popular destination in the summertime for good reason holiday makers are guaranteed sun sea and good food and if you're lucky right now there will also be some star sighting well in kind no one gets closer to the stars than they are so the photographer and his family have documented the festival for some seventy years so they know what to look out for. the film festival this is the nerve center of the whole event. this is where the movies are screen. and with the stars make their glamorous way up the red carpet. photography as you travel so it's never far away when stars like a plan should. also let the crews put in an appearance. wall. the actors like to put on a bit of a show on the red carpet. and for me that's an opportunity to take some great pictures. i'm not into a celebrity snaps. i mean to capturing a mood showing her not to feel. how beautiful they are. his work is on display in the corridors of the film festival palace sean penn bono and penelope cruz were first a graft by his father as well robert de niro and a young. boy in this picture of kim novak was taken by his grandfather to the top of souls have been documenting the conflict festival since its inception nine hundred sixty three so the premier of fifteen of his country's iconic film the leopard. actually brought a leopard to join actress cloudier called denali on the quest that would never happen today impossible it goes to show how much the festival has changed and how times have changed in the office. because a prominent overlooking the beach is lined by luxury hotels. now and then she gives himself a break from the red carpet and takes a stroll along the famous boulevard. behind the big luxury hotels the we don't t. browns parallel to the cars that it's the town's main shopping street. she works in p.r. organizing events for all the major production companies she loves to explore comes old town illumina idea is a popular one for foodies. this is the heart of canned this is where you can find all the good stores. and local specialty. such as the famous deli ever noticed. it specializes in pov on song cuisine and has been doing the catering for all the glitziest parties in cannes for decades the proprietor is on first name terms with plenty of international a listers. i meet a lot of people is this moment. when the words. are used. in seventy two. the best parties during the film festival are the ones that take place on the yacht smoot in the harbor overlooked by the hills beyond the town. between screenings the film industry is fine as can be found relaxing in the narrow lanes that snake up the hillside. up and coming german director look it's not how it was here to present his first short film is completely captivated by khan's atmosphere. you come out of the cinema and there's the ocean then you go back into the cinema and you're in a completely different world everything's black and white and you come out again and you're back on the court. and the old town is just gorgeous. a few more metres picturesque streets and the views make the climb up to the medieval castle worthwhile. the tower is touched about the town you can even see the film festival palace from here . ok a short coffee break did travel so makes its way back through the crowds to the red carpet. it's not going to festivals. getting my morning coffee is usually more relaxed but the whole atmosphere the festival is a part of the town's history. the mood gets me every time. the crowds are here to stay until the palm dome with this have been announced and the last policy is over up so that the streets will quiet down again until next year. and thing in france you want to take a look at the successful young artist duo at work ella and peta have made a name for themselves with their giant figures pasted over painted on rooftops parking lots dams or on the sides of buildings their signature style includes large characters which can be seen mostly on public spaces but they do also have paintings and galleries throughout the world now they say they really don't care where they display their art as long as they can paint or draw. the sleeping giant the work of the artist and peter. exhausted characters can be found on the sides of buildings and carriage doors in. central france that makes the statement about the underprivileged members of society refugees the homeless or the elderly who are often neglected or even forgotten. for many of these projects the artists receive sponsorship and it's enough to be able to live from their. work out of their studio and. there are a couple both personally and professionally with no clear division of labor in their work. now maybe people are. because they feel. stuck in. maybe something that. was once a boom town for coal production but the last of the mines closed down in the early one nine hundred seventy s. and since then the town a struggle to find a new industry to sustain it as well as its residents. learn peter's murals reflect this reality in almost every corner of the city back in the studio the artist prepare their subjects on paper they then paste them on a wall or on the side of a building for the larger murals they use paint the themes depend on what inspires them or the size of the space. we just love to do so every day everywhere it's a good. inside are. we. we just need to pay and. they never ask for permission to put one of their drawings public reaction to their work is mixed with some people viewing it as vandalism of a public space. we just need. somebody to go. about their problem for the op to go before. the scale of their drawings varies from post to murals and they don't limit themselves to something. from norway and eastern europe to canada and japan. travel to where the next project. is. one of the most challenging work to date was painted on the. outside. so we heard about this. from somebody would tell us maybe there is and. there but i don't know exactly where it is so we decided to tell and did because maybe it was interesting we decided to. be small i react do you mind if we ban something on your. yet. for us to have a growing from you on this day so. that. expensive the local council pitched in and meanwhile peter continue to spread that . message all over the. interior design at its best check out our you tube channel detail the interior design stunning ideas spectacular buildings and d.i.y. tutorials on home decoration we'll take you inside the most beautiful european homes show you the latest in furniture fabrics and accessories subscribe and don't miss out. as you to know. the american t.v. series game of thrones has become a global blockbuster since it first aired in two thousand and eleven and now as the show gears up for its eighth season and elaborately staged live show is touring europe for some eighteen musicians and scenes from past episodes now it's called game of thrones a live concert experience and we were on hand at the concert right here in berlin. delivered. to. the melody for game of thrones one of the world's most popular t.v. series. it's incredibly emotional and makes you really feel with the characters. it's just awesome because. that will seek the music and orchestra totally underscore the entire series the eldest i saw. the concert is conducted by the series germany run composer. a lot so hello everyone i'm romaine job at eighty. three. keep brings the music from the series to the stage together with an eighty piece orchestra a choir and numerous soloists. the concert is accompanied by special effects and scenes from the fantasy epic. the orchestra plays pieces from the seven seasons that it's been aired. the title theme was an instant hit and has been copied many times including on the simpsons. numerous cover versions have been produced and posted on social media including this one for the classic video game super mario brothers. they are even country and western style videos. game. thrones is set in the fictional seven kingdoms of west oreos and the continent of s o's here various families and peoples are vying to ascend to the iron throne. there's plenty of intrigue plot twists and complex characters who develop over the course of the seasons music is instrumental music fun job but he's music is so special because it reflects the entire range covered in the world of game of thrones and of it from game of thrones we have different climate zones different regions we have the southern elements of the region around as so sore how stark arion and on the other hand we have these celtic elements when the action moves to how stark the cage or when we go to the wall stockett open venue maughan the different peoples have special instruments for instance the didgeridoos used for the free fall or wild wings from the north. and the armenian to duke in ancient woodwind instrument stands for the nomadic death rocky. composer amin giovanni is a hot property in hollywood and the winner of many awards aside from game of thrones he's already written music for blockbusters like this superhero movie iron man. he's trying to working on the soundtrack for side by western t.v. series west world where the piano is the main instrument. who is never watched game of thrones because in. naturally hardly anyone here this concert tour is all about getting to experience. and he's game of thrones music live in berlin around ten thousand people came to see the show the composer and his ensemble will tour europe until need june. and finally we wrap up the show with a ferd's of spring after a long and cold winter flowers are finally in full bloom across europe and one place where the flora is truly celebrated is in zero nine in northern spain in may of every year this town turns into a paradise of flowers or courtyards private houses and churches service showrooms for floral decorations of every kind while this temporary burst of color draws and tourists from all over which is quite welcome in this sleepy little town. temp to go the annual flower festival in the spanish city of your own a culture is in spring time. preachers two hundred floral artworks that graced the gardens monuments and courtyards of your own as hold down. the displays are designed by catalonian florists and artists such as jordan. he's decorated the steps of the cathedral and to him that's a special honor. not the that i was born here my roots are here but there so this means a lot to me i'm thrilled on the one hand but i also feel a strong sense of responsibility that i wanted to create something beautiful. suited to this landmark building a cathedral. creating the lavish display was a labor of love for his team. they were. money i mean we used seven thousand kilos of paint. i tried to make it look from a distance as though the colors were blending together into gold. but if i wanted to make the visitors feel like royalty what. was it that was the feeling i wanted to inspire. the flower displays need daily care and most importantly lots of water. just nearby a florist my head is prepping is making sure her arrangement in the cathedral cluster is still perfect. it's made up of over four thousand flowers and took her and her crew three days to put in place. one day in south bend that the young lady think that it is thirty degrees hot it's very hard to keep the flowers looking fresh and signatories pointed out why we need to keep them more just with wet sponges we request that and if they will sound the one we have to replace them about most. with a population of one hundred thousand euro is the smallest of cattle only use for provincial capitals in the past a better reputation for being on little dole and dreary in fact it has some stunning historical architecture ninety four year old rose on the by yet lives in a house that dates back to the fifteenth century during the festival it's open to the public she remembers the festivals beginnings more than sixty years ago will you be seeing out us this that one when there were nine ladies wish to know who organized a little flower show on the steps of the municipal theater when he bought the i thought it was all very improvised they were going to fall flat to town. he thought it nice that. these days it's all much more professional. with sponsorship to the tune of four hundred fifty thousand euros it's big business for jarana. every year to track some two hundred fifty thousand visitors from around the world. and of course it's a fabulous photo opportunity there's always someone who wants to see if the arrangements are actually real of course we don't use a single artificial flower they're all real but some people can't believe it and insist on squeezing. paddles to find out they're just interested but of course it's pretty annoying for all of the people who did the work and became a featured month that. jordi out by design the arrangement of the arab that. he went to be brought in for not up in search of inspiration. only it was its own trouble the cowboy we went down to get some ideas for our project it where you go into the list but we like told the want of features that. we thought and the use of very fragrant blossoms you know what does i don't buy because. buzz display is a tribute to spain's famous landmark it's attractive to all people whether they see themselves as catalan or spanish but flower first of all unites them even in these politically difficult times and many people will return again next year to take in the beautiful flower displays of geronimo. known as your own is an amazingly quaint little town definitely worth being put on your bucket lists all right and with that we wrap up another week of euro max now if you want to see more on the program and be sure to check us out on social media we're on facebook and instagram or you can always go to our website to see that reports again well for me and the rest of the crew here at euro max as always it was a pleasure having you along and we'll see a right fact here again next week. becomes a. full body. blow. to. the among. the to. move. in malaysia his pictures are breaking. while the islamic move around a few mission for your coffee mug jockey on my hand the courage that he has to draw on things that are not politically correct and be settings that supposed to be the good muslims will not do that i think is irrelevant to the edge of. this is you getting your skunk you not from finding us the right to our correspondent he is in central istanbul joined by michel a couple of you know what i call correspond to let's bring in a whole chicken about his former poland dash is going to. correspondent frank for more on those stories in just a minute but first this news just in it's almost up the perspective closer d.w. news. we make up about three quarters of a fifth that fund that you played for december services. a month to shape the continent's future to be part of it and join our youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges the seventy seven percent platform for africa in charge. of freedom of expression. a value that always has to be defended and new. all over the world. of freedom freedom of art. a multimedia project about artists and their right to express their views freely. d.w. don't come to freedom. you can tell a lot about a society by its garbage. the first six months was for the rich but for many poor people it offers their only chance of survival. and i could be lunch for today just like that. our reporters travel to nairobi and look and meet people who know the true value of coverage. it has created a surprising parallel a coloring. book what does all this mean for economic inequality around the world you guys are starting class warfare the response to that statement should be yes we all start in class was here because retired. destructed he could play. bridge. exclusive reports starting june eleventh on d w. britain's prince harry and make a former u.s. actress have tied the knot in a star studded wedding at windsor castle millions around the world watched as the archbishop of canterbury married the couple the six hundred guests at the ceremony at windsor castle sent george's chapel included queen elizabeth george clooney elton john and david and victoria beckham i. have all.


Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Highlights Of The Week 20180520

animal crate. epic game of thrones it seemed a live show it was currently touring in europe. an abundance of these are on a flower festival to release the spanish city into a floral paradise. animal videos and pictures tend to generate millions of clicks on the internet especially those of cats but more recently other animals are showing enormous popularity on the web so move over cats and puppies these days the ppaca is the animal it now serves as a motif for various products it's celebrated on social media and hiking with a real is becoming a sort of trendy sport so what makes an animal a hit on social media we talked to some experts to find out. big irresistible lies and a full head of hair it's an alpaca. the lama's little brother is making it big on social media. will this fluffy animal from the n d's become a trend for twenty. first is the alpacas appearance that's one of the factors which make them loveable they've got these big sweet eyes and the crazy characters that just write for exaggeration and accentuation on product packaging. and it's another factor that doesn't necessarily have to do with appearance that kiss says that it's got a very sassy personality you might think oh they look so sweet and then they get cavities and start spitting. the pakistani off it's conquest of social media as a motif on thousands of cakes. it made the rounds of the do it yourself sites. and put in appearances as fashion items and accessories. even got under some people skin. but if that's not enough elle pack up for the style obsessed couples can even hold their weddings with patterns. just how does a given animal become trendy i. think of all music and you can tell an animal is starting to get trendy when it starts popping up everywhere online and then ad agencies spot this trend and include it and their product ranges for your so they compound the craze in their own marketing strategies. feel like it is the latest in a long series of animal trends last year the unicorn was anything but a non-existing piece an ad campaigns for a couple of years tops the train sheet. and the flamingo never seems to go out of style. more evidence of the packers increasing popularity this year can be seen if the packer ranch. here ever growing crowds of visitors get an introduction to the alpacas little idiosyncrasies. they can even put halters on them and take the first role that's usually all it takes for them to fall in love with the fluffy creatures. in the hold up is used to play cute very soft and affectionate. the stroll was easy and very pleasant and they really showed that it's who holds. the social media's been stampeded with packages and they're so adorable apart from the suppose you see a film that it kills and i've found i think these animals are fascinating you don't see them very often and they look different from your ordinary dogs cats and mice they're so cute and trusting with those eyes and those teeth. are native to the n.d.s. mountains of south america. as are their close relatives the larger and heavier mamas both were domesticated by the indigenous people who use llamas as beasts of burden well packers are bred for their fine well. trained researcher thomas nybo says the alpaca is the coming thing. as well as a parka blink once it's the alpaca has essentially everything an animal trends needs and that trend basically last the whole summer through the lighting people and various product packages which it's afford i will but there's always an element of luck involved in one animal craze taking over from another. even if it isn't the years only animal trend the alpaca is here to fluff up our gloomy hard edged days for a while it. is time now to take a trip and since this week kanu played host to one of europe's most glamorous film festivals we thought we'd take a look around. town the french riviera is a popular destination in the summertime for good reason holiday makers are guaranteed sun sea and good food and if you're lucky right now there will also be some star sighting well in cannes no one gets closer to the stars than they are so the photographer and his family have documented the festival for some seventy years so they know what to look out for. the film festival palace is the nerve center of the whole event. this is where the movies are screened and with the stars make their glamorous way up the red carpet. to talk official who is never far away when stocks like take. the end of the cruise but in an appearance. the actors like to put on a bit of a show on the red carpet. and for me that's an opportunity to take some great pictures. i mean to capturing the mood. feels how beautiful. his work is on display in the corridors of the film festival palace sean penn and penelope cruz prefers a craft by his father as well robert de niro and a young. this picture of kim novak was taken by his grandfather. so as have been documenting the come from festival since its inception nine hundred sixty three so the premier of his country's iconic film the let it. be brought in leopard to join at first claudia cardinale on the measure would never happen today possible it goes to show how much the festival is changed and how times have changed. because a prominent overlooking the beach is lines by luxury homes. now when the engineer traversal gives himself a break from the red carpet and takes a stroll along the famous boulevard. behind the big luxury hotels the we don't t. browns parallel to the cars that it's the town's main shopping street. here she works in p.r. organizing events for all the major production companies she looks to explore cons old town bloomin idea is a popular one for foodies. this is the heart of can this is where you can find all the good stores. and local specialty. such as the famous deli ever missed. it specializes in pop on saw a cuisine and has been doing the catering for all the glitziest parties in cannes for decades the proprietor is on first name terms with plenty of international aid assistance. of people as this moment. when the words. are used to. going to. the best parties during the film festival are the ones that take place on the yacht smoot in the harbor overlooked by the hills beyond the town. between screenings the film industries finest can be found relaxing in the narrow lanes that snake up the hill signs. up and coming german director look it's not hard he's here to present his first short film is completely captivated by khan's atmosphere. you come out of the cinema and there's the ocean then you go back into the cinema and you're in a completely different world everything's back to mike and you come out again and your back on the stool and the old town's just gorgeous. a few more metres picturesque streets and the views make the climb up to the medieval car. with while . the tower is touched about the town you can even see the film festival palace from him. oh coffee break she taught us all makes his way back through the crowds to the red carpet. is not going to festivals are getting my morning coffee should be more relaxed but the whole atmosphere the festival is a part of the town's history and the mood gets me every time. the crowds are here to stay until the pump when this have been announced in the last policy is i have a job so that the streets will quiet down again until next year. and staying in france you want to take a look at a successful young artist duo at work ella and peaches have made a name for themselves with their giant figures pasted or painted on rooftops parking lots dams or on the sides of buildings their signature style includes large characters which can be seen mostly on public spaces but they do also have paintings in galleries throughout the world now they say they really don't care where they display their art as long as they can paint or draw. the sleeping giant the work of the artist and peter. exhausted characters can be found on the sides of buildings and. in. central france there are makes a statement about the underprivileged members of society like refugees the homeless or the elderly who are often neglected or even forgotten. for many of these projects the artists receive sponsorship and it's enough to be able to live from their. work out of their studio and. there are a couple both personally and professionally with no clear division of labor in their work. now maybe people are. because they feel. stuck in. maybe something that. was once a boom town for coal production but the last of the mines closed down in the early one nine hundred seventy s. and since then the town a struggle to find a new industry to sustain it as well as its residents. learn peter's murals reflect this reality in almost every corner of the city back in the studio the artists prepare their subjects on paper they then paste them on a wall or on the side of a building for the larger murals they use paint the themes depend on what inspires them or the size of the space. we just love to do so every day everywhere it's a good. inside are. we. we just need to. they never ask for permission to put up one of their drawings public reaction to their work is mixed with some people viewing it as vandalism of a public space. just. down there you go. about their problem for their off the board the board. the scale of their drawings varies from poster size to murals and they don't limit themselves to something. from norway and eastern europe to canada and japan. travel to where the next project. is. one of the most challenging works to date was painted on the. side. so we heard about this. from somebody with maybe there is and. there but i don't know exactly where it is so we decided to did because maybe it was interesting we. the small area do you mind if we ban something on you. for us to have a growing from you understand so. that. the local council pitched in and meanwhile peter continue to spread that. message all over the. interior design at its best check out our you tube channel detail you interior design stunning ideas spectacular buildings and d.i.y. tutorials on home. we'll take you inside the most beautiful european homes show you the latest in furniture fabrics and accessories subscribe and don't miss out. the american t.v. series game of thrones has become a global blockbuster since it first aired in two thousand and eleven and now as the show gears up for its eighth season and elaborately staged live show is touring europe for some eighteen musicians and scenes from past episodes now it's called game of thrones a live concert experience and we were on hand at the concert right here. at. the melody for game of thrones one of the world's most popular t.v. series. it's incredibly emotional and makes you really feel with the characters so . it's just awesome. because zeke the music and orchestra totally underscore the entire series this ties to. the concert is conducted by the series germany run composer. well it's a hello everyone i'm running job at eighty. three. she brings the music from the series to the stage together with an eighty piece orchestra a choir and numerous soloists. the concert is accompanied by special effects and scenes from the fantasy epic. york istra plays pieces from the seven seasons that have been aired. the title theme was an instant hit and has been copied many times including on the simpsons. numerous cover versions have been produced and posted on social media including this one for the classic video game super mario brothers. they're even country and western style videos. game of thrones is set in the fictional seven kingdoms of west oreos and the continent of s o's here various families and peoples are vying to ascend to the iron throne. there's plenty of intrigue plot twists and complex characters who develop over the course of the seasons music is instrumental the music fun job that he's music is so special because it reflects the entire range covered in the world of game of thrones and of it from game of thrones that we have different climate zones different regions we have the southern elements in the region around as so sore how stark arion and on the other hand we have this celtic elements when the action moves to how stark the cage or when we go to the wall stock it open vandy maughan the different peoples have special instruments for instance the didgeridoo is used for the free fold or wild things from the north. like up. and the armenian to duke an ancient woodwind instrument stands for the nomadic death rocky. the. composer amin giovanni is a hot property in hollywood and the winner of many awards aside from game of thrones he's already written music for blockbusters like the superhero movie iron man. currently working on the soundtrack for size five west and t.v. series west world where the piano is the main instrument. who has never watched a game of thrones because in. naturally hardly anyone here this concert tour is all about getting to experience rami joviality and his game of thrones music live in berlin around ten thousand people came to see the show the composer and his ensemble will tour europe until need june . and finally we wrap up the show with a ferd's of spring after a long and cold winter flowers are finally in full bloom across europe and one place where the flora is truly celebrated is in zero nine in northern spain in may of every year this town turns into a paradise of flowers or court yards private houses and churches surveys show rooms for floral decorations of every kind while this temporary burst of color draws and tourists from all over which is quite welcome in this sleepy little town. temp to fuel the annual flower festival in the spanish city of your own a culture is in spring time preachers two hundred floral artworks that graced the gardens monuments and courtyards of your own as well down. the displays are designed by catalonian florists and artists such as jordan. he's decorated the steps of the cathedral and to him that's a special honor. not the that i was born here my roots are here but there so this means a lot to me i'm thrilled on the one hand but i also feel a strong sense of responsibility that i wanted to create something beautiful. up a suited to this landmark building because he. made me feel. creating the lavish display was a labor of love for these team. came up. you know that we used seven thousand kilos of paint. i tried to make it look from a distance as though the colors were blending together into gold. but if i wanted to make the visitors feel like royalty. was it that was the feeling i wanted to when spine. here the flower displays need daily care and most importantly lots of water. just nearby florist my head is prepping is making sure her arrangement in the cathedral cloister is still perfect. it's made up of over four thousand flowers and took her and her crew three days to put in place. when they can start them very young they think that when it's thirty degrees hot it's very hard to keep the flowers looking fresh and signatories pointed out why we need to keep them more iced with wet sponges he requests that and if they will sound the one we have to replace that with our most yeah. with a population of one hundred thousand girona is the smallest of cattle only use for provincial capitals in the past a better reputation for being on little dollar and dreary in fact you know some stunning historical architecture ninety four year old rose on the by yet lives in a house that dates back to the fifteenth century during the festival it's open to the public she remembers the festivals beginnings more than sixty years ago will you be seeing out s. . when there were nine ladies who organized a little flower show on the steps of the municipal theater when he bought the i thought it was all very improvised they were not if i have to tell you he gave me still. these days it's all much more professional. with sponsorship to the tune of four hundred fifty thousand euros it's big business there's a run up. every year is attract some two hundred fifty thousand visitors from around the world. and of course it's a fabulous photo opportunity. sometimes though visitors can get a little too hands on i kinda get gray but for some there's always someone who wants to see if the arrangements are actually real of course we don't use a single artificial flower they're all real but some people can't believe it and insist on squeezing the paddles to find out they're just interested but of course it's pretty annoying for all of the people who did the work and became a featured monk that. jordy designed the arrangement of the arab that. he want to be brought in grenada in search of inspiration. to get some ideas for our project. we like told the want to feature is that. and they use a very fragrant blossoms but that's not all by the guys. as display is a tribute to spain's famous landmark it's attractive to all people whether they see themselves as catalan or spanish but flower first of all unites them even in these politically difficult times and many people will return again next year to take in the beautiful flower displays of iran. known as your own a is an amazingly quaint little town definitely worse being put on your bucket list all right and with that we wrap up another week of euro max now if you want to see more on the program and be sure to check us out on social media we're on facebook and instagram or you can always go to our web. psyched to see the reports again so well for me and the rest of the crew here at euro max as always it was a pleasure having you along and we'll see you're right back here again next week. from. the from. the feel. old. place so feel a number of their future risk claims the kingdom of the beast is facing extinction in africa the reason shrinking how tense the disease is big game hunting. in tanzania scientists are in search of solutions. they aim to stop the quiet death of the mayans in thirty minutes w. . you can tell a lot about a society by its garbage. trucks it's from worthless for the rich but for many poor people you know first there is a chance of survival and i could be lunch for today just like. our reporters travel to nairobi and. meet people who know the true value of garbage. that has created a thriving parallel economy. what does all this mean for economic inequality around the world you guys are starting class walking the response to that statement should be yes we all start in class walk again because we're tight player rich play the exclusive first starting june eleventh on d w. some people don't care about me. because they don't see my beauty. some people don't care about me because they think i have nothing to give. but two billion people due. to them i am in for a thing. their home. their food. their livelihood. but day by day i disappear. and so does everything making. two million people who care about me. me me. and now. this is the w. news live from berlin venezuela goes to the polls for presidential elections incumbent leader nicolas maduro is seeking a second term as the opposition largely boycott the vote his victory is almost certain critics are calling the election a farce also coming up britain's royal family thanks well wishers following prince harry's wedding to make it markel couple sped off to a private reception following the ceremony will bring you all the royal wedding highlights.


Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Highlights Of The Week 20180519

animal crate. epic game of thrones it seems a live show was currently touring in europe. an abundance of these your own a flower festival turning the spanner city into a floral paradise. animal videos and pictures tend to generate millions of clicks on the internet especially those of cats but more recently other animals are showing enormous popularity on the web so move over cats and puppies these days the ppaca is the it animal it now serves as a motif for various products it's celebrated on social media and hiking with a real alpaca is becoming a sort of trendy sport so what makes an animal a hit on social media we talked to some experts to find out. big irresistible lies and a full head of hair it's an alpaca. the lama's little brother is making it big on social media. will this fluffy animal from the n d's become a trend for twenty. first is the alpacas appearance that's one of the factors which make them lovable they've got these big sweet eyes and crazy characters that just write for exaggeration and accentuation on product packaging. and it's another factor that doesn't necessarily have to do with appearance that kiss is that it's got a very sassy personality you might think oh they look so sweet and then they get cavities and start spitting. the pakistani off it's conquest of social media as a motif on thousands of cakes. it made the rounds of the do it yourself sites. and put in appearances as fashion items and accessories. even got under some people's skin. but if that's not enough elle pack up for the style obsessed couples can even hold their weddings with packets. just how does a given animal become trendy i. think you can tell an animal is starting to get trendy when it starts popping up everywhere online and then ad agencies spot this trend and include it and their product ranges so they compound the craze in their own marketing strategies will. feel like it is the latest in a long series of animal trends last year the unicorn was anything but a non-existing piece generic campaigns for a couple of years tops the train chic. and the flamingo never seems to go out of style. more evidence of the alpacas increasing popularity this year can be seen if the packer ranch. here ever growing crowds of visitors get an introduction to the alpacas little idiosyncrasies. they can even put halters on them and take the first role that's usually all it takes for them to fall in love with the fluffy creatures. in that little piece used to play cute very soft and affectionate in. the stroller was easy and very pleasant and they really showed that you have all those. now let's look at the social media's been stampeded with packers and they're so adorable apart from the supposed. fun i think these animals are fascinating you don't see them very often and they look different from your ordinary dogs cats and mice they're so cute and trusting with those eyes and those teeth. are native to the n.d.s. mountains of south america. as are their close relatives the larger and heavier llamas both were domesticated by the indigenous people who use llamas as beasts of burden. because are bred for their find well. trained researcher thomas nybo says the package is the coming thing. that's the all package has essentially everything an animal trans needs and that trend basically last the whole summer through the lighting people and various product packages it's a ford i will but there's always an element of luck involved in one animal craze taking over from another. even if it isn't the years only animal trend the alpaca is here to fluff up our gloomy hard edged days for a while yet. time now to take a trip and since this week kanu played host to one of europe's most glamorous film festivals we thought we'd take a look around town the french riviera is a popular destination in the summertime for good reason holiday makers are guaranteed sun sea and good food and if you're lucky right now there will also be some star sighting well in kind no one gets closer to the stars than they are so the photographer and his family have documented the festival for some seventy years so they know what to look out for. the film festival this is the nerve center of the whole event. this is where the movies are screened. and with the stars might take glamorous way up the red carpet. photography is never far away when stars like kate blanchett. overlook the cruise but in an appearance. wall. the actors like to put on a bit of a show on the red carpet. for me that's an opportunity to take some great pictures . i'm not into the celebrity snaps. i mean to capturing a mood showing her not to feel. how beautiful they are. his work is on display in the corridors of the film festival palace sean penn and penelope cruz were friends a craft by his father as well robert de niro and a young. boy in this picture of can no back was taken by his grandfather to the top of souls have been documenting the con film festival since its inception nine hundred sixty three so the premier of fifteen of his country's iconic film the leopard. actually brought a leopard to join actress cloudier called denali on the quest that would never happen today possible it goes to show how much the festival has changed and how times have changed. because a prominent overlooking the beach is lines by luxury hotels. now and then she gives himself a break from the red carpet and takes a stroll along the famous boulevard. behind the big luxury hotels the we don't teach runs parallel to the cars that it's the tells main shopping street. she works in p.r. organizing events for all the major production companies she likes to explore comes old town illumina idea is a popular one for foodies. this is the heart of canned this is where you can find all the good stores. and local specialty. such as the famous deli administrate till. it specializes in pov on saw a cuisine and has been doing the catering for all the glitziest parties in canada for decades the proprietor is on first name terms with plenty of international a list is. a lot of people has this moment. when the words. are used. in seventy two. the best parties during the film festival are the ones that take place on the yacht smoot in the harbor overlooked by the hills beyond the town. between screenings the film industries finest can be found relaxing in the narrow lanes that snake up the hillside. up incoming german director look it's not hard he's here to present his first short film is completely captivated by khan's atmosphere. you come out of the cinema and there's the ocean then you go back into the cinema and you're in a completely different world everything's back might you come out again and you're back on the stool and the old town is just gorgeous. a few more meters picturesque streets and the views make the climb up to the medieval castle worthwhile. the towers perched about the town you can even see the film festival palace from here. ok a short coffee break she told us so make his way back through the crowds to the red carpet. it's not going to festivals. getting my morning coffee is usually more relaxed but the whole atmosphere the festival is a part of the town's history. the mood gets me every time. the crowds are here to stay until the perm deal with this have been announced and the last posse is up so that the streets will quiet down again until next year. and staying in france who want to take a look at a successful young artist duo at work ella and peta have made a name for themselves with their giant figures pasted or painted on rooftops parking lots dams or on the sides of buildings their signature style includes large characters which can be seen mostly on public spaces but they do also have paintings and galleries throughout the world now they say they really don't care where they display their art as long as they can paint or draw. the sleeping giant while the work of the artist and peter. snoozing and exhausted characters can be found on the sides of buildings and carriage doors in. central france that makes a statement about the underprivileged members of society refugees the homeless or the elderly who are often neglected or even forgotten. for many of these projects the artists receive sponsorship and it's enough to be able to live from their. work out of their studio and. there are a couple both personally and professionally with no clear division of labor in their work. our point of view. now maybe people. because they feel. stuck in. maybe something like that. that. was once a boom town for coal production but the last of the mines closed down in the early one nine hundred seventy s. and since then the town a struggle to find a new industry to sustain it as well as its residents. and learn peter's murals reflect this reality in almost every corner of the city back in the studio the artists prepare their subjects on paper they then paste them on a wall or on the side of a building for the larger murals they use paint the themes depend on what inspires them or the size of the space. we just love to do so every day everywhere it's a good. inside are. we. we just need to pay and. they never ask for permission to put one of their drawings public reaction to their work is mixed with some people viewing it as vandalism of a public space. just. dandy of them. about their problems for their off the floor before. the scale of their drawings varies from post to murals and they don't limit themselves to something. from norway and eastern europe to canada and japan. peter travels where the next project will take. one of the most challenging works to date was painted on the. outside. so we heard about this. from somebody with maybe there is and. there but i don't know exactly where it is so we decided to do follow and did because maybe it was interesting we did. the small area do you mind if we bend something on your own. yes it could be so nice for us to have a growing from you on so. that. the local council pitched in and meanwhile peter continue to spread that social message all over the. interior design at its best check out our you tube channel detail the interior design stunning ideas spectacular buildings and d.i.y. tutorials on home decoration we'll take you inside the most beautiful european homes show you the latest in furniture fabrics and accessories subscribe and don't miss out see you. the american t.v. series game of thrones has become a global blockbuster since the first aired in two thousand and eleven and now as the show gears up for its eighth season and elaborately staged live show is touring europe for some eighteen musicians and scenes from past episodes now it's called game of thrones a live concert experience and we were on hand at the concert right here in berlin. the melody for game of thrones one of the world's most popular t.v. series. and it's incredibly emotional it makes you really feel with the characters . it's just awesome. it will seek the music and orchestra totally underscore the entire series just by. the concert is conducted by the series germany run composer. well it's hello everyone i'm running job at eighty. i. keep brings the music from the series to the stage together with an eighty piece orchestra a choir and numerous soloists. the concert is accompanied by special effects in scenes from the fantasy epic. the orchestra plays pieces from the seven seasons that have been aired. the title theme was an instant hit and has been copied many times including on the simpsons. numerous cover versions have been produced and posted on social media including this one for the classic video game super mario brothers. they're even country and western style videos. game of thrones is set in the fictional seven kingdoms of west oreo's and the continent of s o's here various families and peoples are vying to ascend to the iron throne. there's plenty of intrigue plot twists and complex characters who develop over the course of the seasons music is instrumental music. but his music is so special because it reflects the entire range covered in the world of game of thrones and of it from game of thrones that we have different climate zones different regions we have the southern elements in the region around as so sore how stark area and on the other hand we have these celtic elements when the action moves to how stark the cage or when we go to the wall stockett open vandy maughan the different peoples have special instruments for instance the didgeridoo is used for the free folk or wild wings from the north. side of the earth. and the armenian to duke an ancient woodwind instrument stands for the nomadic death rocky. the. composer amin giovanni is a hot property in hollywood and the winner of many awards aside from game of thrones he's already written music for blockbusters like the superhero movie iron man. he's currently working on the soundtrack for side by western t.v. series west world where the piano is the main instrument. who has never watched a game of thrones because in. naturally hardly anyone here this concert tour is all about getting to experience rami giovani and his game of thrones music live in berlin around ten thousand people came to see the show the composer and his ensemble will tour europe until need june . and finally we wrap up the show with the fruits of spring after a long and cold winter flowers are finally in full bloom across europe and one place where the flora is truly celebrated is in zero nine in northern spain in may of every year this town turns into a paradise of flowers all courtyards private houses and churches service showrooms for floral decorations of every kind while this temporary burst of color draws and tourists from all over which is quite welcome in this sleepy little town. temp to floor the annual flower festival in the spanish city of oh sure is in spring time the preacher's two hundred floral artworks that graced the gardens monuments and courtyards of sharon as hold down. the displays are designed by catalonian florists and artists such as. these decorated the steps of figure thede roman to him that's a special honor. nothing that i was born here with my roots are here but there so this means a lot to me i'm thrilled on the one hand but i also feel a strong sense of responsibility that i wanted to create something beautiful. that was suited to this landmark building because he. made me feel. creating the lavish display was a labor of love for these team. it was. money. we used seven thousand kilos of paint. i tried to make it look from a distance as though the colors were blending together into gold. but if i wanted to make the visitors feel like royalty. was it that was the feeling i wanted to when spine in it up. here the flower displays need daily care and most importantly lots of water. just nearby florist as prepping is making sure her arrangement in the cathedral cluster is still perfect. it's made up of over four thousand flowers and took her and her crew three days to put in place. one day i can start them very young they think that it is thirty degrees hot it's very hard to keep the flowers looking fresh and signatories pointed out why we need to keep them moist with wet sponges we request that and if they will sound the one we have to replace them. most. with a population of one hundred thousand euro is the smallest of cattle only use for provincial capitals in the past that a reputation for being a little dollar and dreary in fact you know some stunning historical architecture ninety four year old rosa la by yes lives in a house that dates back to the fifteenth century during the festival it's open to the public she remembers the festivals beginnings more than sixty years ago the sing out s. . who know there were nine ladies who organized a little flower show on the steps of the municipal theater when he bought a. it was all very improvised they were left i have to tell you he gave me still. these days it's all much more professional. with sponsorship to the tune of four hundred fifty thousand euros it's big business stores are run out. every year to track some two hundred fifty thousand visitors from around the world. and of course it's a fabulous photo opportunity. sometimes though visitors can get a little too hands on i kinda get brave as the sun there's always someone who wants to see if the arrangements are actually real of course we don't use a single artificial flower they're all real but some people can't believe it and insist on squeezing the paddles to find out they're just interested but of course it's pretty annoying for all of the people who did the work and became our featured month that. jordy designed the arrangement of the arab back. he went to the i'm driving in search of inspiration. to get some ideas for our project. we like told the want to feature is that. and they use a very fragrant blossoms but that's not on my because. as display is a tribute to spain's famous landmark it's attractive to all people whether they see themselves as catalan or spanish but lower first of all unites them even in these politically difficult times and many people will return again next year to take in the beautiful flower displays of geronimo. known as your own is an amazingly quaint little town definitely worth being put on your bucket list all right and with that we wrap up another week of euro max now if you want to see more on the program and be sure to check us out on social media we're on facebook and instagram or you can always go to our web. psyched to see the reports again so well for me and the rest of the crew here at euro max as always it was a pleasure having you along and we'll see you right fact here again next week. thank you for. place so feeling. their future and risk playing the king of the beast is facing extinction in africa the reason shrinking habitats diseases big game hunting. in tanzania scientists are in search of solution instantly they aim to stop the quiet tests of the night. in a thirty minute delay. playing the white childless around it's taking about the shut up oakland's your favorite place electability battling to bring the muslim churchill europe a cultural sense of the entire conflict champlin for the last sixty years douglas for mines clotilde it claims the link to news from africa the world clear link to exceptional stories and discussions on the news and visit our website dedicated comes to suffix join us on facebook to dublin for. they make a commitment. they find solutions. they inspire. africa the explain stories of both people making a difference shaping their nation play and their continent play on the move the stories about motivational change makers taking their destinies into their own hams w.'s knowing multimedia seriously. d.w.m. dot com africa on the move. belonging to unofficial estimates more than one point two million venezuelans and in colombia legally and illegally. already uncle was returned to. visit friends is that i don't think i'd ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i don't know so i'm not sure. bearing witness global news that matters. made for mines. place. to place. blame it. this is news live from berlin after the pageantry the party prince harry and megan mark all have married in the wedding of the year and the couple has jetted off to a private reception with two hundred of their closest friends and family in a classic british sports car this after us a very tale ceremony at st george's chapel in windsor castle tens of thousands of people lined the streets earlier to wish them well we'll bring you all the royal wedding highlights of. their.


Transcripts For DW Focus On Europe - Spotlight On People 20180826

embassy in the turkish capital. no one was injured but the attack comes as a dispute between the two countries deepens the u.s. has slapped sanctions and tariffs on turkey sending the lira into a free fall was the economy spotters president there to one has described the crisis as a national struggle an appeal to patriotism and many turks have rallied around him but the severe downturn has taken a heavy toll on ordinary citizens as the lira has lost value so too have pensions and savings and prices have soared across the country making it especially difficult for retirees like this woman zain up just going on after the building boom that had spurred on turkey's economy started to collapse she was left empty handed and now she's fighting back. this is where xena is going to lose beloved bungalow once stood. she worked dollar life to pay for it then two years ago istanbul's city council expropriated her home and gave it to a building contractor the turkish ruling party's idea of urban renewal. would be specific didn't you come away as the leaders told me if we don't leave they will nationalize my property in building contractor promised to give us an apartment by june in exchange for my property but that never happened that made them. all that's left now is an abandoned construction site. those who had their homes taken away now use the site as a protest camp. the company that promised them new homes has gone bankrupt and can't be reached. for now as you know can live with relatives for months long protest is taking its toll. i wouldn't say we're angry but definitely disappointed that they should be returned to the government should be helping us it came up with the idea of resettling people in new neighborhoods to mit's so they should be getting us new homes because of this image. for many years turkey's construction sector was a major economic driver the government ensured cheap loans were available and commissioned huge infrastructure projects. but now that turkey finds itself amid an economic crisis the building sector is teetering on the brink of collapse and zainab site is not the only one. this is her old neighborhood the authorities want to demolish areas like these which were once built by labor migrants from eastern anatolia. they claim these dwellings would not withstand possible earthquakes but critics suspect this is just a pretext to generate lucrative construction contracts for government affiliated companies. just the business of living with that thought that's what my home has to look like a little bungalow like that i had a big try on my property but yes i could pick fresh fruit it was wonderful there them in get me out the market that takes out. the local hairdresser a supporter of the a.k.p. party complains that xina is being unreasonably harsh on turkey and if he says the government is actually working hard to make everyone's lives better. there's no problem when the government finishes its construction work everything will be just fine up nice and safe it already is used to. matter. but when xena visits former neighbors who actually received replacement apartments in one of the new high rises they often express disappointment they say the homes are cheaply built and substandard and not only that they are almost to go to escape those look as no so if you can manage channing will join to you nobody invites the neighbors over for a cup of tea oh and then she knew and to me and it turned us into strangers in our own city. the turkish lira is tanking inflation is rampant and prices are exploding as in abstention roughly two hundred euros is worthless each day there is news of mass layoffs and unemployment figures have officially soared to over twelve percent and i get it but this is after paying my electricity gas and water bill i have hardly any money left to live on and everything is getting more and more expensive plus you live in the first buying a half a kilo of meat became too expensive now i can't even afford two hundred fifty grams and i stopped buying fish a long time ago. the turkish economy is in crisis and people like zain have disconnected all have lost their faith in the state. not only are their rights being ignored they're also becoming poorer by the day. migration is one of the most divisive issues in europe today three years ago the continent saw the biggest influx of migrants since world war two although the number of people arriving has slowed spain has become a major hotspot for african migrants trying to reach the e.u. and for many say utah is the final stop on the way there it is europe's southernmost frontier one of two spanish territories on the coast of north africa now in save the offense six meters or twenty feet high is all that divides thousands of migrants from spanish soil as the hurdles to get to europe grow ever higher migrants and so you are increasingly determined to cross that fifth's. salif and his friends cautiously make their way back to their hideout in morocco's hills near the spanish enclave of silda they say the police could show up at any moment and dismantle it. each of them has traveled thousands of kilometers to come here now it's a few hundred meters to reach european territory on the other side of the sealed border fence. this young man from guinea shows us deep cuts he says he suffered during his attempts to scale the border fence. my father is there my mother has nothing not even enough to eat i'm the oldest son and i'm going to try to do something to help her that's why i set out that. it's been two years since they left in the knowledge they're stuck here among an estimated fifty thousand people waiting in morocco to cross into europe. has been looking for his chance for about half a year now living on almost nothing the fence is his last obstacle. for you see if i say i have many friends who are created to europe. many of them jumped on the border just recently. and we trust in god that one day we'll make it to. build its border fence to stop them running eight kilometers it's topped with razor wire this and the border around spain's other enclave millia other european union's only land borders with africa on the other side of it alfonso cruz saddle up a spanish guardian of you has to patrol this border he's not always successful in late july around six hundred migrants stormed the fence the police were helpless against them and reported more violence than ever from the refugees who attacked with homemade flame throwers quicklime and grappling hooks. but i am we are going to they were very well organized and prepared and even worse they were so violent that we couldn't even reach the fence itself. and. of course they threw acid at us and put all their efforts into keeping us from patching up the holes that big cut and the fence. with a desktop up on a book. they yelled but also a bus or victory after so many years they had reached their destination. the transit camp and see you to overcrowd it my gran's have to stay here for a year before they can move on to the spanish mainland hardly any of them apply for asylum their chances of getting it are next to none. the town of just eighty thousand is struggling to cope with the added burden. a city councilor accuses spain of leaving them to deal with the problem on their own. that they have to respect the border as. we can't have a mike when it's attacking afghan. and we don't have the capacity to take in everyone but that would be impossible. thorough checks at seattle's border crossing are the norm so are the waiting twenty thousand people enter and exit every day many moroccans live from the trade with this autonomous spanish town. watching the border is a herculean task for alfonso crew sato and the guardian about six hundred staff are always on duty they use video cameras to monitor or the fences various sections as well as the sea in the strait of gibraltar the team has reached their limits. on time when i say they mean pressure on us but it's no simple thing to hold off huge crowds of people that. the moroccan authorities and ours you know very good working relationship. if both sides coordinate their efforts and things go smoothly we achieve our objectives four years ago. the young man in the hills of morocco have also realized there is strength in numbers so leaf and his friends are planning their next attempt now they also want to escape the brutality of the moroccan police. they get their food from a nearby garbage dump a soft drink or a cucumber amole potato life here is unbearable. teeming with cops all my friends who left me with me have made it as far as they want. why should i stay. morocco i'll stay until i eventually get in god willing and. it can be hard to distinguish courage from desperation for salif and his friends it's europe or bust. even after migrants to cross to europe they find there are no guarantees they'll be able to state the past to residency and eventually citizenship is long and arduous but there are some exceptions in france the government can grant legal status to migrants who perform exceptional services to the community in may a refugee from mali was awarded french citizenship after a daring rescue and his story was celebrated as an example but it was very much the exception not the rule for most other migrants like a military use courage alone is not enough he still waiting for the government to acknowledge his brave act and hoping for a future in france. has been looking forward to a visit from his hero a man not to us. three years ago a man rescued don and his brother live from a burning house a saucepan had caught fire filling their home with smoke their mother bear panicked and couldn't find her way out. probably wouldn't have died from burns but from smoke inhalation. what. amun saw the clouds of smoke and heard of ross's cries for help in spite of the danger he and two friends ran into the burning house and forth when i thought it out and we brought the mother out first then we went upstairs and brought the kids out here. for we were trapped and everything was on fire a man got us out. a man not truth came from paris to tunisia illegally five years ago relatives took him in a man lives close to the lum bass and wants to stay in france he'd hoped his act of bravery would help him get french citizenship but the prefecture of valid was wasn't interested in his heroic act and ordered him to leave the country earlier this year. i then amun saw this video of an illegal immigrant from mali performing an act of heroism passers by captured mamadou gaza mosque ayling a building to rescue a child hanging from a balcony the video went viral. soon after gossamer met with president emanuel mccraw who promised to make him a french citizen. this spokeswoman from across party located public on marsh says the president wants to create role models for french youth. he said tell us who that plan will people like this on national heroes and that is a part of french identity you know it's just about saying this man did so much for others as soon. as they said the poor guy but what can we do for him to get that that's why we're integrating him into french society and ensuring that he has a decent life all this don't presume you're right. for. him and much worse would also like to be assured of a decent life and french citizenship for his act of heroism but such things rarely happen. in france thousands of illegal immigrants live from hand to mouth and the state seems to do everything in its power to encourage them to leave little housing is made available and food is provided by charities not government agencies migrant camps are regularly cleared by police asylum seekers are rarely allowed to work on a long we are here all day long. for all we can do is sit around and wait for us. louis badar from the n.-g. o. med scene demond calls the situation catastrophic and says that glorifying a few illegal immigrants as heroes is purely an image campaign like theory by awarding citizenship to a few heroes the government hopes to disguise how poorly most refugees are treated . in recent months the interior ministry has really cracked down on refugees to drive home the message that they're not welcome in france going to the next area. for a mulattoes france has always been the land of his dreams he especially appreciates the freedom of religion he's a nonpracticing muslim after the revolution of twenty eleven a man was alarmed by the growing power of islamists in tunisia so he fled to france . but his dream of becoming a french citizen remains just a dream though his act of heroism could change that i. am in hopes that he'll finally receive his papers in an official ceremony like this the twenty five year old is already making plans for his future. i'd like to have my own apartment so that i can get married and start a family. and he hopes to do that in his new homeland friends but first he needs to be officially recognized as a hero. while a man left with has now received a temporary residence permit it's not citizenship but for him and it is a first step in the right direction. now sun sea and sand the greek island of course who is a favorite tourist destination for more than a million people every year have occasion or slog to the island for the stunning beaches and mountains but of late they've encountered a very different sight and smell trash and lots of it the island's landfill is overflowing and local government officials are looking to open a second garbage dump but residents are up in arms so what to do with corfu is garbage that question has sparked a heated debate. during peak season tourists come in droves to the greek island of coffee in the last three years the number of tourists has risen by forty percent kofu the perfect paradise not quite kofu has a problem one that stinks to high heaven corfu has garbage trouble there is next to no separation of garbage here and practically no recycling either the trash is simply dumped into landfills. up until now there was only one garbage dump but it's now filled to the brim and highly polluted orthe or it is needed a second garbage dump so they built one near the community of left. but that has started a small citizen rebellion complete with demonstrations the number of police officers on the island has even been increased to deal with the unrest. in unlikely that we will not allow this garbage dump to become fully operational as harmful to the environment and in the middle of a beautiful area we have all of trees and vineyards here we live here. these protests have even led to injuries great tourist curious claims the police beaten brutally. yesterday i came out of the hospital and why i went to the hospital because. where she id with our show me any idea caught or what how explain to me who they are they forced me into a police cage and they beat me to death. for weeks some five hundred police officers have been stationed in the lift keamy area farmers say they are being forced to take detours on the way to their fields this content in the area is growing rapidly even the mayor of call food has begun to sympathize with their situation up and back against their war overseas really in my opinion some mistakes were made. a lot of it is not right to pile waste from the entire island done to this area it's not good business like you know not environmentally sound and not fair weather here is the heat that. a tourist paradise with a garbage problem but residents say corfu has had this problem for decades there used to be many illegal that in pills over time people started using one mainland pill but it is now full and hazardous to the environment leading to the current dispute over a solution i remember with origins even considered exporting their waste but the greek mainland quickly rejected the idea. or in a real washington in general you can say that core foods institutions and waste management providers have not fulfilled their responsibilities. in our lives filled in regards to prison no we don't and it ministration more grammars non-target is the annual amount of garbage on the island is increased greatly due to the tourism boom years before this one is here. and there is another problem the government in athens is against creating long term employment contracts especially for garbage collectors this is led to strikes and some unsightly views and things have not become more peace. in that keamy the one landfill that actually still has room for more garbage the fighting is far from over i don't want to pop and by the people the shore under the straw fed up with their day to be daily bases their way they've been treated by the police i'm afraid we're going to have another some day bloodiest i'm very good. for almost ten years recall forty's have paid you millions in fines for inadequate waste disposal that seems unlikely to change anytime soon. now it's something a lot of you know well from your childhood days summer camp canoeing hiking building camp fires there are plenty of memories and images summer camp might conjure up for you but in russia thousands of teenage boys spend their vacation in a very different kind of program a patriotic summer camp they still sleep in tents and build camp fires but they also learn to fire guns conduct war games and practice clearing a building of terrorists it's a summer holiday that gets the kremlin's stamp of approval we packed our sleeping bags and headed out to get a closer look. brought clearly a summer holiday playing war ended with all of these kalashnikov machine guns on it landed with real bullets the boys and learning how to handle them how to hot soviet bad military counter dark clothing lighter but the margin in truth about value movies in your old nikita isn't unique to one. with bet on you like many of these following is an aged ten to sixteen he's hit to see if you life as a soldier is for him. this is not just first we don't feel like a normal russian citizen he has to be right you feel like a soldier who was there in your maybe even another country and secret mission is totally different from normal republish news reason which there was this is the world today the boys are assigned an exercise to clear a building of terrorists a scenario taken from the russian army's operations you their book in which we disagree. sure all right you've got. to do your good mood grows up all the camp instructors have a military background and several are even still in the service they see this as more than a summer camp. well i. thought if it were up to me i'd make them sleep in the with their weapons man should always have a weapon if your guess is dropped to protect women and the weak if he doesn't have a weapon he's not even a man when you thought it was before was received and we should thank you nikita on the other boys can only call their families once a day aside from that the five years are off limits. to. bring them. back i mean must go to keep his mother is worried about how his son is doing. as a private camp cuts but receives no government funding but the idea much is the mood in russia. a recent government survey shows that over ninety percent of people in russia feel. so far military summer camp some more the exception than the rule in the country but a recent law promoting patriotic education in russia explicitly praises the camps. of those girls on the cedarbrook although we need a strong generation who goes along with the shit so we should all know how to protect our motherland and bring up this indicated he'd seen all honestly i feel like we failed in raising a whole generation in the one nine hundred ninety s. after the soviet union. we're probably still compensating for that and that's why the government is also emphasizing these military patriotic camps but that if security will. unit one gathers to refuse the day before bed. state from the programs tight discipline but the values of the military instructors have found a receptive audience in the teenage is. sure it is and is important to me as if it's a love for your home country and here at the camp it also plays a role as it's developed further here. it's impossible not to be patriotic here nikita is still deciding whether the army is for him in the long run but to some of the boys this campaign is kindled a flame. good looking. well that's all for this edition of focus on europe for all of us here we'd like to thank you for watching and you can follow me on twitter my handle there is active so mongolia we hope to see you again here next week. the be. the be. the be. the be. the be. the. the the. the the but. the the. the be. a. beaut. the beauty stores the examines the british ship the britons to manage judas priest subprocess the money just now be in flames from smitten the bowls . the be from st child in nairobi to teacher in hamburg. spanish he clearly survive childhood on the streets of kenya's culture the bees a friend and mentor to a student submissive message tom observed up. mean sixty minutes don't. enter the conflict zone confronting the powerful i test the convictions and values of the politics of confronting them with sex i will draw all those people live other people's lives in their hands out of their conference of. how good of the arguments of my guests councils i'll just excuse this. complex own confronting the powerful song t.w.x. . so much happening dutch of british. normally tunes from africa and the world of. your link to exceptional stories and discussions can you and will come to deduce after getting programme a knife from for an exam and from on use of these events i would say d. debit comes the traffic come join us on facebook that t.w. africa. in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight and a crime echoed around by. young people rebelled against their parents' generation. demanded nothing less than a home society. one mill stroke of violence millions of those events to. the seeds of civil rights the peace movement the women's movement one planned for this period nineteen sixteen the global start september first two double. u.s. republican senator john mccain has died after a battle with cancer the eighty one year old was a decorated vietnam war veteran and political maverick who won the republican nomination for president in two thousand and eight mccain had recently chosen to discontinue treatment for an aggressive form of brain cancer on twitter president trump shared his quote deepest sympathies and respect with mccain's family. pope francis has.


Transcripts For DW Focus On Europe - Spotlight On People 20180827

has slapped sanctions and tariffs on turkey sending the lira into a freefall was the economy spotters president there to one has described the crisis as a national struggle an appeal to patriotism and many turks have rallied around him but the severe downturn has taken a heavy toll on ordinary citizens as a lira has lost value so too have pensions and savings and prices have soared across the country making it especially difficult for retirees like this woman zain up just going on after the building boom that had spurred on turkey's economy started to collapse she was left empty handed and now she's fighting back. this is we're going to lose beloved bungalow once stood she worked dollar life to pay for it then two years ago istanbul's city council expropriated her home and gave it to a building contractor the turkish ruling party's idea of urban renewal. so they're good look good come of their stories told me if we don't leave they will nationalize my property. building contractor promised to give us an apartment by june in exchange for my property there but that never happened that made them. all that's left now is an abandoned construction site. those who had their homes taken away now use the site as a protest camp. the company that promised them new homes has gone bankrupt and can't be reached. for now zina can live with relatives the months long protest is taking its toll. i wouldn't say we're angry but definitely disappointed that the vision of the return to the government should be helping us it came up with the idea of resettling people in new neighborhoods to bits so they should be getting us new homes this image. for many years turkey's construction sector was a major economic driver the government ensured cheap loans were available and commissioned huge infrastructure projects. but now the turkey finds itself amid an economic crisis the building sector is teetering on the brink of collapse and see an upside is not the only one. this is her old neighborhood the authorities want to demolish areas like these which were once built by labor migrants from eastern anatolia. they claim these dwellings would not withstand possible earthquakes but critics suspect this is. just a pretext to generate lucrative construction contracts for government affiliated companies that it is their business never picked up that's what my hundred years to look like a little bungalow like that i had a big try on my property but yes i could pick fresh fruit it was wonderful for them into the market that existed. the local hairdresser a supporter of the a.k.p. party complains that zainab is being unreasonable harsh on turkey and if he says the government is actually working hard to make everyone's lives better. there's no problem when the government finishes its construction work everything will be just fine up nice and safe it already is. madam. but when xena visits former neighbors who actually received replacement apartments in one of the new high rises they often express disappointment they say the homes are cheaply built and substandard and not only that they are almost a go to stay those look as no so you can imagine he will charge you nobody invites the neighbors over for a cup of tea well and then should you get to me to turn us into strangers in our own city. the turkish lira is tanking inflation is rampant and prices are exploding as in abstention roughly two hundred euros is worthless each day there is news of mass layoffs and unemployment figures have officially soared to over twelve percent. elected but this is after paying my electricity gas and water bill i have hardly any money left to live on and everything is getting more and more expensive plus you live in the first buying a half kilo of meat became too expensive now i can't even afford two hundred fifty grams and i stopped buying fish a long time ago. the turkish economy is in crisis and people like scene have discounted all have lost their faith in the state not only are their rights being ignored they're also becoming poorer by the day. migration is one of the most divisive issues in europe today three years ago the continent saw the biggest influx of migrants since world war two although the number of people arriving has slowed spain has become a major hotspot for african migrants trying to reach the e.u. and for many say youth is the final stop on the way there it is europe's southernmost frontier one of two spanish territories on the coast of north africa now in sea of the offense six meters or twenty feet high is all that divides thousands of migrants from spanish soil as the hurdles to get to europe grow ever higher migrants and so you are increasingly determined to cross that fence. salif and his friends cautiously make their way back to their hideout in morocco's hills near the spanish enclave. they say the police could show up at any moment and dismantle it. each of them has traveled thousands of kilometers to come here now it's a few hundred meters to reach european territory on the other side of the sealed border fence. this young man from guinea shows us deep cuts he says he suffered during his attempts to scale the border fence. my father is dead my mother has nothing not even enough to eat i'm the oldest son and i'm going to try to do something to help her that's why i set out that. it's been two years since they left in the knowledge they're stuck here among an estimated fifty thousand people waiting in morocco to cross into europe. has been looking for his chance for about half a year now living on almost nothing the fence is his last obstacle. for. i have many friends who created to europe. many of them jump on the border recently . and we trust in god that one day we'll make it to. build its border fence to stop them running eight kilometers it's topped with razor wire and the border around spain's other enclave middle east other european union's only land borders with africa on the other side of it alfonso crew sato of the spanish guardian has to patrol this border he's not always successful in late july six hundred migrants stormed the fence the police were helpless against them and reported more violence than ever from the refugees who attacked with homemade flame throwers quicklime and grappling hooks. but i am we are going to they were very well organized and prepared even worse they were so violent that we couldn't even reach the fence itself. and in all of sports they threw acid at us and put all their efforts into keeping us from patching up the holes that big cut in the fence. with it at a rate of a couple that. they yelled but also our victory after so many years they had reached their destination. the transit camp and say you overcrowded migrants have to stay here for a year before they can move on to the spanish mainland hardly any of them apply for asylum their chances of getting it are next to none. the town of just eighty thousand is struggling to cope with the added burden. a city councilor accuses spain of leaving them to deal with the problem on their own. they have to respect the border as. we currently have in my credit's attacking afghans. and we don't have the capacity to take in everyone that would be impossible. thorough checks at seattle's border crossing are the norm so are the hours of waiting twenty thousand people enter and exit every day many moroccans live from the trade with this autonomous spanish town where. watching the border is a herculean task for alfonso crew sato in the guardian about six hundred staff are always on duty they use video cameras to monitor the fences various sections as well as the sea in the strait of gibraltar the team has reached their limits. but i don't know myself i mean but when it is time to come together it's no simple thing to hold off huge crowds of people that. the moroccan authorities and ours you know very good working relationship. both sides coordinate their efforts and things go smoothly we achieve our objectives for us. the young man in the hills of morocco have also realized their strength in numbers salif and his friends are planning their next attempt now they also want to escape the brutality of the moroccan police. they get their food from a nearby garbage dump the soft drink a cucumber amole potato life here is unbearable. teeming with cops all my friends who left me with me have made it as far as they want. why should i stay. morocco i'll stay until i eventually get in god willing and. it can be hard to distinguish courage from desperation for salif and his friends it's europe or bust. even after migrants to cross to europe they find there are no guarantees they'll be able to state the past to residency and eventually citizenship is long and arduous but there are some exceptions in france the government can grant legal status to migrants who perform exceptional services to the community in may a refugee from mali was awarded french citizenship after a daring rescue now a story was celebrated as an example but it was very much the exception not the rule for most other migrants like a military whose courage alone is not enough he still waiting for the government to acknowledge his brave act and hoping for a future in france. has been looking forward to a visit from his hero a man not troops. three years ago a man rescued undone and his brother live from a burning house a saucepan had caught fire filling their home with smoke their mother bear panicked and couldn't find her way out. probably wouldn't have died from burns but from smoke inhalation. amun saw the clouds of smoke and heard of ross's cries for help in spite of the danger key and two friends ran into the burning house with when i started on the planet and we brought the mother out first then we went upstairs and brought the kids out here. for we were trapped and everything was on fire a man got us out. a man not truth came from paris to tunisia illegally five years ago relatives took him in a man lives close to the lum bass and wants to stay in france he'd hoped his act of bravery would help him get french citizenship but the prefecture of valid was wasn't interested in his heroic act and ordered him to leave the country earlier this year. i then amun saw this video of an illegal immigrant from mali performing an act of heroism passers by captured mamadou guss a mosque ailing a building to rescue a child hanging from a balcony the video went viral. soon after gossamer met with president emmanuel mccraw who promised to make him a french citizen. this spokeswoman from across party located public on marsh says the president wants to create role models for french youth. when they say that plan will people like this on national harris and that is a part of french identity you know it's just about saying this man did so much for others as soon. as they said the poor but what can we do for him to get that that's why we're integrating him into french society and ensuring that he has a decent life all this don't presume you're right. if you know. him in much worse would also like to be assured of a decent life and french citizenship for his act of heroism but such things rarely happen. in france thousands of illegal immigrants live from hand to mouth and the state seems to do everything in its power to encourage them to leave little housing is made available and food is provided by charities not government agencies migrant camps are regularly cleared by police asylum seekers are rarely allowed to work on a long we are here all day long. for all we can do is sit around and wait for us. louis badat from the ngo med scene demond calls the situation catastrophic and says that glorifying a few illegal immigrants as heroes is purely an image campaign like yours by awarding citizenship to a few heroes the government hopes to disguise how poorly most refugees are treated . in recent months the interior ministry has really cracked down on refugees to drive home the message that they're not welcome in front or to the north korea. for a mulattoes france has always been the land of his dreams he especially appreciates the freedom of religion he's a nonpracticing muslim after the revolution of twenty eleven a man was alarmed by the growing power of islamists in tunisia so he fled to france . but his dream of becoming a french citizen remains just a dream though his act of heroism could change that i. am in hopes that he'll finally receive his papers in an official ceremony like this the twenty five year old is already making plans for his future. as i thought i'd like to have my own apartment so that i can get married and start a family. and he hopes to do that in his new homeland friends but first he needs to be officially recognized as a hero. while a man left chris has now received a temporary residence permit it's not citizenship but for him and it is a first step in the right direction. now sun sea and sand the greek island of course who is a favorite tourist destination for more than a million people every year have occasion as flocked to the island for the stunning beaches and mountains but of late they've encountered a very different sight and smell trash and lots of it the island's landfill is overflowing and local government officials are looking to open a second garbage dump but residents are up in arms so what to do with coffers garbage that question has sparked a heated debate. during peak season tourists come in droves to the greek island of coffee in the last three years the number of tourists has risen by forty percent oh food the perfect paradise not quite kofu has a problem one that stinks to high heaven corfu has garbage trouble there is next to no separation of garbage here and practically no recycling either the trash is simply dumped into landfills. up until now there was only one garbage dump but it's now filled to the brim and highly polluted or thor it is needed a second garbage dump so they built one near the community of left. but that has started a small citizen rebellion complete with demonstrations the number of police officers on the island has even been increased to deal with the unrest. in unlikely that we will not allow this garbage dump to become fully operational arch armful to the environment and in the middle of a beautiful area we have all of creating vineyards here we live here. these protests have even led to injuries great tourist curious claims the police beaten brutally. yesterday i came out of the hospital and why i went to the hospital because. where she id with our story any idea caught or what how explain to me who they are they forced me into a police cage and they'd beat me to death. for weeks some five hundred police officers have been stationed in the lift keamy area farmers say they are being forced to take detours on the way to their fields discontent in the area is growing rapidly even the mayor of course has begun to sympathize with the situation up and back again. as it was really in my opinion some mistakes were made. a lot of it it's not right to pile waste from the entire island done to this area it's not good business out here not environmentally sound and not fair weather here as the heat that. a tourist paradise with a garbage problem but residents say core food has had this problem for tech aids there used to be many illegal landfills over time people started using one main land fill but it is now full and hazardous to the environment leading to the current dispute over solution i mean both or it is even considered exporting their waste but the greek mainland quickly rejected the idea. or in a real washington in general you can say that course whose institutions and waste management providers have not fulfilled their responsibilities. in our lives failed in regards to prison no we don't and it ministration more grammars non-target is the annual amount of garbage on the island is increased greatly due to the tourism boom special of this one issue. and there is another problem the government in athens is against creating long term employment contracts especially for garbage collectors this is led to strikes and some unsightly views and things have not become more peace. in left keamy the one landfill that actually still has room for more garbage the fighting is far from over i don't want pop and by the people the shore i'm greivis all fed up with their day to be daily bases they way they be treated by the police i'm afraid we're going to have another time the bloodiest i'm very good. for almost ten years greek authorities have paid you millions in fines for inadequate waste disposal that seems unlikely to change anytime soon. now it's something a lot of you know well from your childhood days summer camp canoeing hiking building campfires there are plenty of memories and images summer camp might conjure up for you but in russia thousands of teenage boys spend their vacation in a very different kind of program a patriotic summer camp they still sleep in tents and build campfires but they also learn to fire guns conduct war games and practice clearing a building of terrorists it's a summer holiday that gets the kremlin's stamp of approval we packed our sleeping bags and headed out to get a closer look. brought rearward a summer holiday playing war under the water with these kalashnikov machine guns on implanted with real bullets the boys and learning how to handle them at a hot soviet bad military cow no dark clothing either but the margin is good also to value movies in your old nikita is in unit one. with bet on you like many of these boys aged ten to sixteen he's here to see if you life as a soldier is for him. this is not just first we don't feel like a normal russian citizen he has to be right you feel like a soldier who was there and you're maybe even another country and on a secret mission is totally different from normal life of which there was always the rules today the boys are assigned an exercise to clear a building of terrorists a scenario taken from the russian army celebrations you there book in which we disagree. sure all right you. do your good mood grows up all the campaign struck does have a military background several are even still in the service they see this as more than a summer camp. well i. thought if it were up to me i'd make them sleep in the with their weapons the men should always have a weapon if your guess is job to protect women and the weak he doesn't have a weapon he's not even a man when your thought was before my worst are still coming we should get them nikita and the other boys can only call their families once a day aside from that the five years are off limits. to. the boy now. but i mean must go to keep his mother is worried about how his son is doing. as a private camp cuts but receives no government funding but the idea much is the mood in russia. a recent government survey shows that over ninety percent of people in russia feel patriotic. so far military summer camp so more the exception than the rule in the country but a recent law promoting patriotic education in russia explicitly praises the camps. of those girls on the scene in the book i don't know why we need a strong generation was the shits we should all know how to protect our motherland and bring up this indicated. honestly i feel like we failed in raising a whole generation in the one nine hundred ninety s. after the soviet union. we're probably still compensating for that and that's why the government is also emphasizing these military patriotic camps but there are huge security go to. unit one gathers to refuse the day before bed. state from the programs tight discipline but the values of the military instructors have found a receptive audience in the teen age is. it is and is important to me as if it's a love for your home country and here at the camp it also plays a role it's developed further here. it's impossible not to be patriotic here nikita is still deciding whether the army is for him in the long run but to some of the boys this camp has kindled a flame. good looking. well that's all for this edition of focus on europe for all of us here we'd like to thank you for watching and you can follow me on twitter my handle there is active so mughal e s we hope to see you again here next week. good. luck. on. the book from st child in nairobi to teacher in hamburg. village found. barely survived childhood on the streets of kenya's capital today he's a friend and mentor to students his message to all never give up. smoking did. more for. my first boss also sawing machine. where i come from women are balanced by this notion for. something as simple as learning how to write them by saying those isn't me. since i was a little girl i want. albums by cycle of my home and it took me as the months might have. finally been game bob invented by me and i said this country because sewing machine sewing i suppose was more apt procreates for those than writing advice as knowledge i want to meet those women back home would bones by the duties and social norms and inform them of old dead basic rights my name is the amount of the home and i work at z. to. feel. the scars on the soul. the pain still tangible. the suffering for go. through cities and. they have surprised who do they don't so have a future. i really understand people who say they don't want to stay here. but i also admire people who want to stay here and who decided to create something . new beginning in peace time more the people making it possible what needs to happen if tolerance and reconciliation are to stand a chance of. darkness cities occurring more. start september circuit on g.w. . this is the w. news a live from berlin the far right protest group the german city of cabinet's. congress joining anti immigrant marches there that after the fatal stabbing of a german man during a dispute police say involved people quote various nationalities also on the show that in some odd.


Transcripts For DW Focus On Europe - Spotlight On People 20180825

has slapped sanctions and tariffs on turkey sending the lira into a freefall was the economy spotters president heir to one has described the crisis as a national struggle an appeal to patriotism and many turks have rallied around him but the severe downturn has taken a heavy toll on ordinary citizens as the lira has lost value so too have pensions and savings and prices have soared across the country making it especially difficult for retirees like this woman they not just going on after the building boom that had spurred on turkey's economy started to collapse she was left empty handed and now she's fighting back. this is where does going to lose beloved bungalow once stood she worked dollar life to pay for it then two years ago istanbul's city council expropriated her home and gave it to a building contractor the turkish ruling party's idea of urban renewal. would be specific i did like a couple days the leaders told me if we don't leave they will nationalize my property then the building contractor promised to give us an apartment by june in exchange for my property but that never happened that made any of them. all that's left now is an abandoned construction site. those who had their homes taken away now use the site as a protest camp. the company that promised them new homes has gone bankrupt and can't be reached. for now zina can live with relatives in the months long protest is taking its toll. i wouldn't say we're angry but definitely disappointed activation the return to the government should be helping us it came up with the idea of resettling people in new neighborhoods of its so they should be getting us new homes this image. for many years turkey's construction sector was a major economic driver the government ensured cheap loans were available and commissioned huge infrastructure projects. but now the turkey finds itself amid an economic crisis the building sector is teetering on the brink of collapse and zainab site is not the only one. this is her old neighborhood. the authorities want to demolish areas like these which were once built by labor migrants from eastern anatolia. they claim these dwellings would not withstand possible earthquakes but critics suspect this is just a pretext to generate lucrative construction contracts for government affiliated companies that use their business never to cut that's what my home has to look like a little bungalow like that i had a big try on my property but yes i could pick fresh fruit it was wonderful there are them in get me out of the car that takes out to. the local hairdresser a supporter of the a.k.p. party complains that zeynep is being unreasonably harsh on turkey and he says the government is actually working hard to make everyone's lives better so. there's no problem when the government finishes its construction work then everything will be just fine up nice and safe it already is just a. matter of. but when xena visits former neighbors who actually received replacement apartments in one of the new high rises they often express disappointment they say the homes are cheaply built and substandard and not only that they are almost a ghost of those look as no so you can mean it's an e-mail to you nobody invites the neighbors over for a cup of tea well and then she knew and to me just under strangers in our own city . just. the turkish lira is tanking inflation is rampant and prices are exploding as in abstention roughly two hundred euros is worthless each day there is news of mass layoffs and unemployment figures have officially soared to over twelve percent. and i get it but this is after paying my electricity gas and water bill i have hardly any money left to live on and everything is getting more and more expensive food you live in the first buying i have very little meat became too expensive now i can't even afford two hundred fifty grams and i stopped buying fish a long time ago. the turkish economy is in crisis and people like xen have discounted or have lost their faith in the state not only are their rights being ignored they're also becoming poorer by the day. migration is one of the most divisive issues in europe today three years ago the continent saw the biggest influx of migrants since world war two although the number of people arriving has slowed spain has become a major hotspot for african migrants trying to reach the e.u. and for many say youth is the final stop on the way there it is europe's southernmost frontier one of two spanish territories on the coast of north africa now in sea of the offense six meters or twenty feet high is all that divides thousands of migrants from spanish soil as the hurdles to get to europe grow ever higher migrants and so you are increasingly determined to cross that fence. salif and his friends cautiously make their way back to their hideout in morocco's hills near the spanish enclave of silda they say the police could show up at any moment and dismantle it. each of them has traveled thousands of kilometers to come here now it's a few hundred meters to reach european territory on the other side of the sealed border fence. this young man from guinea shows us deep cuts he says he suffered during his attempts to scale the border fence. my father is dead my mother has nothing not even enough to eat i'm the oldest son and i'm going to try to do something to help her that's why i set out that. it's been two years since they left in a year now they're stuck here among an estimated fifty thousand people waiting in morocco to cross into europe. has been looking for his chance for about half a year now living on almost nothing the fence is his last obstacle. i see and i have many friends who are created to europe and. many of them jump on the border just recently. and we trust in god that one day we'll make it to. build its border fence to stop them running eight kilometers it's topped with razor wire and the border around spain's other enclave millia other european union's only land borders with africa on the other side of it alfonso cusato of the spanish guardian civil has to patrol this border he's not always successful in late july around six hundred migrants stormed the fence the police were helpless against them and reported more violence than ever from the refugees who attacked with homemade flame throwers quicklime and grappling hooks. but i am we are going to they were very well organized and prepared for even worse they were so violent that we couldn't even reach the fence itself. and. of course they threw acid at us and put all their efforts into keeping us from patching up the holes that they'd cut and the fence was put up with it at a rate of about one out of the book. they yelled but also also our victory after so many years they had reached their destination. the transit camp and see you to it's overcrowded migrants have to stay here for a year before they can move on to the spanish mainland hardly any of them apply for asylum their chances of getting it are next to none. the town of just eighty thousand is struggling to cope with the added burden. a city councilor accuses spain of leaving them to deal with the problem on their own. they have to respect the border. we can't have the migrants attacking afghan. and we don't have the capacity to take in everyone that would be impossible. thorough checks see autos border crossing are the norm so are the ourself waiting twenty thousand people enter and exit every day many moroccans live from the trade with this autonomous spanish town but. watching the border is a herculean task for alfonso crew sato and the guardian about six hundred staff are always on duty they use video cameras toumani toure the fences various sections as well as the sea in the strait of gibraltar the team has reached their limits. from taiwan. but it's no simple thing to hold off huge crowds of people they love. the moroccan authorities and ours you do a very good working relationship. if both sides coordinate their efforts and things go smoothly we achieve our objective yes. the young man in the hills of morocco have also realised their strength in numbers salif and his friends are planning their next attempt now they also want to escape the brutality of the moroccan police. think get their food from a nearby garbage dump a soft drink or a cucumber amole potato life here is unbearable. teeming with cops all my friends who left me with me have made it as far as they want. why should i stay. morocco i'll stay until i eventually get in god willing those guys that aren't. it can be hard to distinguish courage from desperation for salif and his friends it's europe or bust. even after migrants to cross to europe they find there are no guarantees they'll be able to state the past to residency and eventually citizenship is long and arduous but there are some exceptions in france the government can grant legal status to migrants who perform exceptional services to the community in may a refugee from mali was awarded french citizenship after a daring rescue now a story was celebrated as an example but it was very much the exception not the rule for most other migrants like a military whose courage alone is not enough he still waiting for the government to acknowledge his brave act and hoping for a future in france. has been looking forward to a visit from his hero a man not troops. three years ago a man rescued don and his brother live from a burning house a saucepan had confines filling their home with smoke their mother bear panicked and couldn't find her way out. by mobile we wouldn't have died from burns but from smoke inhalation. what. amun saw the clouds of smoke and heard of ross's cries for help in spite of the danger he and two friends ran into the burning house with when i started on the planet we brought the mother out first then we went upstairs and brought the kids out here. for we were trapped and everything was on fire a man got us out. who a man the truth came from paris to tunisia illegally five years ago relatives took him in a man lives close to the lum bass and wants to stay in france he'd hoped his act of bravery would help him get french citizenship but the prefecture of valid was wasn't interested in his heroic act and ordered him to leave the country earlier this year. i then amun saw this video of an illegal immigrant from mali performing an act of heroism passers by captured mamadou gossamer scaling a building to rescue a child hanging from a balcony the video went viral. soon after gossamer met with president emanuel mccraw who promised to make him a french citizen. this spokeswoman from across party located public on march says the president wants to create role models for french youth. and said hey you want us for that and more people like this on national heroes and that is a part of french identity yeah you know it's just about saying this man did so much for others as soon. as they said the poor but what can we do for him to get off that that's why we're integrating him into french society and ensuring that he has a decent life all this don't presume you're right. if you're. him and much worse would also like to be assured of a decent life and french citizenship for his act of heroism but such things rarely happen. in france thousands of illegal immigrants live from hand to mouth and the state seems to do everything in its power to encourage them to leave little housing is made available and food is provided by charities not government agencies migrant camps are regularly cleared by police asylum seekers are rarely allowed to work on a long we are here all day long. for all we can do is sit around and wait for someone. from the ngo med scene du monde calls the situation catastrophic and says that glorifying a few illegal immigrants as heroes is purely an image campaign like yours by awarding citizenship to a few heroes the government hopes to disguise how poorly most refugees are treated . in recent months the interior ministry has really cracked down on refugees to drive home the message that they're not welcome in france or to the north korea. for a mulattoes france has always been the land of his dreams he especially appreciates the freedom of religion he's a nonpracticing muslim after the revolution of twenty eleven a man was alarmed by the growing power of islamists in tunisia so he fled to france but his dream of becoming a french citizen remains just a dream though his act of heroism could change that i. am in hopes that he'll finally receive his papers in an official ceremony like this the twenty five year old is already making plans for his future. i'd like to have my own apartment so that i can get married and start a family. and he hopes to do that in his new homeland friends but first he needs to be officially recognized as a hero. while a man left with has now received a temporary residence permit it's not citizenship but for a man it is a first step in the right direction. now sun sea and sand the greek island of course who is a favorite tourist destination for one about a million people every year have occasion or slot to the island for the stunning beaches and mountains but of late they've encountered a very different sight and smell trash and lots of it the island's landfill is overflowing and local government officials are looking to open a second garbage dump but residents are up in arms so what to do with corfu is garbage that question has sparked a heated debate. during peak season tourists coming droves to the greek island of coffee in the last three years the number of tourists has risen by forty percent oh food the perfect paradise not quite kofu has a problem one that stinks to high heaven corfu has garbage trouble there is next to no separation of garbage here and practically no recycling either the trash is simply dumped into landfills. up until now there was only one garbage dump but it's now filled to the brim and highly polluted or thor it is needed a second garbage dump so they built one near the community of left. but that has started a small citizen rebellion complete with demonstrations the number of police officers on the island has even been increased to deal with the unrest. in unlikely that we will not allow this garbage dump to become fully operational as harmful to the environment and in the middle of a beautiful area we have all of creation vineyards here we live here. these protests have even led to injuries great tourist curious claims the police beaten brutally. yesterday i came out of proportion. and why i went to the question all because. where you see id with our story any idea caught or what how explain to me who they are they forced me into the police cage and they beat me to death. four weeks some five hundred police officers have been stationed in the lift keamy area farmers say they are being forced to take detours on the way to the fields discontent in the area is growing rapidly even the mayor of call food has begun to sympathize with their situation up and back again. as it was really in my opinion some mistakes were made. a lot of it it's not right to pile waste from the entire island under this area it's not good business out here not environmentally sound and not fair of us here as the heap that. tourist paradise with a garbage problem but residents say core food has had this problem for decades there used to be many legal landfills over time people started using one main landfill but it is now full and hazardous to the environment leading to the current dispute over a solution islander thora he's even considered exporting their waste but the greek mainland quickly rejected the idea. or in a real washington in general you can say that core foods institutions and waste management providers have not fulfilled their responsibilities. in our lives in regards to prison no we don't and it ministration more grammarian on top of that is the annual amount of garbage on the island is increased greatly sort of due to the tourism boom. this one issue. and there is another problem the government in athens is against creating long term employment contracts especially for garbage collectors this is led to strikes and some unsightly views and things have not become more peace. in that keamy the one landfill that actually still has room for more garbage the fighting is far from over i don't want to pop and by the people the shore or fed up with their day to be daily bases they way they've been treated by the police i'm afraid we're going to have another sunday bloodiest i'm very. for almost ten years recall forward to paint the incident fines for inadequate waste disposal that seems unlikely to change anytime soon. now it's something a lot of you know well from your childhood days summer camp canoeing hiking building count fires there are plenty of memories and images summer camp might conjure up for you but in russia thousands of teenage boys spend their vacation in a very different kind of program a patriotic summer camp they still sleep in tents and build campfires but they also learn to fire guns conduct war games and practice clearing a building of terrorists it's a summer holiday that gets the kremlin's stamp of approval we packed our sleeping bags and headed out to get a closer look. brought fear was a summer holiday playing war to the level of these kalashnikov machine guns on it landed with real bullets the boys and learning how to handle them at a hot soviet bad military county dark clothing others i got my ideas but also to tell you movies in your old nikita is in unit one. with bet on you like many of these boys aged ten to sixteen he's here to see if you life as a soldier is for him. this is not just first we don't feel like a normal russian citizen here's why you feel like a soldier who was there in your maybe even another country and on a secret mission is totally different from normal at the which there was this is the world today the boys are assigned an exercise to clear a building of terrorists a scenario taken from the russian army's operations you their book in which we disagree. sure all right you've got. to move the world up all the campaign structure does have a military background several are even still in the service they see this as more than a summer camp. well i. thought if it were up to me i'd make them sleep and eat with their weapons and men should always have a weapon it's and this is a job to protect women and the weak when he doesn't have a weapon he's not even a man when you thought it was a responsible citizen coming should we think that nikita and the other boys can only call their families once a day aside from that the feds are off limits. when they're. back i mean musto nikita's mother is worried about how her son is doing. as a private camp cuts but receives no government funding but the idea much is the mood in russia. a recent government survey shows that over ninety percent of people in russia feel. so far military summer camp so more the exception than the rule in the country but a recent law promoting patriotic education in russia explicitly praises the camps. of those girls almost you know because we need a strong generation with oswald was assured so we should all know how to protect our motherland and bring up this indicated he'd seen all honestly i feel like we failed in raising a whole generation in the one nine hundred ninety s. after the soviet union. we're probably still compensating for that and that's why the government is also emphasizing these military patriotic camps at the security border of which a unit one gathers to refuse the day before bed. sharing source said from the program's tight discipline but the values of the military instructors have found a receptive audience in the teenage is. sure to say is important to me as if it's a love for your home country and here at the camp it also plays a role that it's developed further here. it's impossible not to be patriotic here. nikita is still deciding whether the army is for him in the long run but to some of the boys this camp has kindled a flame. good looking. well that's all for this edition of focus on europe for all of us here we'd like to thank you for watching and you can follow me on twitter my handle there is apt of some ugly ass we hope to see you again here next week. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah but. the book. comes. from the book. the among. the the. mob comes. the law. the law. the law but. the ban stores the most informants are the best straight up rock with the reggae fan the beast is one of. the because ultra ultra welsh metal band skin dribbling comes from. mos old. the i'm a multi sixty eight and i'm coming and going to the mall of. the bands germany showing good because i'm honestly dusty full of stupid. until. they demanded nothing less than a whole society. wide maelstrom of senseless violence. to those who remember them. for the first time i had a feeling of being a part of some of. the seeds of civil rights the peace movement and women's. plan. nine hundred sixty eight. the global revolt starts september first d.w. . the barely feel. the scars on. the pain still tangible. the suffering forgot. the four cities edge but. they have survived do they also have a future. i really understand people who say they don't want to stay here. but i also admire people who want to stay here and who decided to create something . a new beginning in peace time for the people making it possible what needs to happen if tolerance and reconciliation are to stand a chance. to move out of darkness cities during war. starts september second on g.w. . this is deja news live from berlin with the catholic church facing fresh outrage over child sex abuse pope francis heads to. the pontiff has promised to address the issue but will that be enough to satisfy calls for justice we'll get the perspective of an irish abuse survivor. also on the program a group of migrants go on hunger strike off to italy refuses to admit them one hundred fifty people have been stranded on board this coast guard vessel for over a week now the european union meeting to resolve the.


Transcripts For DW Global 3000 - The Globalization Program 20181106

america the u.s. and the netherlands to find out more. we still it's in her room one of south america's more populous countries where around twenty percent of people live in poverty mostly in the countryside in many urban areas rich and poor live side by side in impoverished districts people might live in wooden huts worth around three hundred dollars while the affluent neighbors snap up mansions worth three million how does that affect a community. the air here is heavy with dust most of the people living in these shocks have no access to electricity and running well served. on the other side of the mountain a well to do neighborhood with sports facilities and luxury villas. two world separated by a ten kilometer long wall made of concrete on topped with barbed wire. rest . lives on the poor side. a situation in the outskirts of the peruvian capital lima the population is increasing rapidly as more people arrive from the countryside to try their luck in the big city. sarai lives here for seventeen years during that time both the wall and the contrast between the two sides have got bigger. it makes people aggressive this kind of situation shouldn't exist today it's a form of discrimination. that he's getting mean all other people might see it differently. but for me it's a clear separation of the poor on one side and the rich on the other. runs an easterly in her neighborhood she offers good food at a good price something her customers appreciate. the forty nine year old earns just enough to get by she serves meals from early morning to evening during the day she takes time out to go shopping and sometimes even goes home for a short rest. she lives alone now she says her ex-husband was violent. rapid population growth coupled with poor quality housing and lack of services have led to many problems. then made here are a lot of health risks where we live there animal feces everywhere which raises the risk of infections. there's plenty of filth and smarm here. and our neighborhood is located in a valley the air is always smoky from the garbage being burnt any wallah in the us lots of children have asthma breathing problems and just of issues and there's never enough water. on this side of the wall the stench of burning garbage is ever present. on the other side there's a different kind of fire less the veil of fire places provide warmth and comfort us here in the suburb of los cuz you are an awful life is good for many of those on the rich side the wall provides peace of mind. for me even if it's my work that makes me successful i believe everyone who seeks success should find it we have to work together and give each other opportunities. in my opinion the wall provides protection but the door is always open so that we can be together it was. several years ago he hired victor who lives on the other side of the wall as home help victor has come to terms with the divide. i'm one of the poor people. in the village and that's where i was dying. if there's no reason not to be friends with people on the other side. it's not about exclusion . i mean i wouldn't call it a wall of shame like other people do. those people only want to hurt others. ten kilometers of barbed wire designed to keep undesirables. city officials agreed to the walls construction at the request of wealthy residents who hoped that it would keep crime action of their area. sebastien by boosting security not promoting discrimination. and over the years they were always rumors that mountain thieves were entering the neighborhood. but they were residents of the poor neighborhood. me or my many who live there work here with us and we get along fine and i got and guess what he but there was some people who tried to come over to us through the slum in order to steal and it's been snowing. they were the catalyst for the construction of the wall. it was built for more security. this jocosely in mood of course it would yes. but for sarah the wall symbolizes in justice. a barrier separating peruvians from each other. it's a form of confinement she'll never accept. is that he said but it's sad if you can see two different kinds of lives that have been deliberately separated. from up here you can see two different worlds. it's very sad that there's a wall like this. made of cement built to separate people mortal main. growing to fight between rich and poor coupled with increasing fears over security. the old separation two neighborhoods in is a concrete example both. to own a home is the desire of nearly everyone in the world but perhaps nowhere more so than in the united states having a solid job a car and your own home that's the haas of the american dream around sixty four percent of americans own property a house or a flaps and the real estate market has been booming in the sunshine state of florida in particular having a home close to the coast is still the ultimate goal for countless would be residents even if it means living in a town built on not so small it a foundation. gloria russ or tate is something of a cape coral institution. she came to the sunshine state with her family when she was only nine years old great home on the waterfront their own boat outside the front door living like millionaires though it affordable prices. the american dream . were selling the same dream my father was selling quality of life we've been doing it for forty three years and our office almost forty five mill and our office there are the third generation of real estate in our family and we continue to look forward to the growth in our community were only half what not even halfway done. sun sea and sand the carefree life to speculators from around the world to the swamp land here. it's time. to believe but take carl is america's fastest growing city. a community built on shaky ground threatened by rising sea levels. no one here seems to give a hoot about the effects of climate change though. i don't believe that climate change i think it's nonsense they've been having hurricanes for years. i don't think that's really a climate change issue below sea level that's probably a good option but you know if they were to done that and they have to deal with the consequences. american bravado coral is a plant city that went straight from the drawing board to the waterfront it's attraction affordable housing and low taxes housing estate for one hundred eighty sounds and sun worshippers. the regular hurricanes the terror across the region don't put prospective buyers off despite all the warning signs construction here continues apace. form a county commissioner a judicial notice what a car looked like before the bulldozers and backhoes arrived. limited or lack of planning where they really recognize that there is going to be some four hundred thousand residents and sunday well they need to start planning for more open space and actually provide for development and growth away from the waterways so that it doesn't put people in harm ways harm's way. it all began in the fifty's when two speculators snapped up some swamp land. uninhabitable mangrove swamps became construction sites with very little infrastructure. the advertising promised paradise on earth. marshes and those mangroves protected the pine flat woods and the higher ground behind that now. ocean's been invited all the way into the center of the city and so sea levels going to rise throughout the city not just on the edges of it as it would be if you didn't have the canal system. but there are sustainable options like babcock ranch forty kilometers northeast of cape coral in the florida hinterland it's a new project following for buyers protected from floods with a more european touch including a carefully planned downtown district everything easily accessible close to nature twenty first century florida. and no cost spared when it comes to marketing the impressive package. the abortive looks great you won't have to drive everywhere you can do most things on foot go to the water go shopping get an ice cream take the kids to school amazing. places like cape coral babcock ranch is declared ninety percent of its land and nature reserve. it hasn't forced any of the original inhabitants out but also hasn't altered the environment leaving naturally evolve stone protections in place it's the first completely solar powered us city that's an attractive selling point. and although still under construction houses survived the massive storm hurricane emma . september tenth two thousand and seven thank you to the people who are building our home we hope you and your families were out of harm's way. and we were out there. thirteen twenty seventeen. now the a vicks are settling in it's the first house to be finished and their future community. an architectural pearl it feels good to be in the oven god. be with open minded people who are thinking forward and don't run from change but it embrace it we think that's a very very important. factor. gloria taken cysts at the construction business far from over. the years regardless of the hurricanes that pummeled florida's coast several more frequently and fiercely. just living in the moment. forgetting the future. though some of those with a little more cash are starting to build with bricks instead of wood now the. hard limits are endless and really the opportunities here for businesses for growth for manufacturing there is plenty of land here for everyone to come and fulfill their dream a place in the sun karl really couldn't care less about rising sea levels and storm damage a game with high stakes. when it comes to finding a place to live there's nothing like a good dose of creative thinking something the dutch a pretty good at what about providing affordable housing that also benefits the greater community multi-generational houses have been gaining in popularity in recent years young and old living together under one roof fosters a sense of community and belonging in the netherlands they've taken this basic concepts to the next level. the dutch town of devon on the river eisel has a population of one hundred thousand about a quarter of which are students. your legal fund is one of them affordable housing is right here. has finally found something and is moving in today she's excited to. part of this experimental project. hello everyone this is your new student resident yeah it really. is these are some of her new house mates who are all between seventeen and one hundred four years old. one hundred sixty seniors live in this retirement home together with six students one on each floor. at first i thought it was a crazy idea all of my neighbors would be elderly but actually it could be really sociable i'm certainly in no hurry to move into student accommodation i'm sure it will be lovely living here and they'll think it's just the ex nihilo. in your state this is your lekas room. so instead of paying rent she will spend thirty dollars a month caring for her old only housemates. there's not much time to settle in though her first task starts right away helping to set the dinner table. then your only kid gets a little lesson in tucked. shall i open these for you so. they say they can do it themselves and of course they're right i don't have to do it. soon as their lack. of hitting the right note can be tricky it might take a while to get used to things here. people live right next door to your. of a morning coffee people read to his wife from the newspaper. the couple met when they were teenagers. we've been together for sixty two years. suzanne. over it how many children do you have three daughters and how many grandchildren i don't know i have to count. do you know how many no i don't six. memory is failing she has al sinus and needs more and more health. that's why people decided they should give up their home and move in here. just. to start. young spends a few hours every day in a special therapy group for those with dementia and bloody family in the first. that takes the pressure of people for a while and lets them relax and do the crossword. he wants to chat with one of the other student residents during men think he's lived for four years now. you know. what i've learned is that each of the one hundred sixty residents has a unique story to tell you to do they have different interests different skills and knowledge and that's what it's all the power what can the people here still do what they want for life. but i have to get away from the silly idea that old people are just a burden and that looking after them costs a fortune. that was hard to secure from off. your leak or soon became friends with a smile dimentia. if you want to talk about the olden days and her late husband. yeah. it gives you a totally different view of old people a way of learning from them i think that's great especially when you are still young it can affect your whole life and how you think about older people. young and old living in harmony it's easier than you might think. and now we go to thailand for our global ideas series animal feed cultivation is a populist source of income for many farmers here it's about as far from organic or sustainable farming as he can get and in places like china my province it's having a devastating effect on the local environment reporter for the i know she went there to meet a man doing all he can to convince local farmers of alternatives. the main market is no place for the faint hearted but demand for its end product cheap meat is growing around the world. here in thailand the surging appetite for meat has been accompanied by an increase in demand for low cost animal feed. that's a source of concern for retta pet search and he leads in the negative that promotes sustainable agriculture in chiang mai. i'm sorry i'm torn on this one of the biggest meat exporters in the world. stop please the government. supports the cultivation of corn. but it would be better to produce food for humans. but not. so from most cultivating this kind of corn can seem like an attractive option high demand for meat keeps feed prices stable as a result many farmers have come to rely on it for their income but growing the same crop in the same place each year sucks nutrients out of the soil fama some doing has been growing corn for a photo of over a decade he'd actually prefer to grow other crops in recent times has healed has fallen the plants rely on chemical first arrived but that's pricey so much so he's run into debt and growing corn is becoming more problematic up to now i have not an alternative i haven't been trained up to do anything else and i need to take care of my family if someone comes along and helps me to change course. that's why russia pet threat comes in he wants to persuade farmers to try out alternatives he travels widely to deliver his message today he's on his way to give a workshop on a hillside village where the journey takes impossible landscapes a sign of the damaging impact corn crops can have on the soil. as demand grows more and more corn is being planted logging is against the law. many farmers flout the regulations. when. the rainy season begins be planted here again what i want before the grass. people what i need everything here will be open flame and. the resulting ash functions as a first eliza but the fires have a disastrous impact on the environment. but i learnt that the fires happen once a year. more of plants and animals don't survive this i know it was a devastating effect on biodiversity but the worst thing is the smog that hangs in the air for days that might be a problem. no matter where he goes to pat searching clades workshop so well attended. farmers can take part fifty three. imagine what this would look like if there were green forests around us. germany's environment ministry provides a million years in funding to the workshops environmental group w w f is the project's local partner. we are competing with industrialized capital. and in our solar involving a lot of efforts a lot of awareness a lot of actions to be done so bad but it's the biggest challenge to make this happen. this w w f project will run for another three years organizers are hoping to reach some two hundred households the workshops provide farmers with practical help like tips on improving eric ation many types of corrupt require more water than those destined for animal feed rats a path searching plant explains how to use natural methods to retain more moisture . this method allows us to slow down the movement of the stream. of the surrounding land to absorb more water. you need to inspect and pick the dams regularly to head up and couldn't so this man has managed to make the transition thera sachs who i know used to grow feed corn but like others he ended up in debt these days he grows organic bananas. the transition was difficult especially because we had no money coming in sure in that period. but thanks to the support we got we managed. it was more time to pay it back i'll do it so i'm feeling competent. the w w f instigated project hasn't been as much of a success for everyone as it's been for terrorists but still half of the workshop participants say they want to make the leap to more sustainable crops. the w w f has teamed. some local businesses to promote the project among them they still got a restaurant in chiang mai by cutting out expensive middlemen the farms products can be delivered directly to restaurants schools and hospitals. it's a project run on ideals and it's by no means certain the market for sustainable goods will emerge but change could be in the air. at the scar. on everyone's affected by the environmental problems we can't wait for the government we need to become more sustainable in terms of production and consumption by. making sustainable purge use irresistible to consume and. searching platen his team are hoping there's an appetite for it. as about the flower industry's destructive impact you. l. g.b.t. writes in australia. who cares about homeless people living on the streets of los angeles i do you can as the berries the destroying the rain forest argue. about female empowerment in senegal i do want to follow we will build a society. and that's all from three thousand this week but don't forget to draw a line level three thousand. more on facebook see you next week bye for now. slav the u.s. midterm elections a battle for control of the u.s. congress a referendum on the trumpet presidency. will a blue wave of democrats shift the balance of power in what's at stake for europe and the mob joining me on election night for our special coverage the u.s. midterm elections here on d.w. news. i was fishing when i arrived here i slept with six people in a room and. it was hard. i even got my parents and. benjamin language and not off the face gets me and they go but you need to instruct the face you want to know their story. my parents are fighting and reliable information for margaret. you can tell a lot about a society by its garbage. the first see it's worthless for the rich but for many people it offers their own chance of survival africa is among the most unequal regions in the world. could be lunch for today just like. our reporters travel to nairobi and more and meet people who know the true value of garbage. it has created a thriving parallel economy that's been completely ignored by the financial markets but what does one this mean for economic inequality around the world you guys are starting class walking the response to that statement should be yes we are starting to as we walk here because we're tying. and actually disrupt and he could have played the rich the poor and the trust an exclusive report starts november seventeenth g.w. place. to . place. blame. this is you know we've used life for a role in moments of truth the most important us midterm elections in a generation are underway after a few years campaign americans are casting their ballots we'll tell you what is at stake and why the poll matters also coming up in the nazi concentration camps to toss was a place.


Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20181105

a record breaking cable car opens in switzerland. heading south to get to know the french city of montaigne on. canine k. first enough german photographer and his dog shots. the ski season has just begun again here and europe one of the most famous ski resorts is the area and switzerland the village is located at the foot of the mata han and for many years it's been a makeover for all those who don't have to worry about how much money they spend now it's have a lot has a new attraction that matter. right it was designed by a need for the now a company normally associated with top of the range pass we send our reporter i gather some light now along for the right. news cable car of the force of the matter horn offers panoramic views of the swiss alps. in several cabins a decorated with crystals on me outside as well as only in the sun when the cabin reaches a height of one hundred seventy meters it's floor turns transparent offering views of the glaciers below and actually for laminate glass she turns the floor from milky white to see three in seconds. like a miscarriage. that's in the. soup or it's super a fantastic idea or something you. good group. so much a hard place here right is europe's highest and probably most like sureness cable car. over forty five million euro news went into the project. from my point of view it's like staging a train right example has been severely of a crystal cabin designed by pininfarina. and then with crystals outside inside on the glass floor that. the cabins were designed by power no pininfarina a member of the legendary italian designer she wanted this project to set new standards in mobility. people say wow because there's something that would not expect to live with for. i think that it's. that design has more limits. now hopes to create design history with the cabin. only. actually we we made some designs before this in the fifty's that the because. after fifty or sixty years the museum of the company's headquarters and children present some of the most legendary sports cars in automotive history all designed by painting fourteen or paolo pininfarina applied some of the same principles he used to design his ferrari's to create the capital. refinement of this dispute this service is the same kind of the work. and naturally this ferarri cable car needed a very special care. with this elaborate wouldn't class structure. architect to an even created just the right atmosphere for pinning friday those cabins in the. owners didn't want the stations to be just industrial buildings. we wanted them to be attractive and inviting. that the ride actually begins as soon as people enter the station. but it took two and a half years of hard work before the first ride could begin at a delegation of close to four thousand meters snow storms can take place all year round on temperatures of minus thirty degrees celsius are common but all the hard work has paid off the cable car begins regular operations this winter local it's like appreciate one thing above all the. how incredibly memorable nature can be when you're not all crowded together. it's like taking a round trip in a helicopter and floating above mountains and glaciers the. tour is still so get to experience the mountains in a completely new way to be in this and to actually enjoy seeing the glaciers see out. these amazing alps and it is a shock but this is spectacular as the feeling of absolute freedom of paradise just gorgeous. now people can get a new perspective on one of the world's most famous mountains there's never been a more relaxing way to enjoy the rocket. of the alps. and so we take a quick look at some of the other stories from around europe making the headlines in today's express but you shouldn't be afraid of spiders. the last weekend giant mechanical creatures roamed the streets of toulouse in southern france. the three day show drew hundreds of thousands of spectators. it featured the fourteen means it's all monitor and styria. and thirteen means it's all spine to arianna each of the giants moves was controlled by dozens of operations working together. the limousine fears a group hopes the show will raise awareness with a new workshop in toulouse which opens to visit this friday. i am. ten thousand torches are lighting up the tower of london to mark this interior of the end of world war one and commemorate those who died in it the torches are being lit daily at five pm until the eleventh of november by volunteers they burn until nine pm one million british soldiers lost their lives during the war. the. swimmer and adventurer ross edgeley has set a new record by swimming all the way around britain he climbed out of the water in margate kent on sunday after swimming two thousand nine hundred kilometers. edgeways journey began on the first of june he swam twelve hours each day and didn't come to shore for one hundred fifty seven days sleeping on a boat that accompanied him. back on dry land now where men still dominate the international music scene a quick glance at the current charts is enough to prove that but there are no few female artists than males and that's why it's actually not surprising but still very rare that the m.t.v. u. of music awards from the spanish city of bed bowell have recognized mostly female artists this year that see what they have to say and what kind of music scooped up the awards. and the winner is. cameo that. got. the fake winner at this year's m.t.v. europe music awards in the spanish city of bilbao it was camilla. the movie and as a spanish say i'm flipping out. the cuban american singer was nominated for six awards she won for best song for a hit of anna best artist the best of us act the best video. of. second most nominated oxys to ariana grande they went home she handed. out this year's m.t.v. europe music awards women scooped most of the top prizes american rapper nicki minaj to best hip hop act and best look. closely while british singer songwriter do it was nine dollars to paul packed. one of the evening's highlights was janet jackson's acceptance speeches she connected the owner a global icon a. performer who has been in the music business for four decades said she felt moved to speak up for women's whose voices have been stifled i thank you so much i am one of those women women who have been gagged both literally and emotionally women who have been abused women who have been intimidated women who have lived in fear i stand with you you have to. be awards for best german accent to mike singer an eighteen year old social media sensation want to hug million followers on instagram an. indie rock band viva swissair was named best spanish our. growth comes from bilbao is based kind of arena the m.t.v. europe music awards were seen by around half a billion households worldwide. time now for x. such a series where we take a trip thanks to a viewer request this time we received an email from a fan on the other biggest and she lives in one us at us and wants to know more about front so we decided to check out mon petit located in the southern part of the country the city has no fewer than three universities s'posed m h m u. c m is a popular destination for a while of us and isn't far from the city my colleague reporter maggie lady went there recently to discover the city's many attractions. most pity is a fast growing city located in the south of france it dates back to roman times but today it's home to several high tech startup companies and has a vibrant student community tourists come here for the wine culture and climate our tour today begins on the city's main square. here right now on the spur of the committee. when everyone comes that the b.b.c. is this beautiful square with the opera house and the fountain of the big races it's very known because on the square we have many coffees and also ways come from here so that's a very interesting place. another interesting place is the which visitors can climb for great views of the city as a professional guide bruno's mon p.b.s. best sites even when time is limited. in forty eight hours you can. of course i would say the free miss would be the markets we have the market of the opposite which is very interesting and also we have the museum of which is one of the main museums that we have. and classic paintings and of course. i would say the why of course the white industry is very present and we have many chateaus in which. we follow bruno's first tip and visit the market located under the eighteenth century. only open on tuesdays and saturdays it offers french delicacies including cheese and wine from the region the city's old town it's a short walk from the market here st peter's cathedral and my. peelings famous medical school share of fourteenth century building. this part of the city is made up of dozens of narrow alleyways and carefully restored buildings. so the streets once again years olds and that they're interesting because they're narrow medieval and inside of it what days you have a lot of shops and craftsmen to work in shops like this one used to be used as a staple for horses and this bakery has customers lining up all day long on fresh baked goods are just one reason this place is so popular. young minister this is a t.v. show in france called the best day korean friends and this takes we won that title in twenty fifteen or so that made us famous plus we bake bread and enough and that's more than two hundred years old next we follow bruno second tip and head to the fabric museum like most places in it is easily reached by foot the museum was established in eight hundred twenty five in houses a very diverse collection spanning several centuries to the modern day. the collection is very specific because it has been given by some artists who are from from the city and some collectors from the city for instance we have a very big renaissance collection which was given by the founder of the museum fogg who was a classic artist a pupil of the. classic master of friends we also have a big collection of stuff called big you have one canvas behind me. we also have a very important collection of contemporary paintings by. who studied in. another must see on our list is chateau flo jacques it's a chateau. and vineyard dating back ten generations is still a family run business current coach owner appeared to call bare helps run it gives tours and offers wine classes detailing the various great varieties found here. but the most famous of the biggest part of the production is the red one we have to see that we have the biggest being it's all over of course and also all over the world it's also in the sort of the new was created by the roman so we have a long history after a day and started seeing in wine tasting visitors can head to the beach. is located just ten kilometers from the mediterranean coast seaside restaurants are popular with both residents and tourists alike. sun sea culture and wine on the french mediterranean montini is an all in one destination for travelers in france. europe at its best your imax brings you the highlights on instagram stunning landscapes spectacular buildings and mouthwatering delicacy our reporters are constantly on the look out with their cameras we look forward to your comments check out our your maps instagram stories and discover how exciting and diverse europe can be. on instagram. and in our new series so we follow photographers from around europe to find out more about their favorite well takes today it's a photographer who works with fall legate models his colleagues may think he's barking mad but you didn't has chosen to focus his work on ducks he laughs his canine models even though he doesn't have a dog of his own and he's probably the first photographer to ask his models to sneck to their heart's content. snapshots. in the truest sense of the word when it comes to snapping up treats dogs can make the funniest faces photography. captures their greed and there are in his canine portraits. of i've always been interested in photography even as a kid. and he loves dogs but he doesn't feel he has enough time for a dog of his own several years ago he started working with a dog trainer. come on camera long and made photos of the dogs before those gradually got better and it was clear to me that i definitely want to keep doing it . today asterix is in the studio it's his first ever professional photo shoot so the mixed breed hound is understandably excited. his task is to catch treats and look as silly as possible doing as. well he's got the second part of that down at least. a little credit is not staying or is supposed to stay or go all time. and quite got the hang of catching the trades yet. so asterix doesn't lose motivation assistant jenny in a different tries to get him to relax a little. i wasn't trying to do this it's just that i have a good connection with dogs. and another try. there we go. his own offense asterix has stop attentional. leftist yes and i like the one where he looks like scooby doo oh yeah the one or i lose to the side a bit he really does look like scooby doo their. queen. doesn't say awful yes adam has become more professional about his dog photography not just in the studio but outdoors as well he finds wolves just as fascinating as their dog cousins but since they're not so easy to photograph he's found a couple of hybrid wolf dogs. down here and the kind here are some of his favorite models. and looks good in that direction but looks good in that direction to. shoot with the most dogs always take careful planning since large open spaces and he says that the owners don't mind the extra effort. where he always gets a great shot like when the dog comes running up with a kind of brooding expression i'd never get such good shots myself and dubious let's talk more about that john's big success came with a series of goofy expressions. my research money requests so many people got in touch with me wanting photos like that of their dogs i didn't expect it to be so successful. charlie is another inexperienced model but his own is a confident i'll end up with a great photo of him. it is but each photo is different and each has something special about it because under us some of us not your usual sit stay poses. and of course add on yet it does get a shot. so funny and we want to know what you like to photograph best so you can upload one of your favorite photos to our website and to our draw to win hero max looking forward to seeing your entries now how hot warming trends spreading among professional hairdressers the world over they offer their services for free to people who simply cannot afford to go to a hairdressing salon in germany they have grouped together to form the barber angels association and for many people who are down on their luck they are just that angels the aim is not just to make homeless people look good but also give them back some of that dignity and we want to they sent in hamburg to see what makes this a volunteer headdress is kept above the rest. of our hats we call them and his stellar hairstylists are preparing to welcome today's climb. to how often we've had people who've broken out in tears because it's been so long since they've seen themselves look that way because they can't afford to visit a headdress or because they can't afford to have someone shave their beards or the top of. the bar the angels help people who have fallen on hard times. often a personal tragedy has caused the downward spiral that has led them to living on the streets. catch a cold i joined the nonprofit organization around two years ago. it's been a moving experience right from the start this. is bad news if you touch me a lot because my very first client was a person whose life has been shattered overnight it lost his entire family in a car accident that had to pull his own children out from the wreckage and after that he was a broken man. or dobbs on my way home i cried my eyes out fifteen or twenty minutes because i never experienced anything like that so this can mean you are now sitting in my mission to the. u.s. if and it's. limited to trying to build a little yes or no so my hair is sacred to me many women would die for those tresses. nice have you seen yourself yes yes in the mirror it's really good i'm always pleased. look perfect super very nice just to stick their. lunch time. enjoy it have a good time you don't have to visit to the bar joseph is feeling happy the cut is perfect. over his big smile is all the payment the barber angels need many thanks. well and what a great idea that's it for today but don't forget you can find out a lot more about your own mix on our website check us out on social media but for now for me and the entire euro max team thanks for tuning in and hope to see you again tomorrow by. next time on your own max tomas sora sales network the world capture the spirit of the times he explores the places where art science and architecture meet driven by the desire to create a feasible utopia. networker thomas summer say no next time on your own max. the but. the but. i'm going to. move the bar. the fast pace of life in the digital in the bush has slowed down on the way showing new developments and providing useful information about the ideas for names and interviews with makers and users. six fifteen minutes from the back. take on the banks makes me feel a deep human sébastien shock. make only manager and spy books. close thanks very much. speechless sometimes when i'm stuck on yes you get to frankfurt. thirty minutes on double. the first carney most of. the doors grand the moment arrives. join your ranting on her journey back to freedom. you know or injury a good documentary during an orangutan returns home on e.w. dot com tanks. climate change. waste. pollution. isn't it time for good news eco africa people and projects that are changing no one far meant for the better it's up to us to make a difference let's inspire other. people it could be environment magazine. long d.w. hijacking the news. where i go wrong with the news is being hijacked journalism itself has become a scripted reality show it's not just good first is evil us versus them that's why and why. in countries like russia china church people are told is that something and if you're a journalist there and you try to get beyond that you are facing scare tactics intimidation. and i wonder is that where we're heading as well. my responsibility as a journalist is to give me all the smoke and mirrors it's not just about me prayer for balance or being neutral. it's about being true. findings for god and i were giving the. u.s. sanctions against iran have been reinstated the sanctions which target oil and finance were originally lifted three years ago as part of an international deal to limit the country's nuclear program tehran has pledged to ignore the sanctions and wrote u.n. chief antonio tears in a letter that the u.s. should be held accountable over the measures. and we must do all we can. boaters in the us are getting set to vote in crucial midterm elections and both democrats and.


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