Mumbai: Star Maa maintained its lead over the All India and South markets for the second consecutive week as per Barc data for the period of 12 to 18 March 2022. The Telugu GEC had replaced Sun TV from the top position in these markets in week 10. In week 11, it garnered average ratings of 2772.45 (All India, 2+) and 2705.83 (South, 2+). Sun TV was second with 2446.61 AMA,
Mumbai: With 2541.6 AMA, Star Maa was the most watched channel in week 10 (5 to 11 March), according to Broadcast Audience Research Council (Barc) data. Last week’s top channel Sun TV was pushed back to second spot, with 2435.4. At 2373.94, Star Plus finished at third place. Star Utsav, Dhinchaak, Star Vijay, Sony SAB, Star Pravah, Colors and Zee TV grabbed the remaining
Mumbai: With 2543.24 AMA against last week’s 2483.04, Sun TV was once again at the top position in Broadcast Audience Research Council's (Barc) most-watched channels list for the ninth week of 2022 (From 26 February to 4 March). The Tamil GEC was followed by Star Maa and Star Utsav at 2464.32 and 2452.35 (‘000s), respectively. Star Plus, Dhinchaak, Star Vijay, Dangal, Star
With 2483.04 AMA against last week’s 2543.31, Sun TV was once again at the top position in Barc’s most watched channels list for the eight week of 2022 (19 to 25 February). The Tamil GEC was followed by Star Maa and Star Plus at 2387.79 and 2380.09 (‘000s), respectively.
With 2543.31 AMA, Sun TV has regained the top position in the Broadcast Audience Research Council's (Barc) most-watched channels list for the seventh week of 2022 (12 to 18 February). The Tamil GEC was behind Star Maa and Star Utsav last week with 2496.27 (‘000s).