Neva Lee Recla featured in Podcast Magazine
More and more organizations are opening their doors to an inclusive intergenerational approach in business.
We are exponentially more powerful when we choose to come together, uplift each other and share a message of love, hope and possibility with the world. This includes kids.” Tonya Dawn Recla
PHOENIX, ARIZONA, UNITED STATES, May 13, 2021 / As the world continues to change and evolve rapidly, we’re seeing a phenomenon unheard of in earlier eras. Young people stand at the forefront of this cultural revolution armed with access and influence none of us dreamt possible. Nowhere is this impact more energized than in the new media space. Tech aptitude and access allow even the youngest leaders to emerge on the global scene and be heard. And, as research proves, an individual’s worldview is already shaped by age 13. This means that the parents, mentors, teachers and coaches guiding young leaders have a tremendous