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>> despite dozens of questions, the most important one remains, why? >> it is a personnel matter. >> no it's not a personnel matter. you're selecting a public official. why is that a personal matter? >> board made the decision much that's all there is to say. >> and so the board of ed saying it wants to take mcps "in a new direction" all the while refusing to tell anyone what direction that is. as far as superintendent starr's replacement goes mcps will soon launch a nationwide search. no word if it already has any candidates in mind. live in rockville, kevin lewis, abc 7 news. >> thank you. now, while starr will be gone from the school system this month, he won't be off the payroll until the end of june. that's just under $100,000 in pay. he'll be paid $46,000 for unused time off and have his health insurance paid for the remainder of the year unless he gets another job first. he's also being allowed to drive his county-owned jeep until the end of march. >> new at 5:00 d.c. public schools admitting now that private information for special ed students was exposed to the public possibly for years. they are pushing for answers as to how this happened. she's live in southeast washington for us tone.ight. roz, what is the school system saying about this? >> they did apologize but offered no explanation as to how this could have happened and happened for so long until frankly it was discovered by reporters for the website buzz feed that confronted d.c. public school officials on monday. the website said there were hundreds of pages of documents with sensitive and confidential information about special education students about teachers and about other school workers that sat unprotected for years anybody could have long gone. in a statement, they said the data base was housed in an internal website that was launched since 2010 and as soon as they learned of the problem, they shut down that site. they also said there is "currently, no evidence that the data was compromised and that "we apologize to d.c. students and their families for the situation and will be reaching out to families to explain what happened." here, though is what some parents had to say about it. >> i was unaware of the website and the school didn't inform me of that website and now the website has been breached. i don't think that the website was a good idea at all. >> i would be angry if i was a parent of a special needs child. yes, i would be outraged! in fact, the washington teachers union told buzzfeed it's too early to see if that apology is enough until they know the extent of the damage. dcps is promising an investigation and thorough review of the security to make sure it doesn't happen again. >> thank you roz. go now to the weather. up-and-down weather conditions we've had in d.c. you know that's what this region is known for. it's going to be on the display in the coming days. chief meteorologist doug hill is in the storm watch weather center looking at the weather for us and doug, bone chilling cold this morning with the wind out there, too. >> we still had the wind and temperatures in teens in many areas. nicely into the 30's today and the winds diminish. let's tell you what's coming next. check out the numbers as we speak a little bit after 5:00. 37 at reagan national. 40 degrees in fredricksburg. 32 degrees in gaithersburg. through the overnight, temperatures drop in the 20's thanks to a little bit of a sotherly or southwesterly wind, they will be partly cloudy. not nearly as cold as last night and through the morning hours tomorrow you'll wake up the temperatures in the 20's with lots of sunshine. only a few clouds during the day but the best part of the day is the fact that during the afternoon, winds out of the west and southwest will push us to near 50 degrees. wish that could last but tomorrow is a one day deal of 50 degree temperatures and more gusty winds, more snow flurries in the thursday forecast. check out the weekend for you in a you -- few minutes, alison. >> thank you. newly released 911 tapes are giving a glimpse into the moment strong winds sent a tree crashing through a silver spring house. that's because the home's owner was on the phone with 911 at the moment of impact. stephen tschida live with the 911 call and how all the cleanup is going today, stephen? >> right now you can see the tree is on the ground now. this crew has taken it off of the house. a few momentst was up there on the house. took off the whole side of the house and boy, that 911 call captured the impact. the tree came down with such force. it shook the neighborhood and shattered this house. in the impact captured in a 911 call. >> it's actually falling on my house right now. hold on one second. auto yeah it just fell on my house. >> chris fisher was stunned by the power of the falling tree. >> almost like a small earthquake. >> fisher, his wife and their dog bolted outside to see the tree which moments before had anchored their front yard they realized it had taken out the left side of the house. the opposite side from where they had huddled but they knew instantly they wouldn't be going home any time soon. >> my wife thought it would probably be out of the house between two and maybe three months. >> as they packed up to leave for an undetermined time the fishers are sad about the damage to their home but thankful for the warnings which may have spared them injury. now, the impact has damaged the jois joist of the home that could delay the return of this family to this house. also we just asked chris about 10 minutes ago about his dog. he was pretty traumatized from this incident. the dog, his wife and he are doing pretty good considering. reporting live stephen tschida, abc 7 news. >> thank you stephen. the maryland man on trial twice for the murder of 16-year-old felicia mars could face a third trial. the state's attorney for baltimore city made an announcement on the second indictment of michael johnson this morning. the most recent case ended in a mistrial. his first conviction was thrown out because the prosecution withheld evidence. she was from north carolina and disappeared while visiting family in baltimore in 2010. her body was later found in the river. culpepper county deputies are hoping that quarters could lead them to criminals after an early morning home invasion. around 3:30 yesterday morning police say two armed men with masks forced their way into an elderly woman's home outside of culpepper. while they were there, they stole cash firearms a pocketbook and prescription drugs and a large amount of quarters. so police are now asking any businesses that suddenly get a payment with a large amount of coins to give them a call. alison? >> leon, the spreading measles outbreak is quickly becoming a political issue that doesn't follow political party lines. the latest figures show more than 100 people have been diagnosed with the disease in 14 states mostly in the western half of the u.s. in santa monica, a 1-year-old has tested positive for measles prompting quarantine for the 14 infants now who attend the same daycare. yesterday, president obama said he supports immunizations for all children while republican senator rand paul say parents should have a choice. and today, house speaker john boehner did not mince words. >> we know that we need another law, but i do believe that all children ought to be vaccinated. >> so that debate over vaccinations is more than just political. it's a conversation that they had on play groups and doctors' offices, at the dinner table. suzanne kennedy tells us how some people are handling what has turned into a controversial decision. >> jenna and her husband had debated whether to immunize their two sons. >> he to this day doesn't want to vaccinate. >> after research and discussion, they've agreed to disagree. >> my husband thinks that vaccines are entirely protective. that they still allow for the virus to come through sometimes but not all. i don't entirely believe that. i think that vaccines work. >> the compromise for this springfield family was delaying immunizing these children until they were 2. >> how do you feel? >> i feel good. tired. >> bianca bradley is due in three weeks. she has already made a decision about whether to inoculate her baby girl. >> she is definitely going to be up to date with all her shots and i don't want her to be exposed to anything that's going around. >> the nationwide measles outbreak is impacting everything from daycare centers to politics. the american academy of pediatrics is weighing in urging parents to vaccinate their children. barbara fisher runs an organization that supports parents being informed about both sides of the vaccination issue. >> i absolutely think parents should have a choice when it comes to vaccination because we're not all the same. we don't all react the same way to pharmaceutical products like vaccines. for some of us the risks are much greater. >> we made numerous calls and reached out to different groups to interview anyone in the anti-vaccine community. we have heard feedback that they are afraid to come out of the shadows because debate over this issue has recently become so intense. live in the newsroom suzanne kennedy, abc 7 news. >> ok, suzanne. now, as for why doctors are so concerned about measles, it's because 90% of those vaccinated are not vaccinated who are exposed to some with the airborne disease will catch it. the virus can also live in a room for two hours after the infected person has left. up to 1/3 of those with measles will experience complications that require hospitalization. 1 in 1,000 patients can actually experience brain swelling. >> to some breaking news in southeast washington we're getting live pictures in from a scene of a shooting. police say a man was shot there around 4:15 this evening. they were told homicide detectives were on the scene working it right now. traffic is being diverted around the scene and that is having a big impact on the evening rush. we'll bring you more information. still ahead, on abc 7 news at 5:00 new study that is reigniting debate over high fructose corn syrup is sugar for your body. >> new evidence that selfies may have played a role in a deadly plane crash. >> if he can't fix the car, give it back. >> this woman has spent the past year fighting to get her car back from a mechanic that she paid more than $2,000. the >> an arlington church is moving forward with plans to redevelop its land examine it's been sparking some debate. this debate centers around the arlington presbyterian church site near the corner of column about pike. so the virginia bureau chief shows us the chump's plans and why some say it's simply not the right fit. >> when future plans for the church were finalized, susan robbins had only one thought. >> praise the lord! >> arlington presbyterian church has stood on the corner of columbia pike and lincoln for 100 years. but with the building getting less use and more costly to maintain, it was time for a change. >> we looked at this and said we have an asset here. an amazing asset in a great location. >> church leaders saw plenty of construction along columbia pike but a lot of it high end retail and residential. so robbins esserton and others decided it was time for some balance and agreed to sell the building to the arlington partnership for affordable housing to build a five story 142 unit apartment building filled with affordable housing. >> the balance of the service workers and teachers and police officers living in the very ity that they serve. >> for some who live in this area another construction project no matter its intent will only make bad congestion even worse. >> you do the math. you add 142 units and it will make it worse. >> going to be a whole lot noisier and a whole lot going to be here. >> on columbia pike -- >> it's maintaining the balance. >> manager john hartsell sells the church's vision for the future. >> good to have different income levels and people from all over living together. >> a new project along columbia pike has to have retail space in the first floor like this apartment building on columbia pike so the church when the new building is built here for that apartment complex, there will be retail space here. the church may occupy some of that space. still uncertain as to where they'll go in the future. in the church currently in the basement is a daycare facility. still unknown what's going to happen with that facility as well. still a lot of questions to be answered. but they probably will be answered in the next two years of planning which will then be followed by two years of construction. live in arlington, jeff goldberg, abc 7 news. >> thank you very much. the second round of snow to pound boston in a week has stopped. but its impact is still being felt in gridlock. drivers are running into major problems navigating the streets there. the snow has not been removed yet in many places forcing police to direct traffic. add to that serious delays on the t and other public transit because of the out of work removing snow from all the rails. right now, travel from anywhere in that city takes two to three times as long as usual. fluffy. >> exactly. >> oh man. thank goodness. >> occasionally a little ice or a little wintry mix and it gets windy. >> lots of wind today. >> yeah. that settled down a lot. and not going to have an issue from thursday afternoon to friday. let's get started. one cold front after another. let's see how this day looked from the vantage point of great falls at river bend country club. beautiful time lapse sunrise and through the day. a few clouds from time to time and then we cleared out nicely. temperatures climbed into the mid to upper 30's in great falls and many portions of the area and now beautiful sunset a few minutes away here. temperatures they're definitely starting to fall back a bit. 37 reported in ashburn right now, low this morning was 21. very light breeze reported on the weather bug network. their high stayed at that 32. the low this morning. and the winds are not a big factor but the key is the winds are out of the southwest. that will bring in warmer temperatures tomorrow. 36 in frederick and martinsburg stands at 35 degrees right now and temperatures this time of year, our average high is 45. we're running seven to 10 degrees below average. by tomorrow morning low temperature about 30 degrees in the city of washington. couple of spots in the teens. it will be warmer tomorrow morning than it was this morning due to the fact that this area of high pressure which provided the sunshine is going to slip southeast and allow the wind to come back in from the southwest. that will be the mechanism to warm us up. you can kind of see the leading edge of this warm front. if you follow it far enough back into the upper mississippi river valley, you'll find a cold front. that will come through our area thursday morning with a chance of a few flurries or snow showers. this is the current look at temperatures to the west and not surprisingly behind that next front, temperatures are a bit colder. st. louis at 50 right now. asheville at 46. get that one day push of milder air. futurecast shows a little bit of cloudiness going through the area overnight. no precipitation and through the day tomorrow a few passing clouds and a lot of sunshine but it's brief because on thursday morning, the cold front comes in. that little blue line indicates the possibility of a few snow showers or flurries in this simulation of the weather for thursday and then breezy conditions kind of gusty through thursday afternoon with falling temperatures quiet but cold weather into friday. so we'll check out the forecast through the day tomorrow. nothing but sunshine and a few clouds. as we head through the next seven days we'll kind of cool back down again on thursday and friday. saturday looks very nice. back into the mid 40's with mostly sunny skies. now, sunday and monday it looks as though a storm center will approach from the southwest. when we get these this time of year, every single time, it's a question of precipitation types. right now with highs in the low 40's on sunday, we expect it to begin as rain. whether it changes to snow or stays as a mix of snow and rain time wiltell. >> just like last weekend. >> borderline rain/snow, sleet. we'll see. >> exactly. ok. thank you. see you later. >> all right. >> coming up on abc 7 news at 5:00, a climb alert. -- crime alert. where a teenager said she was walking home where a man d her and fled. >> investigators are convinced selfies caused a plane crash. >> you undergo all that screening at airports. why don't the employees? in many cases they don't. argument brewing on capitol hill. while have the latest. >> here's what's ahead in primetime tonight right here on abc 7. >> you get screened every time you get near a plane. you might be surprised to learn that almost one millionaire line workers don't. there's calls to change that. scott thuman has been watching this unfold on capitol hill. he's in the satellite center with more. scott? >> yeah alison we're talking about baggage handlers mechanics, cleaning ground crews who do undergo initial background checks and their name is crossed in a tear rich data base almost daily. they're allowed to come and go sometimes with direct access to planes just using i.d. badges. >> it's the standard routine if you want to get on a plane. you need to be screened. but work on, in or near one and the rules are different. in fact, many would argue more lax for employees. >> never know what they have on them or what they're going through. you just never know. so be safe for everybody, we need to go through it. >> there's safety concerns obviously. there's been incidents in the past that are a little shady. >> like in atlanta last december when two delta employees including a baggage handler smuggled loaded guns into the cabins on flights to new york. preventing that by screening so many employees is an easy or cheap. >> depends on how much it costs. to keep us safe i don't really think you can put a price on that. aat last government study on it show the first year of increased security could cost anywhere between $5.7 and $14.9 billion. >> is there any amount of money that is too much to ensure the safety of americans? >> on capitol hill today, the f.b.i. and t.s.a. testified what happened in atlanta has forced some deep reflections. >> big deal for us. i think we learned what i said earlier. we can do better. i think we can challenge ourselves to do better. and is that answer 100% employee screening? i don't know that it is. >> and the t.s.a. cited a study which showed randomly screening employees which would cost significantly less may prove to be just as effective. now, according to the testimony today, only two major airports miami international and orlando international not only do the background checks but also make all employees undergo 1 is -- 100% screening and they say the annual expenses of that are "moderate" and paid through higher rents of the concession as well as the landing fees that are passed on to the airlines and quite possibly on to you. leon? >> thank you, scott. a new report from the national transportation safety board shows that selfies may have caused a deadly plane crash in colorado. two people were killed when a plane went down in may. the ntsb investigators found a go pro camera at the site of the crash that showed the pilot and the passengers taking selfies throughout the flight. officials say the pilot likely became distracted by the flash of the cameras and then lost control of the plane. >> well coming up here on abc 7 news at 5:00 the grand plan that would give a major d.c. institution after the late marion barry. >> new evidence that high fructose corn syrup might have a different effect on your body than sugar does. >> and an arlington county teen is groped on her wame from school in broad daylight. coming up we'll give you the description of the man polic >> there's a warning tonight in arlington after a teenager is groped while walking home from school. >> this happened at 4:00 yesterday near the corner of south four mile run drive and south walter reid drive. diane cho is there with the common thing we do that may have helped the suspect. >> this arlington county mother says she was shocked after hearing about what happened. >> difficult for me! >> as a parent of a 17-year-old daughter the same age as the victim, she says the news hits close to home. >> that's scary. >> arlington police say the teen was on her way home less than a mile away from wakefield high school walking around the 41 purr4100 block of south four mile run drive when a man allegedly grabbed the victim's butt from behind. the victim was wearing headphones at the time and had no idea he was behind her until it was too late. >> it appears to be isolatedment -- >> the terrified student ran home and called her mother who in turn called police. >> by getting on the scene and trying to identify someone in the area. >> authorities are searching for the man allegedly involved. he's described as a hispanic male in his 20's about 5'11" tall and weighs 140 pounds. in light of what happened police are asking that you try to walk in pairs when possible and if you're wearing headphones while you're walking outside, try to wear one-on-one side so that you can hear what's going on in your surroundings and make sure you have your cell phone on you so you can call police right away. diane cho abc 7 news. >> police in arlington are looking for a suspect that broke st 17 vehicles in a parking garage. this happened in the 1900 block of north lynne street between 11:00 p.m. on january 31st and 8:30 a.m. on february 1st. they stole a number of items out of the vehicles including g.p.s. devices, money left in cars in purses and even a bottle of vodka. >> let's get a look at the day's other top stories now. montgomery county schools superintendent joshua starr has resigned effective february 16th. officials say it was a mutual decision. chief operating officer larry bowers is set to assume the role of interim superintendent while a nationwide search for a permanent replacement begins. >> d.c. public schools issuing an apology after admitting private information for special education students was exposed to the public possibly for years. it was recently discovered by reporters at the website buzzfeed. dcps say it's cubingonducting a thorough review of security practices to make sure it doesn't happen again. >> there's growing concern about a spreading measles outbreak. latest figures show more than 100 people have been diagnosed with the disease in 14 states. mostly in the western half of the u.s. in santa monica a 1-year-old tested positive for the measles prompting quarantine now for the 14 infants who attend the same daycare. doctors say 90% of those not vaccinated who are exposed to someone with this airborne disease will catch it. >> a "7 on your side" health matters report now. a new study may ignite an old debate of sugar vs. corn syrup. researchers found sweeteners with fructose were more likely to lead to higher blood insulin and other markers associated with diabetes compared to natural starch that contains sugar. too much sugar in my form can be dangerous. the added calories aren't good for us for blood sugar levels or our waistlines. >> let's get a check on traffic now with bob emler in the wtop traffic center. hi, bob. >> hi alison. eastbound southeast-southwest freeway and southbound 295 hung up badly with a crash that was there for three hours on 295 near the naval research lab and the d.c. water plant, that's been cleared but taking a while for all of that to clear out. and traffic on i-95 southbound is hung up by a crash at the prince william parkway, that's gone now. there are still delays heading south from springfield to newington and a little farther south, things aren't doing too badly heading into stafford. let's take a look at cameras and see how it looks now. on 395 getting south at seminary road bogged down from the pentagon most of the way down and traffic on 270 headed northbound here at 117 that's very heavy most of the way up into german town and clarksburg and beyond but all the travel lanes are open. no incidents along the way there. i'm bob emler with wtop radio. >> thanks. traffic in the d.c. metro area can make for a long commute, you know that. it's nothing compared to what a man in michigan takes on every single day. 56-year-old james robertson walks 21 miles from his home in detroit to his job in rochester hills and back every day! the whole trip takes about six hours. he says he's been making this walk since 1988 when his car died. >> i can't imagine not working, you know. end up doing nothing. do you know how long it took me to find a job? >> people have been so inspired by robertson, they've started a fundraising fundraising page to pay for a new car for him. they've reached $217,000 in two days. >> he can have a few cars. >> he can have a fleet. fleet of cars or really nice fit bit. >> exactly. that's great that they're helping him out like that. awesome. >> absolutely. absolutely. >> coming up on abc 7 news at 5:00, trapped without a car. and this is because of a dispute with a mechanic. >> that's right. why this woman has spent nearly a year fighting to get her car back long after she paid the bills and what you can do in a similar situation. >> plus which universities will become marion barry university? as one d.c. council member gets his way. >> coming up tonight at 6:00 maryland governor larry hogan's budget, could it have an impact on your child's education? >> david muir has a look at what's coming up on "world news tonight." >> breaking news that worldwide outrage growing at this hour the hero pilot killed by isis. but it's what they did will there be retaliation? a medical alert at this hour about those hugely popular health remedies but what was really inside those pills. and you got to see this flying over a raging volcano. how did you pull this off? right after abc 7 new >> a d.c. council member wants to rename the university of the district of columbia after the late marion barry. >> that's right, the four term mayor and long term council member died in november at age 78. but as mike conneen reports, it's unclear whether this proposal has support on the council or on campus. >> according to the council member's legislation, u.d.c. would be renamed marion s. barry jr. university of the district of columbia. >> same way you did with walter washington and same way we did with john wilson. >> he says barry deserved the same and he picked u.d.c. because of barry's education. co-sponsor jack evans declined to be interviewed about the bill. he signed on to get the discussion going. even some of barry's closest allies on the council have reservations. >> we definitely need to honor the late marion barry for all of his great accomplishments but i don't think that would be the venue. >> think about the state universities across the country and their university is for their state. >> even for the university of virginia founded by thomas jefferson is not called the jefferson university. >> on campus many u.d.c. students expressed opposition to the new name. >> i think they should stick with the name. seriously. >> students point out the name university of the district of columbia is already a mouthful adding marion barry would make it even longer. but the council member says that it could be mbudc. knowing barry's legacy, some students welcome the name change. this student wasn't sure. >> i don't know. >> you doent know who marion barry? >> no. who is he? this is my first semester here. i have no idea. >> name change advocates say that's exactly why this is necessary. so younger washingtonians know barry's legacy. opponents agree but say mayor muriel bowser already named the summer youth employment program after barry and they say there are plenty of other options across the district to honor him. mike conneen, abc 7 news. >> up next on abc 7 news at 5 5:00, a man accused of running a revenge porn website convicted. the punishment he could face. >> an 84-year-old viewer contacts "7 on your side" after getting nowhere in her efforts to get her car back from a local auto repair shop. you won't believe how long that shop had her car and the unexpected resolution in our >> for the past year a local woman has been in a battle with a mechanic to get her car back. this is after paying in more than $2,000 for service. she turned to "7 on your side" for help and troubleshooter horace holmes shows us what happened next. >> what can i do? i'm 84 years old. >> she's 84 but ruth worthy isn't going to back down. >> i want my back. and can i get my money back that i paid for it? >> worthy says she's out $2100 and her car after taking it to get fixed at guinyard auto repair in forestville exactly one year ago. "7 on your side" got involved and we found her car sitting out in front of the shop. >> out of my pocket. >> paid she says to the top shop owner tony guinyard to replace the car's transmission. after several months of hearing nothing from guinyard and trying to get her car back, she took him to court and had him summoned to appear on several occasions. so "7 on your side" went out to guinyard motors. >> ok. >> and we didn't have any trouble finding him right inside his shop. >> ok. >> what about her car? >> what about her car? >> she says you've had it for a year. are you going to give it back to her? >> what legal rights do consumers like worthy have in cases like this? >> we would not usually advise for someone who engage in sort of a self-help remedy like that. for example, going on to the property and getting the vehicle back even though of course it is your vehicle. >> maryland legal aid says take the issue to court. two days after "7 on your side"'s visit to guinyard auto miss worthy's car appeared parked just a few hundred feet from her home. >> that's the transmission. >> with the transmission not attached to the engine but sitting on the back seat. >> i got it back. >> we finally spoke with tony guinyard by phone. why has it taken a year to give worthy her car back? he says he's gone through three transmissions trying to get one to work. and while he's tried to contact her, he hasn't heard from her since the summer plus he claims they were in a dispute over charges for labor. so there would be no more trouble, he told me. he returned the car. >> are you happy at all? >> i'm happy i got my car. who is going to fix it? >> who's going to fix it she says? that's a legitimate question. and according to legal experts we talked with, she should get a lawyer to help get any money that she wants back. guinyard says part of the holdup was over $375 for labor. he wanted the money up front. worthy said i'll pay you after the work is completed. that's the situation. >> how does he get a transmission into the? that is ridiculous! >> what a story. >> unbelievable. >> all right. nice work horace. as usual. folks, if you got a problem "7 on your side" should check out let us know. send an e-mail to tips at or call our hotline and we may get horace to take a look at your problem. >> the new york stock exchange is in the process of delisting radio shack shares as the company's future remains uncertain. the electronics retailer is reportedly close to filing for bankruptcy after struggling with weak sales. according to bloomberg, radio shack is also in talks to sell some of its stores to sprint and amazon. which is attempting to open more traditional stores. radio shack has more than 5,000 stores nationwide. >> a california man faces 20 years in prison for running a revenge porn website. jurors found kevin belarit guilty on 29 counts of extortion and theft. his now defunct website allows men to post nude photos of their exes. women wanting their photo removed would be directed to another website. once there, they'd have to pay hundreds of dollars to get the images deleted. >> this is an individual that can't get out of his own way. i just really believe that the odds of him engaging in some harmful crime between now and the return for sentencing are very high. >> california's first in the nation revenge porn law went into effect after he was charged. it prohibits anyone from posting nude photos on line after a relationship ends without that person's consent. coming up tonight at 6:00 here montgomery's top educator is out. why his exit remains a mystery. and a historic meeting at the white house begins in a matter of minutes. preview of the discussion between president obama and the king of jordan tonight on abc 7 news at 6:00. >> all right. first, let's get another check of our weather situation today. pretty nice today and tomorrow right, doug? >> absolutely. today was pleasant enough. not the strong winds and tomorrow will be close to 50 degrees. let's get into it and share our weather story on tuesday evening for you right now. right now, looking across the nation's capital, mostly clear skies. temperatures falling in the low to middle thirtsz 30's. tonight is a full moon. if you look up above the eastern horizon high enough you'll see the full hunter moon or wolf moon for different names for february. i want you to look to the left of the moon for the planet jupiter. that's kind of the approximate position you'll see in the next couple of hours. the temperatures starting to drop a bit. not bitterly cold. thankfully the winds will diminish. 26 with an average wake-up temperature of partly cloudy skies and a light sotherly wind that will help keep temperatures a little bit above last night's readings. a few fair weather clouds chilly start and very mild finish, near 50 degrees. we'll turn a bit colder on thursday. another cold front through thursday morning with flurries possible. turning breezy and temperatures falling in the afternoon. partly sunny and chilly on friday. saturday, a bit nicer into the mid 40's with sunshine. sunday night and monday, that storm center may affect us coming in from the southwest. because of that position temperatures being so borderline, we have a chance of rain or snow or sleet or more than likely another wintry mix. it's only tuesday evening. plenty of time to get more details as the weekend approaches. back to you. >> good deal. >> thank you. >> all right. my boys are slumping! they need you. tell you this. fans, i'm upset with the fans. you know the start of the season everybody was excited about the wizards. so pumped up because of their hungry something to prove swagger that it was really fun. but now that they've hit the skids, some fans are -- they're getting sea sick jumping on and off the bandwagon. come on man! this is when they need you. randy whitman will take care of the criticism and believe me also the motivation. >> i'm a bad loser number one. that's not one of my best traits. >> randy whitman is attacking this losing streak head on. >> we had a heart to heart. we needed a heart to heart last night. >> the wizards loss to the lowly bobcats monday at the verizon center no less and afterwards whitman did not hold back. >> as soon as you think it's not to hard and you can do what you want, this is what happens. this is what happens. nobody's feeling good. and we're succumbing to that. >> asked today if his candid comments were choreographed -- >> oh, heavens no. if i was that smart, [beep]. >> what's wrong? whitman doesn't want to hear about any mid winter woes. >> we're not the only one that's fighting the sinus infection or the flu. bad back toe that hurts. >> whitman says he needs more "grit and grime from his team." so he's leading the way. >> that's what coaching is. coaching is making tough decisions. look at yourself in the mirror. and say am i doing enough? i try to do that with myself. >> there's your sampler for the day. if you don't like this shame on you. the world championship parade is scheduled for tomorrow through boston. snow is a problem there. justin edleman and malcolm butler spent the day at disney world. rob gronkowski was on jimmy kimmel show last night. tom brady says he wants to give his m.v.p. award to malcolm butler. he said it should be his and brady is trying to work it out so he gets it. i know the way brady jumped around after that play he was like a 10-year-old. you could almost see this coming. he wants to give the truck to malcolm butler, good luck to him. and that's good. >> tell malcolm to check the air pressure in the tires oochlt europe asking him to give the truck to somebody. >> somebody, yeah. >> good move. >> all right. >> doesn't need that new truck. >> we'll be right back. i know grandma's house isn't the most exciting, but it's only for a few hours. look what i've got. when you get verizon fios, you get beautiful hd picture quality, super fast internet, and america's most reliable e network. so you won't miss a second of that movie, that game they love, or those moments with family. can we sleep over? please! come on! make your house the house. you get more from verizon fios the tv service rated #1 in hd picture quality and signal reliability based on customer satisfaction studies plus america's fastest most reliable internet. and for peace of mind, get a price quote in writing and professional installation from a highly trained verizon technician. hurry now to get this deal that can't be beat. get a fios triple play online for just 79.99 a month -- a price guaranteed for two full years. and when you sign a two year agreement, get an incredible $300 bonus. this great deal won't last. visit to learn n more today. >> ride sharing services like uber and lift have caused controversy across the area. but controversy or not, the demand is real. >> that's right. d.c. for the best cities for ride share drivers. caroline tucker takes a look. >> many people under 35 have taken a ride in a lift or uber. >> i've never had a bad experience with lift. and it's way better than -- >> it's really convenient. you don't have to wait in the cold. >> even if you haven't taken a ride, you probably know someone who has. >> my brother did it. my best friend. his girlfriend uses it. my cous everybody uses it. but me i guess. >> d.c. taxi drivers hate the competition but it turns out d.c. is the top ride sharing city in the u.s. according to zen 99 a company that helps ride share drivers with their taxes. >> biggest thing is a young population that has disposable income. that's really the biggest thing. early adopters of technology and they're comfortable with getting in cars still a foreign idea. >> the company looked at d.c.'s low gas prices mostly sunny weather and public transportation. >> one of the lift drivers told us it's not great out there either. >> customers we talked with said metro is not always an option. >> i'm going out and trying to get to the location i use uber. >> riders will tell you these ride sharing maps are going to continue to grow from here. d.c. beat out 70 other u.s. cities on this list. including this first time customer. >> in northwest washington caroline tucker abc 7 news. >> and how about this? it might just sound scary. driverness driverness driverness -- driverless cars. it seems uber wants to get a jump on that opportunity. it announced it's working on carnegie melon university on a project and an uber official says self-driving cars a part of the company's future. google also developing a driverless car. >> wait a second who fills up the tank? >> good question. >> who fills up the tank? >> right. somebody has to do that. >> somebody has got to do it. that's it for us at 5:00. tonight at 6:00, strong message from maryland educators to governor larry hogan. how you can discover the impact his budget will have on your child's education. >> we're monitoring the potential for snow later this week. how much we may see and when in doug's forecast. >> and historic meeting happening right now at the white house. coverage of jordan's king abdullah's visit coming up next. >> new opposition to maryland governor larry hogan's budget. educators are fighting against potentially troubling cuts to your child's education. maryland bureau chief brad bell is live in annapolis tonight. brad what's on the table? >> well according to the maryland state teachers union and their friends in the legislature, the problem to them is that the numbers in the governor's budget add up potentially to larger class size and a potential loss of thousands of teachers and support staff jobs. the maryland state education association, the teachers union is launching today this website. it's named don't shortchange, a play on governor hogan's change they say hogan is taking too much from schools. >> it's balanced on the backs of students in maryland. >> the website allows one to search county by county and see how the numbers play out. montgomery county, for instance is budgeted to receive more than $25 million less than expected. prince george's county nearly $38 million less. >> might be faced again with layoffs to teachers but the rate that our school system has grown, it's a cut what he's proposing. less money for students. >> hogan's camp counters that the budget actually increases state aid to k through 12 public education to record amounts.


Transcripts For SFGTV 20131030

>> good morning, everyone. welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors budget and finance committee meeting fo forethursday i'm joined by supervisor eric mar and supervisor john avalos. thank you to the staff >> mr. speaker, do we have any announcements. >> yes. please silence all electronic devices. items acted upon today will be on the supervisor agenda unless stated. >> mr. clerk call item number. the film rebate program >> colleagues that is legislation that i introduced a little while ago. it continues to attract both film and production in the 76 san francisco. the most recent legislation was to rent space that helped to get a series and it's stemmed to have an estimated $12 million no our city. this includes the web series among eligible productions and it's through june 30th, 2014, and authorize additional funds into the program. again, we're not going to fund those budget it will be next year but it will put the cap. we're seeing that the web series are 0 popular and we need to continue to make sure that is adopting to the film destroy to capture all the film in our city. in the about jobs and our after the community and continuing to promote the on screen productions pr it's a streamline of web tv. and rising in popularity through a lot of net flicks and house of cards which is an amazing series my wife and i got addicted. and it's about thanking susan robbins for her hard work running really san francisco's kind of film industry and grabbing hollywood. susan if you want to come up and talk about this and thank you for your hard work >> thank you, very much. i appreciate that. good morning, commissioners. as you know i'm director of the film commission and i appreciate you let me speak here today. as you know filming and production for tv and commercials contribute to san francisco in numerous ways provides local jobs to crew and background jobs and contribute to worldwide recognition. this is one of our tools for tourism. san francisco is the location for some of most recognized films from streets of san francisco to bullet to vertigo to milk, gnash bridges and even more recently woody allen's movie. in addition the money is put into the san franciscan community it is spent on hotels and door rentals and hardwood and wardrobe purchases and gasoline and except rentals and, of course, our cities services. since it's inception in 2006 the rebate program has had a total of 14 rebates totally more than $100,000. they've spent a lot of money in san francisco. nearly $12.8 million was spent on the salaries for background extra jobs and other folks. the rebate program is more and more important between fiscal years 2006 and 2012 we had 8 productions take advantage of our incentive but just since fiscal year 2013 we have had incentives with 3 more to be rebate in 2013 that's a total of 9 new productions shooting her in the past year and a half. we're ploy more crew and background extras showcasing television shows like food networks and the upcoming series looking. which by the way, airs on january 19th. we're asking for 3 things. first to lower the cost of permit television series fees from $100 a day to $50 a day to include web series and the type of production that are giggle for the rebate program and to extend it to january 2013 and there the fund by $1 million. to reduce the costs of permit fees we're been talking to production companies. i speak to groups of filmmakers and a lot of the small productions still don't take out permits with our office. in fact, i was on tom cast about flvm in northern california and two filmmakers who shot in the city hadn't taken out permits. many smaller independent folks have minimal budgets and we're going to lower the budget for those people to bring the money into our city and to support the the filmmakers. we're proposing this because the web series are not eligible for our incentives, however, this type of production is the way of the future web series are meeting the increased need of filming on computers. the global index was related by real a california based company that specialize in videos. the amaze of video increased by one hundred percent. amazon and net flicks are pursuing their own series like the emmy house of cards and orange is the new black and amazons by the time to see. and a there are more to come. productions like this very often have budgets that employ many crews and actors. we want to attract that new wave to san francisco. last we're asking for an estimation that is to sunset on june 30th, 2013. we want appropriations up to $1 million for this that will enable us to look at the approximates that we have the desire to continue the successful programs. studios and production houses look ahead and need to know the incentive their counting on will still be available when we actually shoot here. we're confirming our commitment and hopefully landing more production. i you am sure you want to join me to encourage the economic development here in san francisco. we have that opportunity by adjusting the terms of our counter legislation. thank you and a colleagues, any questions or comments? supervisor mary >> i'm happy about this and i think realizing technology challenging i'm a big fan of erroneously is the new black and hopefully, there will be more companies like that that choose san francisco. i'm wondering the bigger companies would afford it more and did you consider having the support of the smaller companies while allowing the bigger companies to pay without the rebate >> this will - i mentioned the larger ones so we all have an idea but this will support local extinct filmmakers and they're eligible for the same pile of money. actually our rebate program not only supports productions like the woody allen films but we've had one called saltwater which will be final cut very soon and a film called test that premiered at the film festival. they were able to take advantage of our program and web series that might not have the budget of a net flick series. but we don't want to miss out on currently there are incentives on a state level that are offered by louisiana, georgia and new york. unfortunately, the rebate programs across the country are more competitive so for instance, new york has $429,000 per year to incentive vices the programs that were california has $1 million and it's used up the same day. we're lurz this to new york and they have 23 tv series being shot there because of that >> i understand we're competing with other renditions and cities and this is an estimation of one year but it will help to put san francisco back on track. i wanted to reveal i did a lot of extra series when i was younger i was in the abyss but they cut it out unfortunately. i'm for reestablishing our city for new productions as well. thank you >> i think we have entered the abyss of city hall. >> all right. colleagues, any other questions? supervisor avalos. how come nobody mentioned what's up doc >> it's barbara streisand and ryan o'neill the car chase maybe the copy bullet. i'm waiting for the budget analyst to provide some of emphasis analysis. the question is whether we need to raise the cap to $3 million based on especially spending for i'm fine with every other aspect of the changes being proposed and looking into smaller production outfits and on and on online content makes sense we can draw in the production outfits >> can i speak to that. >> sure. >> so my understanding from the report that was done by the office what that we had a fund balance of 1 million 4 hundred and to the call of the chair, $80 4 hundred and 12, $80,000 and as of early 2014 we extend to pay anti an additional $775,000 in rebates those are productions they're not turned in all their paperwork. and that would leaves us with $6,300,000 if we extend it a year. >> we'd make our appropriations for this not in the middle of the year but during the budget season so we couldn't put any money into the program until july of next year. >> that is sort of your dog tagging the money is to be potentially used but not actually put into the funds but it's a consideration when the budget cycle comes up we have the consideration of a million, but what i'm 99 percent sure of between now and the next fiscal year 2014 i will have used up that money like that with one production. and i have 3 other feature films that are circling us and by looking at this ahead of time letting them know we have potential funding for this they'll be able to see if this is a viable thing here rather than negotiate in louisiana >> okay. let's go to our budget analysis report mr. rose. >> yes. mr. chair and members of the committee ann as shown in table 2 during the 6 year rebate the city rebattled 8 productions for money. and we report in fiscal year inner initiating and fourteen those rebates were for 6 instruction that in table 2 on page 6. so the fund balance as of february 14th is shown in table 3 on page 7 of our report plus the proposed increased authorization would make available up to $3 million for the remaining for mark first through june 30th, 2014, that were our recommendation on page 8 is because of the proposed ordinance would expand the division of the existing rebate program extend the program and that is by $1 million subject to board of supervisors approval prior to the initiating issuance which will report to the results of the rebate program we consider approval to be a policy decision important the board of supervisors and if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them >> so my concern is how the cap really works. from the beginning to the end no more than $2 million will be available now we're going to extend another year and we'll say overall from the beginning to the end the cap will be $3 million we're not going to say there be $3 million to cap i'm okay with that if that's the way it works and that's my understanding >> colleagues, any further questions? >> at this point open this up for public comment. i have a number of speaker cards. please lineup against the wall and as soon as you hear your name couple u come up and speak (calling names) so


Transcripts For SFGTV 20131031

announcements. >> yes. please silence all electronic devices. items acted upon today will be on the supervisor agenda unless stated. >> mr. clerk call item number. the film rebate program >> colleagues that is legislation that i introduced a little while ago. it continues to attract both film and production in the 76 san francisco. the most recent legislation was to rent space that helped to get a series and it's stemmed to have an estimated $12 million no our city. this includes the web series among eligible productions and it's through june 30th, 2014, and authorize additional funds into the program. again, we're not going to fund those budget it will be next year but it will put the cap. we're seeing that the web series are 0 popular and we need to continue to make sure that is adopting to the film destroy to capture all the film in our city. in the about jobs and our after the community and continuing to promote the on screen productions pr it's a streamline of web tv. and rising in popularity through a lot of net flicks and house of cards which is an amazing series my wife and i got addicted. and it's about thanking susan robbins for her hard work running really san francisco's kind of film industry and grabbing hollywood. susan if you want to come up and talk about this and thank you for your hard work >> thank you, very much. i appreciate that. good morning, commissioners. as you know i'm director of the film commission and i appreciate you let me speak here today. as you know filming and production for tv and commercials contribute to san francisco in numerous ways provides local jobs to crew and background jobs and contribute to worldwide recognition. this is one of our tools for tourism. san francisco is the location for some of most recognized films from streets of san francisco to bullet to vertigo to milk, gnash bridges and even more recently woody allen's movie. in addition the money is put into the san franciscan community it is spent on hotels and door rentals and hardwood and wardrobe purchases and gasoline and except rentals and, of course, our cities services. since it's inception in 2006 the rebate program has had a total of 14 rebates totally more than $100,000. they've spent a lot of money in san francisco. nearly $12.8 million was spent on the salaries for background extra jobs and other folks. the rebate program is more and more important between fiscal years 2006 and 2012 we had 8 productions take advantage of our incentive but just since fiscal year 2013 we have had incentives with 3 more to be rebate in 2013 that's a total of 9 new productions shooting her in the past year and a half. we're ploy more crew and background extras showcasing television shows like food networks and the upcoming series looking. which by the way, airs on january 19th. we're asking for 3 things. first to lower the cost of permit television series fees from $100 a day to $50 a day to include web series and the type of production that are giggle for the rebate program and to extend it to january 2013 and there the fund by $1 million. to reduce the costs of permit fees we're been talking to production companies. i speak to groups of filmmakers and a lot of the small productions still don't take out permits with our office. in fact, i was on tom cast about flvm in northern california and two filmmakers who shot in the city hadn't taken out permits. many smaller independent folks have minimal budgets and we're going to lower the budget for those people to bring the money into our city and to support the the filmmakers. we're proposing this because the web series are not eligible for our incentives, however, this type of production is the way of the future web series are meeting the increased need of filming on computers. the global index was related by real a california based company that specialize in videos. the amaze of video increased by one hundred percent. amazon and net flicks are pursuing their own series like the emmy house of cards and orange is the new black and amazons by the time to see. and a there are more to come. productions like this very often have budgets that employ many crews and actors. we want to attract that new wave to san francisco. last we're asking for an estimation that is to sunset on june 30th, 2013. we want appropriations up to $1 million for this that will enable us to look at the approximates that we have the desire to continue the successful programs. studios and production houses look ahead and need to know the incentive their counting on will still be available when we actually shoot here. we're confirming our commitment and hopefully landing more production. i you am sure you want to join me to encourage the economic development here in san francisco. we have that opportunity by adjusting the terms of our counter legislation. thank you and a colleagues, any questions or comments? supervisor mary >> i'm happy about this and i think realizing technology challenging i'm a big fan of erroneously is the new black and hopefully, there will be more companies like that that choose san francisco. i'm wondering the bigger companies would afford it more and did you consider having the support of the smaller companies while allowing the bigger companies to pay without the rebate >> this will - i mentioned the larger ones so we all have an idea but this will support local extinct filmmakers and they're eligible for the same pile of money. actually our rebate program not only supports productions like the woody allen films but we've had one called saltwater which will be final cut very soon and a film called test that premiered at the film festival. they were able to take advantage of our program and web series that might not have the budget of a net flick series. but we don't want to miss out on currently there are incentives on a state level that are offered by louisiana, georgia and new york. unfortunately, the rebate programs across the country are more competitive so for instance, new york has $429,000 per year to incentive vices the programs that were california has $1 million and it's used up the same day. we're lurz this to new york and they have 23 tv series being shot there because of that >> i understand we're competing with other renditions and cities and this is an estimation of one year but it will help to put san francisco back on track. i wanted to reveal i did a lot of extra series when i was younger i was in the abyss but they cut it out unfortunately. i'm for reestablishing our city for new productions as well. thank you >> i think we have entered the abyss of city hall. >> all right. colleagues, any other questions? supervisor avalos. how come nobody mentioned what's up doc >> it's barbara streisand and ryan o'neill the car chase maybe the copy bullet. i'm waiting for the budget analyst to provide some of emphasis analysis. the question is whether we need to raise the cap to $3 million based on especially spending for i'm fine with every other aspect of the changes being proposed and looking into smaller production outfits and on and on online content makes sense we can draw in the production outfits >> can i speak to that. >> sure. >> so my understanding from the report that was done by the office what that we had a fund balance of 1 million 4 hundred and to the call of the chair, $80 4 hundred and 12, $80,000 and as of early 2014 we extend to pay anti an additional $775,000 in rebates those are productions they're not turned in all their paperwork. and that would leaves us with $6,300,000 if we extend it a year. >> we'd make our appropriations for this not in the middle of the year but during the budget season so we couldn't put any money into the program until july of next year. >> that is sort of your dog tagging the money is to be potentially used but not actually put into the funds but it's a consideration when the budget cycle comes up we have the consideration of a million, but what i'm 99 percent sure of between now and the next fiscal year 2014 i will have used up that money like that with one production. and i have 3 other feature films that are circling us and by looking at this ahead of time letting them know we have potential funding for this they'll be able to see if this is a viable thing here rather than negotiate in louisiana >> okay. let's go to our budget analysis report mr. rose. >> yes. mr. chair and members of the committee ann as shown in table 2 during the 6 year rebate the city rebattled 8 productions for money. and we report in fiscal year inner initiating and fourteen those rebates were for 6 instruction that in table 2 on page 6. so the fund balance as of february 14th is shown in table 3 on page 7 of our report plus the proposed increased authorization would make available up to $3 million for the remaining for mark first through june 30th, 2014, that were our recommendation on page 8 is because of the proposed ordinance would expand the division of the existing rebate program extend the program and that is by $1 million subject to board of supervisors approval prior to the initiating issuance which will report to the results of the rebate program we consider approval to be a policy decision important the board of supervisors and if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them >> so my concern is how the cap really works. from the beginning to the end no more than $2 million will be available now we're going to extend another year and we'll say overall from the beginning to the end the cap will be $3 million we're not going to say there be $3 million to cap i'm okay with that if that's the way it works and that's my understanding >> colleagues, any further questions? >> at this point open this up for public comment. i have a number of speaker cards. please lineup against the wall and as soon as you hear your name couple u come up and speak (calling names) so, please come on up you'll have 2 minutes to speak today >> at the for your attention. i'm deborah i didn't i'm a local line procure and i've made my career working in san francisco over the thirty years. this is a very important program. a few years ago when my son left the nest i decided to stay here and grow san francisco and, you know, keep everybody working here that's my goal. with the rebate program i'm able to tell folks around the world about this they're interested because truly even though san francisco is san francisco having that extra entitlement makes a huge difference to each year e exceptionally all the people i work with to be gainfully employed and that speaks for myself too >> thank you. next speaker, please . if you have are here to speak on item 3 i might have called our name wrong but go ahead and speak >> i'm jim i'm a former san francisco commissioner and here to speak in favor of the rebate. i'm not going to get into the detail. but one of the main things about filmmaking in san francisco is that it will continue to not only create jobs here while the film is being made but the re1i7b8 films. so there's many things filmmaking creates thousands of jobs and brings in moifld jobs. i was first appointed in 96 and we saw a boom a lot of filmmaking but we need that rebate program actually, we need more than that. there is no cap over across the country and we're losing out we need to protect that industry. thank you very much >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm ed i'm here on behalf of the of the teamster's. net flick are delivering programs service to cable and network television. they're helping to fragment an audience such a tom cast tv the net flicks budget has really approved and they've attracted 1 billion more subscribes and amazon series by the time to say being filmed in san francisco and los angeles. amazon is spending million dollars dollars. the original web the time that people spend on traditional viewing is declining. 18 to 24 years old this is a continued to decline. this is for internet companies to lure the views. the bottom line this is an emerging force and it's incumbent for us to stay ahead of this endeavor. thank you >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm madeline. i work at an independent production company in los angeles and we have a movie that's shooting in san francisco soon with alexander scarf and it takes place in san francisco. now that i've been up here dislocating for locations it's remarkable you can't create that landscape it's a competitive place likes up in canada to recreate san francisco or other cities elsewhere and the rebate is making a huge difference in our finance plan it's making us able to come up here and shoot the movie so i'm in support it. thank you >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi. i'm here or in on behalf of the actors as well as producers. we're producing a web series so we got to come to the area and we realize we're missing out because we can't be part of the rebate program. we're going to be shooting a film in marina county and going into the south bay because we're able to get better deals. we're shooting this pilot to get a budget ever maybe $400,000 to shoot our whole season. we really want to shoot in san francisco. so it's forcing our hand to do other things. i can't tell you how many movies i've been on they come in for 1, 2, 3 days they get their establishing shots and go to canada or new mexico or new york so we don't get jobs. i go down to la to get more work we can't get the work up here. but i see more and more film companies that are actually interested in coming up here oh, but if only san francisco would give a little bit more here. thank you very much >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello i work for sagging air force traffic i represent 4 thousand actors. some production means union jobs for hotel and restaurants workers while shoots are in town. we have day players and not the budget folks coming out of little bay area. i want to read a statement due to an auction i'm unable to come to the meeting such is the life of over 4 thousand members. we live from job to job so secure health coverages. each project that comes to the town is our lifeblood. please expand the rebate program. web series are the wave of the future and let's not lag behind. we have to make sure we're not priced out of the market. we need this for the better time of the community as a whole. katherine howe local president of sagging, air force traffic >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm janet. i'm on the sag conservative. i'm a sag actor. i see your competition is louisiana. a sag actor wants my vote now so i've been seeing a lot of movies their filmed in louisiana louisiana don't have a cap so why do we. that's one question. the other one is i work bet a the other day it's going to be filming mainly in la they're up here for a total of a week. i was wondering do the police get time and a half for that. i'm not sure if they had, you know, they get fed so well, and they move cones like a few times (laughter) and i'm not a huge fan i mean, i love texans to meet them personally but it's my opinion sometimes they screw up administrations so i was just wondering if that was something pledged by the last mayor that we get time and a half. i'm thinking there's ways to do this. >> thank you. next speaker, please good morning islam erica perez. i'm a actor in the bay area. we're very happy when they come and shoot a movie unfortunately, we only get background work because they don't want to pay all the taxes. yes. i support in but i also support my coworkers here janet mentioned why is there a cap. if we want them to come and spend their money on hotels and restaurants ail those businesses and they will - the more movies


Transcripts For SFGTV 20131102

this report. the first section, number 7, discusses the filing of form 700. and some focus needs to be placed on the fact that the filing of such reports are done under the penalty of perjury, the city librarian failed to figure that out. and he also didn't seem to understand that finding such a statement is perjury, even when it is not done in front of the public official under oath. and i have to believe that someone as intelligent does not understand those matters and there must be many more city employees who do not understand, and potentially a lot of other were filing and complaints with the ftpc against the members. >> and it is the same as mr. herrera in similar amounts. >> in section ten is says that due to the records involved. and it has been side tracked from the regular duties end quote, under the sunshine ordinance and the san francisco public records act. and responding to public records requests, they are among the regular duties of every city employees. this mistakingly represents this as something that they are being taken away from their duties. it is part of their duty and any city employee who is asked for a record is a requirement and part of their job duties to provide a job response. and putting this in a report saying that they are taken away from the regular duties it is simply a ploy and the record request to something and it is a legitimate legal request from a citizen of san francisco. and the control and the supervision or a record and not getting it. and it is my own experience after chasing him for two solid years and going through the city attorney's office and a petition that the supervisor of records to continue to records and those were the very records used to find him in violation of the regulations. and i did not blame him. and i would lie about the existence which he did. and i even denied, answering whether they did exist or not, when they responded or the company requestor had a legal document saying that you should have it signed by the respondent. >> agenda item 6, items for future meetings, do the commissioners have any suggestions as to items that they would like to see on the agenda for the meetings in november? or subsequent there to? >> mr. heart you are the only mefm of the public, do you have a suggestion or items that we should put on the agenda. >> i do, ray hartz, director of san francisco open government, i think that this body needs to acknowledge that in your charter it says that you are responsible to a degree for the sunshine ordinance and its implementation and enforcement. and yet in every single document, i see coming out of this body, you just, you fail to address it at all. and in the civil grand jury report, the sleeping watch dog that was mentioned by the civil grand jury. and you simply dismissed that with the typical response to civil grand jury reports of thank you very much for all of the time that you put into this and how much that we appreciate all of this hard work and then proceed to disagree with everything that they say. deny what they say and say that it is wrong and say that they don't understand and anything but accepting it. feedback, is the breakfast of champions that is something that ken blancardsaid, and anybody and any organization or individual or group of people who cannot accept the feedback and admit to the fact that occasionally they are not doing something that they should be doing, is willfully ignorant and saint thomas said that willful ignorance of what one ought to know is a mortal sin. the sunshine ordinance, task force hears dozens and dozens of cases each year and they sent you three or four or five and you dismiss every one of them. you take the city's side every single time. only one time, have you ever taken an action and that was to recommend to the mayor that the president of the library commission be removed. and he ignored you. and so i guess that i can't blame you either, would i not want to take the action if i knew that the only thing that i would get is somebody saying that i am not going to do it. and you don't have any power and you don't have any control, people say that the sunshine task force does not and i will give them this, at least, listen to the citizens of this city and when they find a good case, they will issue a violation and i have 19 of them myself and just try to get them enforced. and you can catch people in a blatant lie and you know the most interesting thing about it, they never have the courage to show up and explain their own actions. and they send some city employees who does not really know what is going on say, here you go on and you defend this illegal action. and poor sue black man at the library commission, the secretary gets stuck defending the actions of gomez and herrera because they do not have the integrity before a body and say that the reason that i did this is because of this. they send her there and the last time that i watched her, she was physically standing there shaking like a leaf because they were asking her questions that they didn't have answers to. >> i am not sure that i know what the agenda item is that you want us to put on. but if you want to submit some specific agenda item for our consideration, we will certainly consider it. >> i thought that i made it clear, the item would be to have an open public discussion at ethics commission meeting about what you feel this body feels about its obligations under the sunshine ordinance. >> all right, i think that we spelled that out when we set the new regulations for hearing on sunshine complaints. >> but there are no further items? >> public comment >> i thought that we had finished public comment >> one more. >> and any, and anybody want to move to adjourn and then i will ask for the public comment on that? >> any public comment on that? >> agenda item 7 is general public comment. >> all right. the item 7, is sort of the flip side of two, public comment on the matters appearing or not appearing on the agenda that are within the jurisdiction of the ethics commission. >> ray hartz, san francisco open government and there is that meeting is only about 30 minutes long and i don't feel particularly impolite to use the second opportunity. you can act like i am here just to be a pick on you and poor us and you know, all of this other, crap which you seem to want to present it as. but i have been watching the open meetings in this city for the last five years, attending meetings in the commission and the arts commission, and the board of supervisors, and the respect that people pay to the public as far as their ability to participate in meetings to make public meeting and to make the public records is ludicris and part that have responsibility falls with you, the city employees know that if they want to withhold the documents from the public because it is going to make them look bad and because no one in the city especially this commission is going to do a thing about it. and you are going to come up with 150 records and in fact, mr. saint croix had to be defended in the superior court of california and just recently by a lawsuit by allen grossman for withholding records, about the sunshine ordinance, which clearly states, that any communications between the city communications and the matters regarding, open government issues cannot be hidden from the public uppeder the patient, and where the attorney, public privilege and the ruling came out, and it agreed with the argument and i think that reason is that the city attorney instead of being the kind of person who expects the city employees and departments to follow the law wants to allow them to do whatever they want and then wants to advise the bodies how to avoid giving documents to the public which would expose it. and like i said, i fought with herrera and that man is an intelligent man and i knew that the documents that i was asked that we are asking for and were disposal under the public record's act. and they fought me repeatedly over the public comment. and i have at least eight in finding them in violation of the law because they didn't like what i say because i think that you can understand it because i am pretty clear, but i will say one thing for me, that i can't say that for a lot of people on the boards or commissions, and i will look you in the eye and say that to your face anything and i would not say it behind your back, but my impression is that you sit there and commission and any comments you wait until we are gone and you wait until we are gone to make them. >> >> item 8, i will hear a motion to ayearn. >> and so moved. >> and second. >> all right. >> comment on that. >> all right. all in favor? >> aye. >> meeting is adjourned. >> pilaties. it's a creation, an old regimen of exercise. really based on core engagement and core structure and core development. we do a lot of exercise in developing that and think about lengthening of the spine and our muscles. if you're a runner, if you're into kayaking, martial arts, cycling pilates are for you. >> programs are variety year around at various locations and to learn more come to the to learn more come to the él es reginald. nunca ha estado en internet. hoy él quiere cambiar eso. su instructora. su plan: comprar boletos de avión y sorprender a su esposa >> good morning, everyone. welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors budget and finance committee meeting fo forethursday i'm joined by supervisor eric mar and supervisor john avalos. thank you to the staff >> mr. speaker, do we have any announcements. >> yes. please silence all electronic devices. items acted upon today will be on the supervisor agenda unless stated. >> mr. clerk call item number. the film rebate program >> colleagues that is legislation that i introduced a little while ago. it continues to attract both film and production in the 76 san francisco. the most recent legislation was to rent space that helped to get a series and it's stemmed to have an estimated $12 million no our city. this includes the web series among eligible productions and it's through june 30th, 2014, and authorize additional funds into the program. again, we're not going to fund those budget it will be next year but it will put the cap. we're seeing that the web series are 0 popular and we need to continue to make sure that is adopting to the film destroy to capture all the film in our city. in the about jobs and our after the community and continuing to promote the on screen productions pr it's a streamline of web tv. and rising in popularity through a lot of net flicks and house of cards which is an amazing series my wife and i got addicted. and it's about thanking susan robbins for her hard work running really san francisco's kind of film industry and grabbing hollywood. susan if you want to come up and talk about this and thank you for your hard work >> thank you, very much. i appreciate that. good morning, commissioners. as you know i'm director of the film commission and i appreciate you let me speak here today. as you know filming and production for tv and commercials contribute to san francisco in numerous ways provides local jobs to crew and background jobs and contribute to worldwide recognition. this is one of our tools for tourism. san francisco is the location for some of most recognized films from streets of san francisco to bullet to vertigo to milk, gnash bridges and even more recently woody allen's movie. in addition the money is put into the san franciscan community it is spent on hotels and door rentals and hardwood and wardrobe purchases and gasoline and except rentals and, of course, our cities services. since it's inception in 2006 the rebate program has had a total of 14 rebates totally more than $100,000. they've spent a lot of money in san francisco. nearly $12.8 million was spent on the salaries for background extra jobs and other folks. the rebate program is more and more important between fiscal years 2006 and 2012 we had 8 productions take advantage of our incentive but just since fiscal year 2013 we have had incentives with 3 more to be rebate in 2013 that's a total of 9 new productions shooting her in the past year and a half. we're ploy more crew and background extras showcasing television shows like food networks and the upcoming series looking. which by the way, airs on january 19th. we're asking for 3 things. first to lower the cost of permit television series fees from $100 a day to $50 a day to include web series and the type of production that are giggle for the rebate program and to extend it to january 2013 and there the fund by $1 million. to reduce the costs of permit fees we're been talking to production companies. i speak to groups of filmmakers and a lot of the small productions still don't take out permits with our office. in fact, i was on tom cast about flvm in northern california and two filmmakers who shot in the city hadn't taken out permits. many smaller independent folks have minimal budgets and we're going to lower the budget for those people to bring the money into our city and to support the the filmmakers. we're proposing this because the web series are not eligible for our incentives, however, this type of production is the way of the future web series are meeting the increased need of filming on computers. the global index was related by real a california based company that specialize in videos. the amaze of video increased by one hundred percent. amazon and net flicks are pursuing their own series like the emmy house of cards and orange is the new black and amazons by the time to see. and a there are more to come. productions like this very often have budgets that employ many crews and actors. we want to attract that new wave to san francisco. last we're asking for an estimation that is to sunset on june 30th, 2013. we want appropriations up to $1 million for this that will enable us to look at the approximates that we have the desire to continue the successful programs. studios and production houses look ahead and need to know the incentive their counting on will still be available when we actually shoot here. we're confirming our commitment and hopefully landing more production. i you am sure you want to join me to encourage the economic development here in san francisco. we have that opportunity by adjusting the terms of our counter legislation. thank you and a colleagues, any questions or comments? supervisor mary >> i'm happy about this and i think realizing technology challenging i'm a big fan of erroneously is the new black and hopefully, there will be more companies like that that choose san francisco. i'm wondering the bigger companies would afford it more and did you consider having the support of the smaller companies while allowing the bigger companies to pay without the rebate >> this will - i mentioned the larger ones so we all have an idea but this will support local extinct filmmakers and they're eligible for the same pile of money. actually our rebate program not only supports productions like the woody allen films but we've had one called saltwater which will be final cut very soon and a film called test that premiered at the film festival. they were able to take advantage of our program and web series that might not have the budget of a net flick series. but we don't want to miss out on currently there are incentives on a state level that are offered by louisiana, georgia and new york. unfortunately, the rebate programs across the country are more competitive so for instance, new york has $429,000 per year to incentive vices the programs that were california has $1 million and it's used up the same day. we're lurz this to new york and they have 23 tv series being shot there because of that >> i understand we're competing with other renditions and cities and this is an estimation of one year but it will help to put san francisco back on track. i wanted to reveal i did a lot of extra series when i was younger i was in the abyss but they cut it out unfortunately. i'm for reestablishing our city for new productions as well. thank you >> i think we have entered the abyss of city hall. >> all right. colleagues, any other questions? supervisor avalos. how come nobody mentioned what's up doc >> it's barbara streisand and ryan o'neill the car chase maybe the copy bullet. i'm waiting for the budget analyst to provide some of emphasis analysis. the question is whether we need to raise the cap to $3 million based on especially spending for i'm fine with every other aspect of the changes being proposed and looking into smaller production outfits and on and on online content makes sense we can draw in the production outfits >> can i speak to that. >> sure. >> so my understanding from the report that was done by the office what that we had a fund balance of 1 million 4 hundred and to the call of the chair, $80 4 hundred and 12, $80,000 and as of early 2014 we extend


Transcripts For SFGTV 20131102

send by the signing of this ordinance and i'm speaking to our immigrant communities that's it's safe absolutely save to call the police if you're a victim or witness to a crime. everyone knows we need to stand against s come we also retain some local flexibility to deal with violent felons and while we compromised on that aspect of it and understood how complicated that was that perhaps we had points of view on we never lost sight of getting rid of s came. so we do what i think other government's should do we found the common ground and that's why i'm proud to be signing this ordinance. i'd like to take p the opportunity to invite supervisor avalos what it's meant to him but basing also to the rest of the city. thank you, mr. mayor. and i want to thank you for your work on this legislation. we met in early august to discuss this item and i was very impressed with how much you thought about the issue and what the city is facing and the immigrant in inform and around this country is facing with the s come system. your well, with our staff. i want to thank law enforcement as well as for your input in contrast this legislation and thank you sheriff and the police departments who helped craft this legislation. i most of all, i didn't bring this legislation forward as the defense economy did interest i represent a district about 50 percent of usor foreign-born so some people on the street have experience with immigration that are really unfair to the contributions they're making in san francisco but the organizing that was good morning and the conversation was very, very strong and actually passing this legislation and doing the advocacy puts you tell u us at a higher level to protect immigrants. and the relationship we build between government and community will strengthen our police efforts to make us safer. and most of all, i want to thank people like nellie who got entangled as a victim and later spent 8 months facing deportation procedures. no one should have to have fear of calling the police wondering if they're going to get deported. people should be able to come forward as witnesses or victims and this legislation helps that happen. as the mayor said no one here should have any fear again if you're immigrant call the police whether you're a victim or witness. i want to thank the colleagues. i do want to thank supervisor kim for helping to bring forward amendments we worked all agree on to move forward this legislation. everyone are regardless of our citizenship status should have due process and it's a constitutional right and it's the fifth amendment of our constitution and we here in san francisco uphold that and we say that our values should drive our values. thank you, mr. mayor. look forward to your signing this legislation (clapping) there it is, done (clapping) >> san francisco parks, golden gate park transforms into one of the greatest music festivals of all time, let's journey, inside, outside land. ♪ >> to this, our 6th year doing the outside lands and our relationship with san francisco, rec and park. and we work very closely with them in the planning and working very closely with the neighborhood organizations and with the city supervisors and with the city organizations and with the local police department, and i think that the outside lands is one of the unique festivals in the world and we have san francisco and we have golden gate park and we have the greatest oasis, in the world. and it has the people hiking up hills and down hills and a lot of people between stages. >> i love that it is all outside, the fresh air is great. >> they have the providers out here that are 72 local restaurants out here. >> celebrating, and that is really hot. >> 36 local winerries in northern california and 16 brewers out here. >> and you have seen a lot of people out here having a good time and we have no idea, how much work and planning has gone into this to make it the most sustainable festival in the united states. >> and literally, in the force, and yeah, unlike any other concept. and come and follow, and the field make-up the blueprint of the outside land here in golden gate park and in the future events and please visit sffresh ♪ >> i am so looking forward to the street fair tomorrow. >> it is in the mission, how are we going to get there? we are not driving. >> well what do you suggest? >> there are a lot of great transportation choices in the city and there is one place to find them all, >> >> it is the walking parking, and riding muni and it is all here in one place. >> sitting in front of my computer waiting transportation options that is not exactly how i want to spend my saturday night. >> the new is mobile friendly, it works great on a tablet, smart phone or a lap top, it is built to go wherever we go. >> cool. >> but, let's just take the same route tomorrow that we always take, okay? >> it might be much more fun to ride our bikes. >> i am going to be way too tired to ride all the way home. >> okay, how about this, we can ride our bikes there and then we can take muni home and it even shows us how to take the bikes on the bus, so simple right here on my phone. >> neat. we can finish making travel plans over dinner, now let's go eat. >> how about about that organic vegan gluten free rest rft. >> can't we go to the food truck. >> do you want to walk or take a taxi. >> there is an alert right here telling us there is heavy traffic in soma. >> let's walk there and then take a taxi or muni back. >> that new website gives us a lot of options. >> it sure does and we can use it again next weekend when we go to see the giants. there is a new destination section on the website that shows us how to get to at&t park. >> there is a section, and account alerts and information on parking and all kinds of stuff, it is so easy to use that even you can use it. >> that is smart. >> are you giving me a compliment. >> i think that i am. >> wow, thanks. >> now you can buy dinner. access useful information, any >> good morning, everyone. welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors budget and finance committee meeting fo forethursday i'm joined by supervisor eric mar and supervisor john avalos. thank you to the staff >> mr. speaker, do we have any announcements. >> yes. please silence all electronic devices. items acted upon today will be on the supervisor agenda unless stated. >> mr. clerk call item number. the film rebate program >> colleagues that is legislation that i introduced a little while ago. it continues to attract both film and production in the 76 san francisco. the most recent legislation was to rent space that helped to get a series and it's stemmed to have an estimated $12 million no our city. this includes the web series among eligible productions and it's through june 30th, 2014, and authorize additional funds into the program. again, we're not going to fund those budget it will be next year but it will put the cap. we're seeing that the web series are 0 popular and we need to continue to make sure that is adopting to the film destroy to capture all the film in our city. in the about jobs and our after the community and continuing to promote the on screen productions pr it's a streamline of web tv. and rising in popularity through a lot of net flicks and house of cards which is an amazing series my wife and i got addicted. and it's about thanking susan robbins for her hard work running really san francisco's kind of film industry and grabbing hollywood. susan if you want to come up and talk about this and thank you for your hard work >> thank you, very much. i appreciate that. good morning, commissioners. as you know i'm director of the film commission and i appreciate you let me speak here today. as you know filming and production for tv and commercials contribute to san francisco in numerous ways provides local jobs to crew and background jobs and contribute to worldwide recognition. this is one of our tools for tourism. san francisco is the location for some of most recognized films from streets of san francisco to bullet to vertigo to milk, gnash bridges and even more recently woody allen's movie. in addition the money is put into the san franciscan community it is spent on hotels and door rentals and hardwood and wardrobe purchases and gasoline and except rentals and, of course, our cities services. since it's inception in 2006 the rebate program has had a total of 14 rebates totally more than $100,000. they've spent a lot of money in san francisco. nearly $12.8 million was spent on the salaries for background extra jobs and other folks. the rebate program is more and more important between fiscal years 2006 and 2012 we had 8 productions take advantage of our incentive but just since fiscal year 2013 we have had incentives with 3 more to be rebate in 2013 that's a total of 9 new productions shooting her in the past year and a half. we're ploy more crew and background extras showcasing television shows like food networks and the upcoming series looking. which by the way, airs on january 19th. we're asking for 3 things. first to lower the cost of permit television series fees from $100 a day to $50 a day to include web series and the type of production that are giggle for the rebate program and to extend it to january 2013 and there the fund by $1 million. to reduce the costs of permit fees we're been talking to production companies. i speak to groups of filmmakers and a lot of the small productions still don't take out permits with our office. in fact, i was on tom cast about flvm in northern california and two filmmakers who shot in the city hadn't taken out permits. many smaller independent folks have minimal budgets and we're going to lower the budget for those people to bring the money into our city and to support the the filmmakers. we're proposing this because the web series are not eligible for our incentives, however, this type of production is the way of the future web series are meeting the increased need of filming on computers. the global index was related by real a california based company that specialize in videos. the amaze of video increased by one hundred percent. amazon and net flicks are pursuing their own series like the emmy house of cards and orange is the new black and amazons by the time to see. and a there are more to come. productions like this very often have budgets that employ many crews and actors. we want to attract that new wave to san francisco. last we're asking for an estimation that is to sunset on june 30th, 2013. we want appropriations up to $1 million for this that will enable us to look at the approximates that we have the desire to continue the successful programs. studios and production houses look ahead and need to know the incentive their counting on will still be available when we actually shoot here. we're confirming our commitment and hopefully landing more production. i you am sure you want to join me to encourage the economic development here in san francisco. we have that opportunity by adjusting the terms of our counter legislation. thank you and a colleagues, any questions or comments? supervisor mary >> i'm happy about this and i think realizing technology challenging i'm a big fan of erroneously is the new black and hopefully, there will be more companies like that that choose san francisco. i'm wondering the bigger companies would afford it more and did you consider having the support of the smaller companies while allowing the bigger companies to pay without the rebate >> this will - i mentioned the larger ones so we all have an idea but this will support local extinct filmmakers and they're eligible for the same pile of money. actually our rebate program not only supports productions like the woody allen films but we've had one called saltwater which will be final cut very soon and a film called test that premiered at the film festival. they were able to take advantage of our program and web series that might not have the budget of a net flick series. but we don't want to miss out on currently there are incentives on a state level that are offered by louisiana, georgia and new york. unfortunately, the rebate programs across the country are more competitive so for instance, new york has $429,000 per year to incentive vices the programs that were california has $1 million and it's used up the same day. we're lurz this to new york and they have 23 tv series being shot there because of that >> i understand we're competing with other renditions and cities and this is an estimation of one year but it will help to put san francisco back on track. i wanted to reveal i did a lot of extra series when i was younger i was in the abyss but they cut it out unfortunately. i'm for reestablishing our city for new productions as well. thank you >> i think we have entered the abyss of city hall. >> all right. colleagues, any other questions? supervisor avalos. how come nobody mentioned what's up doc >> it's barbara streisand and ryan o'neill the car chase maybe the copy bullet. i'm waiting for the budget analyst to provide some of emphasis analysis. the question is whether we need to raise the cap to $3 million based on especially spending for i'm fine with every other aspect of the changes being proposed and looking into smaller production


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