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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 20180808 20:00:00

year since the white supremacy march there that ended in one person's death. "your world" with cavuto coming up. maria bartiromo is in. i will see you back here tomorrow. >> look who is slamming new sanctions anyone trump administration determined russia used nerve agent and where is all this going? we have the very latest. first, while everybody's focussed on the races where there are no clear winners at this hour, how about where there was one clear loser. democratic socialism. good afternoon, thank you for joining us. this is "your world." she may be the new star of the democratic party but self-proclaimed democratic socialist failing to make stars why somebody here says that's great news for taxpayers. first we go to detroit with the latest. >> well, maria, for people who tried to take the democratic party further left had a rough night in michigan. they showed up in the form of vermont senator bernie sanders and alexandria o casio and she also took her message of democratic socialism in michigan's 11th congressional district. and she went to st. louis hoping the surge in momentum could help cory bush and in kansas she stumped with brett welder pushing for medicare for all and higher minimum wage. welder lost but only by three points and she picked up a win in the 4th district cruising to a 30-point victory and back in the 13th congressional district her candidate won by a thin margin and could become the nation's first muslim congresswoman. >> single-payer health care and free tuition and guaranteed jobs rejected last night. that's great news for taxpayers and with us now conservative commentator and a political commentator. great to see everybody today. >> thank you for joining us. gary, why is this great news for taxpayers? >> socialism is nothing than a hoover vacuum sucking the life out of the economy and taxpayers. it's never created a dime of wealth or a job and basically when capitalism turns towards socialism you end up with venezuela three years ago and when capitalism is gone have you venezuela as we see today. i couldn't be happier and hopefully we can teach the youngin's a lesson that capitalism is the greatest system on earth. achievement and greatness that wins the day not the other way around. >> it's funny because all the capitalism and the freedoms that they all enjoy got them to this place. danielle, what i find astonishing is when we talk about socialism the question of how are you going to pay for all this free stuff never comes up. >> you're right and police stations have trouble when campaigning how they'll pay one example is the border wall which we were told mexico would pay for. one thing we get from the elections when we saw ocasio-cortez is the vast message that may resonate in the bronx doesn't necessarily resonate in other parts of the country. it's a good lesson for democrats and one they have to learn and something republicans have learned is lou to become a big tent party to make those strategic communication decision are appropriate for the places in which they are campaigning. >> madison, what is the answer to how do you pay for all of this? are they ever pushed on what it means and how you pay for all these free things. >> you can't pay for all this. that's the simple answer. democrats claim to be the party of the people but by embracing the can't -- candidates. people don't want this. they're very happy with the way the economy's going. they have lower taxes, less regulation, more unemployment and booming economy. we saw records and records in the last year and a half. people don't want a socialist agenda and the people who do don't understand how things work. >> they are definitely defining the lines going in the midterm elections identifying what team has what. democratic socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez said democrats are stuck in the '90s. >> rising income inequality has result ed in a stark political reality but their heyday was in the '90s when kids had furbies and susans. that's not measure any more. >> it brings back the time when president obama said to mitt romney russia's on the phone and the '80's is on the phone and they want their foreign policy back and russia is not the enemy here and here we are today with a different landscape. danielle, how's this end? >> historically midterm election bad for the incumbent party. we'll see what happens. we see what's happening in ohio where districts that went strongly for the president are on the knife's edge. i think republicans got the wins in many respect the demes lost. >> madison, what do you think? some people call this a down the line vote. it's about getting the president's agenda execute and making sure president trump has enough republicans to get that agenda done is that what it's about or about local elections and not about donald trump. >> i travel the country and people know what they want and went the president to have people to get his pick through and agenda through and i can negative growth in 2017 and i believe it's because of our high taxes. i'll be pushing that and we actually have a democrat i'll be running against in the fall presumably who is in favor of previous tax hikes. we also have an independent in the race who's left leaning and it will be a classic tax-cut of government republicans versus two left-wing big government, more taxes candidates. >> do you think that the president has the support that he needs within congress in terms of getting his agenda passed? how much of this is also about you as the potential governor working with the president? >> well, there's a little bit of that. i worked with the president quite a bit. i was on his transition team and advised him on immigration policy on his election and since the election. voters know i've worked with the president on those issues as well as voter fraud top to this extent my election may have reflected president trump but most people want a governor that is in communication with the president and can speak on behalf of the people. >> why do you think the race is so close? >> i think it was a casic match-up between -- classic match-up between an incumbent establishment oriented versus myself, a challenger, more conservative. we have seen this many times during the primaries on the republican side in 2018. those races tends to be close especially when you're talking about an incumbent who will have natural advantages and a challenger with his own advantages. >> since you're secretary of state are you going recuse yourself should there be a recount? >> if there's a recount the secretary of state doesn't actually do counting. the recounting is actually done Business news and analysis. >> welcome back. the trump administration just slapping russia with new sanctions in the wake of the chemical attack on a former british spry. john roberts is at the white house with the latest. good afternoon. >> reporter: good afternoon. it was on march 4th when i the agent were poisoned with a russian nerve agent sitting on a park bench in england and the united states has made a determination that assassination attempt was a violation of international law and august 22 the united states will impose new sanctions on russia. the first round will limit financing and the second round bands exports of united states of sensitive national security products that's expect to hit russia hard. congress accused the white house of dragging its feet and making a determination whether there was a violation of the law but the white house now finally taking action. the president's outside legal team also taking action sending their response to robert mueller's conditions for an interview around noon today. a statement from rudy giuliani has millions of pages with document along with testimony from witnesses have been provided restating what we have been saying it's time for the office of specialty counsel to conclude the inquiry without further delay. giuliani would go in the details of the counteroffer but said it's not a refufl -- refusal and i can see where mueller may agree with it. and movement from the legal team giuliani saying they may be willing to entertain questions of obstruction of justice if mueller gives sample question didn't raise red flags he's trying to set a trap for the president. and some think the strategy is to present mueller with something he can't accept. >> the president wants to testify. his lawyers don't want him to testify, so the lawyers set up a series of conditions to put it in terms of the godfather, they're going to make mueller an offer he can't accept and in the end, mueller will say, look, i can't accept the offer so we'll subpoena you and the president will say i wanted to testify, mueller turned me down. >> reporter: giuliani did acknowledge mueller may try to subpoena president trump if an agreement for an interview can't be worked out and likely to end up in a court battle and it could drag on for months and end in a draw. gune -- giuliani says mueller has two decision to make, one, how much does he want an interview with the president and two, to two degree is he willing to acknowledge this may be his last chance to get it? giuliani said there's no reason mueller can't have it wrapped by september 1 and said there is a way for mueller to interview the president so we'll see what mueller's response is but maria, i think it may be some time coming. >> john, thanks so much. we'll follow that. should trump's team give up on a sit-down? ari fleischer will join us later this hour on that. first, remember when mexico's former president told me this -- >> i am not going to pay for that [bleep] wall. i am not. >> does one republican lawmaker just find a way to make mexico pay for it and there's nothing they can do about it right here. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr. a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell you doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. fine for some things. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™". ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. no mathere are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. call one today. are you in good hands? 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it's not even that. it's the fact there's a quadruple the fee for using i-94 and you're going to also tax money being transferred to recipients outside the u.s.? how do you think that's going to solve anything? >> what's your plan, katie, to stop illegal immigration then? >> that's not where my credentials will lie but i can tell you bounties and taxing americans is not republican and representative bigs should probably double check his republican credential. >> what do you think? >> it doesn't acknowledge the global economy we're living in. taking foreign aid from mexico in some ways exacerbate the problem because a lot of the reason the people are coming to mexico has to do with the state affairs and there are things we're trying to better that trying to get people to want to stay in mexico and getting the opportunities they need. and taxing exportation of dollars is also a problem. we do have a lot of immigrant laborers who come to the u.s. and are valuable and are farm workers and restaurant workers on temporary visas sending money out of the country but necessary to upholding our economy and most people acknowledge this and the solution is comprehensive reform with verify and taking care of the workers we need and solving it in a more holistic way not just a border wall. >> it sounds like a way to get mexico to start listening? as harlan said the mexican government isn't doing anything about this and we continue to see border crossings illegally. >> we tried sending aid abroad for a long time thinking it would solve all the world's problem and the scourge of terrorism in the middle east and we're spending more money today on these programs to build up other countries than we ever have before and what is it giving us? we have more terrorists, more radicalization than we've ever had and more illegal immigrant trying to get to the united states than ever before. the problem's getting worse. throwing money's at it is not fixing it. >> you'll also be taxing americans with the tolls -- >> that's easy to solve. >> if you're a democrat you just tax everything but he's not he's a republican. >> maria asked what solution you had and you doesn't have one. if you want to talk about republican credentials at this point, let's see your plan. throw it on the table? >> right. >> i think the point is one of the things that we're trying to solve for are countries that are flailing but i'm going go back to we're living in a global economy and we've seen isolation is not helping and making systems that work is what we have to do first and systems like e-verify in the u.s. aren't functioning properly and we have to have that to get the workers we need and then stop the bleed on those coming in illegally and looking at it as a humanitarian approach as we've seen children separate from families and that's something on a bipartisan basis we can agree is not a good solution either. >> katie, do you think illegal immigration is a big challenge? >> absolutely. we need to be able to work on our system and make it efficient and update it and make it better. there are a ton of follows and we need to -- holes and we need to fix this but i don't see how taxing americans will solve the issue. >> great conversation. lots to think we'll see you soon. with candidates losing last night what's it mean for candidates hoping to win big in 2020 and new fall-out for tesla's elon musk. we'll talk about what the securities and exchange commission next. weeks. high cholesterol and weight weekgain; high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death; decreased white blood cells, which can be fatal; dizziness upon standing; falls; seizures; impaired judgment; heat sensitivity; and trouble swallowing may occur. you're more than just your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. -morning. -morning. -what do we got? -keep an eye on that branch. might get windy. have a good shift. fire pit. last use -- 0600. i'd stay close. morning. ♪ get ready to switch. protected by flo. should say, "protected by alan and jamie." -right? 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'cause crabfest will be gone in a snap. >> 21st century fox out with earnings and revenueses that tops expectations and the stock has little change in after hours trade. we're back in 60 seconds. thomas in kansas. he had come close to winning to replace mike pompeo and he's not your typical progressive candidate. his opponent in the primary was for a ban on assault weapons and he was not. he's not quite the typical candidate and the one that did win the other talib is very much on the model and also a member of the democratic socialists of america but she's in detroit and that stuff plays better in detroit. last night proved especially in the swing districts that are going to matter in the midterms and often decide presidential elections progressivism doesn't sell. >> do you think this is about the people understanding clearly what's happening in terms of economic policies? the president has his economic policies and smaller government and the other government has higher taxes as well as a lot of free things like free education and health care. are people understanding that socialism has been a failure in the past, is that what this is about? >> for some people, yes. blue-collar workers know if the policy implemented they'll be the ones paying it through their taxes. and look, bernie had a very surprising run against hillary clinton but part was he was an anti-establishment candidate in the year where those candidates did well. one even made it to the white house. in fact, bernie pushed hilary to the left. the biggest thing this came from the democratic primary in 2016 was hillary clinton moved to the left because of the pressure from bernie sanders and his supporters. did it help her in the generals? no, it did not. i do think that it works very well in the bronx where ocasio-cortez is from but not in the rest of the country because those people work hard and know they are going to be the ones paying for medicare for all or free college for all. >> it's incredible this is happening because even on the democratic side when have you moderate candidates, tim ryan say moderate candidate from ohio. he's basically talking about donald trump's promises and president trump's policies like lower taxes but he won't even get the party's nomination, right? they're all the way to the left. >> yeah, it depends on the seat. some better than others. danny o'connor who narrowly lost in ohio last night his campaigning was clever and he was complaining about the republican tax cuts but not so much as a giveaway to the rich but complaining the additional spending will raise taxes for people in the future because you can't keep cutting taxes and not cut spending at the same time. that district though that played very well and why he was so close. a lot of these other districts the primary voters and the democratic party are one thing but they'll have to face a lot of independents and swing voters. >> people are coming out. people are figuring out what works and doesn't work economically. thank you so much for weighing in. appreciate it very much. the day after the surge, the selling. shares of tesla driving lower after elon musk's tweet about considering taking the company private at $420 saying funding was secured. the fallout is next. wall street and main street. asked to turn in his passport and three men are facing federal charges for insider trading as well as lying to the fbi. it all goes back to june of 2017. according to prosecutors, collins was a member of the board of directors for an australian biotech company and received information the drug, the backbone of the company that was meant to be a cure for multiple sclerosis failed in its drug trials. that information was then given by the congressman to his son, his son gave it to seven others. they all sold their stock five days later. that information went public and the stock plummeted 92%. prosecutors say because of this insider trading information his family saved some $800,000. >> congressman collins had an obligation, a legal duty to keep that information secret until that information was released by the company to the public. but he didn't keep it secret. instead as alleged he decide to commit a crime. he placed his family and friends above the public good. >> lawyers for congressman chris collins say he will ultimately be exonerated and they said he doesn't sell his stock and they say he was under investigation at the time for having the relationship with the common in the first place. >> what a story. we'll see you later. how will this play out? we have charlie here. what do you think? >> this is not the type of case people were going nuts about a couple years ago when we saw a bunch of congressman trading off legislation. i think they passed a law called the stock act where essentially if you're a congressman and know there's a legislation that might move a stock you're not supposed to trade that stock. pretty obvious but i will tell you that's not insider trading. it may violate the stock act and there was a whole book about this. this is not that. this is classic, if it's true, insider trading. someone on the board of directors with information that's material non-public, misappropriating that information to somebody else. here it happens to be the father, the congressman misappropriating that information to the son and that belongs to the shareholders and when you misappropriate and somebody makes money, that's insider trading. here's the gray area. there are cases where that is not necessarily insider trading. we don't know how that information was communicated. we don't know if congressman collins inadvertently slipped at a cocktail party and the son traded from it and you have to confirm there was a conversation from congressman collins to the son. in order to establish the conspiracy to steal, somebody has to pay you off for that information. these are all arrangements needed for this to be a real insider trading case. i can tell you, my guess is congressman collins' lawyers are going to say he didn't do that but slipped and the kid traded it thinking it was okay. it may not be insider trading. there are interesting phone calls right before the trade between congressman collins and his son so who knows. there's more gray here than meets the eye and we'll have to see what the gray is. >> we'll watch that. charlie, let's talk tesla today. you called it yesterday. you knew the s.e.c. would be calling. >> profor -- pro forma if you had a story that was leaked through sources that was before that saying the saudis are going to put 3% to 5% in there and the stock started trading on a leaked story and then he comes out 10 minutes later they'll look at the crazy trading pattern and look at who leaked what and when. you have the ceo of a company doing something unusual. not putting out a press release or this out on p.r. news wire, coming out and saying, i have funding secured and i'm looking to go private. >> funding secured. >> they're going to look at the trading whether there was any funny business trading and also look at whether he had -- he did have funding secured and if he didn't, my guess is they'll look at a case that says he was manipulating the stock to screw over the short sellers. remember, the famous short seller and him have been going at it for the next months. >> and he goes after anybody who goes after the company. look at what he said in the conference call. it's $75 billion he needs to secure a $420 price tag? $75 billion? it's not that secure? >> he might. listen, how much money do the saudis have? will they throw $75 billion into this? to the odd thing is and he may have it from other sources but the normal places like j.p. morgan don't really know about the funding sources here. >> we couldn't find anything who knew where the funding came from. >> i don't have every source in the world but have you heard of any? >> i have not. >> i want to make it clear if elon's watching -- i'm not saying he doesn't but kind of weird. >> we'll watch it. we'll take a break. stay with us. back in a minute. with the idea the president will sit down with him? we know they want to pinpoint him and corner him into something and they're looking for him to say something different than he said in the past and say, it's perjury or maybe it's a lie? how much risk is there? >> there's a massive amount of risk. the risk of losing his office. the risk is they trip him up over something innocuous that he says something contradictory and call it perjury and that goes to congress and that goes to the democrats in the fall and gets impeached. i don't think he'll be convicted unless they really have the goods on him unless he really includes to get hilary's e-mails. if it's a simple political peril it's enough. i have to point out there is precedent. president clinton was subpoenaed and investigators withdraw the subpoena and he voluntary cooperated and testified and we know how that ended up and same with george bush and chaney. scooter libby negotiate to sit down with them in the oval office for a limited amount of time. can this happen here? i think that's what rudy is pursuing but at the end of the day i don't see it. >> how extraordinary is this? we have been watching an investigation into the fbi's leadership and department of justice's leadership during the 2016 election. we learned we have zero official evidence to launch an investigation into trump and potential collusion with russia and based on nothing so far. there is no evidence whatsoever and yet the investigation of robert mueller continues circling the wagons of president trump while he's a sitting president based on no evidence whatsoever. is this extraordinary or what? >> it's all extraordinary. based on everything you just said that would argue for donald trump to sit and do the interview and i think that's one of the things making him say i will sit down and do this. my problem is he talks in such loopy ways he's constantly contradicting himself. two weeks ago he said no collusion, no phone calls. what's he mean to phone calls? you had a phone call with donald trump jr. you contradicted yourself under oath. you lied. that's the risk though there's no crime. >> thanks so much. >> thank you, maria. >> earlier in the program you heard me speak with kris kobach and his opponent the state's current opponent just hold press conference and we're watching it in topeka. tell us about it. >> hey, maria. the governor here in kansas did not concede. nobody expected he would. there's 0.6% of the votes cast and all the counties reported but still 10,000 provisional and mail-in ballots so there can be no winner declared today and collier was asked if there's a scenario in which he sees it good for the republican party to go beyond next week because with the canvassers and all the co t counties have to add the provisional ballots. the governor was asked would it be in the best interest of the party to go beyond next week and he would not commit to that or talk about a recount. in the law here in kansas you can't ask for a recount but first they have to get through the first count. no winner yet here in the primary on the republican side here in kansas. maria. >> thank you so much. officials are still working to identify the remains of presumed korean war veterans. at least one family may have gotten a little bit of closure. we've got that next. stay with us. seeing a trinket, just a dog tag. it was really quite something. as you can well imagine, defense officials were very excited to present that tag to the two young sons, i say young because they are young at heart and in spirit, of course the service member who apparently, and i say apparently because we simply don't know, apparently may have perished during the korean war conflict. north korean officials, as you know, sent 55 boxes of remains that they say hold american soldiers remains. the dog tag was in one of those boxes. >> it is finality. i would have never dreamed that all those coffins that were coming back, i mean, i watched it on television, on the news, just like everyone else probably did. i would have not presumed that one of those had anything related to my father. >> it gives reality to it, that's the thing. >> pretty impressive stuff. the army master sergeant was a man by the name of charles mcdaniel. his son larry, the first speaker in that sound bite, actually took a dna swab. what they will do is evaluate that along with the other remains in the boxes there, maria, and they hope to match that dna after they test other female family members with some of the remains they were able to recover. a poignant and important day for all of us. we wish the mcdaniel family the very best of luck. >> maria: we do. thank you, kevin corke. thanks for joining us today. catch me tomorrow morning on the fox business network. former securities and exchange commission's chairman. he will join me on the fallout over tesla. we will get his sense on what happens now after the tweet elon musk sent out. we have former arkansas governor mike cook if he and james freeman from "the wall street journal." let's check the markets. dow, down 45 points.


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