Sushmita Sen is dating IPL chairman Lalit Modi. The businessman took to Twitter and announced their romantic relationship with series of mushy pics. Here s what ex-Miss Universe s father has to say about his daughter s relationship.
Lalit Modi confirmed his romantic relationship with Bollywood actress Sushmita Sen on Instagram. However, their friendship goes way back as a tweet from 2013 suggests.
Sushmita Sen recently announced her separation from model Rohman Shawl after dating him for three years. They were snapped together for the first time at Shilpa Shetty s Diwali party in 2018.
Every now and then Sushmita Sen shares pictures with her family on Instagram and yet again she did the same when fans got a beautiful glimpse of her elder daughter Renee. Not just the click, but also the caption caught the attention of fans who got to know that the same was clicked none other than h