This year marks the launch of the China-South Korea Year of Cultural Exchanges as well as the 25th anniversary of Suzhou’s sister-city relationship with Jeonju.
14 December 2020
Teachers from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University’s School of Languages, XJTLU students, and volunteers demonstrated the international features of the University at the Suzhou International Day held recently at the Suzhou Culture and Arts Centre.
The 2020 Suzhou International Day featured representatives from 13 countries sharing their country s special food and entertainment. More than 1,000 Chinese and foreign guests attended the event.
Jennifer Usher (pictured below, right), of XJTLU’s English Language Centre, shared Irish milk and other representations of Irish culture.
Mitchell Bradford (pictured below), of XJTLU’s English Language Centre, introduced children to American football.
XJTLU student volunteers provided language support to XJTLU international students explaining the culture of their countries.