SWEETWATER HOP HASH DOUBLE IPA // BE PREPARED I took a trip to Atlanta for Halloween to see one of my good friends, Thomas. We both share a love for beer, so I knew we would end up drinking a lot of it. He took me to a package store minutes away from his apartment
Adam: From Brooklyn, New York I’m Adam Teeter.
Zach: And in Seattle, Washington, I’m Zach Geballe.
A: And this is the VinePair podcast. Zach man, Super Bowl. You know what’d you drink?
Z: Oh, my God. Well, I’m going to be completely honest and say I watched exactly zero seconds of the Super Bowl.
A: Oh, wow.
Z: Yeah. I will say my approach to the Super Bowl lately when I haven’t had much of a rooting interest is I kind of monitor the score. And then if it seems like it’s a close game, I’ll tune in later. That obviously was not the case this year. So I definitely just was like, “Well, I’m going to do something else with my time.” And I don’t know if I drank during the Super Bowl, but I will tell you the things that I drank lately, and I know you will appreciate this in particular, Adam. So I taught a class on Greek wine this past week.