A man who left behind Rs 1000 Crore company had purchased his first pair of shoes only after passing his matriculation. That is just part of the life and times of Syed Mohammad Iqbal Bukhari, the FIL Chairman, who died at 90, last month, writes Masood Hussain On November 14, 2021, Syed Iqbal Bukhar.
NC, PDP look for scapegoats after defeat in Kashmir local polls
Published on
Thu, Feb 11 2021 20:06 IST |
Omar Abdullah. (File Photo: IANS) Image Source: IANS News
New Delhi, Feb 11 : Failing to win even one of the nine district chairpersons and vice chairpersons posts for which elections have now been completed in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), valley-based traditional ruling parties, National Conference (NC) and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), have begun to level allegations of horse trading.
Ahmed Ali Fayyaz
New Delhi, Feb 11 (IANS) Failing to win even one of the nine district chairpersons and vice chairpersons posts for which elections have now been completed in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), valley-based traditional ruling parties, National Conference (NC) and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), have begun to level allegations of horse trading.