you see that every day. how ow many members of congress who voted to expand the police powers od tof the irs don t payn their own taxes? more than a few. w how many politicians sup who fervently support gun control have armed bodyguardst o that you pay for? well, let s see.r? every single one we could go on and on and on. whatever they re demanding thato you do this week, you can be dead certain they are notbe doing it themselves. everyone notices us . it enrages people, but it s often misinterpreted people say. this is hypocrisy, but it sit sp not. it s privilegrivileged.e. when nancy pelosi walks into her hair a point without a mask at the height of the covid, no lockdown s, it s not because she forgot to bring a mask. noe fo, she knows exactly whate she s doing. nancy pelosi is affirming her position iorder.n social order. nancy pelosi is in charge. you are not. nancy pelosi can do whatever she cares to you can res to dt. that s the messages is she s sending an
were watching c-span, here s how . eurn everything you your clothes, your glasses, the car you got here on your phone, the table, you re sitting at the chair, the carpet under your feet, everything you ve got is petrochemical products. what would you do with that?t woutell the world if i had that power in the world, what? actually , i don t need that power because what i would do is ask you, sir, from louisiana, i m giving you the power. your present, sir. thank you, sir. from louisiana. to search your heart. you ve got no answer, do you, young lady? about what to do with petrochemical products? i ll movthe on .on what are you going to do it?u oceangoing vessels. ocea do yoh u doan with the maritime industry? el well, we could again,k yo i would ask you to search your heart for what is happening on , you know,rt fr and louisiana. of course we do. you know what you got, young goa lady? lyou got a lot of noise, but yu got no answers. answe so the woman, she s lie