The new animated film The Super Mario Bros. Movie re-creates the sunny spirit, effervescent action and confectionary aesthetic of the namesake video games,..
This challenge is reflected in some of the song names in unused text files in the Spaceworld Overdump, with multiple melodies going through revisions in both name and possibly function. Some iconic songs were also added into the game during Stage 4, most notably the “Sun’s Song.” In the Spaceworld Overdump, text was found showing that Link would be able to sleep in various inns, which would then allow the player to manipulate time in a similar vein as the “Sun’s Song.”
This change may seem minor, but in the grand scheme of things, it required the removal of in-game text and locations, as well as the ability to discover the “Sun’s Song.” Changes like this would be constant throughout Stage 4 of development, with Nintendo revising the game until days before it would be officially released in Japan in November 1998.