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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180610 08:00:00

photo posted on instagram by angle americans office you can't ignore the tension that tension was evident before during and even after the g. seven summit ended in canada donald trump made sure of that he'd already angered his allies by slapping tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from canada the european union and mexico and he used the g seven meeting to demand better trade deals for the u.s. while warning against retaliation. tell you to make it a mistake because you see we have a tremendous trade imbalance so when we try and bring our piece up a little bit so that it's not so bad and then they go up right the difference is they do so much more business with us than we do with them that we can't lose that you understand we can't listen and with that trump left the show five hours gender free trade but also on the environment jobs and growth and he blocked all that because of the insistence on the trade trade war that he talks about. the fact that this photo and the narrative from the american side differ is for me a sign that the u.s. is aware that this isolation doesn't play well in the public public eye that this should be like a correction kind of a fake picture from from from trump not going to mention to our viewers so what we're seeing now is it was a sort of photo of that same scene. which was published by by the americans so the same scene a very different perspective something that becomes a compass very sensitive about that i think he's a communicator and if you see when seeing that this communication might go wrong. he's trying to correct it all right well in his own words donald trump kept insisting and during the summit that it wasn't contentious at all and he was willing to agree to that joint statement initially at least what it had been in freeze them they have agreed on a number of. vacant and conceptual terms that. fulfill international trade is important that. peace needs to be secure that any kind of growth needs to take those with them that are most vulnerable all that is fine but the queen community also stated the u.s. wants in terms of climate protection and environmental protection the u.s. wants to press ahead with the export of for so fuel and wants to wants to do this in a sustainable way while the others agree that it is important to protect the oceans so it was a document that was actually laying down the differences as well all right having a go from the german council of foreign relations do stay with us he has will be speaking again shortly well meanwhile as the g seven was meeting in canada russian president vladimir putin said he is ready to hold a summit with u.s. president donald trump if washington was willing and made the statement at a meeting of the shanghai cooperation organization in qingdao china's president xi seemed paint hosted world leaders including iranian president hassan rowhani indian prime minister narendra modi and russian president vladimir putin the iranian leaders said he appreciates efforts by beijing and moscow to maintain the nuclear deal which the united states pulled out of last month's. all right having want to ask you about that meeting in shanghai so the putin she and rouhani were very keen to demonstrate unity especially as after the chaotic scenes at the g seven what does this tell us when it's an opportunity that the chinese and russian leaders wouldn't wouldn't drop actually to to show that they that they care that of course china especially but also russia call the shots when it comes to to regional security in asia and the middle east that they stand aside with the agreement with iran which is important because iran needs a sort of compensation for the same sins that america is now imposing on iran and on companies doing business with iran and. i believe the state companies in china especially close to the close to the state at least to do business with with the energy sector in iran. they can they can make a difference there and so so this unity gives an idea that some countries act responsibly that's the message and keep the ring a nuclear program at bay well russia of course was kicked out of what was a g. eight summit after it's an extension of crimea so what kind of role is russia now playing at the summit in china russia wants to play. wherever it can roll of responsible international leader wants to be taken in this is why it's sometimes creating conflicts that make it necessary that that russia is on the table again i think that russia sees itself as a sort of protector of the shia groups including iran and wants that wants to make sure that. iran is in good hands the issue but also that we don't need america actually to make. global governance and to care for the stability of the world on the side of the authoritarian regimes like china and russia and you take a from the german council on foreign relations many thanks indeed for all your insight. and while the story develops north korean leader kim jong un has arrived in singapore for his summit with president trump kim's plane landed at changi airport shortly before three pm local time cameras later concept of an official motorcade leaving the airport trump is set to arrive from come back later today at the summit which is due to take place on tuesday will be the first time that north korean leader has met with a sitting u.s. president denuclearization is likely to be a major theme of those talks. all right now let's have a look at some other stories making news around the world and in romania more than one hundred thousand government supporters have protested against alleged abuses by anti corruption prosecutors the ruling social democratic party says the prosecutors have too much power and that they tapped phones illegally critics say the government rally is meant to intimidate judges and the country's president who supports the anti corruption fight. germany's post communist left party has voted to support opening germany's borders to migrants there was heated debate before the vote at the opposition parties and the conference delegates who were opposed to open the borders say the policy would affect jobs and drive people to right wing parties now a young iraqis suspected of raping and murdering a fourteen year old german jewish girl known as susanna has arrived at frankfurt airport german interior minister horace they hope for confirm that the man known only as he had been successfully extradited authorities in iraq say the twenty year old admitted that he had killed susanna who went missing last month the case has stoked the immigration debate in the country. from abele to frankfurt airport and onto v's barden via helicopter the young iraqi suspect was taken into custody and that heavy police presence author she's here seeking to make amends after accusations that their only investigations were floored less hiked. this shows that the german judiciary has this case under control everyone can see what's going on and i think that helps people sense that justice is being done the state interior minister has urged that in future airports have specialized staff to check travel documents written in arabic from the g. seven summit in canada chancellor angela merkel extended her sympathy to the victim's family. the inconceivable suffering that this family is going through also effects me deeply and i can only say how good it is that the alleged perpetrator has been arrested. the cooperation between german and kurdish security officials worked well. because police arrested the young man say he admitted to the crime. there was an altercation between them and the girl threatened to call the police and report him. a conflict that escalated and that's what led to the young man killing the girl. in mines where the victim lived commemorations became protests leftist groups demonstrated against in a phobia while just meters away the far right a.f.d. protested against immigration. truth is on malts put it of course this murder is political because it involves a request for asylum which the relevant authorities aren't prepared to discuss it's time they did infinitives last time i was called by the f.t.'s reaction i'm a father of four and one i think that this girl hasn't even been buried yet and the family is in profound grief and then he stands at promoting his right wing party politics that's outrageous for talisa teased the demonstrations and debate over this case a likely to continue in. a quick reminder now of our top story in the past hour north korean leader kim jong un's arrived in singapore for tuesday's


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Transcripts for MSNBC Craig Melvin Reports 20210917 15:54:00

and getting hepa filters in there, that is much more important than these plexiglas dividers. >> this next question just came in to us from talisa, i apologize if i'm mispronouncing my name. my granddaughters caught covid from going to school. this week is their second week of being sick. they still have symptom, but my son thinks that they are able to come back to school and come over to my school because it's been two weeks since they were diagnosed. are they still contagious? is it too soon for them to go back to school or be at my house? dr. may edda? >> yes. until the symptoms go away, and they don't have fever oraches i would keep them quarantined and i would keep them out of school and especially unvaccinated relatives. as long as they are symptomatic you don't want them to go anywhere near people who are


Talisa Ravagnani e Giulia Pelagatti | arrivano da Amici le nuove Veline di Striscia la Notizia

. Il tg satirico di Antonio Ricci, che partirà lunedì 27 settembre si rinnova anche sul banco dei conduttori con Alessandro Siani e Vanessa Incontrata. Con ...


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - DW - 20180610:08:14:00

killing the girl. in mines where the victim lived commemorations became protests leftist groups demonstrated against in a phobia while just meters away the far right a.f.d. protested against immigration. truth is on malts put it of course this murder is political because it involves a request for asylum which the relevant authorities aren't prepared to discuss it's time they did infinitives last time i was called by the f.t.'s reaction i'm a father of four and one i think that this girl hasn't even been buried yet and the family is in profound grief and then he stands at promoting his right wing party politics that's outrageous for talisa teased the demonstrations and debate over this case a likely to continue in. a quick reminder now of our top story in the past hour north korean leader kim jong un's arrived in singapore for tuesday's


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - DW - 20180609:21:12:00

murder is a political because it involves a request for asylum which the relevant authorities aren't prepared to discuss it's time they did infinitives us by the f.t.'s reaction i'm a father of four and one i think that this girl hasn't even been buried yet and the family is in profound grief and then he stands at promoting his right wing party politics that's outrageous and as for talisa teased the demonstrations and debate over this case unlikely to continue. thousands have gathered in the polish capital warsaw to support l g b t rights in the city's annual equality parade the pride celebrations come as activists say a conservative turn in poland has forced them to fight harder for their rights. a ring and a declaration of love to kick off the eighteenth equality parade people have come to warsaw from all over poland to take part. organizers say that things have gotten


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