Duluth writer’s debut essay collection offers chance to ‘play on the page’ Sound Like Trapped Thunder by Jessica Lind Peterson is seven personal essays that consider the natural world with wide-eyed what-ifs. Written By: Christa Lawler | ×
Jessica Lind Peterson, author of Sound Like Trapped Thunder. (Photo by Amy Woodford)
An elderly woman named Doris was mistakenly calling Jessica Lind Peterson and leaving voicemail messages. She wanted Ted, or someone, to clean her apartment, Doris said, or she just wanted to say hi or “Merry Christmas.” She wanted someone to visit her.
All told, there were 20-30 misfired messages from Doris to an unknown Deb, sent during a six- to eight-month period. Lind Peterson, who talked to Doris at least once, saved them all.