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Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News At 6 20121025

still hanging around out there on your morning commute. good morning. i'm sarah simmons. >> i'm wisdom martin. welcome to fox 5 morning news and tucker barnesis here. >> certainly the potential for it. what you are referring to is hurricane sandy. category two hurricane. let's take a look at it. it really intensified in the last 24 hours and looking fairly impressive on our satellite signature here. you can see the eye there now emerging off the northern shore of could you be a maximum wind, 105 with gusts to 115. it has the potential to be close enough to the mid high pressure atlantic that it could interact with a cold front that will an approaching and we could be in for some soaking rains and maybe some railroad gusty wind. we'll have more on that come be up. there is the latest with sandy. we are cooling off into the low 60s. that is not typically cool for this time year. we should be in the 40s. these temperatures on the mild side. we are seeing some fog develop across the area. 62 at reagan national. should be a good looking day for us with partly sunny conditions and another mild day. 57 your daytime high in washington. enjoy these warm temperatures. i can guarantee next week the chill will be on. >> thank you. time now to hit the roads with julie wright. >> okay. you guys, out here on the highway, you will find that your lanes are open southbound along 270 with no issues reported coming inbound. here we are live coming south from hyattstown. no issues reported southbound on 95 or 295. this is northbound i-95 in virginia approaching triangle. heavy volume leaving stafford at this point headed north. delays continued as you make your exit for newington headed up toward the franconia springfield parkway. john mar drive closed at backlick road. accident activity south of 236. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. etraff. . the big story, scandal rocking the re-elect campaign of virginia congressman jim moran. >> his son, patrick moran, stepped down as the campaign's field director after being caught on tape discussing a voter fraud scheme. melanie alwin is down in the newsroom with reaction. >> reporter: good morning. a core group released that undercover video yesterday and within hours, patrick moran resigned. this comes one day after congressman moran himself cosigned a letter asking the department. justice to investigate allegations of voter fraud in harrisonburg, virginia. listen. >> so utility bill or something like that. you need something with a name and their address on it. >> reporter: those are the words causing a lot of trouble for patrick moran. he was approached by an undercover report fore a conservative web site on october 8th. the reporter tells mourn he needs help coming up with a scheme to cast ballots in the name of 100 voter who rarely show up at the polls. in the 1-minute video, moran expresses doubt about the plan and seems to be humoring the reporter and he also warns the guy that virginia's new voter i. d. laws would make it tough to pull off fraud. he suggests he devote energy to get those nonvoters to the polls. >> very close to the ethical line. it was appropriate for him to resign even though he didn't support or approve what this gentleman was suggesting. this gentleman was baiting him obviously but he didn't go through t he gave tacit approval to what this person was suggesting. >> reporter: congressman moran himself is not implicated in the undercover video. patrick moran released a statement last night which reads in part, quote: the group was founded by conservative blogger james o'keefe. you may remember he is the guy who did the secret recordings of acorn officers in 2009. we have the entire video on our web site. >> thank you. in the race for the white house, the candidates are racking up the miles in battleground stats right now. president obama starts today in tampa. then he comes to richmond for a rally this afternoon and will vote early in person in chicago. mitt romney is making stops on a bus tour in ohio. with only 12 days to election day, they are in a mad dash for battleground states. question one concerns eminent doe main which gives states the power to take private property. if it passes, virginia's constitution will be amended to allow eminent domain only to be used in cases where the lapped is needed for public use. it could not be used in cases where the aim is economic development or increasing tax revenue. later on today, virginia attorney general ken cuccinelli will be in alexandria to discuss how the change could impact property rights in virginia. maryland has a lot on the ballot, same-sex marriage, gambling and the dream act. the dream act would allow illegal immigrants in maryland to pay in-state college tuition rates if they meet specific requirements. supports say it would be an economic boost. opponents say it encourages illegal immigration. this morning, the prince george's county executive and the state's attorney and state senator wilhold a news conference on this issue. is is . next week, maryland senate candidates will debate live on fox 5 morning news. ing news. that is next wednesday, october 31st starting at 9:00 a.m. if have you a question, send it to senate debate at ate senate candidate's comments about rape draw controversy and heat up the battle lines between president obama and mitt romney. >> and we are watching hurricane sandy. the storm slamming into jamaica and it could impact our forecast in a few days. we'll be right back. teacher: this is west virginia, pennsylvania, delaware. and this is maryland. every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty million gaming at casinos in these other states. question seven will build a new casino and bring table games to baltimore... generating hundreds of millions for schools. and that money has to go to education. it's the law. so vote for question seven. so we can stop spending all that money here, and keep maryland money in classrooms like mine. my name is julian bond. i know a little something about fighting for what's right and just. maryland's gay and lesbian families share the same values and they should share in the right to marry. i believe people of faith understand this isn't about any one religious belief. it's about protecting the civil right to make a lifelong commitment to the person you love. join me in supporting question 6. it's the right thing to do. athat's what the plan georged allen supports... would cost our economy. newspapers called it "economically destructive." like allen's votes to give tax breaks to companies... that ship jobs overseas, his economic plan would... help big corporations, devastating the middle class. allen even voted against tax breaks for small businesses. virginia can't afford to go back to george allen. the democratic senatorial campaign committee... is responsible for the content of this advertising. . making headlines this morning, president obama is weighing in on the controversial comments made by indiana senatorial candidate mitch arrested mourdock. during a recent debate, mourdock said what i woman becomes pregnant by rape, that is something god intend and there should be no abortion allowed. mourdock now says he didn't intend to suggest that god wants rape or that god pushes people to rape. the man accused of shooting a security guard up side the family research council is now facing new charges. federal prosecutors announced floyd lee corkins will be charged with exiting an act of terrorism. he is accused of opening fire inside the center in august. security guard leo johnson was shot but survived and is credited with wrestling the gun from corkins. hurricane sandy turned deadly last night killing two in the caribbean. an earlierly man died when a boulder rolled onto his clapboard house. up next, the latest on how hurricane sandy could impact our weather at home. >> how you can get a chance to be a part of this year's national christmas tree lighting? fox 5 morning news is back in just a moment. presidident obama: there's justo quit in america... and you're seeing that right now. over five million new jobs. exports up forty one percent. home values... rising. our auto industry... back. and our heroes are coming home. we're not there yet, but we've made real progress and the... last thing we should do is turn back now. here's my plan for the next four years: making education and training a national priority; building on our manufacturing boom; boosting american-made energy; reducing the deficits responsibly by cutting where... we can, and asking the wealthy to pay a little more. and ending the war in afghanistan, so we can... do some nation-building here at home. that's the right path. so read my plan, compare it to governor romney's... and decide which is better for you. it's an honor to be your president... and i'm asking for your vote... so together, we can keep moving america forward. i'm barack obama and i approve this message. we were told to build a 30-foot stage. gathered the guys and we built that 30-foot stage, not knowing what it was for. just days later, all three shifts were told to assemble in the warehouse. a group of people walked out on that stage and told us that the plant is now closed and all of you are fired... i looked both ways, i looked at the crowd, and...we all just lost our jobs. we don't have an income. mitt romney made over 100 million dollars by shutting down our plant and devastated our lives. turns out that when we built that stage, it was like building my own coffin, and it just made me sick. [ male announcer ] priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. . welcome back. taking a live look at i believe it's the woodrow wilson bridge. a little bit of fog handwriting around out there. any difficulty with drive something. >> not any reports of it being terribly thick. we are getting a little mist and certainly it is possible it could get a little dense in a couple of spots in the income few hours. we should be in for a decent day today. still in the mild 70s. >> you were on the money yesterday. we even got the sprinkles we talked about. they said it tucker say that. i said of course he did. >> didn't it get hotter than you said it was going to be. >> look at the map, sarah. i was within a few degrees of it. here is the thing about temperatures. you never want to predict record high temperatures. >> okay. >> i had to interrupt. >> just when my head start getting big, sarah has to deflate it. >> keeping new check. >> indeed, we were in the 80s as forecast yesterday morning. temperatures at reagan national on the -- you know what in it is actually relatively mild for this time of day, this time of year. -- you know what? it is actually relatively mild for this time of day, this time of year. going to be another d.c. the day for us. we've got a little back door cold front sliding in from the north and east. that will chill down temperatures just a little bit. we won't be talking about record temperatures later. we don't have a lot going on across the mid-atlantic. should be in for a couple more nice days. one of the big players could be hurricane sandy. we'll have to watch its track very carefully here. there is the eye. you can see it passing right over cuba during the overnight hours. still a category two hurricane although it looks like it is losing a little bit of its signature there as it merges back over the ocean. it is forecast to remain a hurricane and lift off to the north and eventually to the north and east as we get into the weekend but we're not where it is going to track. and there are a couple of different thoughts on t one is it will stay relatively close to the eastern seaboard. it could get pulled back into the coastline. another is it will stay out to sea. still a lot of question marks but this could be a big player in our forecast as it could interact with a pretty vigorous cold front moving through by the second half of sunday and monday. 57 today. another gorgeous thursday for you. still mild with wind out of the east. that will hold the temperatures back a little bit. maybe a sprinkle early tomorrow. saturday, we wake up with clouds and i a few hours late in the day with our cold front. zipped, monday and tuesday, all dependent on the track of sandy. very chilly temperatures around here early next week. only 50 for a daytime high. overnight lows in the 30s. make sure your heater is working for early next week. let's do some traffic, get the latest from julie wright. she is doing her thing. whatever that thing is. >> whatever that may be. all right. unfortunately, we have a lot going on again this morning. we start off with a fatal crash in virginia. we do have video of this accident activity involving an overturned vehicle and resulting in a fatal crash. this is south of 236 backlick road here at john mar drive. one of the vehicle was overturned at the scene. clean-up continues. there is an ongoing investigation. a portion of backlick road remain shut down at john mar drive. you will find all of this activity is stopped. an ongoing investigation will keep this roadway shut down for quite some time. let's take it back inside. if you are traveling north of town, it is route 1 at route 100 where we are receiving word of an accident of a car that has been wedged underneath a tractor-trailer. this crash has resulted in two fatalities. 95 is open. no problems to report on 295 coming southbound from 695 to the capital beltway. route 100 itself remains open but it is route one that is closed until further notice. we do have delays around the capital beltway. if you are traveling southbound along 270 coming in out of hyattedtown, traffic slows again in germantown headed south of 118 out towards 124. you will find delays northbound on i-95. accident activity on the shoulder. shoulder. finally, eastbound 66 delays out of manassas headed in towards centreville. traffic flows again 50 to 123. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. imetraffic. . >> thank you. it was warm enough yesterday to wear shorts but soon, you will want to break out your santa hat. ticket lottery for the national christmas industry lighting opens today at 10:00 in the morning. it ends on monday. the tree lighting is november 6th on the ellipse. >> i love hearing the music. it is a little early for it. but you still like hearing it. >> it puts you in a different mind. >> it does a little bit. we'll go live to fox business network in new york. find out how many people say they are burned out at work. >> we'll be right back. nothing else needs to be said about that. helping make virginia "the best state to raise a child." but george allen has not made our kids a priority. as governor, he tried to cut funding for public schools. in washington, allen voted to end tax deductions for college tuition. and now, a budget plan that devastates k-12 classrooms-- all to pay for even more tax breaks for the wealthy. afscme people is responsible for the content of this ad. anncr: every president inherits few have faced so many. four years later... our enemies have been brought to justice. our heroes are coming home. assembly lines are humming again. there are still challenges to meet. children to educate. a middle class to rebuild. but the last thing we should do is turn back now. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message. what mitt romney's tv ads saye? about women? or what mitt romney himself says? mitt romney: do i believe the supreme court... should overturn roe v. wade? yes. and it would be my preference that they, that they... reverse roe v. wade. hopefully reverse roe v. wade. overturn roe v. wade. planned parenthood, we're going to get rid of that. i'll cut off funding to planned parenthood. anncr: no matter what mitt romney's ads say. we know what he'll do. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message. . welcome back. many american work say they are just burned out. we'll have more on that in a minute. first, let's take a look at the markets. lauren simonetti with fox business network is live in new york with the business beat. we need a rally in the worst way after the last few days on the markets. >> we are getting one today. that is the good news. all three major averages are up in the premarket by 45 points on the dow. we should have a dosent day. we get joble claim in about two hours. it is expected to be decent. -- we get joble -- we get jobless claims in about two hours. >> a new study shows that burn outis pretty high among folks in the workplace. >> it's firm that does employee assistance programs. they say that just about 2/3 of workers say they are not just stressed out but extremely fatigued and dying at work. and 39% say the reason is that they're getting too much work and the reason they are getting too much work is because there is not enough workers in the office. so you are doing the double duty thing. 36% of people said we're just accepting it. we are working harder and that's that. it is stagnant pay, a jittery job market and it seems we are getting fed up, stressed out and burned out. >> maybe that is why i can't stop yawning this morning. i'm just like tired. >> another cup of coffee. probably on number four. >> you know it. it is not working anymore. all right. thank you so much. we'll see you tomorrow. >> see you friday. >> okay. still ahead on on fox ead o -- still ahead on fox 5 morning news, president obama returns to virginia today. he and republican chal thinker mitt romney are finding new ways to sharpen their focus as election day closes in. -- he and republican challenger mitt romney are finding new ways to sharpen their focus as election day closes in.  we had a good group of people. good group of employees out there. this was a booming place. and mitt romney and bain capital turned it in to a junk yard. i was suddenly, 60 years old. i had no health care. mainly i was thinking about my family. how am i going to take care of my family. he promised us the same things he's promising the united states. and he'll give you the same thing he gave us. nothing. anncr: priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. welcome back to fox 5 morning news. take a look at this lovely fall scene. >> i love those trees. >> yeah. really nice. this is from shawnette blake. she snapped it during her daughter's field trip. >> a red maple. >> those are so pretty. they are the best color. >> we want to see your fall photos. you can send those pictures to my weather photo at g i need to go out and take some family pictures with that background. >> now is the time to do it. if we get some wind this weekend, they well be gone pretty quick i don't when -- >> when did you say was the official start of winter? >> december 21st. >> i'm priced you want to know that. >> i want to know -- i'm surprised you want to know that. >> i want to know when to get bread and milk. >> no need to do that now. >> we have a back door cold front sliding through. we'll be a little bit cooler. there will be a bit of a breeze here out of the east and that will make it feel a little cooler. we are expecting highs in the mid-70s. it should be a nice, dry day and partly to mostly sunny this afternoon. seams mild to start the day, 53 in columbus. check out chicago, 66 degrees. nice mild start. highs later today after a little morning fog, back in the mid-70s and should be a dry thursday for you and a nice- hooking friday. i'll have details on that in just a minute and an interesting weekend forecast. we'll look at that too. >> interesting to say the least. let's check in with julie now. >> big story now in virginia is going to be the portion of backlick road which is shut down south of 236, the little river turnpike. backlick road closed off in each direction here at john mar drive due to an accident that occurred earlier this morning. there is an ongoing investigation. backlick road remains blocked off until further notice. 236 is open for business, no problems there. 395 open as well but starting to slow near duke street heading up towards seminary road. north of town, there are three fatalities involved this this incident. this will tie up route 1 at route 100. there is a car wedged under north a tractor-trailer. 100 is open. -- underneath a tractor- trailer. your lap are open if you are traveling along 66 continuing eastbound out of manassas. no trouble spots to report here continuing inbound towards centerville. heavy volume to accompany this trip in towards industry enaand the beltway. northbound i-59 jammed from stafford continuing up to the accident activity toward triangle which has been moved to the shoulder. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. etraffic. the big story this morning, a political bombshell has rocked the re-election campaign of virginia congressman jim moran. >> patrick moran resigned as his father's paid campaign field director after being caught on tape discussing a voter fraud scheme. melanie alnwick has more. >> reporter: the video was released yesterday by a group founded by conservative blogger james o'keefe. within hours, patrick moran resigned n secret recording which takes place outside and inside the mri campaign office, mri tells the reporter what someone would need to commit voter fraud. gorse the moran campaign office, moran tells the -- outside and inside the moran campaign office, moran tells the reporter what someone would need to commit voter fraud. >> he was approached by the undercover reporter. he asked moran if there were people who can help. in the 18-minute video, moran expresses doubt about the plan and seems to be humoring the reporter. still, he is the one who suggested faking utility bills and that is what has him on the hook. >> this was a set-up. patrick moran did not support or approve the action. he actually told the person that the best thing is to do the legal get out the vote. but then he crossed that line by suggesting that these are the ways that you can go about doing what you're planning. >> reporter: congressman moran himself is not implicated in the undercover video. he is running for re-election to a 12th term in congress. patrick moran released a statement last night which reads in part, quote: t, quote: now, republicans are saying that this is more evidence supporting laws to require photo identification at the polls. virginia does allow someone to present documents like a utility bill, bank statement or paycheck as identification as long as it has the voter's name and address on it. >> thank you very much for that report. in the race for the white house, president obama and governor romney are crisscrossing swing states. the president this morning is in tampa. he will be in richmond this afternoon and heads to chicago to cast hi ballot in early voting and finally speak at a campaign event in ohio later on tonight. >> mitt romney is touring ohio by bus starting in i.n.s. nationally. he will speak in columbus this afternoon and end today outside toledo. -- starting in cincinnati. president obama is weighing in on the comments by richard mourdock. >> mourdock is in damage control. ainsley earhart has the follow- up this morning. >> even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that god intended to happen. >> reporter: the controversial comment about rape and abortion made by an indiana republican senatorial candidate richard mourdock has caught the president obama. paying a visit to the tonight show with jay leno, mr. obama took a moment to speak about the rich. >> rape is rape. it is a crime. and so these distinctions about rape and -- capitol make too much sense to me. don't make any sense to me. the second thing this underscores is this is exactly why you don't want a bunch of politicians, mostly male, making decisions about women's health care decisions. >> mourdock is working to clarify the comment suggesting the statement he made was taken out of context. >> it i did not intend that god wants to support or condone evil in any way because that goes against the strongest base of my faith. >> reporter: his democratic opponent called his comment hurtful to women. >> this controversy is not about pro-life. it is about mr. mourdock's words and his continuation of extreme positions. ies word were extreme but maybe as important hurtful to survivors of sexual abuse. >> reporter: mitt romney has disavowed mourdock's comment but continues to stand by his endorsement. his campaign has released a political ad in support of mourdock and signaled the ad would continue to run. >> i hope you will join me in supporting richard mourdock for u.s. senate. maryland voters will decide to several big issues on november 6th including the dream act. it would allow illegal immigrants in maryland to may in hand state college tuition rates if they meet specific requirements. prince george's county executive, the state's attorney and state senator will hold a press conference on this particular issue. there will be a rally supporting the dream act this evening at prince george's county college. in our top stories, in maryland, the trial for two people accused of giving alcohol to minors involved in a deadly scar accident is set to begin today. debbie and joshua franco or charged with giving alcohol to 18-year-old brianna franco and her two friends. all were killed when their car driving the wrong way on route 50 in crofton slammed into another car last january. the driver of the car, 55-year- old terry wayne also died. new this morning a any will you approved contract for teachs are in prince george's county will give them a pay raise. the board approved a 2% pay increase, the first in several years for many. the increase is part of a new three-year contract with the union. the contract also addresses issues of paid leave, teachers' rights and working from home. also, new data shows the number of students attending public and public charter schools in the district has increased 5%. nearly 81,000 kids were enrolled this career, the most in a decade. most of the increase in occurred in charter schools which jumped by 11%. coming up next, in the morning hype, it was only game one but history has already been -- coming up next in the morning line, it was only game one but history has already been made in this world series. chris cooley looks like he is ready to go. fox 5 morning news is back in a moment. what was that? >> i do want know but i like it. >> kind of like panda music. maybe if i was a panned arc i would enjoy that music. pablo sandoval, the kung fu panda. panda. >> did you watch hong kong phooey. >> i did. >> the show is supposed to be about justin verlander. he is the best pitcher in baseball. here he is. this is the very first inning. high heat. probably close to 100 miles per hour and rear lander from? >> odu, baby. >> another fast ball and there it goes again. a two-rub shot and this were going crazy for the kung fu panda. only three gays in the history of major league baseball -- no way. >> the panned as not going to do it again! yes, he is. -- the panned as not going to do it again. >> -- the panda is not going to do it again. giants win game one 8-#. who had san francisco in the world series. >> i believe that would be one wisdom martin. >> only one game. the giants win game one 8-1. >> chris cooley is back at practice. he is back yesterday and mike shanahan said he kind of like the way 47 looks. hens he looks like he is still in football shape. we'll find out. they are going up to pittsburgh on sunday. we are hoping london fletcher won't be out but chris cooley could be in. >> i think it was nice to sit back and look around and watch football games and watch the league and i looked at it and thought i can do this. i know i'm as good as a lot of these players. it is a good opportunity for me to prove that. >> i'm very happy. i didn't want to see him go like that. it is crazy how stuff is happening. things happen for a reason. i hated to see fred go down but when i heard it might have been something that he won't be able to come back for us, chris was the first thing that popped into my head. i'm happy to see him back. >> the captain has not looked like the captain of old that we remember. he has been dealing with an issue with his hamstring but more concerning is he has been having some balance issues. he will undergo some neurological testing. we are hoping -- he has played in 231 games. hoping he can be back. are you excite for your washington wizards? they again play next week. you don't look excited. get excited. taking on the heat, the world champion heat. your heat. >> lebron james? >> here goes the king. not really in mid-season form. >> ' he even laughing about, it right? >> look, the wizards got some. webster, i know you don't know who martel webster is. he comes over from portland. jordan crawford to martel. guess who won the game in kansas city? the wizards win in kansas city and they're 3-4 on the pre- season. get excited for your washington wizards. next week. let's go back over to sarah and tucker. tucker. kung fu panda. >> ' excite about that. >> he loves the panda. >> maybe you can get excited about this. >> a legendary name in music going to be part of fox 5 morning news today. roberta flack is in town for a series of shows. roberta is sitting down with our allison seymour. you can see that interview this morning in our 9:00 hour. something to be excited about. >> i'm excited. >> i can't name of the players right now but i'm excited about the wizards. forecast looks good. yesterday we tied a record at reagan national. 84degrees. won't be that warm today. it will be a little cooler. tle let's get started with a look at your forecast. we have a lot to talk about. starting to get lots of questions about what is going to happen at the end of the weekend. >> hurricane sandy. >> sandy. >> 61 at quantico. 64 in annapolis. temperatures not terribly cool. our overnight lows should be in the 40s this time of year. we are starting off on a nice note. we've got a little back door cold front shieding down the 95 corridor. that will bring us some slightly cooler air. you will notice the wind are off the ocean. you will notice the wind out of the east and that will hold back temperatures just a little bit for us. we are nice and quiet. nice quiet weather pattern continues across the mid- atlantic for the time being. things will change as we get into the weekend. one of the players could be this. hurricane sandy, we don't have a update yet. still a category two hurricane with 105 miles per hour winds. looking very impressive overnight. there is the high feature. it will be tracking off to the north. it is racing off to the north at about 20 miles per hour. and already we've got tropical storm warnings for southeast florida. what happens for us towards the end of the weekend, still a lot of question marks. we are starting to get a sense that it will get parked somewhere off the mid atlantic coast by late sunday, early monday. way cold front approaching the area, could be a player in our forecast for the end of the weekend. here is the latest. the winds 105 miles per hour. so what the national hurricane center has done is the computer models are all over the place on this one. half want to bring it close to the coast line. the other half want to take it out to sea. they've cut it right up the middle here. this storm will still be very powerful interacting with that cold air as it approaches from the north and west. we could have some pretty big weather around here for the end of the weekend. 57 today. partly sunny skies. still mild out there. here is your accu-weather seven- day forecast. temperatures stay mild the next couple of days. focus sunday, monday and tuesday, lots of question marks about that forecast. it all depends on the eventual path of sandy and how it might interact with this cold front approaching from the west. i can guarantee you this. the temperatures will be much cold are way early next week. our high temperatures will struggle to 50 by monday and tuesday. overnight lows in the 30s. n th >> good morning to you. guess what it is time for. ask tony and tucker. this is the segment where turn and i put our big heads together to answer your most pressing questions weather- related or otherwise. today's question comes from tamika moore. i think she has sent in a question before. in the absence of a buzzing alarm clock, the beaming sub shining through the windows or kids knocking on the bedroom door, our bodies would eventually weak us up from sleep. what is it that triggers our body to wake up from uninterrupted sleep so we do not stay asleep for days? >> i wish i could try right now and tell you. >> here is the cool thing. most of us, you have to get up a at certain time. we get up at appear unusual time as many people do who do shift work or what have you. you are kind of supposed for shift things around. if you ever get the chance to be on a vacation for a week or so and you don't have to get up to go on excursions or anything like that but you really just go by your natural internal clock, you will find that you tend to sleep seven, eight hours, maybe a little less, maybe a little more and you will tend to go to sleep, fall asleep and wake up at the same time or close to the same time every day. left to your own device, that is because we are programmed a certain way. mother nature -- our bodies are amazing. you've heard of the circadian rhythm? >> yes. >> that is our internal clock that is programmed to maximize our expenditure and use of energy during daytime hours or your waking hours and your sheeping hours. and we're pretty much programmed to be awake during the day and doing stuff and sleeping at night. >> yeah. >> i was amazed to read that those of us who do shift work and i would consider this shift work, that it takes generally -- if you've been doing it for years between a week and 10 days to readjust to what your body would naturally -- your natural body cycle would be. so obviously, i force myself awake every day. >> we all do. >> we do. >> so let me get a little scientific here. we have a detailed answer from dr. joseph chandler. he is involved in sleep research for the navy. he says our sleep-wake cycle is influenced by external or internal cues. the vower mentioned several external cues. there is a master clock in our brain. it is call the supracheismatic nucleus. >> they are studied people who don't get any light and they still will wake up naturally and fall back asleep naturally on their own body clock. >> yes. and the sinking process is tied to the most external process is light and darkness. so that being sensitive to external cues allows our body to adjust to changing environmental conditions such as varying amounts of daylight across the soap. the scn does not come letly depend on external cues. it is also your circadian rite imthat factors in as well. you are pretty much programmed when that sun is coming up, oh, time to do stuff. time to work the fields and plant the crops and whatever. >> it also explains why it feels so unnatural to get up at 3:00 in the morning. >> you are forcing yourself to do something. >> will wake up on a saturday morning. i will briefly wake up at 2:00 and then i fall right back to sleep. >> we got to go. we're up against the clock. if you have a question you want answered, go to and click on the weather tab. >> i don't know that song. i'm being told it is am i awake by a group called they might be giants. >> oh! okay. never heard that one. >> let's tuck with julie wright and get the latest on traffic. -- let's talk with julie wright and get the latest on traffic. >> we have a lot going on right now. let's map out a couple of problems. north of town route 1 and route 100, route 1 is shut down between 100 and 175. this is due tie serious crash involve a vehicle and a tractor- trailer. we are roving the reports that the vehicle has been wedged underneath the tractor-trailer. three fat it's associated with this crash. -- three fatalities associated with this crash. other side of town, you will find that the portion of backlick road south of 236s that been reopened so lens are open there. 359 northbound coming in from seminary road headed up towards dpleeb road. accident activity was tying up the left lane in the main line. this is contributing to this delay in the mop line headed north of duke street. -- in the mop line headed north of duke street. -- 395 northbound coming in from seminary road headed up towards glebe road. -- in the main line headed north of duke street. holly morris is live at the verizon center for the 54th annual washington international horse show. find out why so many people saddle up for this big event when we come back. [ mitt romney ] we have to work on a collaborative basis. look, the reason i'm in this race is there are people that are really hurting today in this country. and we face this deficit -- could crush the future generations. and republicans and democrats both love america but we need to have leadership -- leadership in washington that will actually bring people together and get the job done and could not care less if it's a republican or a democrat. i've done it before, i'll do it again. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message. all right. that does it for the 6:00 hour. let's send it over to allison and tony to take us the rest of the way. >> good morning. coming up on a thursday morning. a local congressman's son resigns from his father's campaign after an under cover video released. what patrick was caught on video saying. >> 12 days


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