The BJP on Thursday alleged that the Congress displayed disregard for Hindu traditions by calling the sacred ‘Sengol’ a “golden stick gifted” to former prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru and tucking it away in a museum.
The Bharatiya Janata Party on Thursday alleged that the Congress displayed disregard for Hindu traditions by calling the sacred Sengol a golden stick gifted to former prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru and tucking it away in a museum.
Instead of being given the pride of its place, the 'Sengol' was tucked away in Allahabad's Anand Bhavan, and called the golden stick gifted to Nehru, BJP IT cell head Amit Malviya said
Following the Chola era tradition, the pontiff of the Thiruvaduthurai Aadeenam presented the sengol to the first Prime Minister of India Nehru signifying the transfer of power from the British to Indian hands.
Tamil Nadu SFI president Aravind alleged that cops forced him to strip protocol and confined him during his convocation at Tamil University attended by Governor RN Ravi, due to his political affiliation.