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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Journal Editorial Report 20170909

and alabama as residents brace for life-threatening high winds, dangerous storm surges and tornadoes. >> you need to listen to local evacuation orders. i'm a dad and i'm a grandfather. i love my family more than anything. i cannot imagine life without them. do not put your life or your family's life at risk. right now is the right time to do the right thing for your family. mike: we have live team fox coverage on hurricane irma all weekend. senior meteorologist janice dean has the latest track on the storm, phil keating is in miami beach, but we begin with adam houseley in key largo, florida, which is already seeing irma's winds. adam? >> reporter: yeah, mike. we're seeing the wind, we're seeing some of the storm surge, we're also feeling the rain come down. the winds were sustained about an hour ago at 25 miles an hour according to my wind meter, now they're about 35, gusting over 50. if you look to my right here, we're going to come across, this is one of the many marinas here in key largo. the water's bashing up over some of the docks, several are underwater. if you look over or there, there's a houseboat that was tied up with another boat on the other side trying to protect each other, they've already broken loose and are now up against the docks. one of the lines is gone, they've only got one line left. i don't give them much more as wind picks up. across here you can hear popping, too, of some of the overhangs as they rip loose and some of the sails as they come loose from the sailboats. obviously, the sails were put down but they're still, obviously, popping off parts of the boat itself. look to my left, you can see some of the water out here. the water going over the bows of several sailboats already. again we're on the ocean side of key largo, one of the narrowest parts of the island, maybe a mile in width at the most. the highest elevation maybe 5 feet, 6 feet, so this water is expected to come through here, the surge is expected to come through here. this restaurant already underwater. the power's been out since about 10:30 a.m. local time. cell service is still up, power is out. we are seeing a few people out and about but not many. i have to tell you, this is the least amount of people i've ever seen out in a hurricane. most of this area evacuated in the last couple of days. people saw the video, and they saw the pictures coming in from the caribbean, and they saw the damage and the devastation done in those islands. it wasn't harvey, it was those pictures in the caribbean and this storm has scared them away. you can see the wind's really picked up. this all started maybe 10 a.m. this morning, 9:30. we had the bands come through, and it's garage aally gotten worse and worse and worse and more sustained as we're seeing now. this is the thing they're going to have a problem with. there are so many boats over here. this sailboat, as i walk towards it, it's getting tossed around and has been moved. this is a big boat too. this water comes up -- when it comes up, not if -- when it comes up, boats like these are going to break loose, and they're going to come up over the side and into homes, and that's why so many people were told to get out. we'll keep you updated, of course, here as winds continue to blow, the rain continues to come. right now according to the authorities here, i know the track keeps changing, and janice dean's going to give us the latest on that, but they believe we're going to get the dirty side of the storm and maybe the eye could be as close as isla mirada. i still hear popping, this overhang basically has torn loose from the restaurant, guys. mike: adam, how quickly have conditions deteriorated there in key largo? >> reporter: they started getting bad around or 9:30, 10 p.m., and then we noticed it gradually get worse. you can -- it's crazy, you can see the bands on tv at home. if you never been in a hurricane, you can see those bands. it's almost like a band will hit, and you'll get a little break, and another band comes a little harder. it's almost like a whip and a whip and a whip. it's a second whip right now coming through, this one much more powerful than the first. and we're hours away from getting the bad stuff. as you can see, mike, i'll pull my wind meter out, hold on, this is the biggest gust we've had so far. i want to see what this is. we were sustained, right now we're sustained, it says a 4. it says 45. so, and it's gusting more than that. so that's where we're at right now, guys, and it's going to be going on for some time. the biggest worry for authorities wasn't just that this storm was going to be a five or a four or even a three, it's how big it is. it's that long period that it's going to be over land here. it's not coming through quick with one punch,st going to come through slow and really hammer this area for a long time. there's a lot of trees already down here, and again, as i mentioned, some of the poles are already bending a bit. significant just tree damage, and we haven't hit any of the tough stuff yet, guys. mike: adam houseley in key largo which is already taking a beaten. adam, to you and your crew, be safe. julie? julie: hurricane irma's outer bands already i blowing into the miami metro area, home to some six million people. and phil keating is live in miami beach where people really are heeding the evacuation warnings, but then the people behind you not so much. what's going on there, and why are those people still on the beach? >> reporter: well, it's still just tropical storm force winds happening here at the beach, and so the worst is really yet to come. that's going to come over the next 12 hours. and throughout the day there's been a lot of people who did not evacuate coming to the beach just to check it out. a couple of people actually went into the rough surf which is quite dangerous and treacherous right now. rip tide, rip currents, those are deadly. but nobody from where we could see has ventured out further than, say, knee deep. that would be too dangerous. duke energy, which services power and electricity for much of the northern half of the state, just announcing recently, moments ago, they expect before it's all said and done with as this hurricane rakes up primarily the eye going right up the western coast, the gulf side of florida, one million floridians could end up without electricity, and they say they expect severe damage, significant damage and people are going to have to wait days, perhaps weeks, perhaps even longer to get electricity restored. nine florida counties on the southern tip now under a tornado watch. we'll take a look at the balm trees as these bands of wind and rain are coming in, starting to bend more, bend more, and then out in the surf, like i said, it's dangerous, it's choppy. right now we're at low tide. but the emergency operations center in miami-dade county, as the storm has shifted to the west and that brings the wind speed projected for miami-dade county and broward and palm beach counties, the most populated in the state, down to maybe a cat one effect but more likely a tropical storm effect. senator marco rubio at a emergency operations center briefing earlier today had this to say about taking it seriously. >> tropical storm winds, which we are projected with great certainty to be impacted by, those are serious winds. that stuff blows off tiles, it knocks down trees. don't be the guy who gets killed by the tree, all right? every year we have it. don't with the guy or the gall that gets killed by the -- the guy or the gal that gets killed by the tree. >> reporter: there have already been 25,000 households in southern florida which lost power, and most likely florida power and light isn't going to risk their own crews' lives getting around if the winds get much stronger. this strength of wind if you haven't put your shutters up yet, too late. plywood up? too late. you're going to have to ride it out. a lot of people from south florida evacuated to the west coast, and now they're having the evacuate from there and perhaps return back to the east coast on their way back home. right now as we speak, about 53, 57,000 floridians are stay anything shelters, 321 are open statewide. many of them are at full capacity, and the governor says they're opening more and more shelters as the hours approach. back to you. julie: phil keating, we'll check back with you in just a little bit. miami beach, florida, getting the winds that haven't even hit the mainland yet. mike: janice dean is live in the fox extreme weather center with the latest on irma's path. >> reporter: we get a new track at 5 p.m. eastern time, and that'll give us the latest track and coordinates. i know hurricane hunters have been flying through i ma, and the pressure -- irma, and the pressure has dropped. we know the storm is strengthening, and we expect a category four upon landfall on the keys and perhaps a second landfall around the naples area tomorrow around dinner time. when you talk about category four hurricanes, we've got andrew, charley, donna and wilma. if folks remember these storms moving towards the naples area, this one actually could be worse than any of them with regards to the fact that it's going to be just offshore and bringing the worst of the storm surge in some cases 10-15 foot storm surge which would put homes underwater on these very low-lying areas. it is strengthening. you can see that well-defined eye. we had landfall earlier today on cuba that weakened the storm a little bit, but now we've got 90-degree temperatures in the waters here of the florida straits, and that's why we think this has the potential for some rapid intensification in the next 12 hours upon landfall in the florida keys somewhere. hurricane warnings for 17 million people across the state of florida, watches for the state of georgia. as we expect monday into tuesday we potentially could have a major hurricane just offshore of the panhandle of florida. so this is a big deal. this will be catastrophic in some cases and life-threatening. tornado watch in effect until 12:00 midnight for south florida, and you can see that well-defined eye right there. so strengthening storm. we're going to see the potential for these weaker tornadoes that could cause structural damage on top of the storm surge, the flood threat and the potential for hurricane force winds, major hurricane, by the way. future radar shows our landfall, what we expect. around 8 a.m. around the keys, there's key west, there's marathon, there's key largo, and perhaps the second landfall we think sometime around 5, 6 p.m. in and around the fort meyers area. there's naples right there, there's tampa, and that core, a very strong 140 mile-per-hour sustained winds stretching 70 miles from the center of that storm. so the whole state of florida will see a hurricane, hurricane-force winds at some point during the duration of this storm. here's the track, here's the latest track. again, strengthening to a category four storm over keys tomorrow morning, perhaps making a second landfall around dinner time. and, look, around the big bend of florida, major hurricane. that's monday in the morning. look at georgia. category three. category three hurricane into georgia possible. finally, as we get into midweek, this will break down. but, i mean, this really -- this is going to go down in history as one of the worst hurricanes, unfortunately, to hit the florida area and one of the main reasons why if we have very low-lying areas, especially on the west side of florida. some of these areas are below sea level. so when you're talking about 8-12 feet, 5-10 feet in some cases 15 feet of storm surge, that's that pileup of water from the counterclockwise winds that just slams into the coast. that's going to inundate all of these areas that are low-lying, and that's why we are so concerned. in some cases the worst case scenario for parts of the west coast of florida. just want to point out, julie and mike, some of the warmest temperatures right now, the fuel that this storm needs are right now ahead of this storm in the florida straits, and that's why we are talking about the potential for a very dangerous category four hurricane, again, making landfall we are pretty certain along the keys tomorrow morning, then a second landfall we think around the naples/fort myers area. and we will watch this thing monday, tuesday, even wednesday. can you imagine, a major hurricane potentially moving into the georgia area? listen to your local horses, listen to your -- local authorits, listen to your local forecasters. this is one for the history books already, julie and mike. mike: the whole state of florida's bracing for an attack from hurricane irma, and now the southeastern united states really has to be ready. >> reporter: absolutely. and the rainfall too, we didn't mention that, upwards to a foot of rainfall with this storm. julie: that's basically putting coastlines under the water. this thing has gone from a category four to a three. make no mistake, a category three whether it's three or four, no less of a weakening storm considering 195 miles around the eye of the storm will be expected by tropical storm winds. 70 miles in diameter will be affected by hurricane force winds, and the storm surge literally is probably the most deadly part of any storm which will wrap around the florida panhandle, hitting the east and the west coast of florida. so anywhere in florida truly people need to hunker down. authorities, meantime, expanding mandatory evacuation orders all over the state. in fact, hurricane irma as it shift toss the west, one place is now in full-on preparation mode, and that's the city of clearwater, and that's west of tampa. joining us now by phone is the major. mayor, thank you very much for talking to us. >> hi, julie. glad to be with you, although i'd rather be watching the pitt/penn state football game. julie: i'm sure a lot of people are. and unfortunately, a lot of people are already losing power, they can't watch television in the state of florida, and this hasn't even hit the land. this is one of the largest evacuations in the united states. about a 5.6 million people in florida, that's more than 25% of the state's population have been ordered to evacuate. including pinellas county where mandatory orders are in effect for level a and level b. my question to you so far, have residents been heeding the warnings? >> they have. we have approximately 260,000 people under an evacuation order. i was with the county eoc team this morning, and things are going well many our preparations. -- well in our preparations. right now the sun is shining, it's a hot, humid, bright and beautiful day in clearwater, but we know that we immediate to get ready now. -- we need to get ready now. we can't wait. we're closing our beaches down. people have been evacuating. i visited some of the shelters already. and one is full, one just re-opened, and we're prepared to open others if need be. as y'all have been reiterating over and over, do not take this storm lightly. evacuate, prepare your homes, be mindful of your family and your loved ones. julie: the governor has been doing such an excellent job providing updates to its residents every three hours and sticking to the plan that people need to heed the warnings. by -- >> the governor -- julie: sorry, go ahead. >> no, the governor has crisscrossed the state -- julie: yeah. >> -- to reemphasize this message. and i know both our senators and local congressmen have been doing the same thing as are county commissioners and all of our local officials. julie: these deadlines are serious, because once the winds hit, emergency rescue teams cannot come and get you, okay? for pinellas county, for example, by 8 a.m. tomorrow morning, all of you in level a need to evacuate your homes. if you are in a level a district which includes coastal residents and those in low-lying areas, especially those living in mobile homes in every part of the county k you need to get out. residents in level b must begin evacuating immediately. you talked about the shelters, many of which are full. i want to talk about shelters which allow pets because we saw in houston so many animals whose bodies are still being pulled from receding waters and a lot of the shelters that accept pets are getting filled the fastest. what is being done in order to extend further shelter for pets? anyone with a pet, please bring them with you. do not leave them at home. >> we have, as i said, the one shelter was full of pets, and it's reached its maximum -- julie: yeah, i heard that. >> they are looking at opening up some other shelters for people with pets. we have people who have been in nursing homes and assisted living facilities that have been moved into our shelters. so we're, we are doing our best to accommodate everybody and not turn anybody away. julie: okay. so if you show up to a shelter with a pet and it's a non-pet shelter, what happens? do you get turned away? >> they will probably -- what we have to realize, julie, is that there are other people who are allergic to pets. julie: of course. so it's a health concern. >> we have to accommodate everybody. and efforts will be made to accommodate everybody. the one shelter that i was at, all the pets were in one area. they had a separate area for people who had service dogs, service animals -- julie: sure. >> so we're going to, you know, the county is going to do a good job of trying -- we need to save lives, and that's the most important thing. julie: human and our four-legged friends, of course. >> exactly. julie: all right. >> and, again, let me reiterate something that you implied. you know, we all like to think that we're invincible, but we can't take a chance with this storm. julie: no, okay. >> and even though you may be invincible, you know, protect our public service personnel. don't ask them to sky their life for you. julie: all right. mayor, thank you very much for talking to us, the mayor of clearwater. thank you very much. >> thank you. julie: and, by the way, in pinellas county this morning, seven a.m., all the drawbridges, in fact, were locked down so it could i allow for people to get out. quick viewers' note for you, tune in to "fox report" tonight for more special coverage of hurricane irma. i'll be joined by bill hemmer, he will be co-anchoring with me live from tampa. that begins tonight at 7 p.m. eastern. we'll have a special two-hour show with complete coverage as hurricane irma churns closer and closer to the coast, tampa being one of the areas that will be hard hit. stay tuned to that. mike: uncertainty in southeast florida as a shift to the west by this hurricane could spare miami a direct hit. how the east coast is preparing for an unpredictable threat. plus, that shift now making tampa a prime target. we're live from the scene as officials given expanding evacuation orders. ♪ ♪ mike: tracking hurricane irma, mandaty evacuation orders lifted in parts of southeast florida like port st. lucie after the storm turned west, but people are still taking extra precautions as the effects of irma are still expected to be severe. joining us on the phone is florida congressman brian mast who represents southeast coast cities. congressman, good to talk to you. what are your expectations in your area, and what is your message to your constituents, sir? >> you know, the number one message is keep doing what you've been doing. it's the community coming together. it's what i've seen across the breadth of the district and across the breadth of the state. i've been on the west coast of florida today and the east coast, and that's what you see going on everywhere, people helping each other board up their homes, their businesses, sharing fuel, making generator plans, making sure everybody has enough food or, you know, their grills are ready or ice for their beer or for their food. people are coming together. mike: have most of the people in your area gotten out? >> you know, a lot of people have evacuated, but many people anticipated that the florida -- the storm was going to make an east coast florida hit, and they evacuated up to the northwest area of florida, and now those people are finding themselves in the path of the storm and trying to make that decision about whether they want to come back to the east side of the state where it doesn't appear it's going to hit as hard. mike: do you worry about people thinking it is safe now as the storm may shift to the west? >> i do. i absolutely worry about people trying to make that last minute decision about if they're going to move back to the east coast of florida. one of the things that i saw in my travels today that was really -- there were very few people out there on the highways moving the way they were in the past couple days. almost entirely on the highways it was tree-trimming trucks, power trucks, linemen that are all coming down from the north in convoys, en masse x. i'm talking about hundreds of them all the way down our turnpike, down i-95, down i-75. hundreds of them getting ready for what comes after this storm. not a lot of civilian traffic. mike: i know emergency management's part of your portfolio on capitol hill, are federal, state and local officials coordinating well, in your view? >> they have done a tremendous job. the governor here in florida, in terms of mobilizing the national guard, making sure there's literally tens of thousands of bottles of water stationed around every different town across the state, making sure that everybody is prepared in their emergency operations centers, tracking the storm entirely. everybody is well prepared for this. people have their shutters up, people have their generators ready, you know, people have volunteers standing by for after the storm. the shelters are manned and ready for people both with pets, both without pets, people with special needs. florida is well prepared, and people have had some tremendous opportunities and some tremendous time to make sure they had the places they could go to to stay safe from the storm. mike: as we're looking on the screen at visuals of miami beach, does irma feel different, more dangerous, sir? >> you know, it's gone through different periods where it felt more dangerous and less dangerous based on where you were going to be. there was a time a couple days ago where people saw dipping into the east coast of florida as potentially a cat five, maybe hitting miami, a city that probably right now has 30 high-rise cranes sitting in the sky. when you think about a cat five hurricane hitting a city like that, maybe even more than that, that's something that puts a great deal of concern in your mind. and then you see is it shift, and it shifted towards the center of the state where we had to worry about it hitting lake okeechobee almost directly on, and it has a very weak dike at its southern end. if that levee were to fail, it would probably literally kill thousands of people south of that dike if it were to release that lake. and now you see it moving off to the west coast of florida, so you've seen it travel these different courses in its path where it's given a lot of different concerns for the state of florida. mike: congressman, we thank you for your time. we wish you and your family the best. julie: many people are worried about a direct hit from hurricane irma. plus, fema gearing up, how the federal agency is deploying resources as irma closes in. ♪ >> we have supplies anywhere from alabama to north carolina ready to support florida as well as we've placed three days' worth of commodities in the state. so we feel comfortable where we are, but it is going to take us some time to, you know, get through the damage. ♪ ♪ 4.3 minutes to yourself. this calls for a taste of cheesecake. new philadelphia cheesecake cups. rich, creamy 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at you don't let anything lkeep you sidelined. come on! that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein, and 26 vitamins and minerals... for the strength and energy, to get back to doing what you love. ensure, always be you. julie: a fox news alert now on what is now one of biggest evacuations in u.s. history. authorities telling us that more than six million people have been told to leave their homes as path of hurricane irma moves west, shifting away from miami, putting a new bull's eye on the heavily populated city of tampa. fox team coverage, garrett tenney reporting from fema headquarters in d.c., but first let's go to matt finn who joins us now in tampa where people were actually evacuating to tampa when they thought that the eye of the storm was going to hit in miami. so now you've got all these people in tampa who went there thinking they'd be safer. >> reporter: yeah, julie, we spoke to a family who say they're just not sure where to go now because they made the trek all the way up here to tampa, and now tampa's fire chief telling us because of the shift in irma heading west, this could be the biggest hurricane to hit tampa in a generation. we are in ybor city which is historically the party city of tampa, and as you can see, the majority of businesses in our line of sight are not boarded up, and we've seen people walking around leisurely. in fact, we spoke to some people at a bar who said they're going to stick this one out. i want to introduce you to a business owner. he says he ran out of plywood, is he taped up his family business, and inside he's taken a lot of measures to make his business as safe as possible. talk to us about what's going on. you shut off the gas and everything? >> yes. hi, how you doing? i wish, first of all, everybody to be safe and sound. we try to leave, but since yesterday we started giving the water and try to see the people that was calling us all the time asking for food and water. so we give some free water. we're going to try to do that also monday. hopefully, the weather permits. we were trying to board the windows, but we couldn't find any wood, so hopefully somebody going to bring us some wood. we just put some tape like you've seen here. we took out all of the drinks, we empty all the bar and everything just in case the windows break and all that. we're going to be safe. we shut the main gas line because some people are going to be staying in the building because they think this is pretty secure. it's brick building. so -- >> reporter: we wish you very well. thank you for your time. >> thank you very much, and everybody else, good luck. >> reporter: just one of the stories, people who cannot find enough supplies to board their businesses up. and in the final hours, they're preparing as best as they can. julie: matt finn, thank you very much. mike: irma is a big test for fee a many's ability -- fema's ability to handle back to back disasters. garrett tenney, what is fema doing ahead of hurricane irma? >> reporter: well, mike, the top priority is always to preserve and to protect life. so over the last few days we've heard them stressing folks under an evacuation order need to get out. looking ahead though, fema's anticipating a very long and mass irv -- massive recovery effort. they have more than seven million meals and nine million liters of water in staging areas ready to the go. earlier today, brock long said it could take several days to get those supplies to the folks that need it. >> we feel comfortable where we are, but it is going the take us some time to, you know, get through the damage, move the debris out of the roadway systems and support the state with points of distribution when it comes to commodities. >> reporter: and at this point you have folks from nearly every department and agency in the government that are here at fema's headquarters to help coordinate this response and wait and see what they can do to help. mike? mike: garrett, the geography is different between texas and florida. how will this response be different than what we saw following hurricane harvey? >> reporter: yeah, very different. you know, one of the remarkable things we saw this harvey was how folks ca came from a across the region, the cajun navy amongst many others. but in florida it's going to be a much different scene. earlier today i was talking with the commandant of the u.s. coast guard, and he said just based on the geography and the nature of this storm, it's going to be covering the entire state and going from bottom to top. so it's going to be very difficult to have those areas that are unaffected where folks can come from and work their way to be able to help others, and it's going to take a lot longer to get there meaning folks that have not evacuated could be on their own for at least a couple of days. >> as soon as that storm clears and that we can find a base that we can operate from or we can find fuel, we will be there. we're going to have to wait to see what that impact is. rest assured, as soon as irma a makes impact, we will come in behind with c-130 aircraft, we'll work work with the state, with governor scott, and start doing those initial assessmentings. but we're going to be in an emerging response phase for days, for days with this response. >> reporter: the commandant told me earlier this week he ordered all of the coast guard's personnel that was in texas assisting with the harvey relief effort toss get out, head this way to the southeast so that they can be prepared to do it all again with irma. and he said right now they have 40 ships that are in the gulf, that are following behind irma so that they have teams and supplies ready to go as soon as that storm passes. mike: garrett tenney on the federal preparations at fema headquarters. garrett, many thanks. julie? julie: the army corps of engineers is also closely working with fema as hurricane irma could cause widespread power outages and structural damage all across the state of florida. major general don reilly is a retired army corps of engineer deputy commanding general and deputy chief of engineers. he's also a senior adviser for dawson and associates. he joins me now. thank you, sir, for joining us. >> thank you, julie. i appreciate the invitation. julie: so the primary risks are as follows: wind damage, tornadoes and a massive storm surge. so how are your people, the people of miami beach, handling this? are these buildings built to code since 1992 when hurricane andrew blew through? a lot of building codes actually changed for homes especially for the rooftops, specifically because they couldn't sustain category four winds. so miami beach, how does it, how does it hold up? >> locally, the decisions on where people build, of course, zoning laws are a local decision, and then building codes are the responsibility of the state. but the federal government is concerned about -- and specifically the corps of engineers -- is the movement of water around the state, in particular lake okeechobee which the dike around lake o is a corps of engineers dike. and they are watching that very closely. if that fills to a greater degree than anticipated, then they'll be concerned. they have, in preparation for the storm, have lowered the lake levels, and then it's less than 14 feet now. they have had 18 feet of water in it before without any problem. they do have a couple of construction sites that they are concern about overwashing, but back to your original question about miami beach, those structures right along the beach are -- or certainly in the keys and tampa, in sanibel and naping, they could take severe damage due to storm surge. julie: yeah. and a lot of them, obviously, facing the ocean are all windows. hopefully, most of those are covered up, boarded up, but some aren't. and when those windows break, that's when you have flying glass and the superior of homes completely gutted. >> right. julie: i want to talk more about the storm surge, because this is so serious. the ocean water is deadly. it's among one of the deadliest symptoms of any hurricane packing winds such as hurricane irma. they're associated with persistent winds and low pressure. they could actually push the waves 6-12 feet of water into southwest florida sunday morning with a storm surge of about 5-10 feet. now, that doesn't even take into account high tide, nor does it take waves on top of those storm surges. what type of flooding are the areas of florida facing, and maybe tell us which areas of florida are going to face the most severe flooding. >> well, i think as it looks now, the cities on the west -- naples, tampa, st. petersburg and especially those that have a bay, bay inlets, the water can surge up into there. i understand high tide will be about the same time it arrives tomorrow morning -- julie: not good. >> what we saw in katrina, those houses along the beach were essentially wiped out. there was nothing left but their foundation, and that was a 28-foot storm surge with the waves on top of that. so it's very highly destruct i have storm surge right along the coast. julie: major general don reilly, thank you very much and good luck to you. >> thank you, julie. mike: thousands of americans recovering from hurricane irma's direct hit to the virgin islands. how the u.s. military's helping storm victims there. >> given the level of the devastation across the population and the two islands, we do not have -- and we're very thankful for that -- we do not have any massive loss of life, but we have really horrible destruction. ♪ ♪ i accept i don't bike as far as i used to. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but no matter where i ride, i go for my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'll go for that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than 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>> this morning when i woke up, we saw a fleet of military boats coming from puerto rico, so we know that some people were taken from the marriott hotel on the south side of the island via boat back to puerto rico. and there is a ferry that runs -- [audio difficulty] and st. thomas about 40 miles north of -- or south of st. thomas and an area that was less impacted. so people are venturing there the get off the island. and then there's also -- mike: did we lose our connection? that gives you a sense of how bad things are there in the u.s. virgin islands. we just lost the connection with kelsey. we thank her for her time and wish her and the folks there in the virgin islands the very best. julie: that's been a huge issue there for the people, because they have had no cell service or really any connection with the rest of the united states. but we will continue to watch that. meantime, more live team crage of hurricane irma as the outer bands of this massive storm reach florida. we'll go live to miami beach, and we're also tracking the storm's path for you. stay with us. ♪ ♪ fortunately, there's rocket mortgage by quicken loans. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. endless shrimp is back at red lobster. and we went all out to bring you even more incredible shrimp and new flavors. like new nashville hot shrimp, drizzled with sweet amber honey, and new grilled mediterranean shrimp finished with a savory blend of green onions, tomatoes, and herbs. feeling hungry yet? 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>> fox news alert, hurricane irma a cat 3 storm, expected to strengthen as it bears down in the florida keys nearly 7 million people, this is historic told to evacuate ahead of this massive storm. hello, everyone, welcome to another hour in america's headquarters i'm julie banderas. >> winds more than 100 miles per hour and now governor rick scott is issuing one last warning saying, irma is on track to be the most catastrophic storm the state has ever seen. we have live fox team coverage with senior meteorologist janice dean in the foxweter center. phil keaton in miami beach. we begin with adam in miami, florida. adam. >> the conditions continue to worsen. we are now on the edge on the ocean side. as we look to left, smashed up under the shore. there are a bunch of others we have known on very weak lines at h hour, we are not close to get to heavy stuff yet. if there's glimmer of good news here is the storm continues to trend west. obviously we won't get the eye or the wall of the eye which people were word about, however, that still means we are getting the dirty side of the storm, so it's called which is the rough side. there's white caps all throughout the area. we keep going to the left, the two boats have broken loose, one line holding them together. you can see as the night moves on, the wind will batter the boats together. the owner of the marina says that they know who owns the boats and they are not going to look good in a few hours. we are starting to see damage to those kinds of cloth coverings. sails are obviously down that are teared and ripped as the wind comes through. we are getting some rain, not as hard as it was last hour. although it's coming down now. a lot of water starting to pick up some of the lower areas. the wind according to my wind meter are sustained 35 to 40 and gusting 50. again, we are still hours away. we talked to locals, it's the same for a couple of days that these kinds of conditions, they are going to worsen and stay for maybe as long as 36 hours. when you put those kinds of conditions into this type of area, you're going to have a loft damage and there's still worry about storm surge, as far as the storm moves, as it continues to drift west, the storm surge worry here lessons a bit although we are seeing the water kick off some of the jetties, guys. >> adam, thank you very much. julie. julie: we are joined by brock long, fema administrator to talk to us about everything going on in florida from power outages, storm surge, some


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