ainsley: amazon stocks taking a major hit on wall street. yesterday shares dropped nearly 5%, wiping more than $30 billion off of its market value. this as amazon competes for a major government contract worth billions of dollars. but a d.c. watchdog group is pushing for the government to take another look at amazon, taking out a full page ad in the new york post. here to discuss is the president of that group it s called less government and his name is seton motley. thank you for being with us. my pleasure, thank you. ainsley: explain what happened. why did you take out this ad and what did it say? i certainly don t want to tank anybody s stock. and it s not necessarily about amazon per se. it s the fact that the defense department is willing to give a 10 year tech contract to any one company. that s a problem with a whole host beginning with national security. we have military men and women all over the world in harm s way relying increasingly as we get more