the government has plenty to poll, and p & o has been handed freeports worth millions of pounds in britain. and it sits on the group, the powerful group that awards licenses, tax allowances, tax handouts, and this government could suspend their licenses, and tell them unless they reinstate those workers, then they are not wok in britain. and it s plenty that the government could and should be doing now, to make sure those workers get their jobs back. frances, is there also the possibility perhaps of industrial action? you excuse me, i m not as clued up with p & o ferries as you are, and does that represent the talented work force or other unionized who might be supported? there is huge solidarity from the trade union movement on this. and we have been looking at our options, because this has to be
Six of the eight main UK tax allowances were found to be either frozen or decreased in the past decade, reducing by an average of 6%, according to analysis by Quilter.
Data and research on income taxes including OECD tax databases, taxing wages, revenue statistics, tax policy studies., The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tax revenues was less pronounced than during previous crises, in part due to government support measures introduced to support households and businesses, according to new OECD research published today.
Data and research on income taxes including OECD tax databases, taxing wages, revenue statistics, tax policy studies., The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tax revenues was less pronounced than during previous crises, in part due to government support measures introduced to support households and businesses, according to new OECD research published today.
a critical child benefit. 110 euros or something per month, per child. so everyone in the whole country gets this? yeah, yeah. no matter who you are? absolutely. that s like $500 a month. yeah. for raising kids. just for having kids. and there some tax allowances also. with three kids, that s almost $6,000 u.s. a year. yeah, close to it. and then the school system you don t pay for, first grade all the way through college. yeah. free education, free health care, free dental care. yeah. i think our system is pretty good at the moment, quite even for everybody. yeah. now that i ve gotten to know some finnish students and parents, i think i ve got to get a better handle on what is important to them in the classroom. they put a lot of trust in their teachers. and today they re going to trust me with a class of 25 eighth graders. maybe they re not that smart after all!