Eliza Carnigan stood in the circle with her glove above her left knee, her right arm extended forward and a cool glare on her face.Pembroke’s junior pitcher already had two outs on the scoreboard in the top of the fifth, and with one more to go, she.
It’s a long, difficult road to make it to a championship game.It’s even more difficult when you come up short in that game.Concord knows that feeling all too well after it played its way into the 2021 Division I state championship only to fall early.
Boys’ Cross CountryConVal 19, John Stark 49, Merrimack Valley 66Key players: ConVal – Ian Post (1st, 17:44), Tyler Beard (2nd, 17:55); John Stark – Eli Lemire (3rd, 18:06), Seth Marquardt (6th, 19:38); MV – Oliver Forsha (8th, 20:10)Highlights: ConVal.