Federal Trade Commission FTC hosted public forum on proposed rule to ban non-compete agreements. Non-compete clauses protect business trade secrets, confidential info, which makes such a ban a concern for many businesses. Comment period for proposed rule ends March 20th.
Christine Wilson, the only remaining Republican Federal Trade Commission Commissioner, published an Wall Street Journal Op-Ed announcing resignation from the FTC. Commissioner Wilson was the lone dissenting voice on the FTC’s proposed rule banning noncompetes nationwide.
The Indiana Senate passed a bill to outright ban noncompete agreements between doctors and their healthcare provider employers though with an amendment to remove restrictions on referral incentives. SB 7 must still be approved by the Indiana House of Representatives.
Federal Trade Commission FTC announced it will be hosting public forum on February 16, 2022, from 12:00-3:00 p.m. ET, to discuss proposed nationwide noncompete ban. Forum is intended to supplement FTC’s request for written comments, which as of today have exceeded 10,000.
Federal Trade Commission caught attention of employers across country by issuing a proposed rule to ban vast majority of non-compete clauses used in United States. FTC estimates 30 million people are subject to non-compete clauses in employment contracts.