Of h. R. 1230, which the clerk will report the title. E clerk a bill to amend the age discrimination act and retaliation claims and for other purposes. The chair when the committee of the whole house rose amendment number 5 printed in house report offered by the gentlewoman from michigan had been disposed of. Pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, the Unfinished Business is request for recorded vote on amendment number printed in 1116790 on which further proceedings were postponed and the knows prevailed by voice vote. The clerk will redesignate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 3 offered by mr. Allen of georgia. The chair a recorded vote has been requested. Those in support of a recorded vote will rise and be counted. A sufficient number having arisen, a recorded vote is ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This will be a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of repr
Some call it an investigation. Theres no legal difference between them arguing about it. Let me clear up any doubt, the investigation closes a threat t our democracy. You have an obligation to aspire to this and we are doing so. The Top Republican on the Committee Says this is nothing more than a photo op. What happened today is great. The committee has become a giant instrument builder. The difference between formal impeachment proceedings is a world apart. I dont know what an instagram is. My children told me that. Even nancy pelosi says the impeachment plan is ridiculous. The whole thing, she wants it all to disappear. Are you uncomfortable with the term impeachment, ishere another term we should be using . Why is it you are hung up on the board over here when lives are at stake over there flex. Did chief get botox . Its democrat on democrat action. So hot. The president sets his money is on nancy. I dont think shes scared of anything. I think shes a smart woman and she knows what s
Some call it an investigation. Theres no legal difference between them arguing about it. Let me clear up any doubt, the investigation closes a threat to our democracy. You have an obligation to aspire to this and we are doing so. The Top Republican on the Committee Says this is nothing more than a photo op. What happened today is great. The committee has become a giant instrument builder. The difference between formal impeachment proceedings is a world apart. I dont know what an instagram is. My children told me that. Even nancy pelosi says the impeachment plan is ridiculous. The whole thing, she wants it all to disappear. Are you uncomfortable with the term impeachment, is there another term we should be using . Why is it you are hung up on the board over here when lives are at stake over there flex. Did chief get botox . Its democrat on democrat action. So hot. The president sets his money is on nancy. I dont think shes scared of anything. I think shes a smart woman and she knows wha
Coalition from registering in Upcoming Elections the courts ruling comes just days after the madieu dominated constituent assembly announced that the poll would be held in april thats months ahead of schedule critics say madieu is depriving people of a free and Fair Election and those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after inside story ill see in about twenty five minutes but i. The parting shot to me on mars leader from a veteran u. S. Diplomat Bill Richardson says on some suit she lacks moral leadership and resigns from an International Advisory panel of the door hinge or crisis while they bicker what about the plight of hundreds of thousands of refugees this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im homage enjoy him frustration over me and morris handling of the raw hinder crisis has boiled over into an argument between on song suchi and her friend now critic Bill Richardson the former u. S. Ambassador to the un resigned from an Advisory Panel set up
Repatriation centers in Rakhine State were open and ready to receive some of them as of tuesday but across the border in bangladesh Officials Say that paperwork for the refugees is incomplete or news sort of zero of the inside story next. The parting shot to me and mars leader from a veteran u. S. Diplomat Bill Richardson says on song suit she lacks moral leadership and resigns from an International Advisory panel of the door hinge a crisis while they bicker what about the plight of hundreds of thousands of refugees this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im homage and frustration over me and morris handling of the or hinder crisis has boiled over into an argument between on song suchi and her friend now critic Bill Richardson the former u. S. Ambassador to the un resigned from an Advisory Panel set up by the government after accusing it of trying to whitewash the crisis and in his Resignation Letter richardson accuse members of being a Cheerleading Squad for the governm