immer öfter hören wir das Wort „Künstliche Intelligenz“ oder auch (KI).
Was versteht man eigentlich darunter? Immer mehr Unternehmen entwickeln innovative Lösungen, die mit Hilfe von Maschinenlernen, Big Data und digitalen Assistenten das Leben der Menschen vereinfachen wollen.
KI ist mehr als menschenähnliche Roboter, die die Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion perfektionieren. KI verändert unsere Arbeitswelt, sei es in der Medizinbranche, in der Landwirtschaft oder im Marketing. KI-Lösungen übernehmen hier zukünftig Aufgaben, die für Menschen schwierig, gefährlich oder wegen der immensen Datenflut nicht zu bewältigen sind – intelligente Maschinen arbeiten in solchen Bereichen schnell und zu geringen Kosten.
the german institute for economic research in berlin today upped its growth forecast for germany for this year and next year because the grand coalition has implemented or is planning to implement a few measures likely to increase the disposable income of german households we see thank you very much. in frankfurt. after announcing record profits german comic a false charge and getting serious about the production of electric cars the manufacturer has picked partners to provide battery cells and related technology worth twenty billion euros the comical plans to equip sixteen production plants for the production of electric cars by twenty twenty two a strong increase from the three that are currently able to produce the folks who are now hopes to produce three million electric models per year by twenty twenty five. francis threatening to take legal action against technology giants google and apple for abusive business practices that could result
consistency begins we think artificial intelligence will actually create jobs overall this shouldn t be seen as a replacement for human beings but rather as an assistant for example to help us create better more advanced treatment options and. to enable their research and development of ai com is asking the government to provide at least four billion euros over the next four years. francis is threatening to take legal action against technology giants google and apple for abuses business practices that could result in fines of several million euros the french finance minister quinola macit on wednesday france accuses the internet giant of imposing terrorists on developers who hope to sell their apps to them the also would be an effort to protect startups and developers from modifying contracts without the consent of the
finance records show banks are betting on romney. the top five donor groups in romney s campaign all associated with large financial institutions led by wall street giants goldman sachs and jp morgan. obama s top five contributor groups include individuals and pacs affiliated with technology giants google and microsoft. and the washington post, after praising jp morgan chase as, quote, one of the best managed banks there is, new documents released yesterday show that the obama s have as much as $1 million in assets in a jp morgan chase account. the documents also show that the obamas hold total assets ranging from $2.5 million to $8 million. usa today. for the second time, a juror has been sent home for sleeping during the roger clemens trial. can you blame him? it happens. the judge excused the juror yesterday who was seen sleeping for an extended period of time. oh, man. even jurors are bored with this case. your they trying him?