might be worth hearing his side of the story. just liste. so we came out to l.a.,a ando booked a thirty minuteok interview with w, which quicklye morphed into a two hour intervied inw. and we re so grateful that it did because one of the most interesting deep and provocative conversations we ve ever watched, everybody thought that guys operate the cameras thought that it really was fascinating. whether you agree or not, soamoy obam us his assessment of barack obama, whom he knows wells and has known well for many years. for nybefore he became presidene here s what he saidnt.. do you talk to obama?o obama still, i wasst obama s favorite artist. he actually met with me.e obama met with me and my mamaofe to say that he was running for n office back in 2008. and that he wanted the support.o and everybody was sort into this idea of the black president . and we were always you re always cool. and it s also like, you know, how many how many of us are there? you know, obama,
casual warning about a looming a nuclear holocaust. now, last night during a closed door fundraiserr top with other top democrats, biden claimed that this is the firstdi time we have, quote, faced since kennedy and the cuban missile crisis. and thenow, because, accordingo joe , vladimir putin is notvladm irjoking when he talks about the use of nuclear weapons orwen biological weapons or chemical weapons. now, apparently, there is nothing joe going to dot it about it, but he did do this. the administration, they are buying three hundred million dollars worth of anti radiatio$n and drugs. well, that s r not reassuring. that s joe s big plan in the event that putin usesr weap? nuclear weapons. that s it. no one in the white house has articulated a strategy to deter vladimir putin or work on any diplomatic solution. now, the war in ukraine has no end in sight. and now it appears that joe biden is only bracing fort e the worst. get ready. i guess it s line up. get your radiation
that s the sworn sm enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and group . think of the best weekends, you mond the ones you love, and we ll see you monday. ayand welcome back to hannity this friday. night. tonight, full midterm coverageae with only thirty two days till the midterms straight ahead. s and texas senator ted cruzxas so will be with us.at also, arizona, they have a senate candidate debate last night. blake masters performedicul particularly welarlyl against mk kelly and destroyed hislights democratic opponent. we re going to bring yout de the highlights of that debate. and we beginbate tonight with president joe biden, his