Māori TV
Te Ao With Moana looks at what it takes to begin protecting an inner city stream by giving it the same rights and privileges as a person.
When Māori Television presenter Moana Maniapoto’s son Hikurangi Kimiora Jackson gets in her ear, she listens. Former
Marae reporter Jackson is the man in the producer’s chair on Maniapoto’s award-winning current affairs show
Te Ao With Moana. “It’s not often that you end up working with your kids,” she says. “It’s a different dynamic, but we recognise the skills that each of us brings and that they are complementary.
Mike White05:00, May 01 2021
Double murderer, sex offender, recidivist jailhouse snitch, and perjurer, Roberto Conchie Harris. Harris lied about David Tamihere confessing in prison to murdering Swedish tourists Heidi Paakkonen and Urbin Hoglin. He had also claimed inmates confessed to him in other high profile cases.
New Zealand is finally attempting to deal with the problem of jailhouse snitches, known to have caused hundreds of wrongful convictions worldwide, but repeatedly used in our courts. However, as Mike White discovers, critics say proposed new guidelines will merely entrench a corrupt system and result in more innocent people being jailed.