SIR – I have nothing but admiration for the work Dame Esther Rantzen has done in the name of protecting vulnerable children over her lifetime. But along with many others in the Parents for a Smartphone-free Childhood movement, I respectfully disagree with her response to a call for a ban on smartphones and social media for children (report, February 17). She says that children need smartphones to access help for their mental well-being. But children need mental-health services more than ever pre
SIR – Georgina Stanger (Letters, February 11) says that the King’s cancer diagnosis “throws the parlous state of the NHS into stark relief”, and I can only agree.
SIR – Rishi Sunak is imploring voters not to put Labour in power by switching to Reform UK, following the Conservatives’ Kingswood and Wellingborough by-election losses (report,, February 16).
SIR – Much of the talk about a “technical” recession (report,, February 15) overlooks the true story of GDP. GDP per capita has fallen every quarter since early 2022 and is now 1.7 per cent smaller. The Conservatives have presided over the longest contraction of GDP per capita since 1955. A change of government to Labour will not improve this. It’s scandalous that 4,000 people a day are signed off as “sick”. We can continue to treat this malaise by importing a population the size
SIR – I am Jewish, and my family and I have been proud British citizens throughout our lives, contributing to society and serving in the Armed Forces in the Second World War to defend our country against those who wanted the end of the Jewish race.