High school student, GIORGIA EAST (Deborah Tabone), who has been tested at genius level, has her dream of pursuing an International Degree in Finance hit a wall when her teacher, JOHN BALATRO (Antonios Baxevanidis), fails her creative writing assignment entitled "How To Rob a Bank in Ten Easy Steps". Determined to prove her teacher wrong and demonstrate that by following her ten step plan the bank can be taken for millions. Giorgia skips school, walks into a regional bank branch and holds up the teller, Isaak Misidis (Costas Mandylor) at gun point. The teller triggers the silent alarm, locking down the bank's computer systems and enacting its security protocol, also alerting the police to the attempted robbery. Called to the scene is decorated veteran Detective MAURICE ROPER (Louis Mandylor) - once a hot shot with the LAPD - and his partner, Detective TINA JOYCE (Kim King). No sooner do Roper and Joyce arrive at the bank than they set up a command center and call in the
Did you know that April is International Guitar Month? If you’ve always wanted to learn how to play the guitar, this would be the perfect time. And if you already know how to play the guitar, I hope y