The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) disclosed that the completion of the construction of Cipanas Dam in Sumedang District, West Java .
teens. it was really hard not to get in the car. yes, because we thought we were on some real taste test thing and we had to go to somewhere. they say they weren t sure he was really drunk. he points out it is even sure for police officers to be sure someone is intoxicated and it is not a judgment call teens should be making. is there somebody your age, they re new at driving probably and they re also probably new at drinking. when you put those two things together, it s higher risk. more young people die in car accidents than any other way. buddy, don t ever do that again. these parents are grateful this wasn t the real thing. i m so sorry. and hope an important lesson was learned. that s okay. it s okay. next time. reporter: terisi says most likely what pushed these teens to get in the car was peer pressure. one more lesson for parents to be thinking about.