. d so we, along with our regionalle partners, will do what we ve always done, will rise to the occasion. we ve learned from border town s like el paso and brownsville, and in manyin n ways, the governors, texas and arizona have turned us into a border town . mayor and chicago mayor laurie lightweight was also panic stricken after a few busloads of migrants showed up in the windy city and she decidedd to transport them out of her city and send them to subur the suburbs. now, keep in mind, around dcght thousand migrants have been bused to chicago and d.c. e warlow for one points one million migrants have entered the state of texas alone. e th year.this year, never minde year. here now with more, former f floridormer general a attorney m bondi, fox news contributor tammy bruce. ou pam, let me start with you.. as a former prosecutor, you just heard the mayor pretty much you can commit any violent crime, kidnapping, seconder and