Scribe Who Filmed Haryana BJP Leaders Eating Before Joining SYL Canal Fast Booked in Months-old Case
A journalist of a web-based channel who had allegedly made a video of BJP leaders eating before observing a fast on the SYL canal issue here has been booked by police in a months-old case. Rajinder Sanehi was booked on Monday under Section 67 of the Information Technology Act on a complaint given by former Thanesar Market Committee chairman Suresh Saini around 10 months ago, police said.
Kurukshetra SHO Mandeep Singh said Saini had alleged that false and fabricated news was spread by the scribe against him on social media about 10 months ago, which damaged his reputation. Meanwhile, Kurukshetra MP Nayab Singh Saini and Thanesar MLA Subhash Sudha, who were seen eating in a video before joining the fast, denied the claim. The BJP leaders said they did not eat on the day of fast but only took prasad offered to them at a religious event here. The Kurukshetra MP said he,