our climb will be steep. we may not get there in steep one year. we mayor even in one term.a, i e but america, i have never been more hopeful than i am tonight that we will get there. e. well, 15 years later, his party has gone from hope. nope, again, nope. they don t want biden the deterioration of our economy. well, we ve talked about this ad nauseam. abou obvious, but so is his own physical deterioration. ffect nauseanow, let s compare m fteen years ago to now. these are extraordinary times. this is an extraordinary election. the american people are ready. i am ready for rock is ready. this is his time. this is our time.. tiis is america s time. out. raq an iraq and irad n are iraq and iran. but iraq, not iran. it s really very, very dull when after all these years in public life, known for in two things ray ban sunglasses, the chocolate chip ice. wow.chip no iw undecer 51% of his own vos do not want him to run again. according to that new nbc agaiey that just came
the will likely face thahat guy, the guy that does not know today s monday. he s eighty two years ol years d and all we know is he likes ice cream and he can t speak very well anyway. , jojoe biden, your cognitively struggling democratic president, is now to planning to announce his reelection bid tomorrow night. tomo veryintere getss reelec interesting.g. even though almost no one ineveo america wantugh alams him to see a second term, we re not evene sure he can get through the first term. now, that s true. tulsi gabbard, will weigh inghte tonight right here in studio with us. withalso, west virginia democrat joe manchin will join rem us tonight. now, remember, he made a deal with chuck schumer and joe biden on the critical issue to his state. it s called energy, right? we need to be energyt. independent, energy dominant. it looks lik like the they have. their promise to him. joe manchin is notn is not happt it. he is rightly criticizing that,r criticiziniticizg runaway spen
being with all of you. tha i say at the end of every night, thank you for making this show possible. and we re going to be doing these live shows regularly. throughout the year.come joi and hopefully you can come join us one night. we d lovhae to have you. we re going to get to their questions. they re going to get the last word tonight. liked thhave you like the last e a new segment? you like that moment? yeah. it s pretty depressing. whe whenn i goti a c minus this wek that wasn t fun.to to ch also, we re joined tonight. we re going to check inh with newt gingrich will also be joined with congressman chip roy. leo, 2.0, terrell, 2.0 jimmy fallon, caliche, carly shimkus, matt gaetz will bez wil here. lauren bobert will be here and they will be in the hannity hot seat. coming up straight ahead as we continue the war, two holdouts, buinuet i startt i tonight with big newsgh on capitol hill. my sourceson are now telling me in no with every detail you dthw want this week long
anti trump, you re deluding youe diluting yourself. the radicals yourself. the radicals on the leftn th demand total obedience or sorrya ,alicia. and if not, they ll try to. drive you from public life. these tactics go along with the left s overriding goal, of course, which is thee dest destruction of the nuclear family and america s judeo-christian tradition. take what the left has just done. the never trump senator ben sasse. ed to co now, despitnve the fact thatt sasse vote td to convict formerd president trump in his second impeachment trial, the left mobilized to oppose hisf florid. becoming the new president of st the university of florida. he s still in contention now. he spoke a t a student forum on campus where about 300yhe protesters showed and theyst ine called the senator homophobic and racist i n between yellingt ab from the audience, of course,ou remember, this is not aboutnk al trump. republi they think allca republicans aro evil. when ben sasse is consid
and guess what? they take a look. kayleigh mcenany will be here now. greg jarrett and so many more . you want to be a part the show go to hannity .com. the tickets are a millionbe a p dollars apiece. they re actually free anyway. hannity .com free tickets wednesday, thursday. that s all the time we have left this evening. set your dvr . left. never miss an episode of late your hockey trouble. laura , say hi to laura. i m laura ingram . this is ingram angle from washington. tonight. thank you for joining us . whatever happened to hope and change? that r has the focus ofppenae tonight s angle. now, in 2008, long ago, the democrats nominated a young, optimistic, transformational figure. now, you might not have liked his ideas and i didn t. but there s no denying that heml excited democrats and even independents. i ght not have l the road ahead.