whereas as you say, this leaked information, 37 million on a single day. in information, 37 million on a single da . , ., , ., ., day. in terms of the strain, do we know which day. in terms of the strain, do we know which strain day. in terms of the strain, do we know which strain is day. in terms of the strain, do we know which strain is working to i day. in terms of the strain, do we. know which strain is working to the chinese population and do we know if thatis chinese population and do we know if that is spreading globally? is likely to be in omicron varian spreading through china and very transmissible variant within china and will be other countries is perhaps multiple images circulating at the same time and similar transmissibility and what is happening in china at the moment, there are reports that there are increasing genome sequencing but they are not making the publicly available on a global level and so, we do not have access to that but what is happening in similar