considered rape in new york law? it s considered csexual contact. it could be by penetration. you look at the actual statute. i looked up to make sure we were on the same page. part of sexual intercourse, as it s defined under new york law, includes meaning any penetration however slight of the penis into the vaginal opening. if this is a digital penetration, meaning one s fingers or hand in some form or fashion, it could be distinct and ought to be under the reading of the law. but remember, this case, we were very quick and close and clear to say this on cnn because the most important thing to remember, it is a battery and defamation suit. battery define d as the offensie touching. so under that umbrella can include what s why the jury had all the different categories to look at how one s defines
times. , geno, exchanged smiles with one of her attorneys, and then the judge had excused to the jury after they run through the verdict, he pulled each and every one of, them six men, three women, they all said that this was their unanimous verdict. you, know then, carol was still in the courtroom. trump s attorney, joe, walked over to her, shook her hand, he also shook the hands of her attorneys. you know, it was a very civil trial between both sides. they were both very respectful of each other, despite what is on the line. we saw that continue through this final moment. as mentioned, carol, left were waiting for her to have a statement based on this verdict. it was, in no, she said this rape occurred 27 years ago. the jury agreed with her. it s something she only came public within 2019. that lawsuit, that initial lawsuit is still working its way through the system. she brought the second lawsuit under new new york law, the adult survivors act, just in november. so, you know, certa
discredited, the person would ve gotten no sense of access to a court of law. they would ve been found to be somebody who you should not believe by virtue of the passage of time. now, in the present, following the me too movement in particular, we have a greater level of credibility that s afforded because we recognize the different reason somebody might not want to come forward immediately. in the future, you re gonna be looking at the appeal process here. the idea, and you mention it as well, the idea you have other witnesses who came forward, not about the specific allegations in this, case but about the motives operandi, this is what this person is doing. they ve done over time. that s gonna be the source of appeal, not so much the difference between rape or sexual abuse. the control room will tell me if we have the clip of donald trump talking about the access hollywood videotape in which he was asked about it. but just a reminder, in 2006, came up for the presidential
store she s also suing him for defamation for comments chalk made about her last october. on his truth social platform, he posted is is a hoax and a lie, just like all the other hoaxes that have been played on me over the last seven years. while i m not supposed to say, it i will, this woman is not my type. he also posted, i do not know this, woman i have no idea who she is. she completely made up a story that i met her at the doors of this crowd in new york city department store, and within minutes swooned her. in his october deposition for this case, trump called carroll a not job. carol filed what is now her second lawsuit against trump last november, after a new law called the adult survivors act was passed in new york. that law allows adult alleging sexual assault to bring claims years after the attack. carol claims trump forced her up against a dressing room wall, pinned her in place with his, shoulder and raped her. he managed to penetrate me
columnist e. jean carroll sharing her story, now 79, she s suing trump seming from the attack she says took place in 1995 or early 1996 in the dressing room of department store bergdorf goodman. she s also suing him for defamation. last fall trump posted it is a hoax and a lie, just like all the other hoaxes that have been played on me for the past seven years. and while i m not supposed to say it, i will. this woman is not my type. he also posted i don t know this woman, have no idea who she is. she completely made up a story that i met ear tt doors of this crowded store and in minutes swooned her. in his october deposition trump called carroll a nut job. carroll filed what is now her second lawsuit against trump after a new law called the adult survivors act was passed in new york. that law allows adults alleging