Renowned filmmaker Nils Gaup, the creative force behind the Oscar-nominated Pathfinder, is set to embark on a new cinematic venture. Following his latest work, The Riot, Gaup is diving into the mystical realm with a documentary on shamanism titled Koven. The documentary revolves around a Sámi man, the film's
Houston Comedy legend Andy Huggins talks about recording and releasing his first comedy special after 45 years in the joke telling business. He also reflects on America's Got Talent and working again with Howie Mandel.
Daily Show player Michael Kosta is hitting the road to talk about some non-political things after a momentous week of comedy in New York, where host Trevor Noah steps down in a surprise move.
PARTISAN FIGHTWhen former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson last week provided testimony on the Capital riot on Jan. 6, 2021, reactions from the two sides, ex