quarter since lodging in november 2019, quarter since lodging in november2019, dropping quarter since lodging in november 2019, dropping 2.4 million customers to come in at about 168 million. a lot of that was likely due to a recent price hike. but the company was expecting to lose more than 3 million subscribers. under pressure from investors, bob iger said at the earnings release that the work being done to reshape disney around creativity, was controlling costs, would make is streaming business profitable in the future. its. let s get the view of paul verna from the research company insider intelligence in new york. welcome paul. we are waiting for the earnings with bob iger back at the helm. give us your take on the numbers and body are say on the numbers and what he had to say, which is critical. in what he had to say, which is critical. , ., critical. in terms of the numbers. critical. in terms of the numbers, by critical. in terms of the numbers, by all- critical. in te