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holiday, cities all over the country are marking the day with parades, performances, and in a growing number of places, pageants. while beauty pageants have long faced criticism, organizers say the juneteenth pageants are less about looks but more about teaching them the history they don t flern school. we heard from the national miss juneteenth. here s what she said about her experience. the juneteenth pageant is not just about beauty. it s about the needs that you re going to need in life about your etiquette, how you speak, just being part of the pageant, you re part of something that s historical and you re starting in something that you will use and you will need for the rest of your life. with me now, adrian sledge, director and chairperson of the miss juneteenth pageant in fort worth, texas. great to see you. we ve seen so many other high-profile national pageants.
property. and part of who the responsible people are for having planned the attack and having instigated it. so it could be a major, major case, not just individual wrongdoing. jill, i promised everyone, because this is a thing on twitter, now i want to make it a thing on television. for you to tell us about the pin that you have chosen for today s segment. so for today, i thought about january 6th. i m actually wearing a pin that is world war i or ii, if someone knows whether it s i or ii, i d be happy to know, where you have a picture of your loved one who was overseas saving america. it says for victory, and i m celebrating juneteenth because today is juneteenth, and i think it s so important that we celebrate what it represents and that we all understand the history of our country and the
embrace of the traditions and the history of america. and create a pathway for citizenship. time to course correct, time to create a pathway to citizenship. alejandro mayorkas with an op-ed asking when congress will act. that is exactly nine years later the question we all need to be asking. across the country, dreamers rallied to remind congress that a more permanent solution remains critical and to remind senators that, as with many issues, the filibuster stands in the way. just 50 senators who caucused with democrats and 60 votes to break a filibuster, democrats have limited options to go it alone. put the policy aside for the moment. the heart of this is humanity, making it worthy of a reminder of who we re talking about. 40,000 who are for now protected under daca, but nonetheless living in limbo as they have been for years.
degree of relief and hope to talented, driven, patriotic young people. of course the fragility of daca was brought into focus during the trump years. when the former president tried to dismantle the program. nine years is a long time to live with this uncertainty. vice president harris met with daca recipients at the white house calling for a pathway to citizenship for dreamers. so the immigrants that we are talking about are making incredible contributions to our nation, and dare i say, as we all know, history. this was a nation that was founded by immigrants. so in this regard, there s not much that is new. except perhaps some people s perspective about what should happen at this moment in our history versus what happened in the past. but it is time for us to correct course. it is time for us to renew our