mistake playing it safe. now is not the time if you are a weak front runner to be safe. dana: i would say that the think pink influence on the debate was a good one. bob says president obama has g.o.p. cornered on payroll taxes. we ll debate that next. also, don t forget to e-mail us at thefive@foxnews.com. greg: c mon! no football, you people. eric: football! greg: jeez! [ male announcer ] you never know when,
mistake playing it safe. now is not the time if you are a weak front runner to be safe. dana: i would say that the think pink influence on the debate was a good one. bob says president obama has g.o.p. cornered on payroll taxes. we ll debate that next. also, don t forget to e-mail us at thefive@foxnews.com. greg: c mon! no football, you people. eric: football! greg: jeez! [ male announcer ] butter. love the taste, but want to cut back on f?