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Transcripts For DW Shift - Living In The Digital Age 20171027 21:15:00

something to do with this increased exposure that's. the green party won slightly more votes than they did in twenty thirteen they're now poised to be potential coalition partners is this success the result of online campaigning political consultant johan is here yet is skeptical. that's mostly about services we have so far about the effect of digital campaigning is that it's very disappointing for political parties to invest a lot of money in it but the impact is dubious minnes and survival after. supporting that opinion a study from the us reports that only one out of two hundred fifty facebook users is influenced by election advertisements direct interaction is much more successful one out of every fourteen voters can apparently be convinced so knocking on doors may still be necessary but for this election it was given a modern day twist the time that is as this year parties. used the old fashioned method of door to door canvassing much more effectively and inevitably. in the data analysis we used to find out where they had to go which towns in which neighborhoods to reach the right people. to do that the c.d.u. the party of chancellor angela merkel used in up the public's responses were digitally recorded to create a general profile the green party also created a voting map to show the past results according to constituency. this is a tool for internal mobilization door to door canvassing people who hang out posters could use it to see exactly where the greatest potential was. it's a way to round up votes on the street and on social media the right wing populist party is especially popular on facebook its official fan page has more than three hundred eighty thousand followers much more than any other party. leader of the liberal f.d.p. party also has a considerable online presence he seeks to engage directly with his followers the campaign to are also featured plenty of selfies and videos. but can young voters really be reached on line. stuff from facebook didn't influence me so this is i already have an idea about who i want to vote for and who i don't. even know online campaigning has never significantly influenced an election year how does he thinks political parties won't be able to escape social media. social media as long as social media remains an important matter of communication style influencers daily interaction it will also be important for political communication but you have to take your message where the people are. currently that's on the big social networks like facebook twitter and instagram. we instagram. all of the parties still have a lot to learn before they can thrive in the digital age. shifts as better strategy is needed. and now it's time for the share to ranking the most attractive cities for startups. in fifth place the swedish capital the viking era is long gone today ideas are forged here the study comes from nest pick an aggregator website for apartment rentals they investigated the startup ability of hundreds of cities the criteria included income social services and quality of life style comes to town for its high pace enough cash for an extra portion of meatballs. whole place goes to. sitting in a cafe and working away on projects that typical startup picture the german capital is a cheap city to live in and it gives every business idea a chance. coming in third san francisco not just for hippies but also a huge number of startups that make sense not only as a silicon valley nearby networking can be this much fun everywhere. second place helsinki for small finnish capital has around five hundred startups maybe that's because employees here get so many vacation days to give them time to glance up at the northern lights much nicer than working. and taking the top spot singapore the asian metropolis the start ups are rising like skyscrapers and there must be no lack of staff if they stop the training this young. guy was the ship ranking and now. telling shopping for smartphones online shoppers can choose from a wide array of platforms but a business woman in berlin is trying to jazz things up with a new app. work has been praised as colorful loud and outrageous. i know you love the most right. wing the but no this is not a music video that your dancing guys are trying to sell something and this time it's that stylish pink t. shirt and. they will believe the bible. it's amazing. to me that this video is really funny. and the press have. fortunately it sold out so it's a very funny video to. your mind teachers who come home. from berlin offers second hand clothes and original creations plus it tells a story in the process millie moore created the app in twenty sixteen as a mix of e-bay snap chat and you tube. now to see every kid we saw how children and teenagers in particular use them i phones how they create videos on snap chat instagram and so on and then i thought this is how telling shopping should look before shopping all seem. like this eighteen year old who calls himself the prince of passion targets the age group fourteen to twenty two. years from now i think so as you see i still have one sweater from the first collection you can have it be quick that. the app works like this users can record videos and choose music themselves and then apply virtual stickers sales video done . gay is aimed at both businesses and private sellers there are bigger brands on the platform but most users are young people over fourteen. and have been. thrilled by the un trippin. aereo spirit that these teenagers have spirit. and how we already have friends on our platform that have fifteen year olds as the c.e.o. . to shift a form from stillness. is funded by investors melanie moore won them over with her business idea. so far neither individuals nor businesses have to pay a fee and the shopping app is free to download. so if you're feeling the urge to sell a thing or two why not get involved. be sure if there's a fun way to shop online. now short and sweet the shift snapshot. of. riding a motorcycle without a helmet that's not cool and this model can do more than just protect your head across helmet connects to your smartphone a built in camera works as a real view mirror so the rider always has a full view. japanese company develop a smart helmet and its finance private crowdfunding platform kickstarter. you can access the most important features of a smartphone with gestures and voice commands like answering calls listening to music and navigating the road stays visible through the integrated display in the helmet but don't get distracted. the smart helmet can even minimize surrounding noise but at fifteen hundred euros it doesn't come cheap. that was the snapshot do you want to find out more about the digital world and check out our facebook page d w digital. you'll find out all the latest news and trends as well as interesting apps exciting gadgets and even tutorials and of course all that shift reporter there to. like us post your comments give us your opinions our d.w. digital. as always we've shipped through the exit internet find of the week today alone in the museum. you have to be really quiet or the unusual shapes will disappear again three d. illustrator jack sacks makes colorful figures wander through the tate britain museum. past the english animated taken too many psychedelic mushrooms and where else do all the cabbage heads come from there's just no end to. the oriented reality trip through the old london museum is full of surprises. british powered person you surely would have been thrilled with all those likes. me up next week. you know many fine birds tweeting in the branches but now a belgian researcher is getting the trees themselves on twitter the plants are fitted with sensors to get more information about the effects of climate change tweeting for science next week on shift. the conflict follows her wherever she goes. this is a guide to memory of other do has just one question on her. war against catalan independence. until recently she'd been against separation but the spanish government such as che wish to have the news. next decoupling. fifty kitchens one city common area one to our own berlin bureau max series is a very simple recipe but what made they like to have. fifty international dishes chefs restaurants the recipes for cooking the dishes to join them in. the kitchens one city. the romance in sixty minutes long d.w. . when cities are ingolf by the sea. all the dams walls and costly protective measures will have been.


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20171025 18:00:00

protesting after the supreme court threw out a petition to delay tamar's vote with the country deeply divided there are fears of violence here in kenya with the latest also coming up a surprising twist in the case of a german human rights organizer on trial in turkey prosecutors are reportedly demanding he be released. and a german president can call their steinmeier says he wants better ties between berlin and moscow steinmeyer meets with president vladimir putin as part of his visit to russia will ask our correspondent in moscow what kind of reception he received. also the anti semitism scandal rocking italian soccer fans of rome's club a lot c.-o. left stickers in their stadium and frank wearing a rival teams jersey will examine their reactions. city of it and you cough which happened recently but he also pointed out that dialogue is important and he pointed out these store called ties that russia and germany share and now it was similar with putin he also said there were difficulties but they didn't want to stand still on dialogue so both of them optimistic there for keeping ties and keeping the channels of communication open a lot of diplomacy they are taking place in moscow but the official reason for this visit to emily is steinmeyer participating in this handover of a cathedral to st peter and paul cathedral a back to the evangelical lutheran church of russia tell us more about that. yeah that's right the handover is actually part of festivities marking five hundred years since the protestant reformation and i went to the church to talk to the people there and see what this change of ownership means to them let's take a look. an air of celebration at a normal sunday service the last one before this evangelical lutheran congregation in moscow officially gets its church back. lutherans are religious minority here in russia most in the community have german roots their ancestors came to russia centuries ago on the invitation of the czars who promised land and religious freedom but later the soviet government persecuted lutherans and seized church property including this cathedral the community led by archbishop paula has been using it again since the fall of the soviet union but so far it has remained russian government property. to be the. serenely used to shoo shoo news to tell you. that the more of the picture because that's the get the liberal. party that they need to work if that is it creates a situation. so. in the officially atheist soviet union many churches were repurposed from nine hundred thirty seven this cathedral was used as a movie theater and a film studio by then all lutheran churches across the country had been closed and many of their pastors arrested and shot. here at video cemetery in moscow long known as the city's german cemetery the scars of that persecution are still tangible many gravestones here were neglected and destroyed after the second world war the lutheran community struggled with the additional stigma of its german origins often associated with the nazi enemy. which. most of the really new study released today is that each skipper nor. chester yeah they used to it nice nacelle nova it up as a strongly in the short circuit just outside cricketer. please put this into context for us how important is the handover of this church. well the archbishop there was talking about the restoration of historical justice after all the evangelical lutheran were persecuted for a long time during the soviet union and after the second world war there their german past also came back to haunt them as it were and he also talked about this this church being handed over it means to them that they have their own their own home as it were that before it was as if they were inhabiting someone else's apartment this is a risk huge symbolic gesture and in fact it was the reason for steinmeyer visit and it's important to the congregation as we just saw but it's just the first step in restoring church property as the archbishop told me he hopes that it will set a precedent for other churches being handed back and other property being handed back and steinmeier also said that the church is a nice gesture and also it shows the importance it's a gesture towards germany as well not just all right or very very important diplomatic just sure they're being made in moscow thank you so much emily a sure win for your reporting and we want to shift our focus now to some of the other stories making news around the world. in barcelona demonstrators have made new calls for independence for the region of catalonia this after catalan leader carlos turned down an invitation to address spain's senate this week will the senate is due to hold a vote on dismissing the government on friday. in austria coalition talks are underway between the center right people's party of incoming chancellor sebastian courts and the far right freedom party the a food led by high school came third in elections earlier this month curt's has promised zero tolerance on anti semitism and said future partners must be pro you're. a little in bangkok the five day funeral ceremony has started for king. his son has been performing rights in the city's historic quarter while tens of thousands of mourners have filed into the surrounding areas to bid farewell to the monarch the king died last october at the age of eighty eight. all right we want to tell you now about some breaking news coming in from turkey the german the press agency d.p.a. is reporting that turkish prosecutors are calling for the release of german human rights activist peter starting there well our starters trial got underway today after he was arrested in istanbul back in july shatner is accused of having links to terrorism but berlin has made repeated calls for his release. and it appears during jones has been covering trial proceedings for us at the supreme court in istanbul all day dorian tell us so what you've been hearing well it has taken everyone by surprise the hearings are still going on even though it's late at night but during those hearings the prosecutor made an announcement that all the defendants with the exception of one turkish human rights defender should be released in two released in from pretrial detention now this is been a key demand of all human right defenders are. and seen as something that they've been pushing very hard for but speaking to people international officials ahead of the trial there was this hope that some will be released but not the foreign nationals now the fact that the prosecutor does appear to be calling for the release all of those foreign nationals will be welcome but it's undoubtedly is a surprise and is seen as a result of probably heavy international lobbying but they have to say that the final decision will made with the judge who is expected to make that in the next couple of hours or so but they speak the hearings are still going on final decision will be with the judge but if the prosecutor has called for this is seen as extremely significant i mean as you've already outlined that this is a very surprising development were there any indications throughout the day that this was even a possibility. well not a toll him the the prosecutor was very tough in the cross examinations pushing very hard on this case even though it has drawn such condemnation paul the lack of evidence according to most observers so there was little hope that there would be a gesture made on speaking to observers have been following the case closely their expectation was of possibly some of the turkish human rights defenders could be released but little chance was given for the foreign nationals in particular peter storrie so this is seen as a major surprise but i do say caution the final decision will lay with the judge all right so the final decision is what the judge relations between her and berlin have plunged to the historic low how serious is the rift and especially if you consider that in addition to start married there are ten other germans sitting in jail accused of having ties to mr gould and considering this development as breaking development do you think that this is one way of turkey to reestablish its diplomatic relations with for instance germany. well on the outlay i think if peter's story is released and crucially if he's allowed to leave the country which has happened with other foreign nationals that have been released from pretrial to say internet even though the trial is still continuing that will be seen as a very significant gesture i think the fact that there was there is is fear that the bilateral tensions were spiralling out of control and there is still the potential for that we've rumors of berlin is going to push harder for more financial sanctions against iran that would undoubtedly have led to more retaliate in those if it is tit for tat would. these relations into the abyss now that this if peter storrie name is released him from from his prerogative and possibly allowed to return back home i think that that would be seen as an opportunity for a reset a beginning of a new dialogue but there are as you said there are still ten other german nationals languishing in jail and they still remains a major stumbling block to improving relations but if story that is released that will be seen as a major step forward and least putting on hold this spiral into the abyss of tensions between the countries ok well let's talk a little bit about people in turkey itself how worried are turks about the direction of politics under mr. well i mean it is split more or less down the middle the president no one is still very popular is still the most popular politician in the country he deals secure around forty fifty percent of the support but equally the other side of the countries incredibly opposed to him and this polarized nation and and came to it with turkey's key allies trading allies also relations the united states are very bad at the moment i think is causing alarm and feeding into this polarization but it has to be said i think that the eries growing evidence that even among president of one's own supporters there are factors that are starting to get appearing to be can turn a concern and possibly a softening in support among those for one and that is crucial because the president when it's facing reelection in presidential elections in the next two years and he needs every supporter you can get to secure what is it going to be a very close vote so possibly this gesture for peter storrie could be seen as a gesture to those concerned supporters within his own ranks dorian jones reporting on breaking news from turkey prosecutors calling for the release of german human rights activists peter start thank you. all right and now we've got some business news now with the helena and lift tons that is flying high what can i say later profits at the gemini carrier have really were acquitted it recently enough towns are reporting a thirty two percent rise in underlying fed quarter earnings that's before interest and tax now offer years of cost cutting the group is back on the offensive this also keeping its feet on the ground sticking to its on your forecast. business is going well for germany's largest airline look duns up in the summer the car being creased ticket prices and its cargo unit is booming. the sounds i was able to boost revenue thanks in part to its increased market share following the acquisition of brussels airlines last year the carrier is also flying more people. in two thousand and sixteen tons of flu some one hundred ten million passengers nearly two percent more than in twenty fifteen the growth didn't come from its flagship carrier but from its german subsidiary budget airline euro wins still for the first time with downs as passenger numbers were overtaken by dublin based no cost carrier up the line air. the german airline now plans to retake the top position from ryan air in europe with its acquisition of a large chunk of rival air berlin and it's not stopping there with tons out also wants to apply a parts of italy's largest carrier tahlia but antitrust authorities could spoil the party they will be reviewing whether look tons is gaining a monopoly position on too many routes. well as you heard there is not the same success story for an end in the hopes of thousands of air berlin workers have been dashed many were hoping to keep their job spot also the carry being sold off by the government three german states and of tons have failed to agree on setting up a transfer company to keep them employed so that means that now only twelve hundred ground crew in berlin will be able to stay on authorities in the german capital say they will set aside up to ten million euros to help out local staff. and germany's largest lender bank has agreed to pay out a combined total of two hundred twenty million dollars to forty five states across the united states surveys and edged manipulation of interbank lending rights now the state's investigation allegedly uncovered that dog. the bank along with some other big banks including barclays had inflated the libel rate now the libel rate is the rate used to work out how much banks should charge each other for boring money has already agreed to fines of two and a half billion dollars with federal authorities in the u.s. and authorities in the u.k. the bank says the payouts agree to today close the case. the e.u. has put a decision on the life of states on the back burner once again the member states can't agree on whether to renew the european license for the widely used herbicide over a million europeans have signed a petition against it worried that the chemical can cause cancer because studies prove otherwise. it's the most commonly used herbicide in the world in europe farmer sprague life is saved on around half of all fields used to raise commercial crops but the weed killer is highly controversial due to concerns that could have an impact on human and environmental health today the e.u. once again postponed a decision on whether or not to ban it activists in brussels hit the streets on wednesday to push for a one year they say its institutions have colluded with the industry at the expense of the public they want the commission to come out with a non-renewal of full band any number of years whether it's one year five years ten years as long as it's revenue it's not a ban and european citizens have been clear they want to ban studies don't agree on whether glyphosate is a long term cancer risk or not the world health organization has said it could pose a danger the e.u.'s food safety authority has proclaimed the chemical harmless but has also been accused of basing that opinion on studies sponsored by manufacturers like monsanto greens in the european parliament say that's not acceptable. we need to look at independent studies not just ones carried out by the industry we have to finally end this thing with life i say there are standard farming methods that work fine without the heavy use of chemicals. by standard farming methods mountain hoisting means organic agriculture but many farmers say those methods are too expensive and think it's enough to only ban use of the herbicide directly before the harvest the battle will now continue as the e.u. committee responsible for making a decision was once again split at the conclusion of the meeting no vote was taken the commission took note of the position of different delegations often in the states a form in which you could now reflect and really knows the date of the next meeting shorty. the commission is in favor of extending use for another five to seven years but it will have to reach an agreement soon life a state's controversial license in the e.u. expires by the end of december. meanwhile european or makers have called on brussels to investigate malta's anti money laundering system is in response to last week's murder of a multis journalist who reported widely on financial and political corruption and multis government is under scrutiny in particular for its handling of illegal business activities the adelie tiny island group lies in the mediterranean the tax system is also delivered to some and attracts many international corporations here officially at least they pay thirty five percent corporate tax but through a series of complex refunds most companies only pay around five percent felt as economy grew six point seven percent last year more than three times faster than the e.u. average agriculture accounted for around one percent of the island's gross domestic product manufacturing around fourteen percent the largest sector by far was the service sector no surprise given this includes income from two risen in financial services a massive twelve percent of g.d.p. a multicultural online gambling these two branches of the economy are reportedly controlled by the mafia who conduct their operations out of nearby sicily experts say maltese are paid financial laws create an ideal climate for below board business something italy's anti mafia commission knows they're visiting malta this week. but it is necessary to close those legal loopholes that the mafia uses whether they use violence a when they use complicity or corruption mafia gangs always have a predatory attitude towards the areas they target. but in the. crime tax avoidance and corruption malta's government has done little to change the situation and even the e.u. has turned a blind eye in the past something at least some officials here hope to change. all right inspired courageous or just downright crazy leyla has quite a tale of adventure and i bet when you were a young girl you dreamt of being able to fly well one guy actually has tried to do that in south africa where this man has sailed overhead for two hours camping chair held up by a bunch of bull and so he left off near the city of johannesburg the british adventurer spent days in flaming going around the head of the flight which he described as magical well after reaching a height of two and a half thousand meters he popped some of the balloons to float back down to earth. don't try this at home how come you're watching the news here is we're still ahead . maybe not so tough after all the political parties trying to form a four way governing coalition in germany appear to be making steady progress but the thorny issues are still to come. paying tribute to a music legend we look back on the legacy of rock n roll pioneer fats domino who's died at the age of eighty nine. that and a whole lot more coming up in just a few. history books are brought to life. maybe the stories there are enough to get a rewrite of. the story of the russian revolution. from the perspective of writers thinkers and to covent garden just what did it feel like to live in times of revolution. nineteen seventeen the real october forty five minutes to. the sling and the fresh d.w. that i may speak your language to talk about. for content in dari pashto and order prospects for returning to our web special meeting at the refugee journeys of life in germany and the prospects for those returning home. and join the discussion on g.w. dot com and on facebook. prospects for returning s w maybe for my. progress study with a. start to divide the country i think it's the only way they start to divide the language your blood will flow for could. lead to. the soviet union disparate parts. of. the members of the russian federation would have to find their own way politically and economically would love something it was an incredibly difficult task let me. give you this democracy was a law of the sea for the lections where fraud sense of privatization was robbery. the soviet union territory where does russia stand today and moscow's empire were syrians starting november fifth. good to see you again you're watching it over your news coming to you live from berlin on the rock this is these are i mean stories right now. kenyan opposition leader raila odinga calls on his supporters to boycott the worst days presidential election rerun the move comes after the supreme court dropped a petition to delay the polls due to a lack of judges the decision triggered protests by opposition supporters. or force coming in from turkey say prosecutors are demanding that german human rights activist peter start there be set free as trial on terrorism related charges got underway today the case has become a flashpoint in an already tense relations between germany and turkey. are going to head now to saudi arabia where that country's young crown prince has outlined ambitious plans to transform the conservative kingdom mohamad been some model promised what he called a quote moderate and opened saudi arabia speaking to investors at the yard the thirty two year old prince also pledged to end extremism and other. extremist ideas . all right well lead dalia romney is a german saudi businesswoman she's also a former journalist who worked at arab news and she joins us now from dubai a very good evening dahlia the crown prince seems very determined to shake things up vows to return to a more moderate islam in the kingdom now as you know attempts in the past got a lot of pushback so how does he plan on doing this and why now. evening is doing it's looking in the timing is right. and so surely other ones. this of course also comes after the country made world headlines recently with its decision to lift the ban on women driving in the kingdom do you see this as being part of a concerted effort to transform a saudi society. we need it is the local work that needs to be done. does not mean that women have their rights they still need their guardians mission. to work and for a. so taking that into consideration what you've just been saying i mean how much should we attribute to where the crown prince is saying in terms of wanting to push through these reforms well you can take his words well yes sure he's very determined and in the last three months there has been in use. and social scene in saudi arabia. you mean the various years all right now crown prince oman of course also announced that he wants to reduce the kingdom's reliance on oil that would be a major feat for any resource depend on the economy did he outlined how he plans to do this. it is difficult to see how this can be done in the foreseeable future trying to create jobs outside or by investing in truth in education and in large scale in many mineral extract since. this course is all on folding against a backdrop of continuing tensions with qatar do these play a role at all in these developments. up there has nothing to do with business it's hugely up would lead to. that the realization is that without transformation the future for saudi arabia is going to be challenging it is very challenging because you have romney were seventy percent of the jobs. sector direct in directly so we need to move there has to be a change done it's a tough one it's very it's very demanding and i think the confidence is really doing that the best would be that it can be done today. is a german study businesswoman a former journalist who worked at arab news thank you for joining us from dubai. all right we have to do us now are documents related to the assassination of john f. kennedy over five decades ago or so to be released tomorrow by the u.s. national air archives well the trove is expected to include some three thousand classified documents which have never been released before and about thirty eight thousand that have been previously released with redactions well we're seeing pictures from that day on november twenty second one nine hundred sixty three when a lone gunman lee harvey oswald shot kennedy dead in dallas texas. that was a very very fateful day that that changed history in the u.s. and of course the anticipation of what could be revealed in those files has arm chair detectives buzzing and let's get more now from the show from our social media disco good to see you. after all these years what are people hoping to find in these documents. well the assassination of john f. kennedy gave rise to decades of conspiracy theories one big question that people are asking up until today is whether lee harvey oswald acted alone or whether there were other gunmen so cia reports show that a few weeks before the assassination harvey oswald took a trip to mexico city and there he met with the diplomats and spies from cuba and the savia to union and us all conspiracy of fear is they say ok this is prove that there of the cia is trying to cover things up that theory has been dismissed by experts and many of them actually say ok we're hoping that those documents tomorrow will put an end to this theory that there was more than one gunman and one person hoping to that's true as to come out is actually a former cia a story not cia agent but secret service agent actually j.f.k.'s body guard yet clint hill he is the man who jumped into the car right after those shots fail and this is what he is saying on twitter i know what i saw heard and felt that in addition to all the evidence i've seen points to one shooter lee harvey oswald three shots all of from the same position and now although we have accounts of people who are really there at the event there are still sixty one percent of americans who believe that there was more than one gunman so will this finally put an end to all the speculation. probably in in there are books there are movies there are documentaries that are trying to counter the official narrative of what happened to j.f.k. and right now social media is actually giving a very big platform for a such conspiracy theories in fact we looked through facebook and we found a number of facebook groups where people are discussing these theories everybody trying to come up with their own sort of proof here for example is one group it is called the j.f.k. assassination research bureau and on the other hand we had people who are ok waiting for those documents to be released tomorrow and they're kind of having fun with this whole speculation they say ok let's talk about the unlikely things that will be in the j.f.k. if they say ok things that we won't find there for example are trumps a tax returns. and other thing is that every song that ever went missing and i absolutely love this one here i'm sure that you will remember that viral discussion about the color of this particular dress people online asking ok is it blue and black is it's gold and why it's will we find answers to that in the j.f.k. files that nobody knows but tomorrow we will have all the answers later right liz show thank you. i'm back here in berlin political parties trying to form a governing coalition after last month's election appear to be making progress talks between shots on the american conservatives the free democrats and greens had been expected to last several weeks if not months while the parties say they've already reached agreement on the outlines of finance policy including maintaining a balanced budget but there are some forney issues still ahead. so much concrete agreement probably came as a surprise there's already an initial paper outlining common goals and everyone has been tweeting about it the main point no new debt. but for the green party that represents simply a notice of intention to avoid and we want a balanced budget but we also want to do something for people with low incomes for families we want to do something about the environmentally destructive subsidy it's about constructing rental housing. all parties involved want to invest and to relieve financial burdens especially on families with children and lower to middle income groups but is all that possible without new debt. the greens don't believe it can work and we know that it can and that is the whole point of the negotiations to determine how to make something sensible out of the games agree together and if you can that will require further discussion but the bavarian allies of merkel's conservative c.d.u. party worry whether their expensive campaign promises can be implemented because as i hope this won't be a single capital solution that is the least amount of relief but then we should focus on making sure that relief is palpably effective reservations about and despite the common ground found so far the next round will focus on refugees and migration reaching agreement there is expected to pose fresh difficulties. tahlia police have identified sixteen people who placed anti semitic stickers iran's olympic stadium on sunday a fans of capital couple had sought to taunt supporters of their local rivals by making stickers of anne frank in a room or shirt obviously that shamed italian soccer and has stirred strong reactions across europe. troubling scenes at rome's a lympics stadium during a game against colliery last sunday some fans put stickers in the arena that showed and frank the german born teenage diarists murdered in the holocaust wearing the jersey of their local rivals roma. reaction to the incident has been fierce on tuesday last year as president claudio the tito paid a visit to rome's main synagogue to lay a wreath in remembrance of holocaust victims said the club would take two hundred young fans to the auschwitz concentration camp every year as part of an education campaign. nor your we're here today to make clear once again our position of distancing ourselves from any form of siena phobia racism and anti semitism. more to do with the italian president and prime minister condemn the actions of a lot c.s. supporters the italian football federation said a minute of silence will be observed before all games across the country this week and a passage from frank's diary will be read out over a stadium loudspeakers lot c.-o. have had a history of anti semitic behavior some twenty years ago lots of fans at a city darby held a banner reading auschwitz is your homeland the ovens are your homes. i want to get more on that story with terry daly he's a sports journalist based in rome and joins us right now what is been the reaction from italian media and fans. well italian media has been predictably outraised of what's happened it's not the first time in the last year fans of engage in this kind of activism is not the first time the fans in rome in general because these kind of attitudes in rome have a similarly nasty foreigner a group element in outliers. i would say that it was kind of strange to see that the main two main sports newspapers are going to sell us all and the girl didn't run with this story is a major front page story they ran it as a sole story on the front page and then left it pastes world and thirteen in the newspapers while they still carried on with a regular news story so you know people have been outraged but at the same time it's almost like we've kind of used his pavia now i mean that so and others of course in his lead carried on with this kind of nonsense for such a long time now that people must become so used to that all right let's talk a little bit about that then because that's actually quite worrying at would you say that this type of act anticipated behavior in general when it comes to light so is that typical of their fans it's typical of sort of fairly large subsection of their hardcore support yes i mean there's been a long strains the rage of far right now fascism within an old which is where the last or to congregate in the soul of the or for the best part for decades i mean the current group that runs there really runs their fan base in every sense is the reader to believe their main guys are gods or beasts of the she said early and he's a noted fascist he's also. let's say on television you know you know sort of so we like the way that he's had problems of the law in part with other issues not related to focal and he's also been named alongside other far out terrorists who've taken part in political violence in the seventy's and eighty's so there's a clear thread over that so however in recent years say this kind of obvious manifestation of near fascism is become less common it should also be remembered that the reason that's offense for the stick is out in the first place is because they've been moved to go berserk which is the road and and they were moved there because they racially abused two sessile of clothes a few weeks ago and they had had their fill of the closed so you know lots of problems there that you outline. how has the club reacted to this scandal are they trying to tackle this problem. it's a kind of hard problem to tackle in the sense that if you try to tackle it seriously you only against some quite nasty people i mean toilet seats as the president of the club who you saw earlier went to the synagogue and. he has been threatened seriously by these people number of occasions. toothaches he took when he took over the club around thirteen years ago. so it's very hard because they're living apart from sort of just outside the fact that they themselves don't agree with this star and that they don't believe that the wider let's say fan base is of this particular political opinion however i have not enough is being done at the end of the day because this problem persisted and it's problems on terry daly sports journalist based in rome italy thank you for having us. and we're going to take a look at the financial fallout from hurricane maria now with helena thank you lated now it's been over a month since hurricane maria slammed into the caribbean many residents in puerto rico a still without electricity the u.s. territory was certainly hit hard recovery will take time not least because maria has also affected one of the island's biggest industries tourism. in the small city of jaco insult western puerto rico there's still a lot of cleanup work left to do hurricane maria struck some communities here with devastating force. u.s. military and emergency aid teams are only slowly beginning to gain an overview of the most pressing problems things look a lot more orderly in the capital san juan but residents here face another problem many rely completely on tourism to earn a living around five million visitors on average come to the island annually and they spend four billion dollars here but although high season is just around the corner the tourists aren't coming this year where the impact of the we are very very uphill to see them but it turns. also out. for where the workers the ones that are open that is about one in three hotels on the island is still boarded up and a lot of restaurants can't open because they still have no regular power many beaches also remain closed after sewage systems overflowed into the sea during the hurricane still where to reconsider thrown in the towel some even see this as a fresh start. an opportunity to improve an opportunity to assess where we're at as a as an industry and really revamp our product address to the bottom line the brave words what puerto rico was struggling with serious budgetary problems even before maria hit and those missing tourists will make it that much harder to bounce back. right a vision or and there are saudi arabia's planning on building a mega city in the desert oil pumped through the heart of this metropolis only alternative energy robots trains and driverless cars will dominate and the price tag off a train in u.s. dollars. i. blew berryhill was one of anton fats domino his biggest hit. at five foot five and weighing more than ninety kilos domino was not a natural part. but his wide smile and enabled and meaner one audience is over and then of course there was his music heavily influenced by his new orleans roots. my contemporaries such as little richard domino was a black artist whose unique sound appeal to white fans in helped shape early rock n roll. fats domino stayed in the new orleans area after his home was heavily damaged by flooding from hurricane katrina in two thousand and five in his later years he rarely appeared in public aside from occasional performances in his hometown he remained loyal to new orleans until the end. and that is the want to know only rock n roll pioneer fats domino who has sadly died at the age of eighty nine the rhythm and blues pianist from new orleans who sold over one million records and helped change the face of popular music and our very own robin mel is here a true or rock n roll legend absolutely definitely one of the inventors if not the inventor of rock n roll i should mention. deadly and maybe chuck berry as well but for me it was fast he always maintained that he played rhythm and blues but it was those triplets that you just had their little bit of and a strong the drum beat that actually was the beginning. rock n roll and he sold more records in the nine hundred fifty s. than anybody else in the world except elvis and then he actually his first single the fat man was the first song ever to sell a million records then in nineteen fifty five he recorded blueberry hill which wasn't his own song by the way it was an old song from the nine hundred thirty s. and he did these sort of trademark triplets on the drum was strong and the bass as well and that sold five million copies worldwide he's just such a towering figure here fortunately didn't perform that much in recent years but he is but his influence is undeniable oh yeah i mean not just to musicians i should explain he was the first one of the first black musicians to get white audience and we're talking about a time in the one nine hundred fifty s. when the deep south was very segregated he comes from new orleans of course and he and other black artists really had a lot to do with you know to get rid of segregation via music when you talk about music the influence just where to start but i'll just give one example really the beatles they wrote lady madonna lennon mccartney it was said that they wrote it they wrote it in the start of someone and it was written for him but then they recorded it but john lennon said and i quote that couldn't have been a beatles with fats domino and if you just think of that couldn't have been so much rock n roll if he wanted to others maybe started it off as it changed it from rhythm and blues elvis cited him as an influence as well and he's really so influential to the sixty's when ronald exploded if you like but to this day in fact just before i came on to philly around found on you tube a video of ladysmith putin singing blueberry hill we won't play it right now but you see he's even influence politics he said. you is universal and the fantastic thing is you have met the man the legend in person share with us how you're doing i did i interviewed him maybe thirty years ago now it was here in berlin and the funny thing was it was after a concert and i always got interviews before a concert i never got interviews after a concert because the people who play the concert whoever they were i want to relax have a drink and party well i had a an interview after the concert here in berlin and the man i mean such a humble wonderful gentle man in all ways really just a wonderful chap and i was quite a young reporter and he sat me down and chatted to me and he has a strong new orleans accent which i found difficult to understand really but it was ok it was sort of ok and then he was talking about used to take ice to the rich people's houses in new orleans and i come and then i pressed the button i was a radio report from my tape machine and as i did to start the interview he went there and took his false teeth i think if the interviews that he did it was. i shouldn't really love i mean i didn't really understand much more of what he said and i took my treasured interviewed by city office and played it for my my colleagues who also didn't understand it so we really couldn't use much of it but it so sad to hear really that such a great man who has passed away reached the grand old age of eighty nine new orleans is in mourning the whole world of rock n roll is in mourning but a great legend we can definitely say that word tonight the legend of rock n roll it's a word that's often i mean used to in many contexts but in this context it's really a pleasurable he's such a towering figure and we're going to leave our viewers with some fats domino thank you so much robin and thank you for spending this part of your day with us we'll be back at the top of the hour. freons. told me you. won't have any. plans you. say you. won't live in a. land. mine . when. we. played. we've been. told by you. we won't. you won't see a. hole you won't break. down low but. a rewrite of. the story of the russian revolution. from the perspective of writers thinkers and just what do you feel like to live in times of revolution. nine hundred seventy the real october fifth. visitors. visit and saying this is my day you boys in the house the night you. came in vegas house of music stores up close and personal and unplugged. night groups starting over a third down d.w. week. they are going to unofficial estimates more than one point two million venezuelans live in colombia legally and illegally. already morgan was returned to vast whaler. to visit friends is that i don't think i'd ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i don't know so i'm not sure . bearing witness global news that matters. made for mines. when cities are engulfed by the sea. then all victims walls and costly protective measures will be and. nothing. floods challenging our future starting november nights on g.w. . it's mr mission day w. we have school grounds around the clock marking its for the first three we're going live to the commemoration ceremony in vietnam back. will be documentaries magazines and talk shows focusing on luther and the groundbreaking events he helps set in motion. restoration day october thirty first. this is due to be news live from berlin on a knife's edge kenyans brace themselves ahead of a disputed presidential election rerun opposition leader raila odinga calls on


Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20171002 22:30:00

a say when they want to have you go along but. after the paris museum a second. is due to open in america shana tova nineteen. the fashion designer was born in algeria and spent a great deal of time in morocco and influence that could be spotted in his creations. he originally came from north africa he grew up there and that's where he got that feel for color a completely different feel than what was normal for paris at the time yet. he favored warm colors and strong contrast like in india we also mix orange and pink. it's a. home in america it reminded him of his childhood. we'll never see the two new museums opened he passed away on september eighth but his greatest wish has been granted he's made even sell along the artist and visionary the first fashion designer to have not one but two museums devoted to him. and we have on the press which as always featured three stop stories in europe. germany's first same sex marriage was celebrated in berlin on sunday boto mender and card contests had waited thirty eight years for their special day. in june the german parliament approved marriage equality which already exists in thirteen other european countries the new law went into effect on october the first same sex couples now have exactly the same status under german law as heterosexual couples wedding bells also rang for gay and lesbian couples in hanover and hamburg. the show underway has grown taller for vivienne westwood took place at paris fashion week on saturday strong on color and prints the twenty eight hundred spring summer collection was designed for the first time by vivienne westwood sauced green husband. meanwhile cosmetics giant low rio transformed the landmark shows it is a into a best catwalk. celebrities including helen mirren and jane fonda model for the latest makeup looks teamed with classic french fashion design by the likes of batman and isabelle merong. comic-con russia drew to a close in moscow on sunday with a cause play competition. participants dressed up as their favorite comic book or video game characters such as torn from world of warcraft or characters from the witcher. because play events grew out of the japanese manga and anime craze of the one nine hundred ninety s. and have become common features at fan conventions. the city where living in the price is a green army the transport system well the brits. zenit monaco has recently published a ranking of the top twenty five most populous cities to live in they considered system sixty different aspects including leisure pollution traffic as well as the price of coffee the number one spawns went to tokyo bought we've picked out the best european cities in the ranking and we'll show you want to day through this we can start off with this city obs or it. zurich switzerland biggest city and the country's financial capital it regularly reaches the top ten in surveys of the world's most livable cities lifestyle magazine monocle has just placed so rick at number eight in its latest quality of life city ranking editor in chief tyler brulĂŠ says one reason is that everything here works like clockwork swiss clock of course we think that great cities are friction free and that means public transport works means communications function it means that you can have a really seamless existence in a city realty jump in a river or lake in the morning and have an easy commute to work and be in a great office environment. zurich is home to a population of about four hundred thousand the old town is in the heart of the city and manages to combine the excitement of the big city with the charm of the village and everything's easy to reach in the alps proximity to nature is another of zurich's big attractions. it has lake zurich and the river lima on its doorstep all this water is lovely to look at and it's a key factor in quality of life. and even take a boat across the if you want to get to the office you have it as so i think that's one of really one of the great things. you see that zurich really turns into a mediterranean city the way the city uses its rivers the way use its lakes i can't think of many european cities that have that and then are really using fresh bodies of water in the way that europe does. bahnhof strasser in downtown so it has one of the most upmarket shopping streets in the world. the city is a hub of international finance traditionally one of its main features are banks but zurich is changing the creative scene is flourishing and helping to regenerate neighborhoods that used to be rundown and seedy. i think of all of the cities that we've looked at in our quality of life rankings has witnessed the most extraordinary transformation if i look back fifteen years ago sixteen years ago zurich was still very buttoned up that's changed now and you see that because whole structures of the city that the reinvention of christ fear try these these neighborhoods which actually start to feel like a slightly more sanitized swiss a fide version of berlin kai sphere is the former red light district these days it's popular with a young crowd and google opened offices here in the summer two thousand people from around the world to now work here. a spate of new hotels restaurants and shops have opened breathing new life into the neighborhood a former pharmacy houses the ultra hip pseudo design stores places like this are turning the area into zurich's most cosmopolitan district. such as a coffee it's got good cafes good nightclubs good bars very specialized sections to do with it's a district that represents who we are it's life lead it attracts a mixed crowd and we feel very at home here. with who is his award. monocle magazine also good. they're part of what makes such a great place to live. there is a culture of co-linear experiences new things happening lots of innovation great hotels. you know each neighborhood has. got their own flair and great place. everything's within easy reach. everything. it does have to be said but zurich is also one of the most expensive cities in europe it could do with becoming more affordable even monocle says so apart from that zurich strikes the perfect balance between financial hub modern metropolis very small town coziness. what's your favorite european city love to hear your thoughts so please do write in to us and let us know at the end of the week will select one of the names at random and you will win and i pod shuffle and a backpack full of loads of travel goodies you can see those on the table there but also a plug adaptor and many many others inside this. so you can save the quick contact form on our website and that's below and you'll also see the top five cities posted on instagram. europe at its best your imax brings you the highlights on instagram stunning landscapes spectacular buildings and mouthwatering delicacy our reporters are constantly on the look out with their cameras we look forward to your comments check out our duramax instagram stories and discover how exciting and diverse europe can be. follow us on instagram. how we love instagram but there's always new apps to discover to the latest wrong to catch our attention is wrong code yeah it's a combination of a base not chat and years and is basically a shopping poll the way video is most popular with fashionistas but it's constantly growing and if you are still confused and here's a bit of an example. i know. this isn't m.t.v. and it's not even a music video it's actually a sales portal run. by you. it's amazing. to be honest i really like this video my sense of what i do is click here unfortunately the t. shirts already sold but this is definitely a very fun way of selling a t. shirt. melanie moore came up with the idea of creating a marketplace where users can sell their products with video in may twenty sixth she launched big a shopping at a lively mix of snap chat and you tube. we all know how much kids teenagers use their mobile phone and they're always making videos for snap chat and instagram and so on. me thinking about how to improve t.v. shopping. this fifteen year old user goes by the name prince of passion gay specifically targets his age group the fourteen to twenty two year olds. yes i think this is the very last letter from the first merchandise collection and it could be yours. this is how it works uses to shoot a video selects a music apply a few virtual stickers and sell their product. range from private to professional sellers and the numbers are growing the app is available in one hundred sixty countries but now the majority of users are teenagers. i'm so impressed by the entrepreneurial spirit of these teenagers spirit. we are seeing brands on our platform where the c.e.o. is fifteen years old shifted from. finance by investors protoboard by melanie before the launch. don't have to pay a sales job even professional sellers for the time being the app is free and you don't have to be a teenager to enjoy shopping just got a whole lot more fun. week so far it's. very. well let's leave the room for myself i'm behind from my home and now as the most famous department store in berlin is celebrating its anniversary the coddy of a is the harrods of linen has been around for about one hundred ten years now offering customers that should dish no way to shop it several false of clothing home goods toiletries appliances stationery and on the top a food flaw custom is can enjoy a wonderful pit stop for coffee and cake. even a glass of champagne. cowhouse test weston's or comedy bay in berlin is germany's most famous department store. if you're looking for luxury you've come to the right place. it was founded one hundred ten years ago by our old here on goff the son of a jewish cattle trader from southern germany in the early twentieth century berlin is commercial hub was its city center but beyond awful beyond his department store in the prosperous district of from lawton book and independent town just west of berlin. i get to say he's an adult youngor famously said i decide whether a location is good or not as he insisted that his store would sell such fabulous where's the customers would come wherever it was. his confidence was not misplaced . with his wife and child he moved into a nineteen room apartment in the well to do tear gotten district his department store has survived germany's turbulent twentieth century history from the german empire to the weimar republic to the third reich and the second world war. but apartment stores which donors seven times. today it belongs to an italian chain which is in turn part of an austrian group and time company. its customers are as international as its ownership. overseas visitors account for half of caught avi's turnover. others come to just look but not so much to buy after the fall of the berlin wall in one thousand nine hundred nine many east germans headed to the famous department store as their first port of call in the west. it's so busy totally crowded but it was interesting you can get everything there all these things we've never even seen before for more than one hundred ten years through good times and bad the compost as best and it has stood for luxury and fine living. it's a showcase of consumerism and a burger and a landmark. well happy birthday to caddy v. it's time now for a trip as chosen by you yes we had a request by facebook from said you know i thought of a father in mexico and hey i asked us to take him on eventual trip to italy so we chose the historic region all the tasha that is located about eighty kilometers northwest of the capital of rome. states in history and has a wonderful ride have landscapes train joyce let's take a look. etruscan settled around two thousand eight hundred years ago here in tarquinius in what's now western italy even before the romans they also coined a name for the region. they built cities like tarquinius on the hills. it's now famous for its a trust an excavation sites. with over six thousand burial chambers the mountain not seen a couple this was named a unesco world heritage site in two thousand and four. the tomb of the leopards dates back to the fifth century b.c. it's well preserved frescoes are an image of history. of this book down to. one of the most important pretty roman civilizations in italy and the will they had a big influence on italy. everything they produced material and all material from buildings to the alphabet was adopted and developed by the romans. although much. like the aqua ducts for example this one is near the chimney hills. extinct volcanoes some over one thousand meters high provide a spectacular backdrop to lake be called a nature reserve with a range of leisure activities. the numerous hiking paths and pilgrimage routes also attract plenty of mountain bikers. here we have so many trails hills and parts no traffic control and you always discover new roads. at the foot of the many hills lies terrible with some seventy thousand inhabitants the biggest city in the region the cathedral and papal palace bear witness to the city's most prosperous era. in the thirteenth century the temple was the papal seat the longest conclave in church history occurred here it took three years for the cardinals to finally elect a pope gregory the tenth. the beautifully preserved medieval old town is a highly sought after film location. it also inspires artists such as the current of the summer. we are. in the historic old town it's like living in the middle ages. it's missing are a few torches. it feels really mediĂŚval because it's so quiet. all of growing is a longstanding tradition in the region the all of oil is mostly produced by individuals and small businesses they don't make much but it's top quality. it's served in bars and restaurants in viterbo like here in the money on money a bottle every day there's a buffet with local delicacies you've got to go. all the ingredients we use here come from the immediate vicinity like potatoes be small. the cheese sausage and wine also comes from to show the staff see the bar as a kind of tribute to their home. that all. of your is the most beautiful place on especially the nature the well preserved castles the medieval history the breathtaking countryside with the mountains of tosha on the lowlands by the sea. otters on let's go in tuscany and that combination makes it a really unique region. just an hour's drive from rome and you're in the peace and quiet of the picturesque to show region. remember you can always write to us with requests to send our reporters as well facebook pages time to thank a by now but i was the rogue and tomorrow. on the next edition of your remarks we visit copenhagen one of the world's most livable cities according to monaco magazine's annual quality of life survey it's bike friendly as a world class design scene and it's also the cradle of nordic cuisine which foodies the world over are currently raving about reasons to love copenhagen next time on bureau max. with makers and users. should get fifteen minutes to. kick off. this new guy. dortmund song to head with a win announced good to see you soon as it. only one point five million under their interim coach sign young man can't seem to win money to man. kick off thirty nine dollars. g.w. true diversity. where the world of science is at home in many languages. thought of programming go on there you know. our innovations magazine for. every week. and always looking to the future on d. w. dot com science and research for asia. film the saddam international brand i ask him to daughters or dealing with any and at that they killed many civilians with him in the us coming including my father why the sofas and i was a student i wanted to build a life for myself. but suddenly life became elish kind sob. providing insights global news that matters d.w. made for minds meet the germans new and surprising aspects of noise and culture in germany. us american cape music takes a look at joining it is increasing at their traditions everyday lives and language i can just come out of my life. so i'm young good said.


Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20171227 22:30:00

magic moment and that's for me what really makes it the drawing is only the beginning of lee's work he films the hours long creative process of drawing the actual artwork is the finished video. prefers to exhibit his works on the internet. it's not elitist in any way it doesn't require somebody to endorse it or to put money behind it it doesn't matter how old you are or how experienced you are how qualified you are anybody can draw video painting an artwork or a video creation or anything online and it's judged purely on its own merits lee has a growing community of fans on social networks the artist now earns a living selling prints and working for advertising clients. is also seeking out new challenges in addition to still lifes he's trying his hand at the animation. and using live action footage. but you can only achieve this sort of hyper realistic look under the right conditions. you've got the lighting which needs to be not so far into the picture that it's going to make the colors too too faint to grade out. you've got the media so you need the intensity of what you're using to match the color intensity on the screen you need different media so you know you need things like a kind of white gel pain which are going to. they're going to give you the highlight that you need. that's going to be the same is the intensity of the reflection of the objects. lives and works in the northern english city of newcastle he started making internet videos in two thousand and fifteen before that he taught art. he had started on to university but most of the techniques he uses today he didn't learn there. has been learned through other people demonstrating it in their videos on instagram or on youtube into toils if i need to learn something the first place argos you tube to try and find somebody to teach me how to do and normally i can. lead chooses his subjects from everyday life he's constantly experimenting with different colors and materials to create the perfect illusion. often a few seconds of video take days to make. and in the future the production process could even get more complex. i'd like to make more videos which maybe have more of a sense of story maybe bring some of the followers into the videos and so i can combine drawing and reality on the same plane salgado i've got a hundred thousand ideas that i'd like to try out so yeah it's just finding the time to do the mini. is it real or an illusion howard leese succeeds however briefly in making us call reality into question. and if you want to see more of his work we put a link to it on our instagram story today we continue to say now with a number of artists his story fell into our top twenty five ranking detail is the. key for this work too because it's all about three d. paper sculptures german designer created dhamma news is nothing more than paper and says it's to create his pop pop designs they start off as pop up inside a grating hard but precision really is the name of the game here is especially when he scales them up for the largest ten times five meters. pop up by pager darman it's been almost thirty years since the graphic design of fashion his first models now they're his line he heard. millions of internet users have already had mine these pop up objects in early twenty's haven't seen one video of dominoes creations went viral in just a few days from a shared hundreds of thousands of times. it. just blew me away i never expected this suddenly my e-mail inbox was overflowing with inquiries from all over the world i got a call from india i got inquiries from dubai and of course from europe and america it was sensational. in twenty thirteen darman began to specialize in pop ups exclusively he's created over one hundred items so far he makes cards. creates works on commission such as this miniature building. and packaging for customers around the globe some objects he developed out of sheer curiosity every pop up is one of a kind. of quite often it's like a brainteaser. i rarely even know how i'm going to go about it i find out by trial and error sometimes i'll make three or four tries without finding a solution then if the fifth one works i'm totally overjoyed. and doesn't make any drawings when he creates a new model he starts right after cutting paper he can take him anywhere from two weeks to two months to finish one object. he developed a smaller scale models first for larger projects. as with the african wildlife he design for a major trade fair project using his folding technique the final version was nearly ten metres long and five metres tall one of the biggest pop ups ever created anywhere. the feeling is the hardest part is always working out the curves and arches since i have to fold everything down flat. a normal paper crease is always always always a straight line so if you want to make a sphere or a snail shell you have to find a way to break or expand on this roof often it's quite a challenge of the whole four and. hated arm and has put the templates for some of his simpler designs on the internet for free. on his you tube channel he explains in english how to cut the mounts and put them together step by step. repeat the steps until all ten pieces from one to ten are assembled. i think many the first videos i shot weren't tutorials but the most frequent comments on you tube were like i'd like to do that too i want to learn how the baby grew into a better arm and has even created pieces for a magician tesla. what he's doing there in thirty six multiply by four hundred one wireless telegraphy marco tempest wanted to use the technique in his magic show highly specialized projects like this inspire painted almond to keep on creating new ideas how of niagara falls and bringing why. with. what if even though i've been working with this technique for many years i still see it as a minor miracle when a pop up objects take shape right before my eyes i just can't get enough of it. and its mission is. to dominate internet successes spawning more and more enquiries it'll be fascinating to see what surprising new solutions will pop up but pay to dominate clients and fans the world over. now among the hive of twenty seventeen with the twentieth anniversary of the death of diana princess of wales many documentaries were created on her life they share showing that back in ninety seven diana was the most photographed woman in the world her death came as a shock to everyone and there are still many who continue to grieve for her to this day. good god being the rule. we were growing in our hearts you were the careers it's. the footage of princess diana's funeral was broadcast the world over twenty years later many people still remember the moment they heard the news of our dads. and the story spilled your new. mom has been found and said to the radio that she was the life. and we all remember and you were. ever by the talking about and with fear in the south because because she was young beautiful person my husband woke me up to say that she had died i was sleeping it was daytime in australia and me down there. public interest in the princess was phenomenal wherever she went the photographers and fans were not far behind on august thirty first nine hundred ninety seven diana and her companion dodi al fayed left the hotel ritz in paris shortly afterwards their contract in a row tunnel hours later diana died of her injuries many say the piper at sea was partly to blame they'd been pursuing the car. she'd been a darling of the media from the moment charles and the british throne became engaged to her then nineteen year old lady diana spencer. the judges in britain. and. five months later around seven hundred fifty million people worldwide tuned in to watch the fairytale wedding. their sons prince william and prince. sorry completed the picture about the royal family. diana dived into her role as princess of wales we tend to see as an elegance charm and compassion she committed herself to the course of the disadvantaged and the outcast homeless people aids sufferers landmine victims i think she was a really good role model or so people respected her as a woman as an independent woman i think she went through a lot of. experiences that many women go through she will lay did well to the common people she modernized the royal family in that she. you know to care of her sons in a different my the queen would have taken care of her sons that she bore a modern and more humane touch there or she was almost the very top princess in the modern age but the reality was a marriage in crisis charles and diana separated in one thousand nine hundred two. it is announced from buckingham palace that with regret the prince and princess of wales have decided to separate out the end of this year when i've completed my diary of official engagements i will be reducing the extent of the public life i've led so far but the media continue to follow diana's every move even after her divorce in one thousand nine hundred sixty right up to her connection with dodi and fire and their eventual deaths. i wanted her to be proud of the person i would become i didn't want her worried or her legacy to be that. william and harry. work completely off the devastated bar and that will hard work and all the love and all the energy that she put into so we don't go to waste time his sons have taken up many of the courses once dear to their mothers. twenty thirteen prince william and his wife catherine moved into kensington palace his mother's former residence twenty years after her passing white flowers now commemorate diana here memory lives on. burned out. now we end the show today by visiting the king of it's where the nickname like that it's only fitting that he should live in a castle but it's a dutch a violinist on today julio doesn't just own a console he also runs the well the largest private orchestra it's estimated that he's sold more concert tickets. and although some people find his shows kitschy and pompous his extravagant is definitely part of the attraction we met up with on the radio at his home in math leaked. i'm slightly you placed to adoring audiences the world over but this performance was in his home city of mass placed featuring opulent costumes and lavish backdrops his concerts are always good for a few surprises at all can contact us for a good every concert we put on as a fresh beginning we can never just go auto pilot or the mob we always gave it our all and that's what lends us energy and that's good you know after that concert then we can boss can our success on and then we need lots of red wine to come back down to earth again. his colleagues describe him a strict that say he has a good sense of humor and he's not only a violinist he's also the founder and conductor of the world's largest private orchestra the u. hunched house orchestra which has about fifty musicians. at the listen or is it a trumpet sounds different this time let's hear the other one the one the thoughts don't read. you would. yes like the other one some more italian brought it all down for. the first violinist funk stein's met about twenty five years ago the orchestra thrives on a spirit of teamwork and collaboration. in auckland i remember once when we were in auckland new zealand we were in a hotel and it was raining without end i went to andres room which had a piano and we started playing me on the piano and him on the violin. or if you haven't we compose four or five waters in a single day which we later recorded the video of i was in these i'm. playing of the year who was born in one nine hundred forty nine in mast next to a musical family he began learning violin at the age of five and went on to play in a number of dutch ensembles the turning point of his career came in one thousand nine hundred five when he performed during halftime at the champions league final between byron munich and i had amsterdam afterwards his album sales over it. only a year. later the newly anointed king of the waltz moved into a fifteenth century castle and must least. i always wanted to live in a car song i was always my dream. i read tintin as a boy and in one of the books he and the professor sold an invention and bought a castle with income. even then i thought oh how lovely i want to do that too they want. their money well have a dream you should make it reality they obviously think it's the best thing in life and i try to make my dreams a reality every day. but as you found out dreams can go awry in two thousand and eight he had a replica of the in his shouldn't one palast built as a backdrop for global tour it took more than two hundred containers to ship it to australia. that's what we start with you because it was too much they cost too much and i went bankrupt. later i was here in this very room with a bank accounts who were saying. one else can we take away with us but one of them said no let him keep performing that's the only way we'll ever get our money back. again i promised my wife i'd never overdo things again. today to use operation is back on its feet again over the past few years he's toured on five continents that's meant hiring four separate teams each in charge of their own stage backdrop if you design his own costumes which are then made to measure in multiple copies his son who's also his manager says it's a far cry from the early days. i still remember how we used to paint the music stands in our living room thirty years ago for i was five. then later when he started the orchestra around that time my mother brother and i made sandwiches for the intermission. among them. it's amazing the power we travel with seven chefs. has turned his passion for music into a multi-million euro business the king of the waltz and his true life fairytale kareen. join us tomorrow from mogul it's on the show as we begin our top ten countdown of stories from twenty seventy until then enjoy the rest of it a intake at cannes. next year imax special fifty years of the british band deep purple. an alley made film brings to life works by fits in vanguard. and a body painter from serbia is a living on. the countdown continues in our next euro max special. books trojan horse. what binds the continent together the branches and stories a plan to move. a spotlight on people. who feel thirty minutes. for sarah willis. is a passion. to. join her journey as musical discovery. it's christmas time here in berlin and in the real thing that starts today linda enjoys the christmas classic cancel and great my anger been tempered. out. just to swallow the total. freedom of expression. of value that always has to be defended. all over the world. of freedom freedom of art. a multimedia project about artists and their right to express their views freely. d w dot com or the freedom. fighters the new season of radio crime thrillers. for investigative pieces that will keep you on your toes. stories at the base idea so every young person needs to listen to crime fighters and share tell a friend tell a friend tell a friend. fighters don't miss it. and it would be a great mistake to be penned on critters along. with it comes feeling much more energy than free for. i'd take the bus to work every day and that saves a lot of them. so that someone effectively point you bring the population growth worldwide to a halt if. we can't support them ever increasing population and cannot prove acceptable and. for the poor of. ukraine and pro russian rebel groups have exchanged hundreds of prisoners of war the central government in kiev released two hundred three men and the separatist


Transcripts For DW Business - News 20171205 13:15:00

president donald trump and his family information was demanded by subpoena after daughter rejected demands to share the data from the u.s. house democrats in june citing privacy laws the bank has loaned the trump organization millions of dollars for real estate ventures in the past let's go straight over to cora bosun in frankfort that which is actually the home of the larger bank. what do people in the frankfurt think about this. well you can be sure that many of the bankers here in frankfurt gossiped and talked about this topic today during their lunch breaks as it was only a matter of time until something like this would be reported it's been known for a long time that the bank had strong business relations with donald trump and with his real estate business that in fact it was the only large bank in the united states which would give donald trump credit after he produced work set up his own textile business he's now being forced to relocate he's in thai operation the city has already turned off the gas electricity and water despite subzero temperatures the government's heavy handed treatment is drawing unusually direct criticism and action some by jing residents of even set up support groups like this one in the west of the city. here artists have turned this cellar into emergency accommodation giving a victim migrant workers a bed and a roof over their heads this one won't be any way within a five hundred meter radius these people make it easier to live here is the fruit seller the diddle shop around the corner they all raise the quality of life. at home and when the. officials are always keeping a close watch wary that the criticism might spill over into open protests. backwards and forwards without inspection after breaks and republic of ireland would remain in the european union while northern ireland as part of the u.k. would have to exit britain may have to reintroduce a so-called hard border with customs checks for goods people and services and that's a huge worry for northern ireland's dairy farmers who depend on easy cross border trade. milk is northern ireland's most important agricultural product but uncertainty over what will happen when britain leaves the european union has left many farmers on edge especially those who currently trade with and travel freely to the republic of ireland which is staying in the e.u. because of the way the whole system set up there will be tariffs there traded on the european quality standards at the minute or standards when chains will be as high as ever they are but does at present barriers for creating this product in the future and the fact that we don't know is the difficult part in addition agricultural products from northern ireland are heavily subsidized it remains to be seen if the support will continue after breakfast. a major industrial sector depends on. the luck patrick company purchases and processes six hundred million liters of milk from farmers on both sides of the border annually the supply chain is going to be massively disruptors there is going to be farmers who have no place to send their milk now because they're processing unit is on the other side of the border and the processor cannot bring that cross the border because he's going to have to pay a prohibited type of in excess of fifty to seventy percent like patrick exports milk powder worldwide as well as roll milk to a baby food producer in the republic of ireland their main customer is china which insists on the e.u. quality label. may challenge these relationships. what is absent here is a clear vision for britain and for northern ireland in a post break that scenario can somebody somewhere stand up and tell me and tell all of the members of this society what better situation is going to prevail in the post breaks the scenario that currently prevails the face of northern ireland's agriculture sector life in the balance as farmers wait to see if a deal on the border question can be reached. turkish president. says turkey is a free market economy and he shows businesses that he wants to keep it that way this comes at a time when investors are alarmed by rapidly rising inflation which is at levels not seen in fifteen years the message companies are trying to park their money overseas a practice the government funds of. food prices in turkey are especially high but transportation costs have also soared this spike is especially hard on consumers but the rising costs are taking their toll on businesses too. the inflation rate has been on a rapid rise over the past year it's jumped to thirteen percent a level not seen for nearly fifteen years rising inflation is also putting pressure on turkey's currency for months now the lira has been losing value this is good news for turkish export hers the weaker currency makes their products cheaper abroad but this trend is worrying to domestic companies who are trying to shift their money abroad to avoid depreciation. the turkish government doesn't like the practice but so far it's been reluctant to go as far as banning such capital outflows. and that's it for me on the business scene here and then i'll have an update for you in of the next hour before you go here again as a real time check on global markets this hour thanks for watching my. lawyer. my culture. high hair. superman. superfood stylish style icon to a lot of us. lifestyle your. tells us stories stories. it makes us laugh. and cry. and smile. magical images and emotions that no. because in every canned on d w. i'm a mother like two billion other mothers around the world i have one wish the best


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20171113 18:00:00

the filipino president pulled out all the stops at a gala to open the summit on sunday. i mean way too late good news for you thank you orders of the. united states. that some say detectives not the only one hitting the wrong notes ahead of the summit filipino rights groups urged trump to confront a terror take over his war on drugs a crackdown that's left thousands dead over the past year. but if there was any criticism from trunk it was not on display in manila trump showered his host a self-proclaimed killer with compliments. and i want to thank you for your incredible hospitality and the show last night the talent show i assume mostly from listen to what he said. it's been a great twelve days we've had twelve days over the many days of you that the folklore. and a lot of great things of happen for our country and i think for the world a lot of a lot of elements were. in the process of. ok tyson do you share that assessment was it a great twelve days i think it was more of the same i mean we walked into this with pretty much the same things that we walked out of which is the president's interest in pursuing bilateral agreements not much maybe coming up that his in for his interest in. building stronger closer relationships with strong men particularly you see that a little bit in china but also in the philippines the results seem to be. a lot of positive chemistry between the two leaders a deemphasize on human rights and democracy in this trip and then the final takeaway i guess is that you know the world and the multilateral system is going to go on without the united states and you see that most clearly with the relaunch of negotiations of the transpacific partnership you mentioned china i want to pick up on that because she's in paying in beijing but also vietnam who do you think got more out of that meeting. you know i think that it's hard to say i mean really in this case china is styling it stylizing itself as almost like the leader of the liberal world maybe not the leader of the free world because obviously china is not a free country but what they are saying what she jingping is saying to the world is we stand for openness we stand for rule of law we stand for the kind of predictability that you used to expect from the united states over the past seven decades so in that way you could say that he got more out of it that said you know the president's coming back with some what he says are surprises you know he's has signed a lot of deals in china he hopefully has made some progress on market access so the story needs to be told but obviously the perception is that she has gotten donald trump sold the american brand to the people of these countries that he visited do you think that was effective i mean again it's something that we're it's almost too soon to tell but what it does do when you go to different countries and say we're going to pursue america first you should pursue your country's interests first is it creates new unpredictability and that has been a hallmark of this presidency now nine months and ten months in and so it does create that and predictability in the region some will find that good many will find it unsettling tyson barker program director at the aspen institute here in berlin thank you so much for sharing your insight with us tonight now russia's president vladimir putin and the turkish counterpart russia typewriter when they're meeting in the russian city of sochi for talks on the situation in syria right now no ties between moscow and ancora suffered amid the conflict in syria especially after turkey shot down a russian warplane in two thousand and fifteen but today putin said relations are quote were stored practically in full recently the two countries agreed on cooperating to deescalate the fighting and the meeting at sochi follows a joint statement by putin and us president trump last week where they committed to achieving a peaceful solution to the conflict. let's bring in these emily sure women in our moscow bureau hi emily so are ties here between these two leaders really improved and what are they hoping to achieve by these talks. well the kremlin spokesman need to. mention that the main issue on the table today will be syria they're going to be talking about the current deescalation zones and they're working out of the future a political solution in syria and i think both sides are also very interested in keeping up the warm relations that have kind of developed over the last year or year and a half or so since turkey there was a huge crisis between the two countries since turkey shot down a russian air airplane as you mentioned but now this year the two leaders have met five times and both sides have a lot to gain from the partnership they are looking to cooperate in energy on two huge projects a gas pipeline and nuclear power plant there important trade partners and russia's also selling an anti aircraft system to turkey so both sides have a lot to gain in keeping warm relations and they also want to cooperate in the question of syria but they have very different visions of where the future of this country is going especially on the involvement of president bashar al assad in the future can they really agree on anything here. well ahead of the meeting between the two leaders who on said that you know if it's russia really does want a military solution as it stated in that declaration with the u.s. then why don't they pull out troops now and mention the fact that russia has bases in the country so one kind of questioning there and showing showing the fact that really the two countries are a bit on different pages when it comes comes to syria as you mentioned russia. turkey has backed the syrian opposition throughout the conflict and also this coming saturday there was supposed to be a syrian congress on a national dialogue that russia was going to hold in such and that's actually been postponed in part because turkey wasn't happy about the fact that a kurdish group was on the list of participants so that just shows that there are a lot of differences there on syria so we'll have to wait and see what they agree on and what you mention that moscow does want to see a future for syria that involves. but what is the political solution that russia is looking to agree to here. well the declaration that they made on saturday mentioned syrian territorial integrity and free elections but i think the main the main point for russia really is keeping assad propped up he's a longtime ally in the middle east as i mentioned russia has a naval base in syria and they also have an air base so they really want to keep their influence going there they really want to keep a longtime ally in as a part of any military so excuse me any political solution that comes to pass there . sure when reporting for us from moscow thank you emily let's take a look now at some other stories making news around the world. saudi arabia said it will reopen yemen's borders after widespread international criticism of its blockade around the arab world's poorest country yemen faces dire shortages of fuel food and water that the u.n. has said put millions of lives at risk of famine a saudi led coalition had sealed off in the last we could retaliate for a shia rebel missile attack mean mars emily army has replaced its general in charge of the troubled state and no reason was given for major general mung long souce transfer operations by me in mars' army have driven more than six hundred thousand rohingya muslims mostly from are keen to flee across the border into bangladesh and a south korea's military says a north korean soldiers soldier has been shot and wounded while defecting to the south across the demilitarized zone which divides the peninsula north korean troops reportedly fired at the soldier while he was attempting to pass through a border village the defector and had been taken to a south korean hospital. germany's defense minister is calling today a great day for europe twenty three e.u. member states have signed up to a far reaching agreement on military and security cooperation the foreign and defense ministers are from those countries they signed up in brussels today it lays the foundation for a european defense union member states will be able to invest in joint military projects and develop and deploy joint armed forces the aim is to improve nation on defense and weapons systems development let's get more on the story was due to abuse catherine martin's in brussels hi catherine what does this new agreement mean for europe in concrete terms. well as systematic corporation this means in concrete terms that already national existing units are made available for operations and military interventions for example thanks to logistic helps all over cross the european union a very concrete example right now the european union has for example trying to types or around trying to types of military helicopters this sort of overproduction is something they want to overcome in the european union with this defense corporation to get a more rapid force and the other thing beyond logistics is really the. political will to bring military assets the willingness to intervene abroad and to indeed increase the defense spending those are the big lines off of this defense cooperation today ok so the german defense minister calling this a great day for europe but five member states haven't signed up to this agreement yet why is that. what all the big players are on board today so there are interesting always in the european union north and south east and west members are on board and indeed there are five of the great britain of course to the breck so there are not on board there were fiercely opposed to a close a corporation denmark traditionally is against and is supposed regarding a closer corporation as well but the other is portugal for example matar or island they didn't say no and this is the most important message here it is an open club it's an inclusive nature germany pushed really hard for that this means that other member states this week they didn't want to commit publicly today they are free to join the club when ever whenever they feel ready and even if they are right now nonmembers they can have a status an observer status in order to get integrated anyway in the process catherine is there the risk that this could potentially become a rival to nato. well there were really concerns in the very beginning to be precise not nato itself because the secretary general is thought of fully supports the project bought indeed some nato countries a row are concerned is this a competition and right now the actual framework is not lay out like a competition nature would still focus on. collective defense in order to safeguard article five bought the european defense corporation will focus on regions where nato has no specific no specific. charges and this is for example africa and there could be an added value or father european union to have read up act and force already has catherine martin's for us from brussels thank you catherine. well as the remaining e.u. member states get closer rod security and military cooperation the specter of hard brags that is looming over business on both sides of the channel have you that's right sumi and three's a maze meeting with business leaders from different european countries this monday must have been tough because businesses in and outside of the you are getting increasingly agitated they see that negotiations are going nowhere and not knowing how relations between the u.k. and the e.u. will look like in the future they are now demanding answers. if only life was as easy as these demonstrators in the center of london were saying on monday. it's never too late. prime minister to resume a agrees but the country is still hurtling towards bragg's it on the twenty ninth of march twenty ninth with no deal nervous european business groups who came to see mrs may in downing street and now only concerned with one thing damage limitation they want the british government to back down so the country doesn't fly over the end of a cliff on b. day. we've made it clear towards the e.u. commission and the british government that it is in our interest to avoid one thing the cliff. at the end of relations between great britain and the european union you can avoid that if you want to avoid it and we hope we bolster their will to do so today in britain. but the clock is ticking and there's little more than hope right now what will happen to the many cross border companies how many jobs will be lost to reason may can't say in the automobile industry parts are delivered from one country assembled in another and then exported on to foreign markets many of these cross border transactions could be subject to british import tariffs in the event of a hard break that they could come to over two billion euros for german products so far britain and the e.u. have not found much common ground but if that doesn't change soon the u.k. could lose a lot of investment some of the big banks have already begun moving their stuff from london to other financial hubs like frankfurt. germany's largest airline says it will boost domestic services by a thousand flights a month and it's also promising cheaper fares here in germany the times a says air fares have gone up ever since it took the biggest part of now defunct airline air berlin with flights frequently booked out two times a says that's because and to trust the authorities in brussels still have to approve the takeover until then it can't offer what were originally air berlin flights resulting in bottlenecks and high prices has even had to use jumbos between frankfurt and berlin to satisfy the demand of a back more business news later on more world news now so thank you havea well france has been remembering the victims of the country's worst ever terror attack that hit paris two years ago french president emmanuel mccall he spent time meeting with the survivors today mccall and former president francois hollande on what you see here then released balloons into the air in honor of the one hundred thirty people who died in the multiple attacks the american rock band eagles of death metal gave a surprise concert with the lead singer at times appeared overcome by emotion the group's concert at the bottom actually two years ago turned into a bloodbath when islamic extremists stormed the hall parallel attacks also targeted cafes and the national stadium. and if you correspondent was a covering those commemorations in paris a day he sent us his impressions. with small and simple commemorative ceremonies songs today page tributes to the one hundred thirty people who lost their lives in paris two years ago outside the particular music club a ninety names of those killed two years ago were read out followed by a minute of silence but the but a clone concert hall is also a good example that life has returned to this part of paris many people told me that they do feel more secure two years after the attacks with still thousands of soldiers patrolling french streets and so with ten thousand police officers to be employed in the years to come and with a new antiterrorism law that has replaced the state of emergency which gives the police extensive powers to detain suspects and to search houses at the same time police have warned that the risk of homegrown terrorist attacks still remains imminent still remains high and that is a big concern france is a country still very much marked by the events two years ago while the attacks two years ago in the french capital sent shock waves across france but the impact was especially great for those who were directly affected he spoke to a survivor of the bought a clan massacre about that fateful night and that's after affects. whenever christopher modahl walks past this place the memories come flooding back what happened here on nov thirteenth two thousand and fifteen changed his life forever ever since that day the battle plan has taken on a new meaning for him. i'm very strongly attached to this place because it's in a good way. it's as if the better class had a soul and protected me. i like coming here because it's reassuring. and makes me think and remember what happened this year was on the real. stuff barricaded himself into a room behind the stage when the terrorists started shooting that decision saved his life he was at the concert with two friends one of them died during the attack he still finds it difficult talking about what happened and was haunted by what he had experienced for months after what's this question. dramatic stress disorder. but i was incredibly tense and every little sound made me jump. i was playing by flashbacks and kept seeing images from that night hearing the sounds and smelling those horrible smells so they get it. kristoff went to therapy to help him come to terms with his experience instead of shutting himself away at home he went out more so than before he wanted to feel alive these to tos mean that night in november is forever a part of him complex. as a survivor you feel guilty that others had to die while you got away with your life now. these tattoos are like my own gun shop where. they show that i was there that night and who i am a. little. things are better now and still life for the forty one year old will never be the same again also in a good way. i'm much more willing to take a leap now that. i've only been with my girlfriend for seven months and we're already talking about moving in together and having a child. i would have been much more hesitant to do that two years ago. but now i'm thinking seize the day because. you need to go for things if there's a chance they will make you happy here. that. christoph things france has stood his ground against the threat of terrorism people are sticking together and not letting themselves be divided even after further attacks yet in one respect he says the terrorists have won. the toss. france has restricted civil liberties. first by maintaining the state of emergency for so long. and then by enshrining many of those extra police powers and. in a way that's a victory for the terrorists or because they want to frighten us and make us give up some of our civil rights to do is. that. this offers more frightened than he was before frightened that he could lose another friend or relative to terrorism even more reason he says to live every minute of every day. lisa lewis reporting there from paris you're watching a day w. news still to come on the program. the miners in india paying a heavy price for the country's appetite for coal and. closer to the families of the season t.v. . we look back at the m.t.v. europe music awards in london where nineteen year old canadian shaun mendez was last night's big winner debuts culture editor robin meryl will be here later in the show with all the details. that are coming up next thirty minutes. speculate is. dated it is revealed that the feeling is the poems they use to avoid. the paradise by. some four hundred journalists around the world spent months sixty three million files. providing the wreckage into the city with a. paradise people. close up in forty five minutes. looking for action and artistry. edge of the seat drama. joy and jubilation. we've got it all. just go highlights. to go. double. your children like chocolate. you can't live without your smartphone. do you go to a job it's the same market. as we go about our daily lives human rights law from the last thing on our minds. even visible hands. in the twenty first century. starting december second d. w. . welcome back you're watching news our top stories at this hour. rescuers are digging through out the rubble to try to find survivors after a powerful earthquake struck the border area between iran and iraq more than four hundred people have been killed well over six thousand more were injured in the quake. and u.s. president donald trump has met his controversial philippine counterpart for a video to tear down hundreds of protesters descended on the summit in manila attended by the two leaders. now last week i do w. has been reporting from the u.n. climate change summit taking place in the german city of bonn now among the biggest issues on the agenda was reducing c o two emissions worldwide today we're looking at the country of india now india still very reliant on coal that's one of the dirtiest of the fossil fuels it is a source of more than half of india's electricity production well our correspondent sonia found a car visited the heart of the country's coal bell jar ria in east india mining has had a disastrous effect on the advisement as well as its people. salvatore model is seventeen years old. she scavengers in the coal mines of cerium. the ship car is just nine. to begin work at dawn every day it's fraught with dangers the cold has to be hacked out of exposed seams once should come our badly injured himself while working in open cold pit is one hundred fifty meters deep suffer three makes four to five crips each day. she has to watch out for the police who chase them away and confiscate the coat. what your eyes name i don't have a choice i have to do this work my parents are illiterate they've worked as laborers all their lives they can't do anything else. so i try to help them but owning money i really don't like the work my heart isn't in it. a few hours of work which is the equivalent of three euros that's more than what people earn here as day laborers of some thirty thousand people workers called scavengers. but they pay a heavy price but only roll call releases toxic smoke and gases causing widespread as well and respiratory illnesses in the area. geria sits atop one of the world's largest coal reserves. to try again to open pits and deep mines here account for a quarter of india's coal production. but the cone is also on fire. dozens of places below the ground some have been smoldering for more than one hundred years when underground mining first began. most fires ignite spontaneously when minerals in the expose called heat up. continued mining in the circus has opened up cracks that feed oxygen to the flames. the resulting toxic emissions have devastated the environment. the coal fires destroyed houses and triggered landslides. that while has been campaigning for the rights of illegal cold workers like sub three of the rubble he says india is paying a huge human cost in its dash because. this government just doesn't want it so right now paul is very important it is very important for the development there were double of my subsidies to short. but with them the cost of these people the. amount of human beings who are going to be deprived of water when there's some of the other taking on the living that will also go server trees determined to find a way out of the gold mines. scavenging also helps pay for college. she goes there every day after work. to ensure her dreams of getting a good job. don't go up in smoke. let's talk now to seek a mistress a secretary in india's environment history is heading up india's delegation and bonn mr mishra first of all thank you for joining us on our program now as we heard india is already the world's third largest carbon polluter and the country plans to double its coal output by twenty twenty don't you see that as a problem we've increased our mix of renewable energy doubled it and gone up to about thirteen times in fact and we have a vicious plan of hiving about hundred seventy five give you a lot of the noble energy of which last two hundred gigawatt is going to come from solar energy so we are looking at cleaner energy we are looking at non-food fossil fuels and we are looking at improving the situation but it is an imperative for any government to reach the fruits of development and its city to everyone who doesn't have at the same time our policies sustainable development without harming the climate what about in the meantime mr mishra you know delhi for example is struggling right now with heavy air pollution choking and smog some research from your ministry of earth sciences shows that there's been a huge number of deaths due to heat waves that are now increasing because of climate change what can the government do then in the meantime before renewable energies take over the majority of the mix yes but their lives problem is not only due to the power sector it is a mix of several things which is weather and dust construction dust street dust and also some amount of burning that is coming from some other direction and it is not just about i mean if you look at the power plants around delhi they have met the emission norms but i do agree with you that delhi has a problem of pollution and the government is working overtime in fact to get to the bottom of the factors and try and see that we have cleaner air for delhi and one of the things that we are doing is just control the other is that many of the emitting substances we have banned right now so that the and the air becomes cleaner in delhi mr mishra you know you are at the u.n. climate talks and on and. and i want to ask you what you're hoping to get out of these talks and how the international community can support india we are in these talks with a very very positive outlook we want to support the discussions and the talk we want to support the fizzing presidency in getting to a decision what we are really looking at is a very balanced outcome in line with the paris agreement that we have with a central theme of equity which india has been advocating all to thank you so much for joining us on today and are staying with the environmental impact of energy production here thank you very much to me and someone who is actually taking action personally approved in farmer has successfully appealed a regional german court's decision he filed for damages from one of germany's largest energy companies are w.-e. which he considers responsible for climate change for citing judge said in his statement that while he is eligible for damages he still has to prove that r.w.d. is responsible for them. the man who some say could challenge climate changes traveled over ten thousand kilometers from his hometown in peru to hamburg germany sound. comes from whereas in the peruvian andes the village is threatened by melting glaciers that could potentially cause severe floods destroying crops and leaving thousands without a place to live lou you know once those responsible for global warming to pay for a dam to protect his village his first time get is germany's energy giant w e. he accuses the utility of significantly contributing to the problem with its greenhouse gas emissions. but mostly nothing has changed in the peruvian mountains the glaziers keep melting it's only getting worse. but succeeding in the courts isn't easy new year's lawsuit has already been dismissed in the district court in essen where our w.e.e.e. has its headquarters the company argued that place is melting in the andes can't be traced back to its activities since many other agents like cars and planes could also be causing climate change. lou your hopes his appeal will now convince a higher court and eventually force those who he thinks are threatening him and his people to help alleviate the damage. the last ten years have seen a revolution in the call center industry in the philippines is now number one leaving india behind young filipinos with good english skills now do the work that is outsourced from richer countries from taking costs to processing bills but they don't mind losing some sleep as the work is a good fit for younger generations. a graduation party at the university of the east in manila. ryan bar in line is here with his mother she raised five children all by herself. i can't describe the happiness i've worked very hard to make a good education possible ryan has been working hard since his father died. in order to pay for his studies as an electrical engineer ryan has been working evenings in a call center for five hundred thousand students who graduate every year the outsourcing industry creates work and away up the career ladder. like it did seem and still were at the two years now. at night groggy workers turn up to the call center. there be anything else that i can assist you with. midnight in manila is lunch time in the us where the customers are good. if they have any problems with the product they can call twenty four seven they get help from people in manila like ryan barlow on he wants to be an electrical engineer the night shifts are wearing him down i go to work at night and then i go to school in the morning and any don't know how that how i've done it. it's no idea. the outsourcing industry generates over twenty two billion euros and employs over a million people in the last decade alone the industry has grown by up to thirty percent and makes up eight percent of the country's g.d.p. manager my loose of us john is proud of her workers they have this and but they they are able to turn it around from an i recall or they turn it into making failed . mary shelley's santos works in a call center to the filipino extended family works like a security net for the difficult working hours she's living with her children her parents and her and. i just got sick last week to leave the work and the breadwinner in the family. to be well. she earns three hundred eighty euros a month at the call center double the minimum wage for mary shell santos who dropped out of school it's good pay. the philippines over six percent economic growth but one in five lives in poverty the call centers are fueling development the international consumer protection agency and as employees over six hundred people to support the back office. get. on an admin level so that we're on the business line for the three you can have both will be able to concentrate on other areas to improve their business as well. young filipinos invisible heroes of a booming industry thank you for my birthday you know how would you like to take it that's it for business now expect to sue me for a controversy that is taking over social media. that's right have you to thank you very much and outreach to us so we're alabama republican roy moore is under increasing pressure to quit the race for the u.s. senate that is because a newspaper reported that he had had sexual contact with teenage girls about forty years ago no more is denying those claims but it's opened up an entire discussion on social media and we have our social media editor jared reed with us here at jared what are people saying what kind of stories are they sharing will sue me is part of this backlash that we've seen over the past few weeks against very powerful men who've been accused of sexually abusive behavior people like harvey weinstein and kevin spacey and now roy moore this politician who you just mentioned for women have come forward to the washington post to claim that wall roy moore was aged in his thirty's and they were teenagers he pursued them and had sexual contact with them roy moore denies the allegations but the youngest of these women was just fourteen at the time and so that's spot this wave of other women coming forward to say what they were doing at fourteen years old to highlight that kids this age need protection and certainly can't consent to sex it was sparked off by this tweet by rice at least winstead she posted this picture saying this is me at fourteen i was on the gymnastics team and sang in the choir i wasn't dating an older man she asks others to join her who were you at fourteen twenty to peak and tell us who you were since then more than fifty thousand women have responded including us actress alyssa milano she says he's made full tane i were. my brother i love my dog i loved him day which is a british pop band i had big hair i was happy and i was innocent but sadly a lot of women are using the hash tag to share their stories of being sexually abused at that age like this woman meagan jensen from minnesota she says she was babysitting my cousin's kids her husband put rum in my coke and told me to take my bra off so you see me this is a continuation of the made to hash tag which over the past few weeks has become this major force against sexual violence what about room more and more story what is the republican party saying about this well prominent republicans have come forward to condemn him in the last two hours the senate republican leader mitch mcconnell has come out and says he believes the women and roy moore should take himself out of the race that's something that's been repeated by prominent republicans like senator john mccain from arizona he tweeted the allegations against roy moore deeply disturbing and disqualifying he should immediately step aside and allow the people of alabama to elect a candidate that they can be proud of will have to wait and see just what the party and roy moore's next move will be but the people of alabama go to the polls on december the twelfth so they have a bit of a month a big round of month now to decide what to do social media editor jared reed thank you very much for bringing us this important story. ok time for a bit of sports now and in football italy and sweden a face off in the second leg of their a world cup playoff in around an hour's time now sweden take a one nil lead into this match and if they hold on they could upset one of the football's powerhouses. winds back the clock to the two thousand and six world cup final in berlin and it was happy days for italy he has already lifted the world cup trophy for the fourth time. fast forward eleven years and it's a different story italy haven't been the side that one struck fear in their opponents' hearts a mediocre qualifying campaign and a poor performance in the first leg defeat to sweden sees italy on the brink of missing their first world cup since one thousand nine hundred fifty eight. where it would seem we're italy we're a team that has to play football and if we qualify we'll do it by playing football . by playing football that's something italy's golden generation with the likes of did a piano talk see a rat see. could do with their eyes closed john luigi fun is the last relic and he knows what's at stake. is the positivity the possibility to rebound from this result we're working on this dream on this subject . but we also know that it's an important match for all of us and for the nation and for the history of our national team. proud and rich history which will be tainted should be a zoo or a walk off the pitch as losers miss out on football's biggest showpiece. we have mark meadows from d.w. sports to talk more about this match markets kicking off in just a little bit of time but how did we get here well it's strange isn't it sort of famous footballing nation but i've got to say i used to work in italy covering italian football and this is the worst italian national side that i can remember. obviously as we sort of report is no del piero anymore there is no talk of the under pillow retired from all football last week at the back there ok they've got to follow the new cheeky leni big names but for the forward there really is nothing then and the coach is kind of similar he's kind of unheralded than he was manager of body of torino hardly top italian club names that's because basically big italian football managers like a lot. of money they have basically carefully avoided becoming italian italy manager because they know that this is the worst side possibly in italian history but on the other hand sweden is kind of in the same boat aren't they i mean a lot of their international players have actually left the scene indeed i mean the last time there than will cope was two thousand and six when they had big names like that's a neighbor him a bitch pretty long and they lost and they're all gone now i mean i think it's fair to say the majority of the sweden lot of team household names in sweden these days but hey the fact that these two may be a mediocre size maybe makes the game more interesting could be fall for five five nil nil who knows one thing i will say is the match is in milan and the fans in milan don't really very passionately get behind the italian national side even though it's eighty thousand in the san siro if anything starts to go wrong for the italy side them up if huge is few whistles so i think sweden of got a bit of opportunity because of that story hoping for a good match tonight mark meadows from thank you very much. in tennis germany's alexander said if we've been dubbed the future of the sport had a dazzling debut at the a.t.p. finals in london he actually defeated world number four a croatian marin chillin in three sets and a let's take a look at the actions fed if you see at the bottom of your screen the momentum back in the third and final seconds after dropping the second the twenty year old won the match six four three six six four a meet season roger federer and his next week face game on tuesday in the british capital. it was in my hand. you know. if you. can't you can't get it right you're looking at me to tell. you that it's rapper and hip hop artist eminem performing last night at the m.t.v. europe music awards in london. right and we have our culture editor robin merrill with us here in studio to talk more about it hi robin some surprises is that right at the words last night yeah i mean not for him actually because he won best hip hop artist i mean you know it's sort of yes he is the best hip hop artist are the real surprise though there was the most nominated for the award six nominations was taylor swift and she went away completely empty handed well actually she wasn't there in fact but i suspect one of two video messages saying thank you so much to my friends or something like that with rhoda she didn't have to use that the big winner was this guy nineteen years old kadian canadian katie and today he didn't show mendez who's literally gone ballistic this year and actually i really think he's a town i think he's a very talented guy you play and he writes good songs he can play a lot of musical instruments and he's a state is going to be around for some time anyway here's the presenting rita ora who seem to go for other prizes best dressed date she changed her clothes so often his the first i phone five shred looks as though she just arrived from the bathroom . what ten to twenty seven. amazing. shows that. the nineteen year old canadian hopeful shown mendoza stole the show in london taking home best artist and best song for his hit single does nothing holding me back thank you thank you guys so much oh so one of the biggest fans award because of the song. this is. the prize for best alternative and twenty to thirty seconds to mars frontman jared to use the opportunity to blast u.s. president donald trump's immigration policy is a land of immigrants and we just want to say that we welcome you with open arms and with open hearts. rock legends you to one a global icon award singer bono paid tribute to a new generation of actors with an acapella version of storm season blinded by your grades. good. plan your career. your. cuban american community took the best award and filmed vanna which is now advanced to number two in the u.s. singles charts. oh oh. oh. oh. oh. oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh damn hoover. ok robin a star studded night but how is it the taylor swift got so many nominations and didn't end up with the prize is that on a scandal well i mean it's it's strange to say the least but she's actually been on a break as they all say she's been sort of out of the limelight for a bit although she's just got a new record out a new album out called reputation which is very apt because it the problem is she's being co-opted by the right in america against her wishes i hasten to add you know she's blonde blue on beautiful and then dede images from this song of being sort of taken badly. but i think it's really unfair this is look what you made me do one of the singles it's ridiculous she's worked with numerous black artists numerous out of all colors and she's far away from the old right the final reason could be that she's she's too old she's nearly thirty six now and joking. you know it is very much a young person's world and she's got ten grammys she's not worried about the show well looking at the awards show i think to anything controversial interesting happens no really i mean people criticizing donald trump jerad let it have that sort of par for the par for the course the the it's the first time the awards gender there's not a best female artist but no best man could be a reason why taylor swift didn't win best female because it wasn't you know things like that on social media the controversy has been recent or of changing her clothes more often than the word guests on the stage actually sort of that yes she started with for a while not know i have one criticism the awards there is no ward for need the best look award reeser or was obviously going to please don't do that of music awards it doesn't matter whether somebody is in a pair of jeans ed sheeran's the perfect example he was jeans and a t. shirt is on the biggest artist in the world he doesn't you know we should have a best look award please and t.v. that's all i want to say all right we have more on the awards show and all of that you know that when you somewheres and everything on the website d.w. dot com slash culture or old said you don't use culture editor robin merrill with that story for us thank you robin. you're watching g.w. news so for it you can head to our website dot com for all the latest news and information around the clock brant off we'll have your latest news update right here at the news desk in just a few minutes don't go away. for close up in fifteen minutes w. . the fast pace of life in the digital world. shift has the lowdown on the web it shows a new developments useful information and anything else worth knowing. presents the latest finds. looks over the shoulders of makers and users. in forty five minutes dollars. health. and here it's too long. solidarity. they fall by the wayside when the gap between rich and poor grows. life in an equal societies. the divide starting november fifteenth on d w. frank food. international gateway to the best connection self road and rail. located in the heart of europe you are connected to the whole world. experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and. hi alice services. bialik asked.


Transcripts For DW Business - News 20171123 13:15:00

a whole. steel production accounts for well over seven billion euros of income each year at towson corp steel made products like elevators are worth almost as much products made for the car industry and so-called industrial solutions are also lucrative but the biggest unit by far this material services. a merger is the company's response to overcapacity in the steel market worldwide to some cough and ta ta believe a joint venture will make them more efficient but workers feel their futures are being put on the line. and cripps chief financial officer calque often often why the company wanted to manage its european steel business with india's tata at a time when the segment is profitable and substantially contribution to overall results. one thing one clearly has to say about steel markets if we look at the recent past i'm going forward as well it is a volatile market so you see periods of good good earnings and of worse earnings and the underlying issue of that is that we still have overcapacity in europe and in china and what we want to address with the joint venture is clearly these underlying things to make it a stronger business in europe overall and therefore more sustainable for all involved parties be of the work force be it the companies and the onus that was a good account off to encrypt chief financial officer well for more let's get the market reaction with our financial correspondent khana got a boson in frankfurt conrad let's be honest negotiating this merger was a nightmare it took eighteen months union representatives say they're going to vote it down anyway so what are investors making of that. all this really has scared off a lot of investors in the course of this year shares in to some crude trading significantly lower than at the beginning of january and if you compare this with the german dax which has gained more than thirteen percent since the beginning of the i think it's becoming pretty clear how much. you know investors are hesitant to really believe in. a very soon materializing merger of the steel section of his group with tata steel but if you talk to analysts and if you read their reports a majority of them believe that eventually this merger will happen the pressure from the side of investors of shareholders of to some group is immense and also you know not all of the board members at his from corporate representative which represent workers represent steel workers there are for example the representatives of the workers of the car parts maker of the elevator maker and they might eventually change their mind conrad briefly we've seen a bounce back in the steel market recently so is now the moment to downsize. you know the future is not very bright for the steel sector with all those over capacities and you know a porton client of to some croup steel the car makers for example they produce more and more in china they produce also in the united sates this is where they need the steel factories those clients of his group conrad in frankfurt thanks for that. and with the end of room and the presidency comes hope for a better livelihood for many zimbabweans the i.m.f. said that zimbabwe's cleared its credit arrears with the institution but any financing for the future requires more reforms with mugabe gone can the new leadership bring quite normal to it in six. it will be insiders in the greedy it in the world of food i think. within five years i think we all it's just a couple of times a year. the worms are a sustainable source of nutrition containing fifty percent protein. they only need a fraction of the space water and feed the breeding higher orders of animal requires . under c o two emissions are minimal. the environmental benefits were decisive for the book's bogus creators. max creamer and bearish ursule set up their foundation in twenty fourteen with only ten thousand euros venture capital they spent over a year developing their burger patties the ground buffalo worms a mixed with peas water and a secret spice mixture. that is often a model for the same time we're hoping will become a model for other countries for instance in developing countries and where they used to eat insects and but stopped doing so in order to adopt the western lifestyle and eat beef burgers following the mcdonald's lifestyle. next year it becomes legal to sell processed insects in germany the two young businessmen hope their books burger will give them a head start on any competitors. but the woman is not exactly a cheap snack belgian and dutch restaurants which already serve up the exotic delicacy between twelve and seventeen year olds for the pleasure. not have had my lunch already that's what you're up to date with the latest from the world old business for more find us on facebook follow us on twitter but you on the school business is a handle on there as well had an essay humphrey is mine thanks for your company right now he's at the world markets in the next hour. and the. long and old house on the island of crete. created their own little palace. playful style place to feel good. about. your romance next on d w. it's all about the moments that. it's all about the story is in so. it's all about george chance to discover the world from different perspectives. join us and inspired by distinctive instagram others at g.w. story the topic each week on instagram. climate change.


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20171230 18:00:00

a gun attack. the so-called islamic state has claimed responsibility for the attack. alleged abduction of this vietnamese business. has soured relations between berlin. plus some usually low temperatures are making life difficult in many parts of the united states and forcing some to put their new year's plans. i met her thanks for joining us the iranian government is warning people not to take part in what it calls illegal rallies the move comes as anti-government protesters take to the streets for the third day in a row. in a gunfight when an attacker attempted to break through security outside a church in cairo suburb the so-called islamic state has claimed responsibility in the past year it has killed dozens of christians in church bombings and shootings. i had least eight coptic christians were killed in friday's gonna tax. i a joint funeral was held i was later attended by hundreds of people i queuing to enter the church mourners expressed grief and anger at yet another attack on the christian minority this time a week ahead of orthodox christmas. i know nothing thirty of them i knew you know i'm during our christmas every holiday they send us these gifts card you are vengeful was. the attack happened at the mom in a church in a cairo suburb a gunman on a motorcycle opened fire on worshippers leaving a service at least one police officer was also killed. only quick thinking prevented more deaths. here there were crowds inside we closed the doors and we heard the shooting god saved us i don't know. authours he's have given conflicting reports on whether the assailant was killed or arrested and on whether a second gunman was involved the so-called islamic state has claimed responsibility the shooting comes just a month after militants affiliated to i.s.i. attacked a soofi mosque in north sinai killing over three hundred people. egypt remains under a state of emergency. as more families grieve it is clear that security services are struggling to contain a brutal insurgency. now on to some other stories making news around the world authorities in russia are reported to have arrested a man in connection with a bomb attack at a supermarket in st petersburg last week at least thirteen people were hurt in that bombing some severely so-called islamic state said it carried out the attack but provided no evidence to back up its claim. russia's supreme court has upheld a ban on opposition leader alexina volley from running in the country's twenty eight thousand election the court rejected his appeal to a prior ruling that barred him from registering as a candidate and well they responded on twitter calling on russians to boycott the vote. morrison have held a funeral for a palestinian killed in clashes with israeli troops a israeli spokesperson said soldiers shot at the ensues instigators of what it called a violent protest original tension spiked after u.s. president donald trump recognized jerusalem as the capital of israel. has been held in new york city to honor the victims of an apartment fire in the bronx that killed twelve people including four children it was the city's deadliest fire in decades officials say the blaze was started by a preschooler who had been playing with the stove. for beatle radio star has been on with it a night when it was new years honors list drummer is one of many names featured on the list honoring service to the nation media's co-founder and singer barry give also tonight may. be we even see you. it means business bad who germany says was abducted here in berlin and then smuggle back to hanoi by the vietnamese security services may face the death penalty the businessman trencher on tan is accused of corruption in vietnam annoyed denies kidnapping him but the case has caused a diplomatic rift between germany and vietnam. german diplomats had both expected and feared vietnam's top news headline it is now become a matter of life and death cringe one ton is public enemy number one in vietnam but germany sees him as the victim of an unprecedented abduction police say that while walking in the central tear garden park in august turn was seized by vietnamese agents he was overpowered in broad daylight dragged into a car and flown to viet nam as a supposedly medical case next week he could face the death penalty turns kidnapping has seriously damaged relations between lin and hanoi. the vietnamese know what they have to do to restore good relations between us and revive our strategic partnership germany's foreign ministry blames the vietnamese embassy for abducting tan the ambassador was subsequently summoned diplomats suspected of involvement were expelled and german economic aid was cut back the vietnamese government not only rejects the german accusations but claims that tan gave himself up voluntarily to police in vietnam after being accused of corruption. that's a bare faced lie we know what happened the german police know what happened and of course the vietnamese themselves know best of all. perlin is pursuing several different channels to secure the release every day counts. serena williams returned to tennis today four months after giving birth to her first child she put a fight but she ended up losing to french open what are you lagos to penco at an exhibition tournaments in abu dhabi where you most looked a little rusty losing the first set six two g. did hit back to claim the second set and set a dream comeback win but also bank a wasn't on that plan dispatching the seven time wimbledon champion in a match deciding tie break she's probably the best ever but williams will still have to work hard to get back to the top. germany's all conquering football team are currently world cup champions confederations cup champions and number one in the fever rankings the team is now preparing to defend its world cup title in twenty eighteen in russia and coach your nerve believes germany has all the ingredients needed to win the competition for a fifth time. for germany's coach joachim the upcoming world cup is the burning issue his reputation could suffer if germany to defend its title. the best the world is probably saying that germany are favorites and logically every team that plays against those will want to take it from the second round to the quarterfinals and semifinals. the pressure will be greater for us than it was in brazil we have to deal with that. on the i'm still nervous keeping his cool after all he has several established stocks that he can still count on and a host of emerging on the confederate scot and would like nothing more than to go to the world cup two of. the coaches spoilt for choice when it comes to squash selection and. we're keeping track of our players to see what shape they're in for their club's form and to gauge their health and levels of confidence and saves their club formal play a big role over the next six months. it gives germany plays a more tactically very game keeping the opposition on its toes in the face sweden and nightsticks starting mean for prosperity here in south korea who feature former naval coups and play us one point man. and mexico who lost heavily to the world champions at the country to ration scott. mexico mexico is a team that can clear the high technical and tactical level at the taj we did not tell you to lead to qualify for the world cup so shouldn't be underestimated the group will be exciting about an. eighty one thousand fans at moscow's luzhniki stadium will await the world champions in their match against mexico or should germany to cook up a storm in the group race they could face heavyweights brazil in the second round germany fans can rest assured that you hakim live has the recipe for success to keep his team on track for another title. a deep freeze taken hold across much of the united states record breaking snowfall and subzero temperatures have hit communities hard across the northeast and the midwest cold spell the start of this new year a rough one for those at risk. a safe haven away from the life threatening cold the rescue misson in milwaukee is bursting with people in need of a hot lunch and most importantly a place to warm up car to navigate outside you know standing you know. our in the sun and pretty quickly in the deep freeze continues across much of the country and authorities are urging the public to help those in need. the extreme weather is not only a threat to humans even fish are freezing to death these sharks were found dead on the coast of massachusetts experts say cold shock may have led to their demise. and this place made the news earlier this week with a new record of its own erie pennsylvania had one point five meters of snow in two days some residents are still digging their way out and even more snow is underway . experts say the weather is linked to climate change from his private resort in florida prison trump tweeted that the u.s. could use a little bit of global warming the u.s. leader publicly denies the existence of climate change. those who can are trying to make the best of the unusual weather an illinois family turned their backyard into an ice rink to the delight of their children and forecasts indicate they won't lose it any time soon. thanks for joining us here at v.w. news in berlin if you think our studio looks snazzy at the moment just wait till we


Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Street Food 20180120 03:15:00

we will taste life on the streets. and find food for thought in the process. by norman fun and keep me posted. and we'll do tomas i'm on my wife first off the united states. this is how a perfect day starts in portland oregon with hockey breakfast. at eight o'clock. i'm. sure it's. the. speed of the feast. sandra owner of the egg carton proudly presents the goods belmont sandwich and eggs benedict handmade homemade and made with long you. will find that this is a raspberry having your original so it starts weeds but it's going to end with a cake because have in your eyes will affect you later in the palate and it's it's definitely a hot ticket for us. with the common thing you'll hear from chefs food carts is well i'm not a real chef but michel sleiman is a prominent chef here in the united states and he defines a chef as someone who runs their own kitchen so i use that against those who got owners to help them realize she runs her own kitchen the food is amazing she has employees. supervising everything she's a chef and she's a great chef. live from portland oregon says tasty to zing than a nine point one f.m. portland radio project i am stephen show me your host the lie that you're here with me this morning as always we have three hours of also music rock folk and blues then coming up at nine am we'll have a food guest live and in studio. any different than in other cities in the u.s. but poland is different. maybe. for the average joe and jane as for the extra votes. is the perfect place for stealing his personal grief goes something like this. for thing on his radio show. in the rain shelly's garden now known as honk and huge burritos was one of the first food carts we've had here in portland we had a real explosion the food cart scene when the great recession hit the portland economy today we have more than six hundred carts open in the metro area pave the way for carts to come into being. many an american dream has been born in a. dream starts anew every morning in her. she thought she might be in the media but then decided against it she just couldn't see herself she tells me. don't personally. as a family. business. at the height of it about two year two thousand we had thirteen people on payroll we had ten locations in the city and i was much more of a manager at that time than a vendor because i was having i had babies and two little girls and so i was busy doing that stuff so i could be a manager as soon as the girls were about five six years old i came right back and started jumped in to be a vendor again and kind of size down at that point because i really i like a little less hustle and bustle i like having the one cart now. today there you have just one food caught in the heart of portland. walking burritos right or shine even people came through the rain you know that's lucky. enough the golden good looking thing. what are you doing today in the big world sometimes people were hungry and could come and just talk and share with their lives than share with me and we have something to eat for them and so we're trying to be a member of the community that way and now i've seen generations of people grow up and come back and bring their families and their grandchildren and and really love the journey of being in a place for twenty five years and the. customer has received a letter from. now people come to shani for advice she likes to home in a city where very very many people need how known as a progressive bastion of liberal values. long struggle to cope with homelessness. hungry constant even if they don't have money. you like to. do you like fresh go very nice house might leave you like. treated with courtesy and respect just like every other and share your laugh you're very welcome. so when it comes up in the food court here in portland there are four things you need that are absolutely essential one you need a place most of our food carts are not mobile they are and what we call food cart pods you have to have somewhere to put your cart the second thing you need is your actual cart and whether it is a trailer that you poll or an actual truck with an engine you need to get one of those contraptions some people buy them used some people have the manufacturer there's a number of really good manufacturers right here in portland that will make one for you. mike and his mechanics on the sunshine experts they build food trucks customers need to fork out plenty pint to fifty thousand dollars for a trailer bolting kitchen that's made to measure up every time two to three months but they can also manage to weeks because ultimately everything is possible. so far i know of two trailers that i've sold that didn't quite make it just two. which makes me feel that what i do is the right place this is where people grow and they make money and they're successful they're happy. it sounds like an easy formula and it sure worked his food trucks are a runaway success. but they get the part because you know it we visit the bar but if it can't be you can't be you might do it you know i know i have eight months so they upped it so it's good. that he's ready to roll literally from tomorrow mows new trail will be serving up freshly fried spring rolls. calorie pioneers cook up a storm on street corners across for live your dream do your thing that spirit is no longer everywhere in the u.s. but it is here in portland. is especially when it comes to food. steve on the radio host. and cullen are a storyteller it's made it his mission to help newcomers to the city. it's a jump that suits his tastes. that verges begging to be eaten. it is phenomenal. you get cheese you got bacon tomato lettuce thousand island. and wonder just runs down your fans like that the nominal right there at your burger of old baby. but it takes perseverance and hard work to strike don't stephen has no illusions they are bad for business being in the colony business is very very very hard work it's a scourging of long hours it's tiring and you don't make any money when i first started some people said oh you're just a cheerleader for food carts and i said you're right i am pompoms are free many skirt you have to pay extra for that because i wanted to cheer them on and i knew they could make it and every time a blue collar succeeds it was brick and mortar has multiple parts and makes his business go. it fills my heart with joy i want to see that make it did thomas is the american dream dent the innovation at least is alive and kicking on the streets of portland. down here in mexico the stories they tell sound like dreams every year in early november a miracle happens in the mountains outside mexico city millions of monarch butterflies arrive in several pinoy like thoughts on the wind. it's the end of an eight month migration to wide areas of north america and back a journey that takes the butterflies for successive generations to complete. come spring the monarchs will breed before flying north to lay eggs and then die it is not known how their offspring find their way back to mexico. but people on the streets of the capital have their own explanation one that's been passed down through the generations. we'll get into a little bundle yes a lot of them but we believe that when someone dies and is buried they rise again as a butterfly. and no other day of the day and all the day when we see a butterfly we say to each other look there is grandpa or that's our auntie over there. we see our lost loved ones again in the butterflies. it makes us feel good but it was that because nice is no better because it's easier to give up with the with. mexico is preparing to celebrate the sad and yet jovial holiday dia de los muertos in two days' time. victor a stout man with a big heart has his hands full. the entire family pitches in and a neighbor makes the tortillas. victor says with some pride this talk of those are the best in mexico city. of kentucky and the long line in his stall would appear to endorse that claim. they can but what do you recommend victor try the company johnno tacos there are specialty. mexicans like a hearty taco. and they package with a sausage. cheese from one pocket that melts into a cream. and then there's more me. it's all topped with fresh snow pollies the can't disprove and plenty of sumatra. and which salsa do you recommend you go for the red one it's the spiciest. i like it a bit spicy but you mexicans of course can handle a lot more right. than those a bit of the person that we give salt to to our kids so they get used to the spicy news from an early age for us there is no day without sauce. even if the spiciness gives us an upset stomach look we mexicans are modern doors we simply keep on eating. a lot of it is easy but. there's no elegant way to eat a taco it's simply a cornucopia of indulgence muvico very tasty if it is spicy. victor gets all the ingredients he needs around the corner mexico's markets are a celebration of the fullness and freshness of life. but on the day of the dead mexican celebrate something else as well as the morbid fascination with down. at their home in the countryside victor and his wife imelda have set up an altar for relatives who have passed on but it's a tradition. that. the candle we say this is for you my sister anita will. be candle there's the name of someone who has died. it's important to provide things that they loyalty would have for example so they can have a drink when they arrive to visit and this. put him. with my sister in law like tequila so we've also put out a bottle of tequila. and sweet things of course which the dead in mexico savor as much as the living. bread sprinkled with lots of sugar. colorful skulls made from pure sugar cane sorry. three generations into an old pickup truck. at the cemetery the entire extended family decorates the grave of imelda sister in law who died a year ago. good luck was her husband victor's brother is overcome by grief. his wife. her mother was only forty seven but the day is not dominated by sadness. it's something that he could have it. was often it's a joyous festival it has to me because life is short lived with the limbs that all that and one day will have to go to. see but i'm proud of the life i lead now and the like and i'm happy when people come to my stand to eat tacos and leave satisfied and hopefully to return again soon in the us. in the evening the smell of incense walked across the graves like a scene in of iraq painting. or and right behind the cemetery wall people are again cooking and eating like they seem to do everywhere in this country life and death pleasure and pain. they're never far apart in mexico. the following morning victor and his family are back on the street setting up their stand. they've altered their dead now life goes on. to take. in the mothers of those one day will be gone but my sons should carry on here and if they do a better job than me all the better. people always need something to eat naturally were no exceptions. and. death is part of life in mexico. but as victor would say as long as we're here we might as well eat the best tacos in town. mexicans live life to the full and that's not always possible for people here in colombia how to see where the fish are posing miguel munoz is fifty six years old he has eleven children and twenty one grandchild through to get along is of experience where you have to know how to handle the rope that's the key thing is how you spot a real body certo. arrows when they call you on the feet of the oh yes the chase what you call this type of fishing and to fish like this you need to control the rope otherwise you're nobody chettle with it yeah well. the whole family pulls together here literally fathers brothers uncles nephews the rope is two to three hundred metres long. not too fast not too slow the fishermen need to be acute to the rock that's the secret. and that is how the volage arrows of carter haina bring in the fish always hoping for a catch for a team a net. and johnny was shot. last. from the sea into the frying pan and from then into the bucket. from the bucket to the customer a squeeze of lime and it's ready to eat. supply afai outstrips the amount concertina street team his friend has. for one of. the hamas. laws that each one carries the way to peace passed through the city streets. like francisco that in terror of the coffee man. every day he makes his rounds about town there are hundreds of vendors like him hawking coffee pouring and refueling the more often the better obviously if you don't sell you won't survive. francisco is not from car to haymarket his hometown is a few hundred kilometers away. and i thought if we will. we have to leave our village because of the violence the war between government troops and the rebels. we had to flee to save our lives the lives of our families and children we left everything behind me that none of the will leave you to have a dad i am and always will be a former. member of the eagle libya i mean every day i go down on my knees and pray that we'll be able to return to our fields but the war in colombia and was once and for all and. the peace deal has failed to hold financing colombia and until it does francisco is staying here in qatar haina serving cabinet seato a small coffee that's a staple of the colombian diamond fast and easy powdered sugar water changes there's no more magic to it than that business is so sad. oh yeah i don't want my kids to be doing this they need proper jobs of course and see how they want to think out that little even if it means they'll never return with me to the village and to our field. anything i'm not they going to will be. caught again or the queen of the caribbean a dream destination for cruise ships and independent travelers. just fifty kilometers outside of the city and well it looks quite different. sunbeds sileo de palenque a well life can be bitter but the food is sweet. pollyanna and manuela make a sticky dessert out of coconut milk and a whole lot of sugar they've never seen the recipe written down but often heard it talked about. isn't that they are parents and grandparents showed us everything we watched and learned from them. have been there more that it isn't so easy not everyone knows how to make it. about anyone without writs out additions they know how. that is the. most residents of palanker are descendants of runaway slaves who founded the community as a refuge four hundred years ago locals say it was the first independent community in the americas a place with a rich past to make a future that's the impression you get walking its streets. and not a place that's easy to leave with their homemade goods when they are not in one way or set out for car to hannah. whatever else the sisters need for the day they pick up on arrival in the city and this is where any romanticism about the traditions of their ancestors and. the fruit in a supermarket they say is simply fresh air. business is slow in sweets and fruit. but a photograph with a colorful palin keris that something tourists will pay for. in peru norman hope has been passed down through the ages. it doesn't sound flattering when the people of lame out remark of their city its sky has the color of a donkey stomach but maybe it should be seen as a declaration of love the cool waters of the peru current lap the shores of lima they don't just bring fog they also deliver the freshest pacific fish to the capital's doorstep. the fact that we also find a dish that is so simple and wonderful it quickly makes you forget the grey skies. amid the fish stalls of a district that is poor and sometimes dangerous you find the best city check at dawn you have been here stand. you'll say yes i know the proper way to prepare i don't make anything else i wouldn't be able to sell anything else was. raw fish from the roadside yes it's fine at least if you buy it from don you're very. salt and hot chili as are added to the fresh fish the juice of peruvian limes alters the protein in the fish effectively cooking it without heat. she serves it with corn sweet potatoes and seagrass. don't have the heene years to feature tastes cool and fresh like the pacific earthy and sharp like the andes she's modest about her talent. so much as a single mother my daughters are in college i have to work so we can live and they can study it. is it tough. well you know how life is. look i want my daughters to have a better life that's all. you know anything she doesn't go anywhere without her family photos people. are going to know when i tell you we love. them is that this is it but. i ran away from home when my parents separated i didn't get along great with my mother but then i came to lima and was alone i had to fend for myself. after her husband left her it was the fish that secured her livelihood. for peruvians is more than just a dish they wager a bet sons of each day reconcile disputes over save each other and swap anecdotes about severe. years you are you'll be up. as a child i often rode my bike to the beach where a man's soul to be checked. he wanted to know whether i want to expire or not he got back then people thought he was dangerous unhygenic to eat at the street corner at that but for me it was like here to the most fascinating movie in the world of us you know that one that. if it weren't for his escape to the beach guest on our curio may well have become a lawmaker like his father but luckily he pursued a career as a chef and may well be one of the world's best his fish dishes embody peruvian history that is there is a reaching this is the original city joke on sisters chili salt fish it's the bond between the ocean and the mountains and a love story between the pacific and the ending slowly. that's because one of the key ingredients grows far away from the coast in the rugged wilderness of the andes. at an altitude of three thousand meters above sea level lies the sacred valley of the incas. valley so fertile it was a personal possession of the ruling family. the incas were the first to plant ricotta here. this almost magical chili pepper is still readily available today at markets in the mountains. you see this is because it is healthy when the body always needs something sweet and salty but i eat to help fight infections which is a scam and seeds are nice and toss. it out. rococo and salt preserve the fish a process that in ancient times insureds of each year could also be enjoyed in the highlands. relays a fast running couriers ferry the fish from the pacific coast to the n.d.s. . after their bloody conquests the spanish built churches and palaces on the ruins of the inca civilization. they also changed the local fish dish by adding lime juice and red onion. for star chef best on our curio civvy chase sums up the best of her room. and its recent rise as a major cullen ery export has made peruvians proud. foodies around the world are crazy for civvies. least so we church it's a recipe that our grandmothers have passed down through the centuries those offices away for a long time we didn't value it but that has changed today peruvian cuisine is famous the world over nice stuff but it's in the record. in lima don't you the heene yes starts the second half of her day. she's babysitting her young grandchild. goes a d.j. is what keeps her family together. and maybe one day she hopes proves national dish will help her fulfill a dream. act but i'm an asshole who left i lurk here on the street it was the nationally would like to find out. lots and had our own restaurant. that's what we all want something bigger something better something good. that i'll. warn from the scene mature in the end and loved by star chefs and street vendors. norman is much more than just a dish it's a way of life. i like that i'm sure that something will encounter in argentina too . there's a specific vibe here. if your desire. for meat the way to a man's heart is through his stomach naturally. no way. there's no obvious sign of an economic crisis when his artists at least not at first glance but the city has been gripped by economic malaise for many years the locals do their best to ignore it. they say here mind has its ups and downs but it's a city that needs to be experienced arrived in a taxi is a good way of exploring even more so when someone like cloudy how is your driver someone who takes you along from all the know right. now we are. going to meet up with the guys we always get together midday. twenty thirty taxi drivers are merely toes grow. they're more relaxed a bit have a bite to eat wash our cars share some of the jokes and drink moderately. the book . is cloudy oh he's fifty nine years. has four kids grandkids italian roots a third generation immigrant family. cloudier likes to enjoy himself he has no pretenses this is how his mates know him and like him. argentinians are passionate people and they indulge their passion for good food and good meat to the forest the world's biggest cattle market is located in the heart of one is ours it couldn't be anywhere else this is where you will really grasp the essence of the country cloudy hotels argentina seoul and argentina stop. saucer. shops schnitzel rum steak why did i see cut before my eyes on the grill in the oven oh die for. that's the best you can buy the animals are nervous they see what's going . on the first auction took place one hundred fifteen years ago and the rules have remained unchanged ever since it is up above. the cattle down below. up to ten thousand animals under the hammer each day the best quality is available for less than two euros. in a country with an insatiable appetite for steak the business with beef is always brisk. at times the government has helped out with subsidize because many task to be affordable a full stomach is less likely to complain about crises. i don't want to try it anything else would be a mistake char it so meat off the grill. delicately seasoned straight from the cattle market and it's open at canteen. time and again on this trip we were generously invited to dine with our hosts. i'm waiting for you a kilometer marker one o five. we're on our way. about time our paths cross again. we've traveled thousands of kilometers through the world street kitchens now to camp our adventure a final chapter that couldn't be any moral fantic out on the compound with account chose the cattle ranchers with the wind blows but there's no rush what better place to wrap up this long journey no one is a stranger here for long and that's certainly down to the fair to. argentina is very diverse but you're all united by a love of meat. absolutely meat was always and is always available we have an endless supply of cattle in the past they used the skins for leather and just at the tongue at least according to legend but there's never been a shortage of meat and nobody in the go hungry here argentinean meat is considered the best in the world or i would go. i got an attic and no no noise because you're absolutely no question about it when i get there and here in the countryside you get the very best only organic top quality the catalona you don't grasp no additives nothing bad. yes it is good. the barbecue the meat. the wine. but they could serve us who knows what. we'd probably find it delicious because food always tastes good in company a simple insight not a bad one tina is a good place for such reflection. the food on the road to go or on the spot. from east to west through asia. from north to south across the american continent so many countries sent many kitchens so many people the stories that could hardly be more diverse but there are things that unite them and us and that's good well being a recipe for life. climate change. sustainability. environmental friendships. globalization effect biodiversity species conservation exploitation inequality. human rights displacement. of the global and current of local actually. global three thousand and thirty minutes on d w o. show pair for the twenty first century. any ill treatment of injuries unique interpretation. a dazzling concert and the world of a young piano. are twenty one presents johnny in a tree for now a new show. starting january twentieth on d w. dortmund . favorite teams all the best goals we've got all the action. is the whole of germany but all share the experience everybody. just league of the weekend here w. look united. states.


Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20180109 00:30:00

everybody welcome to the show there's lots to look forward to as we kick off another week on your next here's what's coming up today. golden globes in the fade is named best foreign language film in los angeles. holiday on ice the world's best known ice skating show turns seventy five. and canine work is how dogs help boost sales in british shops. the award season is upon us and the first major event for film and t.v. fans was the seventy fifth golden globes which is my personal favorite because the films and series i enjoyed tend to get recognized that and there was plenty of recognition for european artists with winners from france scotland and germany will bring you up to date on how europe's finest did at the awards ceremony but first a look at how fashion was used to deliver a strong message to. the red carpet was full of. alack at the golden globe awards on sunday the stars wore somber outfits to show solidarity with victims of sexual assault and harassment in the film industry. but the mood of the winners was anything but black german director fatty cockiness pictured in the face one best foreign language film it was a moving occasion for the director and lead actors deonna clear thank you monique my wife my kids without you. because you are the dollar thank you so much i feel privileged today to do what i think is the elevating the foreign language thing. in the fayed tells the story of a right wing terror attack in germany the film is based on a real series of murders committed by a neo nazi terrorist group called the n.s.u. its members systematically killed at least nine people of foreign backgrounds director hakim is himself the son of turkish immigrants. people could have killed room i could be one of those targets of little or nothing which separates me from the targets and i was kind of like we are the people like kill me just because i don't car look south cal castro i crack him this year three of the five best foreign language film nominees came from europe film was up against swedish satire the square winner of the palme d'or at cannes this year. this little golden globe jury voted for in the fate it likely helped that the film's theme proved topical as discrimination is currently a big issue in tinseltown and beyond and european cinema is contributing to the debate. last year dance director power fan who founded won the golden globe with alan the wonderful isabel. before it was hungary and last low nam ish with son of saul so european cinema is very present. present. sees her go plays a woman who loses her husband and child in a right when terror attack she gave a heart rending portrayal of paying film by those left behind. because of the. within the fade you can clearly sense the influence of american independent cinema since martin scorsese is fatty hawkins big role model woods and naturally lead actress deana kluger has enjoyed international success for years and worked with hollywood directors like quentin tarantino and vault and pages of. that are so i think that contributed greatly to in the faith winning the golden globe. going global. hunger made her acting debut with a hollywood blockbuster in two thousand and four she played helen involved on paper since troy alongside orlando bloom and brad pitt. in two thousand and nine she appeared in quentin tarantino's inglourious basterds. in the fade was her first german language film and it's now a golden globe winner in the fade is also nominated for an academy award will it take home the best foreign language film oscar as well the golden globes often predict the oscar winners but we'll just have to wait till march to find out. well we keep things current with our express up next which begins with a fantastic charity event that helps homeless people all over germany. seventeen head dresses from the baba angels brotherhood association have given more than two hundred homeless and needy people in ballin free haircuts. the association was founded in stuttgart in twenty six days. ever since the charitable baba's have travelled around germany to draw attention to the un's usual idea. that goal is to give a face to the homeless and the needy and to put a smile on. their says aisha now has one hundred eleven members throughout germany the offer for people in their respective cities free headcounts once a month. in twenty seven thousand more than three hundred thousand pilgrims followed the way of st james to santiago de compostela in spain that's a new record ninety three percent made their way in classic style on foot while seven percent rode bicycles in one thousand nine hundred seventy the council of europe declared the way of saying change its first ever european cultural route ever since the tradition of the pilgrimage has undergone an impressive revival with more and more people making this spiritual journey. last weekend the annual hack c. hood rugby match took place in northern england the event is held every january between the villages of hexie and west woodside. its route stay back to a legend from the fourteenth century. according to the tale the winds blew away a lady's silky riding hood thirteen farmers tried to chase it down and when they succeeded the lady gave them thirteen acres of land. bought on the condition that the chase for the herd be reenacted every year. right now it's freezing cold here in berlin one of the best ways to get through the long and cold winter is to embrace the elements and enjoy some seasonal and to time and a great example is holiday on ice one of the world's most famous ice shows twenty eighteen marks an important milestone for the touring company they've now been going to seventy five years of course a lot has changed since the show's humble beginnings in the u.s. state of ohio in the one nine hundred forty s. my colleague meghan lee took a look at the latest installment cold atlantis. this is one of the world's longest running shows holiday on ice now entering its seventy fifth year it's an acrobatic adventure of sorts some thirty five skaters take to the ice in a program that changes every year one of the principle stars of the show is twenty five year old mighty long graf he's already had a long and successful skating career and this is yet another feather in his cap to do and i am no it's just the world's largest ice show you can hear the audience tonight right off to the number of people and that keeps you motivated to go out to get. this year's story centered around the legend of atlantis monte plays one of its richest inhabitants a man who seduces dozens of women before atlantis sinks underwater. legend has it the ancient utah big city suddenly disappeared due to the god's anger at the population to greet. the costume story ideas and choreography have come a long way in seventy five years holiday on ice began in one thousand and forty three in the united states over the years it has grown as a production introducing new characters and attracting many stars its audience has also grown steady over the years the show's signature opulence has remained consistent throughout. even after seventy five years holiday on ice still remains one of the most successful shows of its kind thanks in no small part to the theatrical performances its creative directors are always on the lookout for the most modern concepts to keep the audiences in awe . i'm a big fan of game of thrones and i love the opulence and the beauty and the slight feel of of history but i wanted to give it a modern edge so if if we thought atlantis was alive now. artois this is how i would i would think it would look holiday and i says chalked up a number of records it's the most visited i show in the world with over three hundred twenty nine million audience members it's also appeared in the guinness book of world records five times. skaters who want to participate must have experience like julie sherry from switzerland another principal skater in the show up till two years ago she was competing on an international level. by the invade to be bad but the mules petitions you feel more into pressure on the atmosphere is tense. now i notice that the show is how we can all enjoy it because we have put a show together all of this can be socially orientated so this larry family and we show that to the outside weld deep in the in the house and. aside from the skating acrobatics n.p.r. trickle performances the costumes also play a central role created by international designer michael sharpe they were a major endeavor with many a lot just sticks. of a number of different worlds always thought. so how it once was in the trees bright pure moment and then when you have the place sinking on the go below the water it's a lot more surreal a video to inspire it. because it's essentially a sports everything has to be super flexible and really do your both durable enough to last at least six months many of the skaters have no less than seven costume changes per show and as the show progresses so does the opulence of each outfit. great costumes very impressive and. lovingly designed great music you know it's great fun it's fantastic i'm upset me thrilled i didn't it was beautiful inside me i liked it when the fire came spouting out. how they are nice where seventy five years of history behind it the extravaganza is still as popular as ever. now to an artist who combines two of life's greatest joys art and food and it's not healthy ingredients that take her fancy. uses chocolate as a pan and margarine to mold her sculptures so apart from looking good some of the pieces probably taste quite nice to what happens when she suddenly fancies a snack. a sculpture made from marjorie created and modeled by artist sun you're on a poison. and what other minds you go by my mother always baked a lot so it was a normal material for me dough and margarine and it's easy to shape and to make sculptures with. plastic this is a special margarine it's in the it's keeps its shape well and it's very high lastic a bit like a modeling clay lasts business almost like touching a living thing. i've been these. piece called just also made from archery in. their part of a performance held at the proms five university of out west on your isle why is it was a lecture and. that it taught us to us here something is destroyed when we eat them edible things are also destroyed we consume something and it's gone up. here it's a sculpture i just made that's being destroyed when it loses half of its shape through the impact but i think that's incredibly beautiful. the artist has won many accolades for her work including her drawings which revolve around the theme of cooking this one shows how to bake rye bread from sourdough. that's until she had misread us in the end i'm interested in how things intermingle and how things are created and you can show that nicely in a drawing those individual stamps and then use it in a recipe. just looking at her drawings is enough to make your mouth water and leave you longing to share a meal with good friends. this time isn't the same guy we had last the spirit of sharing on that's where i'm coming from. you set the table invite guests and share something. that's got a bit lost with old cuisine where everyone has his own plate and must make do with what's on it it's so restricting. a chocolate bar with another installations added that stuff mart the specialty ought to be allowed to depict this kind of decadence i have to use a lot of chocolate to show that i mean a lot of chad it's an overabundance i work with that and sometimes it can be wasteful but there's also positive wastefulness and for me using this much chocolate is positively wasteful and i simply wanted to see it. doesn't use that much chocolate while working in her own kitchen yet it remains a sweet temptation. markoff i miss i love milk chocolate although i discipline myself while i'm working otherwise you just end up nibbling presence nasty. massy pans another sweet treat she's pressed it into a silicon mold to form a head is farms that moment i'm happy when the head emerges and it's all shiny when it's been well pressed and then the almond oil settles around the edges and it looks like it's been freshly lacquered i really like that. sonia tops off her works of art with a chocolate coating their sweet but much too good to eat. let's continue now with another trip for your remarks extra tour that's our segment where you are audience can send us your dream travel destinations and we'll take you there. this time we got a request from the city of dia in costa rica dixie. wants to know more about austria a country that's almost ten thousand kilometers away one of the most beautiful corners of the alpine country is a town called time it's often referred to as the poem of to roll and it certainly looks the part. hoof stein is a feast for the eyes especially on a lovely day like this one with a dusting of snow and clear blue skies. the old market square is home to the town's and loveliest buildings luckily they were spared when a fire destroyed much of course in the eighteenth century. this is where visitors can also begin their ascent to the fortress many come just before twelve noon each day and there's a special treat in store. as the bell finishes tolling a concert begins it can be heard through much of. the music is coming from the so-called citizens tower. it's home to the world's largest freestanding organ locals call it the hero's organ each day the song the good comrade is played to honor all those who have fallen in wars throughout the world. the organ pipes are located at the top of the tower but the organist sits down below it's not an easy job since you can never practice without thousands of people listening in. so in the afternoon belongs to the heroes but the night. belongs to an entirely different kind of character. he's armed with a lantern and a weapon called a how bird. he's stein's nightwatchman household level these days the night watchman is a tourist attraction but he used to serve an important function he'd warn the population if a fire broke out and keep an eye open for thieves not a job for the faint hearted. at the off best of all night watchmen were pretty special people and they weren't much loved by the townspeople because they were always on the go after dark. in the towns ordinary citizens were rather scared of the dark fact that there were no street lights no lanterns it was really dark quiet time gray so the night watchman was the only one who really dead to go out at night. that is apart from the people who wanted to stay out drinking. people still like to do that here in the remote hope. it's the quaintest street in kuta but also its most infamous. and is also the hour for example has been around for six hundred years or so and then there's a guest house there's also alcohol the local was known for its good beer back then today it's more of a wine bar. of course there were people who drank a lot and got into fights but in some towns the night watchman was more of a night police missed out and he kept peace and order this sort. of night is quite a sight during the winter season visitors can accompany the night watchman on his rounds at least once a week it's a chance to visit some of the town's lesser known corners as well as here scary stories and interesting anecdotes and see could shine from a completely different perspective. the saying goes you can't teach an old dog new tricks but it turns out that all four legged friends are marketing geniuses and recent is marketing executives have come up with all sorts of innovative and crazy concepts to boost businesses but a recent study shows that dogs may hold the onset apparently canines keep the customer coming in fact they spend an average of eight euros more in shops that have a hairy help. this is bertie outwork. from notting hill spends the entire day at the house alone that belongs to his mistress crystal and christe. roller if you like. people that's what he loves doing all day long so i generally sit by the door and when the salon is busy with clients then he just walks around to each chair sort of gives everyone a bit of a cuddle. crystal's customers don't only drop by to get their hair done many enjoy as well. so the dog helps build her customer base that can be an advantage for a small business. a recent study by american express shows that having dogs in britain is places of business increased turnover by the equivalent of some sixty eight million euros a year. i come here to see firstly anyway even if i don't have my hair cut so i go past and say hello to. bertie's career is just getting started bulldog has become an instagram influence. the remote business people in britain are using dogs to improve their image on social media. he also appears as a must for the new book shop. people following you for for his personality for what he's up to and then by that. they end up becoming interested in his business where he lives what he dos eventually walk through the door. honey one cost to james is a business psychologist she's not surprised by the study's findings. the research by american express looking at the effects of having a pet in a small shop i think is really interesting because it confirms what we probably in charitably know. which is that pets are not only good for our health but they can be good for all wealth particularly if you have them in a small business environment where customers are going to be drawn in to interact with the dollar goal come in and it's a really good icebreaker sometimes yes sometimes no florist cari cooks loves having her dogs at work but not all of her customers are as happy as she is about getting an enthusiastic greeting from a four legged friend. when they come in here we always say we've got two dogs and a few will run and greet you which probably isn't the best big if you are afraid that if i come with you cannot be hopefully overcome some people face some people will just run out the show but it's very. talks and not just for one best friend that also find work colleagues. of p.t. and fandom happiness for attention. this is allowed them to generate free advertising the study says the likelihood that customers will post something about a shop on social media goes up twenty two percent if there's a dog in the place. dogs like huxley are definitely good for business. before we go we just have time to introduce this week's prize draw as it's a new year we'd like to know which resolutions you've made for twenty eighteen just head to our website d.w. dot com slash lifestyle to share what you intend to achieve in the coming twelve months and you could get the year off to a great start by winning a euro max wristwatch like this one. for today about for now. next time on your own max speed writer really casting holtz races down mt. hundred kilometers an hour speed riding is a cross between snowboarding and power and requires a lot of skill. and spectacular images that speed riding. a common european solution is nowhere in sight meanwhile thousands of asylum seekers are enduring inhumane conditions why can't the e.u. get the refugee crisis under control the limits of europe the e.u. and the refugee crisis. in fifteen minutes on. the fast paced life. shift as the web showing new developments and providing useful information. and interviews with the makers. of shifts in forty five minutes. and i think. it's certainly all citizens of ukraine every man woman and child the only friend their homeland is the enemy invades. no one wants russia here which is the. global news that matters. d.w. made for mines. it's all about the moments that life before. it's all about the stories inside. it's all about george chance to discover the world from different perspectives. join us and be inspired by distinctive instagram or hers at g.w. stories the two topics each week on instagram. are you up to speed on the latest technology. no then it may be time for an upgrade becoming part of the future. become a cyborg i'm a safeword so i've created a new sense and a new organ and design my perception of reality implants that make every day life easier. i use my you can't on a daily basis that optimize the human body and connect people more effectively. i hope that this will make us more ethical persons what would life be like as a cyborg. to at the end of the day these technologies can be used against us and what effect will it have been society does the human race really need an upgrade i think it's only the beginning of this cyborgs human machines starting february first t w. activists of protested at the white house against


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