adeptly critical we do not a allow republicans to win theno whitite e house in 2024 break wo i am concernede with joe biden slow polling because of his low popularity theirwas were too muh of aa gamble. if he runs the election is ae serious risk for a. joe status quo in 2024 emily will not cut it because we cannot afford to risk the whitec house to republican whh o could defeat status quo joe put our ideas are weight more popular than joe biden s. joe biden running undermines a democratic party s chances in 2024 per. we cannot afford to lose do not run job or. do not run joe per. don t run joe. [applause] [cheering] [laughter] i went to starbucks they had to> close to get all of thoseac toactors. [laughter]g maybe there s something good about a president who is headin into his ninth decade. for one there so much so muchan