you have to go through unbelievable procedures when something is at threat con bravo or force protection bravo when you have to go through the gates. it s difficult to get in. you can t have visitors. if you have visitors it takes them a long time to process personal information to get on these military cases, and it just makes it tough. it s unfortunate, but it s what we in the military call a condition of the battlefield. i command my last command was in europe and i left there in 2013 when i retired, and what s sad about overseas bases, the same rules are in effect and, in fact they ve been at force protection bravo for the last 15 years even though the united states just went to it last week or last month, but what s interesting is you lose the connection with the good people in the local society, and they lose the connection with what the military is and what it does for the society. that s part of the unfortunate second order effect of some of these closures of bases and more