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power. what does this brand say for women? well, first and foremost, this colour is very acceptable to the women. pink? pink is acceptable and that's why we've used my name in pink so that they can trust me. laughter. are you joking? no, i'm not! and how much is the course? it's 11,500 for a day seminar. and how much is that in, is that an expensive course? it is, for one day. normally when people have functions, if it's a day function, they'd charge 1,000 shillings. 2,000 shillings the very top. so 11,500 is not a small amount, but anybody who wants to grow must be ready to invest in themselves, knowledge is power. applied knowledge is wisdom. mary will also be attending robert burale's course. she's 35 and the oldest of five sisters.


everyone else around you would expect you being the first born in yourfamily, you're the one who's supposed to be married first. most pressure comes from the family — your parents, your grandparents, your uncles, aunties. they don't even know i've ever had a boyfriend. yeah. want to know what am i doing wrong or what is happening. why do you keep thinking that you're doing something wrong? i don't know because everyone else is...yeah. your mates, your friends, and some people tell me i'm choosy. i don't know if i'm choosy or what because, i don't know. so you're hoping that this is the answer to finding a husband. uh, i would say 50—50, maybe. i wouldn't give it 100%. it's worth a try, i would say. three of mary's younger sisters are all back at their parents' home after the breakdown in their own marriages. so what do you think about marriage? do you think marriage is a good thing? no. no, it is not a good


and how much is that in, is that an expensive course? it is, for one day. normally when people have functions, if it's a day function, they'd charge 1,000 shillings. 2,000 shillings the very top. so 4,500 is nowt a small amount, but anybody who wants to grow must be ready to invest in themselves, knowledge is power. applied knowledge is wisdom. mary will also be attending robert burale�*s course. she's 35 and the oldest of five sisters. everyone else around you would expect you being the first born in yourfamily, you're the one who's supposed to be married first. most pressure comes from the family — your parents, your grandparents, your uncles, aunties. they don't even know i've ever had a boyfriend. yeah. want to know what am i doing wrong or what is happening. why do you keep thinking that you're doing something wrong? i don't know because


everyone else is...yeah. your mates, your friends, and some people tell me i'm choosy. i don't know if i'm choosy or what because, i don't know. so you're hoping that this is the answer to finding a husband. uh, i would say 50—50, maybe. i wouldn't give it 100%. it's worth a try, i would say. three of mary's younger sisters are all back at their parents�* home after the breakdown in their own marriages. so what do you think about marriage? do you think marriage is a good thing? no. no, it is not a good thing at all. marriage has never worked for us. we have tried, but... laughter. it has not worked. would you three like to get married again? yes, if i can find a good man, they're not all bad. like me, i would like to go there. you would like to do the course? yes! you would do it? yeah. at the top end of this


it 100%_ say 50—50, may be. i would not give it 100% but— say 50—50, may be. i would not give it 100% but it — say 50—50, may be. i would not give it 100% but it is worth a try. say 50-50, may be. i would not give it 10094. but it is worth a try.- it 10096 but it is worth a try. three of ma 's it 10096 but it is worth a try. three of mary's younger _ it 10096 but it is worth a try. three of mary's younger sisters - it 10096 but it is worth a try. three of mary's younger sisters are i it 10096 but it is worth a try. three of mary's younger sisters are back| of mary's younger sisters are back at their parents�* home after a breakdown of their marriages. what do you think about marriage, is it a good thing? ida. do you think about marriage, is it a good thing?— good thing? no, it is not a good thin. good thing? no, it is not a good thing. marriage _ good thing? no, it is not a good thing. marriage has— good thing? no, it is not a good thing. marriage has never- good thing? no, it is not a good. thing. marriage has never worked good thing? no, it is not a good i thing. marriage has never worked for us. we thing. marriage has never worked for us- we have — thing. marriage has never worked for us. we have tried. _ thing. marriage has never worked for us. we have tried. it _ thing. marriage has never worked for us. we have tried. it has _ thing. marriage has never worked for us. we have tried. it has not - us. we have tried. it has not worked- _ us. we have tried. it has not worked. would _ us. we have tried. it has not worked. would you - us. we have tried. it has not worked. would you agree i us. we have tried. it has not. worked. would you agree that us. we have tried. it has not i worked. would you agree that to us. we have tried. it has not - worked. would you agree that to get married... , , ., ., ., married... yes, they are not all bad. married... yes, they are not all bad- you _ married... yes, they are not all bad. you would _ married... yes, they are not all bad. you would like _ married... yes, they are not all bad. you would like to - married... yes, they are not all bad. you would like to do i married... yes, they are not all bad. you would like to do the i bad. you would like to do the course? yes. _ bad. you would like to do the course? yes. you _ bad. you would like to do the course? yes. you would i bad. you would like to do the course? yes. you would do . bad. you would like to do the l course? yes. you would do it? bad. you would like to do the i course? yes. you would do it? yes. at the top — course? yes. you would do it? yes. at the top end _ course? yes. you would do it? yes. at the top end of _ course? yes. you would do it? yes. at the top end of this _ at the top end of this billion—dollar industry, matthew husseyis billion—dollar industry, matthew hussey is one of the global stars who has amassed millions of followers on social media. he is based in the us where the lifestyle coaching industry is the largest in the world. hello. how are you? a


ready to invest in themselves. knowledge is power.— ready to invest in themselves. knowledge is power. mary will also attend his course. _ knowledge is power. mary will also attend his course. she _ knowledge is power. mary will also attend his course. she is _ knowledge is power. mary will also attend his course. she is 35 - knowledge is power. mary will also attend his course. she is 35 and - knowledge is power. mary will also | attend his course. she is 35 and the oldest of five sisters.— oldest of five sisters. everyone else around — oldest of five sisters. everyone else around you _ oldest of five sisters. everyone else around you would - oldest of five sisters. everyone else around you would expect. oldest of five sisters. everyone i else around you would expect you being _ else around you would expect you being the — else around you would expect you being the first born, you are the ones _ being the first born, you are the ones supposed to be married first. most— ones supposed to be married first. most pressure comes from the family. parents, _ most pressure comes from the family. parents, grandparents, uncles and aunt is, _ parents, grandparents, uncles and aunt is, they do not even know if i have _ aunt is, they do not even know if i have had — aunt is, they do not even know if i have had a — aunt is, they do not even know if i have had a boyfriend. they want to know _ have had a boyfriend. they want to know what — have had a boyfriend. they want to know what i— have had a boyfriend. they want to know what i am doing wrong. why do ou think know what i am doing wrong. why do you think you — know what i am doing wrong. why do you think you are _ know what i am doing wrong. why do you think you are doing _ know what i am doing wrong. why do you think you are doing something i you think you are doing something wrong? i you think you are doing something wron: ? ., �* ~ ., you think you are doing something wronu? ~ ., , , wrong? i don't know, because everybody _ wrong? i don't know, because everybody else _ wrong? i don't know, because everybody else is. _ wrong? i don't know, because everybody else is. your i wrong? i don't know, because i everybody else is. your friends. some _ everybody else is. your friends. some people tell me i am choosy. | some people tell me i am choosy. i don't some people tell me i am choosy. don't know. some people tell me i am choosy. i don't know. you hope this is the answer to finding a husband? i would sa 50-50, answer to finding a husband? i would say 50-50. may _ answer to finding a husband? i would say 50-50. may be- _ answer to finding a husband? i would say 50-50, may be. i— answer to finding a husband? i would say 50-50, may be. i would - answer to finding a husband? i would say 50-50, may be. i would not- answer to finding a husband? i would say 50-50, may be. i would not give| say 50—50, may be. i would not give


man himself. are you ready for this? i will tell you some _ man himself. are you ready for this? i will tell you some of— man himself. are you ready for this? i will tell you some of the _ man himself. are you ready for this? i will tell you some of the mistakes l i will tell you some of the mistakes you make. i will tell you some of the mistakes ou make. ., , i will tell you some of the mistakes ou make. .,, �* ., ., i will tell you some of the mistakes ou make. �* ., ., ., you make. robert burale told women what men want _ you make. robert burale told women what men want and _ you make. robert burale told women what men want and what _ you make. robert burale told women what men want and what they - you make. robert burale told women what men want and what they don't. | what men want and what they don't. we want to appreciate you but we also want to enjoy some things in private. also want to en'oy some things in rivate. . ., ~ also want to en'oy some things in rivate. . ., ,, ., private. once the naked truth had been dispensed _ private. once the naked truth had been dispensed with, _ private. once the naked truth had been dispensed with, he - private. once the naked truth had been dispensed with, he brings i private. once the naked truth had i been dispensed with, he brings women onto the stage to ask them why they feel the need for the course. mart; feel the need for the course. mary starts. feel the need for the course. mary starts- what _ feel the need for the course. mary starts. what is _ feel the need for the course. mary starts. what is this _ feel the need for the course. mary starts. what is this that _ feel the need for the course. mary starts. what is this that you i feel the need for the course. i— starts. what is this that you can tell us, the ladies and anybody watching, that would help them based on your story? i watching, that would help them based on your story?— on your story? i dated someone in 2012 he was _ on your story? i dated someone in 2012 he was very _ on your story? i dated someone in 2012 he was very hot. _ on your story? i dated someone in 2012 he was very hot. he - on your story? i dated someone in 2012 he was very hot. he had i on your story? i dated someone in 2012 he was very hot. he had a i on your story? i dated someone inj 2012 he was very hot. he had a six pack, _ 2012 he was very hot. he had a six pack, good — 2012 he was very hot. he had a six pack, good looking, everything. after— pack, good looking, everything. afterthree pack, good looking, everything. after three months, communication went bad _ after three months, communication went bad. when i called him to inquire — went bad. when i called him to inquire what was happening he said you know— inquire what was happening he said you know what, my lifestyle has changed. — you know what, my lifestyle has changed, my class is changed. what would _ changed, my class is changed. what would that— changed, my class is changed. what would that tell you as a woman? you would that tell you as a woman? you would feel would that tell you as a woman? gm. would feel though.


give it100%. it is worth a try, i would say.- try, i would say. three of mary's — try, i would say. three of mary's younger _ try, i would say. three of mary's younger sisters i try, i would say. three of| mary's younger sisters are try, i would say. three of- mary's younger sisters are all back at their parents�* home after the breakdown of their own marriages. so what do you think about marriage? do you think about marriage? do you think marriage is a good thing? no. ., , ., ., think marriage is a good thing? no. no, it is not a good ink. marriage — no. no, it is not a good ink. marriage has _ no. no, it is not a good ink. marriage has never - no. no, it is not a good ink. marriage has never worked l no. no, it is not a good ink. i marriage has never worked for us. we have tried. it has not worked. ~ ., ,, us. we have tried. it has not worked. ~ ., , ., ~' us. we have tried. it has not worked. ~ ., ~ ., worked. would you three like to net worked. would you three like to get married _ worked. would you three like to get married again? _ worked. would you three like to get married again? yes, - worked. would you three like to get married again? yes, if i i get married again? yes, if i can find _ get married again? yes, if i can find a — get married again? yes, if i can find a good _ get married again? yes, if i can find a good man. i get married again? yes, if i can find a good man. they. get married again? yes, if i i can find a good man. they are not all bad. can find a good man. they are not all bad-— not all bad. you would like to do the course? _ not all bad. you would like to do the course? you _ not all bad. you would like to do the course? you would i not all bad. you would like to do the course? you would do | not all bad. you would like to i do the course? you would do it? yes. at the top end of this billion—dollar industry, matthew hussey is one of the global— matthew hussey is one of the global stars who has amassed millions— global stars who has amassed millions of dollars across his social— millions of dollars across his social media. he millions of dollars across his social media.— social media. he is based in the us where _ social media. he is based in the us where the _ social media. he is based in the us where the lifestyle i the us where the lifestyle coaching industry is the largest in the world. hello.


mary will also be attending robert burale's course. she's 35 and the oldest of five sisters. everyone else around you would expect you being the first born in your family, you're the one who's supposed to be married first. most pressure comes from the family — your parents, your grandparents, your uncles, aunties. they don't even know i've ever had a boyfriend. yeah. want to know what am i doing wrong or what is happening. why do you keep thinking that you're doing something wrong? i don't know because everyone else is...yeah. your mates, your friends, and some people tell me i'm choosy. i don't know if i'm choosy or what because, i don't know. so you're hoping that this is the answer to finding a husband. uh, i would say 50—50, maybe. i wouldn't give it 100%. it's worth a try, i would say. three of mary's younger sisters are all back at their parents�*


variety of mechanisms for gathering up the views of others, the catholic people. so this is very difficult for a lot of bishops. however to do it? those mechanisms, structures, they are simple forms but it is not the case of real listening because the catch is, that although he bishops in their document say to all of us every voice will be heard, the neck sentences and we'd be bishops will what goes to rome — the next sentence. very interesting to hear you explain that to get your perspective on it, mary. how important is it to people that they feel they are being listened to in a meaningful way and that their thoughts will lead to meaningful change in this process, if people are to keep their faith, and to keep faith with the church? well, that is completely


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