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Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News At 900PM On KOFY 20140107

whole thing caught on video. vick lee has more on the man now facing arson charges. >>reporter: late this afternoon federal agents met with counselor officials about development in the case and future security measures this morning the fbi briefed reporters on the arrest. criminal complaint gave an insight into the investigation. fbi agents reviewed individual wrote from the security camera mounted at the apartment complex across the street from the consulate. it shows minivan parked in front. man carrying large objects. moments later alarm fire ball explodes. blast destroyed the consulate main entrance. two days later the fbi made an arc arch. >> last friday law enforcement officers arrested a man aged 39 of daly city, california in connection with the fire at the chinese consulate. >>reporter: the criminal complaint says the man called daly city police friday saying he set the fire. officers took him into custody and called the fbi. then told investigators he doused the entrance with 3 containers of gasoline. then he attempted to light a fire with his passport but the fire did not ignite. he then used a large black lighter to ignite one of the containers. you the second attempt was successful. the fbi believes this is a criminal case. >> there are no indications at this time to suggest it was motivated by terrorism, politic or civil rights issues. >>reporter: motive mysterious. court documents reveal he told the fbi he targeted the chinese consulate because all the voices he had been hearing were in chinese. and chinese consulate had to have been involved. counselor officials say they will monitor the court case closely. men time they say they are trying to find out more about the man who is a chinese natural living here as permanent residence. >> at the same time we will try to get our information on our own system. >>reporter: through the passport and all that. >> yes. we try to get more information. >>reporter: the fbi would not comment on why the man decided to turn himself in this is 7 news. >> man accused of kidnapping 7-year-old antioch girl remains in jail tonight. in an interview with our media partner the cocoa times david douglas admits he kidnapped the girl but says it was a cry for help. 43-year-old man says he's homeless and unemployed. he denies he sexually assaulted the girl and says he spent the 4 hours after the abduction trying to calm her down. police are praising 22-year-old rocks ann ramirez for helping them crack this case. she's a a specialist at the target store in pittsburgh loss prevention specialist. she had a gut feeling about the man when she spotted him earlier friday. >> he was acting weird as if like he was up to something kind of. i don't know. like i said he was just fiji iting around. he was making me uncomfortable. >>reporter: she was really smart. she jotted down the license plate number which police connected to the kidnapping. douglas says no previous criminal history. he's being held on 4 million dollar bail tonight. >> police investigation continues into a new year's day tragedy that killed a little girl and injured her family in san francisco. friend and even strangers are trying to raise money now to help pay for the funeral. carolyn tyler talked with the mother who was just released from the hospital. >> tomorrow was sophia's birthday would have turned seven years old. >> her mother was injured as well but while her bones will heal she says her heart is forever broken. she and her children were returning from a family dinner on new year's eve when a driver hit them as they were in the crosswalk in san francisco tenderloin. >> truck come to us. slow dow down. so i look eye contact to the driver. he slow down and really slow i was thinking he stopped. >>reporter: the mother has lost her angel. sophia little brother anthony also hurt and doesn't understand his sister is gone. parents at the children school sherman elementary have started a fundraising drive because they wanted to offer more than condolences. >> we heard that they didn't have any finances to even plan the memorial or funeral and very, very worried about the medical cost and if losing out on working and just the personal cost 0to them. >>reporter: police have arrested 57-year-old a driver for the on demand car service uber. the company has said he was not working at the time of the accident and has since been dismissed. supervisor jane kim wants the city to take a closer look at what she calls the gray area of who is responsible. >> we have a new type of business take has only just begun to get regulated at state level and no clearance at where there is liability. when incidents occur. >>reporter: whoever is to blame it doesn't bring back this mother's child. >> i lose my daughter on that day. >>reporter: family can now start planning for that funera funeral. that fundraiser drive has netted more than 11,000 dollars so far. if you would like to donate we have the information on our web site abc 7 just click on see it on tv at the top of our home page. in the newsroom, carolyn tyler. >> think about the family but let's turn now to the weather and frigid temperatures gripping much of the country. they are calling it the polar vortex and it is on the move. 140 million americans facing wind chill below zero degrees from chicago to tulsa. bradley is on weather watch. >> meteorologist call it a polar vortex. dangerous arctic air system invading the entire u.s. >> bundle up it's brutal out there. >> coast to coast the forecast is extreme. by tomorrow every state in the lower 48 will hit sub freezing temperatures. officials in the midwest are sounding the alarm. >> not only the cold weather. but the combination of black ice and drifting on our roads make things very, very dangerous. >>reporter: state of disaster was declared in illinois. state of emergency in indiana. more than 10 inches of snow fell there knocking out power to tens of thousands. >> temperature kept dropping in the house. and my son was very concerned. >>reporter: the one elderly woman found dead outside the bitter cold. chicago woke newspaper a deep freeze setting new record minus 16 with wind chill of minus 41. >> i'm not happy at all it is extremely cold outside. >> i'm wearing long underwear feel like i'm going skiing i'm not i'm going to work. >>reporter: northern minnesota wind chill plunged to 55 below. tow truck drivers help stranded motorist whose car battery died. >> this vehicle starts every other day but with the cold weather it's not going to star start. >> many nation airport it's a nightmare. thousands of cancellations and delay citing extreme cold jet blue halted all afternoon evening flights at jfk law guard new york as well as newark and boston. some passengers have been stranded for days. >> here in new york city this morning the temperature reached mid 50's. it has been plumme plummeting ever since. this is abc news new york. >> well some call chicago siberia here's why. the temperatures there were 9 degrees colder than in siberia today if you can imagine. for more on the bone chilling weather let's turn to spencer and live doppler 7 hd. it is pretty bad. >> it is. we take the it to the upper midwest brutally cold weather persist. began to spill in late last week and through the weekend. worse and worse today and coldest day in fact in the last 4 days. col coldest air now arrived. here's current temperatures in some locations in the upper midwest. minus 11 at clevelan cleveland. chicago minus 14 detroit minus 15 at grep bay and minneapolis and fargo o. factor in the wind current wind chill factor minus 23 at fargo minus 34 at minneapolis minus 38 at green bay. imagine if the niners were playing in that weather yesterday. so here's the cause of it. this polar vortex. this large scale persistent low pressure system up around the north pole associated frigid air. mass frigid air last if you day descended south ward into the northeast u.s. and upper midwest that's why we have the or they have the weather they have. we on the other side have large mild air mass dominating our weather picture. high pressure dominant feature and she you a little bit later how this affect our weather over the next 7 days. >> thanks see you shortly. >> the deep freeze made a mess for travelers. even in the bay area today. according to flight more than 3400 flights across the country have been cancelled. another 3800 flights have been delayed. in the bay area the biggest impact has been at sfo where 147 flights cancelled or delayed. oakland san jose report only a few cancellations each. now jet blue cancelled nearly all open rigs in boston, new york and newark, new jersey because of the weather and new faa rules requiring more rest for pilot. airline expects to resume flights tomorrow morning at 10:00 o'clock eastern time. some passengers will not be able to find seats for almost a week because of all the rebookings that are happening. jet blue says refunds are available. >> and cancelled flights mean stranded travelers. several airlines scramble to find empty hotel rooms for passengers. they booked 40 rooments alone in the south san francisco holiday inn. travelers are not too pleased about the situation but they are trying to make the best of it. >> i have spent tons of time on hold. on the phone trying to reschedule. things. tell people we are not there. yes you put your life on hold and we could be, could be in worse places but about we are trying to make the best of it. >> we checked out alcatraz. checked out fisherman wharf yesterday. yes. it's extended vacation. that's what we lick to think of it. >>reporter: why no. he has good attitude. especially in the tough situation. experts say bottom line check with the carrier before you head out to the airport because there's good chance that there will be a delay in this kind of weather around the country. >> moving on. school nurse saved child's life today by performing cpr moments after the kid collapsed. and we are now hearst call that went out to firefighters and paramedic in concord to join in this life saving effort. listen. >> in the office female cpr in progress. child is breathing. copy the child is breathing. child awake and talking. >>reporter: paramedic rushed the child to the hospital. no word on how the child is doing. school district did not respond to request for comment on this. >> we have more to bring you on 7 news at then 0tonight. 13-year-old girl declared brain dead has been moved out of children's hospital oakland. how the family says they are caring for her. >> also the private shuttle operators now forced to pay to stop at city bus stops. >> and spencer will be back with the bay area forecast. you saw what it's like in other parts of the country. what safeway presents real bigat deals of the week. or how to find big savings on the things you need. just make a straight line to safeway. your club card helps you keep your resolution to save money. now's a good time to pack your lunches. lean cuisine entrees are just $2.00. chobani yogurt is just a buck. resolutions kept. and charmin is $8.99 for the 20 double roll bonus pack. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. >> oakland police warning people to be on the look out after woman narrowly escaped a kidnapper last week. it happened on new year's day on 17 street near jackson. right off lake merritt. 19-year-old woman walking down the street when man jumped out from between 2 cars. he wrapped both arms around her. >> he grabbed her in a bear hug style and started dragging her down the street. fortunately they both fell to the ground and she was able to escape. >> man is described as african american in his late 20's. here's the key. he was wearing a gray hooded parka. not sweatshirt but parka. sdichbingtive. police rae mind resident not to be distracted by cell phone or electronic devices when walking that never good idea no matter where we are and remember always try to stay in well lit areas of course and pay attention the our woundings. >> possible cease fire tonight in the class war fare that is he runed in san francisco. at the center of the controversy commuter buses that say google and apple l employee from san francisco to silicon valley. activist have blocked even vandalize these buses claiming the influx of tech workers is driving up rent and home spray sprays. about lee ann explains a new pilot program that could ease the tension. >> they have buses and cars to deal w.latest contender are the private commuter shuttle. >> they disrupt the regular flow of traffic so i think they kind of get in the way of people just turning at app intersection. >>reporter: but the city of san francisco says they keep an estimated 45,000 cars off the street and that's good. still the city hadn't really benefited economically from having these shuttle buses take up space at major muni bus stop to pick up employees. that's about to change. >> we are going to focus on about 200 of these zones out of the 2500 muni zone that we have in the city. >>reporter: as part of the million dollar pilot program for the next 18 months, company picking up or dropping off employees will have to pay a fee. and get a permit. some of the larger companies willend0 dollars a year. >> in recent year we have seen a wild wild west on our street streets. and this is an important first step at bringing some more order and rules to our roads as well as asking our companies to pay a fair share of what it cost the stoy maintain our streets. >> the shuttle bus operated by bowers transportation and company like these have been controversial. they started shuttling employee in 2006. >> primary goal of our program was to encourage employees to stop driving to work by themselves alone in their car. google is really excited to be working with you and the bay area council and members of the community on shared goal of efficient transportation around the bay area. >>reporter: pilot program will eventually give the city information on the improvement needed to make this keen of transportation work for everyone. in san francisco, abc 7 news. >> turn back to the full forecast around here. you saw what it is in other parts of the country. spencer track what we have which makes us a little guilty because we have some nice weather but we need rain. >> we need rain desperately. hint earlier in the evening. light rain our way this week. >> more than a hint. >> yes. here's live doppler 7hd. we have some clouds right now but no rain. in fact quite a bit of cloud cover around the bay area but not producing rainfall. around crescent city pot spot of light precipitation not measurability at the moment and even this area of rainfall has difficulty manipulate issued from early we are in the evening when we had somewhat green on the screen there live view from sutro tower over san francisco. current temperature reading 56 at san francisco. 54 oakland. low 50's at redwood city loss got gattoes and a half moon bay. live view from emeryville camera west ward across the bay from degre degrees at santa rosa. 50 at nap a.we have upper 40's at no have the 0fairfield concord and 51 at livermore and one more live view looking toward the ferry building along embarcadero from roof top camera. partly cloudy tonight and chilly over tonight. cooler pattern middle of the week with more clouds and there's also chance of any rain from this system now. here's a look at the satellite image. you can see the cloud spilling natural region of course producing no rainfall at all so rate now just high clouds with no rape and we look farther out to sea we see weak systems moving in our direction but not one that pack enough punch to bring us any rainfall. start our forecast animation 5:00 o'clock thursday morning. notice there will be some light written to our north at that time and starts to push south just fizzle and rain chances evaporate. there could be sprinkle or 2 but we don't expect anything more than. that moon while overnight tonight look for partly cloudy skies. low pressure generally in the low 40's right around the bay and coast and we see mid upper 30's in the inland east bay south by and low 30's in the inland north bay then tomorrow few cloud around but mainly sunny skies in the south bay. high pressure ranging from low to mid 60's up to about 63 at san had say. 64 at morgan hill. on peninsula 62 at san mateo o. 62 at palo alto. upper 50's to low 60's on the coast. from pacifica down to half moon bay. in and around san francisco see high in the upper 50's mainly up to about 60 in south san francisc francisco. up in the north bay upper 50's on the coast and low 60's at santa rosa, sonoma and nap a.over on the east bay we see high of 62 at oakland. 63 at free movement inland east bay fremont same range at 63 fairfield 62 concord 64 at livermore and here's the accu-weather 7 day forecast. cool down few degrees on wednesday thursday as the sky gets cloudier and there's the the slight ever so slight chance of rape on thursday but we may even remove that from the forecast later tonight. head into the weaned sky get sunnier and temperatures will rise. it's back in the mid 60's again by saturday sunday. inland around the baylow 60's on the coast. still waiting for rain. >> wow! we are. long time no now. >> long long time. couple months actually. >> thanks very much. >> still to come at 9:00. what may the biggest attraction in washington, d.c. they debut of [ superfan ] we're hitting the road to help america discover the new helper. you've got to try this sweet & sour chicken helper. i didn't know they made chicken. crunchy taco or four cheese lasagna? can i get another one of those actually? [ superfan ] hey, america, we're here to help. ♪ [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant [poof!] [beep] [clicks mouse] nice office. how you doing? good. automatic discounts the moment you sign up. soon, californians from to salinas to san diego will have equal access to quality health insurance. those who need financial assistance will get it. and nobody will be denied because of a pre-existing condition. welcome to a new state of health. welcome to covered california. we are your health insurance marketplace. enroll today at >> new chapter in presidential love story. first president george bush and wife bar were celebrating 69th wedding anniversary tonight. they were married in 1945 while he was home on leave during world war ii. the bushes hold the record for the longest presidential marriage in u.s. history. anniversary celebration has been low key one. mrs. bush rae cooperating from a bout with new ammonia. >> little bow bow capturing naerts washington, d.c. it's a giant panda cub made the media debut this morning at the national zoo. test run for the public debut in a couple of weeks. bow bow climbed around for awhile before kind of ducking hand a rock. awfully cute. something about panda that we uses can not take our eye off of. zoo officials say for the first few week she may only be on exhibit for short period of time. just in fits and starts she gets used to the new surroundings. wow! cute. >> another 30 minutes of abc 7 news at 9:00 just moments away. >> if her heart stops beating and stops beating while she's on the rest praytor then we can accept that. >> family speaks out after moving 13-year-old jahi mcmath out of the hospital. 7 news talks with the woman who made that happen. >> also. consumer electronic show is getting under way. preview of the new began it being introduced this week. >> and successful dieting. only 15 percent of us actually keep off the weight. how do we do that? another half hour of 7 news ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around, barbara ♪ forever i've been praying for a snack in my life ♪ ♪ and now i have a brownie ending all of my strife ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ you name it...i've hooked it. but there's one... one that's always eluded me. thought i had it in the blizzard of '93. ha! never even came close. sometimes, i actually think it's mocking me. [ engine revs ] what?! quattro!!!!! ♪ you know it's not always the machine, it may be the detergent. add finish power up to boost your detergent and you'll see a huge difference. cloudiness, spots, tough stains, even dishwasher buildup -- gone! so don't give up. add finish power up. and can cost thousands of dollars to repair... thankfully, the powerful dual action formula of rid-x has enzymes to break down waste and time released bacteria to reduce tank build up. rid-x. #1 in septic maintenance. >> good evening again the 13-year-old oakland girl declared brain dead after complication from the tonsil surgery being cared for in a new facility tonight. jahi mcmath family moved her from oakland last nature to undisclosed location. here's laura anthony. >> she looked very peaceful. shellacks lick she's sleeping and i even think i saw her smile so when they took her out of children's hospital. >> 24 days after she was pronounced brain dead at oakland children hospital jahi mcmath left in the back of an ambulance hooked up to ventilator. her uncle provided us with this cell phone video. >> she's being given antibiotics to help combat infection that were growing while she was laying in the bed. she's being given some nutritional support. she's being given essential supplements such as potassium. >> 13-year-old mcmath was removed at about 8:00 p.m. sunday night when a critical care ambulance pulled up to the back of children's. >> she's there now actually. new home where she its treated lick innocent little girl that she is and not like deceased body the way children's hospital has been treating her. >> she's deceased. and unfortunately pa body and this is in our court records in the court statements we filed on friday, her body is days tier 88thing. and that is a natural course of events when a person is deceased. >> abc 7 news spoke on the telephone with a woman back east who coordinated jahi transfer. her name is angela clement. >> she is being treated about adequately the way that she should be. she's being also addressed as she should have been in the very beginning. by her name. hopefully we are at least giving her an opportunity to see if there can be any improvement. >> 13-year-old girl in the eighth grade deserve as chance. >> the owner of brain injury clinic in new york called new beginnings says they do not have jahi now but left open the possibility she might be transferred there at some poin point. in oakland laura anthony abc 7 news. >> one more note on this. in a court filing the doctor who treated jahi at children hospital oakland says she was already showing signs of post mortem deterioration. >> well doctors say it's not too late to get the flu shot as more and more people are getting the virus across the united states and here in california. as you can see here about half the u.s. reports wide spread out brick of the flu. hardest hit states include oregon and nevada. california has seen regional outbreak so far. santa clara county reported california first flu death last week. that victim tested positive for the h1n1 strain or swine flu particularly potent. people have also come down with the swine flu in cocoa and marin counties. >> good news is that strain is in this year vaccine and so there should be some protection from that. hopefully it will be good protection. >> also help stop the flu other disease from spreading by washing your hands frequently which is always a good idea for all out of his. >> woman president says helped pull the nation out of the recession is the first female chair of the federal reserve. senate confirmed janet yellen appointment today. she was an economist at uc berkeley before heading to dc. yellen vice chair of the u.s. central bank since 2010 and strong advocate of fighting unemployment. president tonight relessed response to confirmation saying i am confident that janet will stand up for american workers, protect consumer and help keep our economy growing for years to come. yellen will begin her 4 year term february 1st and bernanke is leaving the post. >> window his closed for the time being on same sex marriage in utah. last month federal judge declared utah ban on same sex wedding than unconstitutional and since then more than 900 gay couple in utah have tied the knot. but state supreme -- state officials have appealed that decision and today the u.s. supreme court said the wedding can not continue during the appeals process. the order blocks all new marriages therefore in yacht but doesn't affect the couple who already have become hitched. >> the teach whor served more than seven years in prison for raping a sixth grader is in trouble with the law again. she was arrested in washington state for driving with suspended license and then failing to appear in court. tonight mary is out on 5000 dollar bond. she married her former student in 2005 when he was 22. they have 2 children together. >> this may not come as a shock but some facebook like that you see for celebrity and companies they are fake. that's according to research by the associated press. a p found there are techie who run offshore click farms where people are paid to use flood lent accounts to constantly hit frns the leak button on facebook. fake click make people or company appear more popular than they are. facebook estimates as many as 14 million of its 1 bill active users are fraudulent accounts. missing man back with his family after photo of him on the streets of the nation capitol made thecture shows 20-year-old nicholas simmons pressed up against a steam vent to try to keep warm in downtown washington. it was a heart breaking shot. associated press photographer snapped the picture to illustrate this unusually cold weather. after the picture was published it was brought to the tension of simmons parents who had reported their son missing on new year's day. simmons father and older brother picked him up at the hospital and drove him home to upstate new york. americans living longer than ever in the life expectancy is increasing every year. federal health officials today said that americans born in 2009 can expect to live 78 and a half years. that's an increase from just a year earlier when life expectancy at birth was 78.1 years. an since the latest statistics were collected life expectancy has increased even more. center for disease control research project says this you can thank better treatment of cardio vascular disease for our longer lives and yet life expectancy in the united states is still lower than many developed countries around the world which some people don't rea realize. >> white house press secretary karpy debut a bold new look today at first news conference since the winter break. >> what happened? the. >> by wife says she likes there. tmi. >> as you can see carney has brand new beard. there he is before and after. take a look at the photo. assured reporters his wife clare ship man approves of his facial hai hair. beard already has its own parody account on twitter. when i met him at the white house enter have you gone the president last year he didn't have the beard. interesting change. make him look older. >> a little something extra at the electronic show. how many the electronic show. how many new things that you can afford to those who've been waiting welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage, and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at >> quiet around here after the holiday. it may because the tech industry is spend thanksgiving week in las vegas. it's time for the annual consumer electronic show and as jonathan bloom explains, this year there's an extra bit of excitement in the air. >> it hadn't even started yet consumer electronic show already bustling. crew set up booth in the exhibit hall and company are giving sneak peek at the latest creation. >> enormous tv. i am talking 105 inch video just launched a 120 inch tv. i'm not sure who can afford these things but they certainly can make them. >> glen from consumer report says the new tv may have bug to work out. >> in our test we have seen that they tend to get a little distortion at the edges. >> ultra hd set. the future of tv. super sharp. they said that about 3d years ago e.if you bought 3d you are one of the few proud i'm not sure what you spent the money for. >> this. >> this tooth brush that will zinc with the phone and help you compete with the family members to see who is brushing the teeth the longest >> other small wonder. some flying. >> because of change in the law this year where the faa allowing commercial use of drone that category started exploding. >> they come from sill cop valley start up. twice as many start up here as just a couple years agoth first time tech crucial holding a competition. >> from around the world building in you innovative hard ware. >> alex told us over skype innovation is in the air. this may a new chapter for cez. >> stronger vibe. people more excited. >> excitement over the typeiest wearable technology and some over the biggest began it of all cars. >>. >> this drives itself on a freeway if you done change lan lane. work in progress. but chevy turns the car into a 4 g hot spot and latest corvette shoots video. gm and audi working with going toll build cars that run android. smart phone operating system. >> and that means that come soon you have to start thinking about the operating system in your car much the same way that you do with your smart phone. >> we haven't heard about any apple i car but the week is just beginning. jonathan bloom abc 7 news. >> got to love game it. come up next 7 news at 9:00 successful dieting. 15 percent of dieters able to keep it off. we use this board to compare car insurance rates side by side, so you get the same coverage, often for less. [ rattling ] that's one smart board. what else does it do -- reverse gravity? [ chuckles ] split atoms? [ whoooosh! ] hey, how is that atom-splitting thing going? [ rattling ] [ electronic whistling ] oh! [ zap! ] a smarter way to shop around. now, that's progressive. call or click today. so yso you can happily let the grlife get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can >> it is one of the most common new year's resolution every year. you know what it is. lose some weight right. small percentage of dieters actually succeed and keep it off. lindsay davis explains the secrets of those super dieters. >> drop a size. >> 'tis the season of dieting. so many of us motivated to shed the pounds. >> i lost 50 pounds in about 6 months. >>reporter: take marshall brain. we followed his journey on the diet back in 2011. >> time for lunch. >>reporter: but when we returned recently the pound were starting to pack back on. fichlt 2 33. one pound away. one. >>reporter: she went on the best selling rehab diet back in 2012. >> so hungry. >>reporter: and similarly in the long run she wasn't able to keep the weight off. >> i was able to keep it off at bit and i gained it back in a little bit more. >>reporter: turns out they are among the 85 percent of dieter who fail. recent study say a matter of biology. >> body starts to create who are moon that make you feel hungry. the brine respond to eat the foods. >> but there is an elite group people who beat the odds. they are called super dieter. not only lost weight they have kept it off for years. more than 10,000 of them are being tracked in database by the national weight control region industry. able to study these individual carefully and find out what strategies have been related to their success. >> the data suggest there are golden rules of these super dieter. rule no. 1 don't cheat. they never give themselves a break. not even on holidays or weekends. rule no. 2. eat breakfast. get this. the registry shows that's one of the most common traits of those who succeed in keeping those pounds off once and for all. and some good news? there is a point where it does get easier. >> rental industry suggest if you can keep off the weight for two years you are probably going to have a much better chance of keeping off long-term. >> those 2 rules that we shared just the tip of the ice berg. lindsay davis abc news new york. >> so good luck. all right let's go back up date the weather forecast. experience is here. >> all right dan here's live doppler 7hd. lots of cloud around the bay area right now but no rain from those clouds. tomorrow state wide. sunny sky. dry conditions with possible exception of eureka a with maybe a little separates or sprinkle of moisture but mild and dry over the remainder of the state including bay area. sunny sky tomorrow. high pressure generally in the low to mid 60's. near the bay and inland upper 50's to near 60 on the coast. and as we take a look ahead to what is in store on sunday as the 49ers advance in the play offs, play in carolina panthers in charlotte game time conditions 105 oochl 5:00 p.m. sunday chance of rape but temperatures in the 50's. milder than what they encountered in green bay. here's accu-weather 7 day forecast. we have some cloud coming our way wednesday thursday slightest chance of rain ever on thursday. and then becoming mild dry again by this coming weekend. probably dry on thursday as well. uses clouds. >> probably. probably. >> thanks spencer very much. >> sports director is here. what a great game yesterday and really good bowl game in. i tell what you this is fantasti fantastic. time gym of the college football season. florida state undefeated unchallenge he could most of the year until tonight. down big in the bcs championship and freshman would lead them back. freshman would lead them back. winston soon, californians from to salinas to san diego will have equal access to quality health insurance. those who need financial assistance will get it. and nobody will be denied because of a pre-existing condition. welcome to a new state of health. welcome to covered california. we are your health insurance marketplace. enroll today at outbreak in over a decade. flu before the first sneeze... help protect with a spray. before the first tissue... help defend with a wipe. and help prevent with lysol. to get 10x more protection... and kill 99.9% of germs around the house. this season, help protect your family with lysol. start healthing so you made some bad decisions last night. make a good one this morning. get two biscuit sandwiches, with your choice of country grilled sausage, egg, and cheese, or bacon, egg, and cheese, both on my new southern style biscuits. you'll save some cash 'cause right now they're two for just three bucks. c'mon cody... let's get some breakfast. you drive. i traded the car for the tattoo. >> bold championship series ended tonight after years of griping about the bcs computer. championship was classic tonight. florida state came back from an 18 point deficit to beat auburn in the final second. this sportscast brought to you by toyota. in pasadena heismann winnerwinstonh birthday. marshall 2 touch down pass runs this in from 4 yards. 21-3 auburn. late second half fake punt on fourth down gave the knowl first down with this run. 21-10 auburn still leading at the half knowles down 21-13. abraham with a touch down knowles closer within 21-20 after tiger field goal makes it a 4 point lead. whitfield aloha. 100 yards. knowles in front 27-24. auburn comes bac back. 75 yard drive. mason remine me of young emmett smit smith. 37 yard. tigers up 31-27. they score too soon though. winston needs a touch down. gets one with 13 seconds left. and florida state with benjamin catching the touch down pass from fisher and company the knowles capture the bcs title 34-31. >> we are champion. say that we are champion together. and through everything we went through. through all the hat haters. through every single thing. we came out victorious. >> it was fantastic game. open to the nfl. rarely see harbaugh in a giddy mood just not him but the 49ers are still enjoying the after glow of the wild card win in frozen green bay yesterday. you could see the raw emotion after the game in the locker room. women. >> we have a are the of guy who generate a the will have of confidence. i love it. >> toughness. players are jump around. half excited half to thaw out. kaepernick beat the packers with the leg. he can fly. i don't care how cold it is. pick up crucial first down on the final drive setting up dawson game winning field goal. win that mavs the niners to divisional play off game sunday in carolina. here's harbaugh on the significance of a victory on the road when facing the elements. >> not only beat the opponent but you know you beat their crowd. and then the elements in play off game. >> both teams have to beat the element but in a play off game, to beat opposing team and crowd doesn't make you feel like a man like that. that i found. >> i like to feel like a man, too. >> today the university of texas formerly introduced the new head coach charlie strong came from louisville takes over at texas where the resources money and expectation are all enormous. replaces mack brown forced out after 16 years strong. not the first choice not the what texas really wanted but it doesn't bother hill. >> 15 choice and i'm happy to be the head football coach here. 20-15 doesn't matter. whatever choice i was i'm the head football coach. >> so i don't know where i was but i am. >> not the first choice. but the final choice. one more note on the 49ers. they had a special guest to fire them up before the packers game. wrestling icon rick flare. if. >> wake up tomorrow run on the field and like in 2008 let's do it. about whoa. >> abc 7 sports brought to you by toyota. >> nature boy. nature boy rick flare. >> what a choice to bring him in to motivate. >> amazing thing it's wrestlin wrestling. the eye on all the pro football players and they are all like. >> from heaven talk to us. they were all just locked in like it was vince lombardi or something. rick flare is icon. >> yes he was. >> pumped up. >> yes, it was great. >> rick flare. >> come up tonight on 7 fuss at 11:00 o'clock. the real hero that helped find kidnapped gir girl. she describes the gut feeling that led to an arrest. plus why police are calling another woman who claimed to be a hero a liar. and viral video of snowboarders chasing a moose. they were laughing all wait down the mountain but forest service doesn't think it's funny. why they are in real hot water tonight. those stories and more coming up on 7 news at 11:00 over on channel 7. that's all for now. for all of us here and thanks for watching. we appreciate your time as always. 7 news continues now on line on twitter facebook and all the mobile devices. see you in an mobile devices. see you in an hour d thing tribes overtook early agricultural civilizations. oh. that's an interesting answer, miss edison. is it right? don't know, don't care. but so far, you're all getting a's. yes! duncan: you're welcome.


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