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Transcripts For KCSM CCTV News 20140218

obesity and caught on fire the thai capital is nice when it falls into the empty cup and then stopped. let's set aside the next. january was not called one who eats three meals was in line with me. what was the cpt news that spike pm everyday to stop with a high profile diplomatic visit to the capital already chairman of the plumbing top. me and chad is in china. he has checked out some new construction in a village in the outskirts of beijing. he and chad leaves a delegation of more than forty people from taiwan. they went to quite gel you in all these paintings penal history. why tell you was chosen as beijing's most beautiful with age back in two thousand and seven. dad chad said that he's got to see the development of the village and people enjoying the lights popping who is also known as beatings music district because of its violent production but a new combined and is there welcoming the delegation with us all. the only high profile diplomatic visit this week erin china talks the president of you who sent one arrive in beijing leave today for a three day visit other visitors expected to deepen cooperation between both may post a report on wool spoke with about a sunny about is that of ageing who shared his views on what exactly this visit. wouldn't she. very much for joining us on susan susan hughes while this is the president's first state visit to pro athletes took office last year and he will be the first leader to visit china after the times union. so why has he chosen to come here. but china is only the special can too complex and he was extended this new addition. by the president of china. and he accepted the invitation this symbolizes the close ties that exist in the inbox time in china knew you could call it. last year also. man now be mini kit chan had just assumed his office and his post or cease get into it it was a complex them. and then our prime minister the law should be. he came to china in july last year on his first four c's. so this depicts the puny still die isn't tools conditions which exists between pakistan and china. and what can we expect to come out of this is is that economically and politically. at the last of fuel months we have seen a lot of economic theory t dog of economic and connection between pakistan and china which is a good sign because i know this spring. in all of the planned out. on particular nations swear coles silent. but somehow the economic domination of the relationship. was that can be cut. we have seen an intensification of objects business contacts economic and commit to the books and more importantly diluting the visit of the president of pakistan. this time. we are polluting the second week of july and cooperation committee which will establish down. in order to reduce costs and to implement the project of pakistan to an economic order go. the alt only mean that both sites really. what child is born for the implementation of this box into an economic one eagle project. in the months and years to come. what are the major challenges to for that of an up and about half of chinese and one of the two sides doing to do with these problems the gelding is light pink as i sit idly. we have to really exploit and doubt the death of tension economic protection of the speech the frogs out the baucus plan is that which connect to the school since minutes. and all that tedious. our labor cost is the threat to veto how can the exploited for almond vote of both countries the question. and we can do it to a joint venture the school for forty and wristbands. the local pet projects. we chatted and the true benefit. road projects in prospect of projects in the two budgets many indians believe we can cooperate on investments a joint venture has entrusted to development in the gui rich. i mean. john has good experience in these companies and goat incomes of the experience and expertise so all these era options under consideration and i've been given. i think i am sad i can't help but smile. in this and said go. three days of meetings between the five prominent members of the united nations security council plus germany as well as in when officials. those meetings the show to begin today in vienna hoping to reach a moment of agreement on iran's nuclear program the circles on the back of that historic deal was nice in geneva back into bed but more what to expect from this round of talks and will there be any breakthrough. when i joined the chorus born athlete cardi in vienna. so with and about the deal happened that day was that a new beginning it was a big breakthrough but ever since it seems like as the details on ravelry up it seems like both sides in on exactly the same page and this one walk while we was through one of the main sticking points as they say the devil seems to be in the seat. absolutley i'm these meetings is three days of meetings are basically just to build on that ain't empty lap was decided on eid in november which basically sees it on a curve much of its uranium enrichment program but it must happen which meant levels to five percent which is far below the ninety percent needed to produce new killer weaponry he must also neutralize its existing stockpile of twenty percent enriched uranium by april the nineteenth. it has to dismantle the infrastructure that allows it to enrich uranium as well and most importantly for the p five plus one nation to allow more broader and intrusive inspections of its nuclear program in return it to get about an estimated seven billion us dollars in sanctions beliefs much of that in frozen oil revenue however as you mentioned there is a lot of skepticism still around this deal is taken years but just to get this far i'm in fact on monday it on supreme leader ayatollah khomeini did say that set these talks will not lead anywhere and this is of course adding to the sentiment of the u s president barack obama but he did say earlier that he has no illusions about how difficult these talks will take an ugly those statements with the vocal statements both in the raid inside as well as from the american side argue mention i thought of being either the president of a wood saw the thrill of the steel and very gung about this deal. we've seen some on some of contradictory statements come from him on the other side of the american side we have this whole bunch of democrat senators who want to push for more sanctions on iran is that those folks to simply playing to their own domestic constituencies of dust is actually kinda the people who gather there in vienna. try and find out what caused the details of this historic feat. one thing that's got some big part of it is ample size of during this fasting of the intentions of the other side of friends since a fifty five plus one are very fearful the natanz nuclear program will leave it to the development of a new killer bomb which of course will shift of the power imbalance within the middle east and of course the world something that israel is particularly concerned about in fact the prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu. i did say that even the interim deal was a historic mistake so there's a lot of concern coming from the p five plus one nations as well as other nations in the west as for the time they swear by the fact that their new killer program is legitimate and that it will strictly be to generate electricity as follows isotopes for medical care that also. they also pushed the fact that they didn't sign on to the nonproliferation agreement many years ago and they've built on or that i do also to let suffocate the sun does not seem weak one vulnerable to the rest of the world nor does it want to feel like being bullied particularly by the west so ah lot of analysts are saying that's a big factor as well they want to assert its sovereignty on this issue so well these talks have taken many years just to get to this point. these next three days. we'll see what comes from its box that we are hoping that at least my pushes all that bit closer at two a concrete decision rather than just an interim deal yet dull goodness of stuffs the one that i was looking for of diplomacy takes time and a separate piece of artwork always see how it plays out again over the next three days will be tough we are not the guardian correspondent for the very latest on the sub drop of talks in vienna between wrong and what fall is hoping to finalize an agreement on the controversial nuclear program. so bought stuff at school controversial disposal of clashes between police and ended up in protest is continuing in the thai capital bangkok nice to people that did sixty others the engine of a number of them policemen. quite nice to us to be to pair up to ten scams. medical sources say that getting through the fifty two year old civilian as well as a police officer multiple gunshots will admit day at one of the site is in the historic section off of bangkok city very close to government house. i was unclear though who was firing police and reported the use teargas in athens to try and disperse the protesters. the mole was bought in an operation called peaceful thank all of that define retake the writing sites from the protest as police moved into several sites hoping to clear them the protest is on the other hand were simply sitting there and of refusing to cooperate on even blocking access to various government offices both a better part of the last three months to malta been occupying it these five key intersections and back off for about a month now. meanwhile on thailand's anti corruption body says it's filed charges against an optional off relating to irregularities in the governments of rice buying scheme. she's been summoned to appear to face those charges later this month us administration introduced the scheme back in twenty eleven paint fall is way above the market price for their rights the ethiopian government has released the names of co pilot who hijack a passenger plane monday. diverting it to geneva. the plane to mathis ababa was bound to roam the co pilot's motive is not yet known but it seems like you wanted to asked for a sign of sixteen east of java has fourteen kids. behind the hijack of the trip and boeing seven six seven aircraft was rebuilt lived on monday but the government's minister for communication if as the red dog was sent at thirty one year old man known as high limit in the butter is behind all of this he was with the tip and not care for the last five years. nothing out of old mary was all said of him during his working years in the airline and was said he was mentally sane according to the government cannot do so but so far the intention of the product full force for the divesting its name was unknown the president also said the act of the pope led represents a gross betrayal of trust that made this the endangered the lives of the better press than just that applied to small rickety and professionally although i suspect god. now the cuban government wants the whole planet and hijack it to be extradited to the country so that he will face justice under the country's small and hold that the geneva convention of nineteen seventies which orders in the six additional board abbi is behind false full devotion of a plane will be used. that s is a tv audience of about ethiopia. china's commerce ministry is nice cause the thing is for the country's foreign direct investment as well as for outbound investment the numbers came in much much higher than what analysts were expecting in fact china effectively over ten point seven billion us dollars at the eye popping generate that's up more than sixteen percent of the tree you're only a much higher than the analysts' expectations of two in office it's a sign that their confidence in china's his environment is strong even as growth is tapering down the majority of new investment around six point three billion us dollars went into the seven sec to that number increasing close to sixty percent from the same time last year. investment and not a fact rink down about twenty percent the ministry spokesman saying that china's economic reforms particularly in the summers the sec to help boost confidence. meanwhile the ministry's adults are showing that more chinese companies are expanding abroad. outbound fbi and get away with seven point two three billion dollars that's up almost fifty percent compared to the euro area sti to japan and russia increasing draw seeking five hundred percent but in the case in japan and two hundred and eighty percent last year on year in generate in the case of russia. also the press conference the minister's call is saying that a surge in us exports in the month of january is in accordance with expectations of rejecting speculation that the strong data was all officially lifted by police trade deals. the value of china's total exports increasing a little bit of an office and degenerate go back to your own dept i was going flight times the market estimate which was for a more just two percent rise. other colors ministry spokesman saying that the increase is largely upbeat into the economic recovery in developed countries that the us as well as countries within the eurozone. he also explained in a series of new policies enacted last day on foreign trade as was the new new new new deal on a sixty minute to experts. hughes is easy and only some analysts argue that china's export growth was brought up by a ball just released he would leave the space currently speculation that revealed a tear is reasonable and is in accordance with the group structure of the market structure and structure of the current tourists. all the latest on the winter the big games in sochi seven medals or grabs tuesday that state went all the competition so far javanese until the table eight gold medals three silvers and two bronze medals followed by the post wash up before five golds and silvers and six bronze medals china isn't in place three gold medals two silvers and a bronze at the senate also correspondent peter commits is joining us live from sochi as of eleven about duck team china's achievements of the river to get a bronze medal was in instilling in me this means is i have a ball was in the future. yes thank you very much guys out there and will start with the mountains in the men's aerial skiing the empty tomb and into the final that was that she along with jun chong and there are actually performing a really really well and were favourites but neither of them could land a final jones as a result of a judge on the and would finish in thirty one who would finish just off the medal podium but still quite an accomplishment for both of them getting into the finals so as i said china getting a bronze medal and the other big story. i'm taking it into the semifinals in men's curling the first time they've ever done that and this accomplishment momentous for china and michael jonas billboard actually have an opportunity to speak to the chinese drilling team which gets it. so it was up and down day for you. let's start with a knife. tough loss for the girls but against a real vegemite miriam i get down them nearly to the art combat. no the second and really tells a story in all mr lives in surrey in. and did all for nothing after. after three ends. we of the fifth and how to plan to try to make and store last rock. and then i'm probably the girls actually did that considering we are in such gaps in service. on a positive note and then off to the semi finals for sign in chinese history mentoring has done that yet he peeped out of the blitz on from all my athletes and the boys in particular under an hour of playing in holland still we we trained hard every athlete idealistic some sure is looking for their personal best and when all i can honestly say that the boys were playing their best and even played pretty well for a while to last which can be just the just missed out on the metal around and all the percentages were among the best of turning what was something clicked over the past lamont says it's little more luck i guess what's the difference year eleven students well as close as you can call it a little more luck but there's also more will more experience with me. come on around them you know you play echoing in edmonton and we are playing kevin martin and kevin two years for andy for being the boy puts on jamie king they're all there all the games on to earn. and you make mistakes against those guys that make you pay every time so quickly learn what not to do this you're one of the upper level and these guys don't have that opportunity as much of its debts a catch twenty two because in order to play these guys in the big situations that the big wine spills yes to qualify and and and for a lot of teams that start out it takes awhile to get to that level so you don't learn those lumps as quickly. and you guys will love it says to me to give canada some months been a little of payback for what happened in the round robin league as lawson an extra entry. i mean now. i heard a bunch people say was one of the better games they've seen in a long long time. we let it get away we knew we had one missed opportunity in each and you know what data they haven't found their groove and if they do their job even harder to beat but anytime you play the mighty maple leaf. when you bring him to match and then he started rather docile button all you gotta be proud of your performance and we're just hoping to go up there and then make it a good game and then you know what if we play our best and they play their best achieved another thriller. not some open for are looking towards it. my self or soul rock teens and early. yes the jonas catching up with a head coach of the chinese are leading and as he mentioned before the chinese women have an opportunity to make it to the knockout stage but they lost their last games and the men there on in the semi finals first time ever for chinese men's team in the competition. what about the rest of the events they went in to listen to the shelves. yes act together really good chance in charge banks means giving with a broad majority of the medals at these olympics team the lady three thousand meter relay team relate to the defending olympic champions they set an olympic record of guilty it'll be joan the job done and the general will be spearheading that team of ghost to the forty got medals and also in the ladies one thousand meter peaks the general states they're all so long with an extinct and the old show called and we should also mention men's hockey to take her into the playoff rounds the russians take on norway to hold on to be watching that when the team and are a whole lot of pressure. also this was the swiss beat latvia. the czechs battle slow backs slovenia battles austrian we should mention one more birdie been awarded the snowboard cross friends is here will be a winning that when the event was delayed from yesterday. there will be vastly you up for all the action. so she is the very latest on team china and out of the falling though the winter games the final story here is the pic. now it's official the noble beast once known as the king of the jungle that i got today though john was gone that idea is on the brink of extinction in many fall to the one except in one room old color of thailand with a tiger is thriving the ferocious god has been tamed by a handful of buddhist monks are too hahas this fascinating story from time. i i have put you out front i saw two ladies chief in the one on one the story saying she established twenty years into the wild animals one hundred and twenty tigers now pull a temple home the monks say they live in harmony with the sch each piece. the natural instinct to think. we can retrieve the female tiger skin color on february nineteen ninety nine. so scott to be tiger temple from that time and miles and take as so many animals. go to some chai is probably the least popular man in the temple. the tigers know a visit from the thompson means pain the scientists do lol i hope someday to a snobby. nor that i did do something he peed on going on a walk i didn't do this. whatever you must try and do foster that you can do the men which it holds little tyke is going from information. only vaccinations and parents this is michael for the temple's breeding program food preparation is important the tigers an offer that to conceive any friends. and all that sticky then natural instincts in check. but it's also a hygiene. most of these animals never meet the. new temple can be trusted. when they really really mad. they get this green sheen kind of like tom at night when you saw some lights on they see reflections of our eyes in the dock. it's that kind of green sheen and it's like an id to see on the highs and its doubt get out now despite the danger and has developed a unique phone with the tigers the two hundred kilogram credit. being talent like domestic kitchen the notes are friendly with everyone of the temple. for syria to go to some tie to the cats don't like him and they know i exactly to use an amen. funny enough to have another baby had a talk by county. it looked like him and the castle went off to him as well he can figure it out like he look like the back. for some thai curry to monkey with the castings family room. i don't sometimes it is going to need me. it's not just the tigers day he came he has been. he's responsible for the financial future the temple and the tigers. he knows that i get temple is no conflict. i like to see his patients remain free the tigers natural habitat disappears alone again. minimum low this is the best chums. roy i bought when he's calm and peaceful. peace to me. when you can and do not want them to win tin was in this community. and when the cyclone that the common life on titan. the steel error in the eighties tigers may happen if more space. i will never earn free. their future is tied to the monks who can phone them. sneaking some of the relationship between man and beast. far from the te majestic. his name. the time. i know eye all right to the rocks you sites like that. so when a tiger is in full glory in the in the jungles of thailand in fact oh one the few places where they're actually successfully human too ironic automation project for this beautiful animal in case you want to check in more on that either us team will put city haven't seen in the story you can go to a website is englishelt cctv don't call the guilt of our checkout or all the stories of all social media presence were active on facebook and twitter as was of cos china's own casino we boast a duty the so called into the run that story of the opening scene was brought off. we will catch you again at about ninety minutes i had the seven pm local time here in beijing to wobble off on cctv news i checked into our old website and was with me the other nations are developing stories. talks in vienna with me on when all is said to him. like all the bomber walked into this my name is maria was ready and then our streets the kids from here on. i've been thinking more than ten years. i'm asking you to see the team on tuesday to the store. my sides. i couldn't imagine be done then i can think. it's all its npt to the music. give me some jewelry nineteen twenty the communication sometimes i just thought that the pain and then finish. i don't know then i can use the area i just get out of my system i forced written on them and singing and entertainment two on and on. and yes he may as well. here are the navigation or teaching sen constable park was being honored language. you know he's the snow up there on it notice in this country through the sand and muscular tissue. that he had bit like is the right field to hold a variety of costumes. oh and can then goes to womanhood the kid duty. well some of them has the torch and some of them have the opportunity to pursue the dream. well some of them there. four dishes than i can use it. my goal to bow to the young shaman are the same time he said. we just continue the hard work and be brave and i made this face right before against it. it just to show up on the war. the our father who is to have it the deep other food authority behind him said. i know the day. shh shh. i am the good news week saw a show in this week's episode all the clintons and the band begins in arkansas i attended on the strong hold off


Transcripts For KCSM South Asia Newsline 20140501

the election but the rest of the game the center and fifty ha ha we met them. i'm proud of. i think the event was great. it is. the other details seventh race of good standing next to the event say that some of the biggest political heavy boots and kitty named him the beak sonia gandhi in and kept money in the face. i bought the nine seats standing across nine convinces me to include one bst. this in the job in northern punjab which included statistics into teams he suspected link to the dish which is seeing the six nation group of fourteen seats. most of them on to the dish a society binge eyes examined and constituencies. what has been going to win nine seats. located within seats name position and he didn't like the bjp swimming steve can you get to do with the losses he was close to a good job ruby is convinced and he is a list parties mentioned in the city probably don't know we just don't mean safety including ford clinic change it made the internet. it soon in. the they did it. within islam. it took. this tool did. over the internet. he is due to his barrett's lenient on his teens he died he was to be doing this. gpt has including barrett's in shock not seen since the new cd is going to teach and women who she met him and asked the state was the associate this day. by achieving change energy and money was going to stink them to just live in cheek attitude god the new den. is this confidence on despite these john says the idiotic part of living. a dozen and they all blend into bed and not surprise anyone. everyone expects something in me just pause it to me going. ten teams to do was to please god gene duty to try to jump the queue in the mornings the scene. he says this is so important. the most against him open to exercise the indy five hundred and twenty team and those who did most of the others were howls of the indian parliament. it is those of the nineties could i do on the sixteenth i was gonna need to pause to think critically fifteen militants belonging to the crime the next track of time intelligence agencies can found in a statement on wednesday. the incident happened on monday and so took me out that the province print up on the front pocket and brought up in attendance to try to accomplish a mickey count. intelligence agencies wanted to add the bacon for the frauds against the militants that i missed my nap today he is happy it's all to god god why have the dreaded many high profile attacks targeting problem as in the country. the group that operates out of pocket confidence to know presidents and prime and pencil in some behind the two thousand nine attack on the intermission and cobbler that skins seventeen p for. the mangos commented to bringing girls accused and that can cause a nice one attacks to justice with guns i went to indiana the state he added that the delay in the trial is being caused by the judicial process he loved what is the high commissioner to the big box that said his country has tried not to put followed a strong game against the law is accused of batting out the deadly cat and an end in sight. in ruins i know. i don't know. in the day. ups the effect was not to the idea that a component of this attitude is signed on today. this movie i'm on. the job. the movie the wind. it is. this is why this game. the knees the chiefs not given to him i'm happy at the meeting the intent was to come by in mn. the chance to cement its top this the edt the tomato that is how it might not be seen in china. it just isn't a good amount of teeth to get that idea in the city that used to be the keys from one end of the county. the other dj in that time the scientists interviewed the taliban fundamental denunciation of the country's inability to come true for you. the wto is set to decide on and wasn't about to benefit spent in other countries often drives him to answer was yes indeed grow statisticians and caucus. i mean stupid thing they country. the number of criminal cases who fought in pockets on both the adults to fifty eight up to five new cases of life type one borneo with what to do on tuesday i'm gonna grind receive the time to put it right is the best and not destabilize muslims. i want a number of attacks targeting political campaigns. i'm in sweatpants why was our commitments not isolation demands and instead all stupid i'm not a member of the docking political dynasties actively campaigning for download on key. despite these de facto prime ministerial candidates the divestment of caution a small investor folks. you don't see into the county budget has no the success in kodiak in the making. she's been good to offer from a convenience to blend into india's leading kenyan prime minister and didn't and don't open gets faster and it's done. tpm has never contested an election. she confessed to working and it seems campaigning hard for monday's sonia gandhi at the end of the genre gandhi. i am. but the being in any of it. he needed it. each chose not to grin and she was just to see independence to recruit new team. that is running. she makes. instead he withdrew from the community and let them down. the miss kat's the intended it as being connected to christ and him that does not yield to his constituents. they've been disconnected and stingy on clothes closet. husband rob inside joke isn't going to interviews and deeds which the opposition bjp sky minister candidate meetings up in his campaign speeches haa. when the nanny. i you'll be. the unions and the beach and about to get me just about jetting in elections should be honored on the spot the cd unit the chavez government in dakota's gutsy wins the elections of twenty thirteen thousand records ever made. she is the male could imagine. i've been beyond the siblings said dr ghosh south asia news nine in new delhi. to which he says it has begun to cost to spend more spots opened up the content is still under the soaring as high as fifteen detainees people are getting up for the season and picked out the dt call he gave to this day says the idea of easy enough to have the money is now thus says the gunmen data content then picks and as high as five delight the senses the above nominate. the hot dry and dusty d than expected thus the four dvd set this month until the weekend since after the knife out of debt and capital management the officials have said the debate is to digitize and licensee for the next few days. run down the red eye from the side that i have added that the band members who had the blood and on the many many many aunties and behind the intense tonight's candies like the title quote is that it's a bit tender coconuts. we may need to go before the event and it was one of their views about doing that to make it available the deal is meant as a tangible i did this business assets without stopping by to live in a sense of that soft things but still this is a scots and the instant he does at the beach and the intense sun nope it's not a fan of the hot sun so seeing that i can customize. but it still wouldn't believe what the connection you stand this stinky to leave couldn't stop many left in output from providing ddt accidental could dent in the pool has been answered and said they'd look nice to see that dampen any defence to provide relief even to bed times. we have need of a summary of the above ground beef and some don't. in an equivalent at the world has probably done on the wrap with a tv. this has issued by city is asking people to stay in does that mean i will be an open nine am to take advantage of steam engines life is so willing to push a button and some government departments and walk a thon was cut off due to non payment of goods from the body electric supply company that conducted the pot to the condiments that mr has often been seven times on to pee because they tend to say that i was not good as i depart piece i did fantastic. i'm sounding tune with the minions of doneness the fun continues to pay so shocked the world with an income to meet the wants and the chanting of standing up to eighteen oz of tea. the un to do tend to have this attitude is about supporting stein the quick enough to take center stage to take a look. the most heat bollywood i'm off of the time the sides and on the list doesn't end at the mint got to know my motto don't add to my title on sunday and must not sit still enough not to be seen with the seattle is biblical and i'm betting one of the outfits on display from a collection of the sikh man. do the talking and nice kind enough to think i missed the munson not. the policeman outside the act of the people that it was a scene had to do this to lunch was at the end of my favorite top model. i was busy talking to someone is like dying. any of the what seemed to want to get additional indian connection yesterday the snake outfit of the most to start posting in and out with timidity accessories and wounded heart and mind. but this time it's nice to see this pretty light of that act mr thom know that if i make them other than that. on to start opening tune. they only seem a no go. he ate. he is the study. i'm sleepy. we get to bed. otago won the beach the design them. it's on my life that make this story on season. additional would act as dd think that i don't envision coast indy on sunday in the van. you don't try to seal the deal is that off the tee shot into cambodian nineties and economic projects. inside the shed this evening before we conclude that helps the audience once again. then sam and the senate election the eighth end. i've gotten in touch ups. on the momentum i'm proud of i was in the end of the cute cute internet edition is it time to model. the sure or scolding the book is a rusty sword in a raucous show. two of the markham site has been his director since two thousand and six. still makes show up all the students arrive on time with liz i still get to go in. one last ditch bid to show good equinox he is the issue the local cpa which taught to sew the little one up on it as a scene vast improvements in its educational services. before the fall of the top bunch who doesn't want ot pt thousands of white meat in children's court where carriers. this is international intervention he has reason to eight million including premium goes up. but with five million children still out of school. the government is working hard to provide the much needed ox is the dish. will put it out to do the job on top of it well he grows up. you see. they all put it out though the idea to the beach is the most honest i didn't die the present coalition. to be affected due to the digi and what not to know what yet she does not have approved of the beauty that the decision but a television that that that is that the bottle last night these programs which include classics at least receive our biology and a beach in the short course code has been able to provide education to men and women up to forty five years of age or some of them score means that once in a lifetime opportunity. but the photo above the see saw that it was it would assess the pool but they did i break it would do well but they do more to that that was monday and there is no dummy pass he didn't get to post it here. people need to get it soon. it does little to cheer for them all down the stairs but in private spending. horsemen you could hear the terms and he has had led them to the man woman and child actors. it was a time. and what nots and some of my league. much like to stick to my best to step it took us about them. but back to salem san quentin. see that all the small adult. love you he or she let it be known as the sun small short videos that even more tony shepherd of the body. how about that but again increasing numbers of tourists and poisons close enough to start minister that the patients biggest challenge is currently facing debacle trained teachers essential equipment. luckily infrastructure. nevertheless mr maher the inside says prospects for the kitchen in the country are talking up a lone wolf will live. he was eleventh of june. so if you don't know the speech. it was israel's top scientists are leading the charge in developing alternative energy bio fuel from one of the world's most abundant life foreigners to algae fossil fuels like oil rapidly disappearing. finding the new low energy sources is critical. that's why dr meets more of an eco energy is finding ways to help local and international energy suppliers and infrastructure companies go green. she believes algae is extracted because not only reduces costs and outside and smoke stacks. it also doesn't compete with cops for farmland. algae as a biofuel could produce thirty times more oil per acre than other crops such as corn and sugarcane. it will also be non toxic. jason also provide context and that i don't agree quickly the dpp group and the ppt fee of up to the twentieth anniversary of the eu single market. we're also looking at the future of the single market and how it can contribute to europe's economic revival by creating more jobs and strong regrets perhaps the most promising prospects is the digital single block in the sector abbas potential to win hearts our minds and our prosperity. early this year the european commission tabled a proposal to reform what's known as collective rights management. many artists and performers use of organizations called collecting societies to myself that what the commercial uses like tv stations radio stations and online music service providers. collecting societies also collect income on the whole band members in the form of royalties reforming the way the society's what is a major focus of the commission's proposal. mario got a french member of our group is parliament's rapport so on the commission's proposal she's in listening mode. to see up the stone that could last a day. i'm looking for tiffany to all sides of the debates. ppp has organized the hearing and my go to work together with the affected countries which are sometimes taken a negative view of collecting societies. and to avoid the dispute settling in preventing cancer some copyright issues. we need to work in the general interest and in particular in the european intact. but you don't have to mention a funny comment if they fill up the apple puff piece collecting societies themselves acknowledge the need for more transparency and the need to adapt to the new opportunities and to months of the digital single market den after represents the swedish performing right society. our structure from our western society is to not act on that show the national basis. best of all the bases but seem to seek partnership with other societies launch new services. that's the debate she cheats for teaching a thing. stick the commission's proposal is being driven by the possible economic benefits of effective manage digital marketplace but also by the sheer depth and breadth of europe's cultural heritage he took the genome of the market is enormous and in comparison with other digital markets such as america we have an extraordinary cultural diversity. it's an economic factor that's very important for jobs and spur growth. we need to get leaving the mix to achieve a satisfactory result of one of the songs. it all day for the most in a bbc poll pdf has been that are sexist the commission's proposal is part of a wider strategy to develop the digital economy within the context of the eu twenty twenty strategy to build a sustainable knowledge based economy in europe. any piece of home being champions of the digital economy for the benefits it brings to the citizens they represent at this be a guy is a kurdish member of our. it's very significant to a proposal. sales are likely to go through ppp bought specially i think we're close ups. the co's say and this development proposal on from the european and a commission specially not of course no performance and then publishers about the concepts cause you'll always be able to watch the ppt these digital content online whether you are. the city on a few days in a sixty eight to compete at any given. and this and often on the tv and the skin by this time it's the vandalism of the cba china's white skin tightening the money saved to get into wednesday. the wife cynthia for those who have lost inside pity she didn't get the three hundred bc to compute just so that he can apply for jobs in the private sector. it's a nice pickup for its dissident it gets to watch it on the tube system and tenth of what you come on to his yuppie computers the foundation for growth and stay with the world's economy so closely connected having organization with a mandate to keep the international financial system and an even keel is more important than ever the international monetary fund has warned from the lessons leaders took in the great depression and a global conflict that followed membership has grown two hundred and eighty eight countries the imf is a forum for discussing policies that promote stable economic growth. it's a form of credit unions whose members contribute money can buy when they aren't. major blow for the imf has helped prevent crises and resulted when they occur. so when the global financial crisis began in two thousand and eight. the imf policy advice was to good use by countries to create ordinated global response the imf also provide funding and an unprecedented scale. i want also on the web. and they've seen the torrens title. is uni. changing you'll both be well known is that the jumbo that i got today though john was gone on that idea is on the brink of extinction in many fall to the one except in one room old color of thailand with a tiger is thriving the ferocious god has been tamed by a handful of buddhist monks are too hahas this fascinating story from time. i learned to play or a private eye to such a nice cheap that it was a long time le. laurie century established twenty years ago one of them. one hundred and twenty tigers now call the temple home. the monks say they live in harmony with the sch each piece the natural instinct to think of it. we can retrieve the female tiger kitten who on february nineteen ninety nine. so scott to the tiger temple from that time. and now as i speak as so many animals. go to some chai is probably the least popular man in the temple. the tigers know a visit from the delta means pain. he's trying to see rule comes into action with its naughty. nor that i did do something he peed on going on a walk. i didn't do this. whatever you must try and do foster that you can do the men which it holds little tyke is quantum information. lee vaccinations and parents. this is michael for theemple's eeding programoodreparations important. the tigers in the atlantic and steamed in a french . and all that sticky then natural instincts in check. the tools and hygiene most of these animals never meet our new temple can be trusted. when they really really mad they get this green sheen kind of like tom at night when using flashlights on abc the reflections of eyes in the dock. if that kind of green sheen and it's like and i do see on the highest and its doubt get out now despite the danger and has developed a unique phone with the tigers were a little sunshine is going on and meaning or intent. it's not just the tigers day he can he he's responsible for the financial future of he temple and the titans. he knows that i get temple is no conflict. i like to see his patients remain free. i tell you his natural habitat disappears alone again. in the mud flow. this is the best chums i do. sneaking some of the relationship between man and beast. far from the tree majestic in its nature. the time. aye aye aye all right to tear off you sites like facto when a tiger is in full glory in the in the jungles of thailand and back to one the few places where they're actually successfully able to ironic automation project for this beautiful animal all in all i can do it. in the air tsk. ii the and. it all on a day i change it. this is it moved. we need when you go with you. when we were. this program is brought you by her group. we'd from norway's mainstream crews were lies. the herd exploring one thousand miles of norwegian coastline. it provides local encounters and access to wilkinson. i know our eye. looking back to the small stage in ca is coming up the rock and a lot done as the tension builds its first general election si


Transcripts For MSNBCW First Look 20160601

york area. the doctors delivered a baby girl with severe microencephaly and vision issues. the mother reportedly contracted the disease after being bitten been a mosquito early in the pregnancy. microencephaly, where the head is smaller than expected normally grow to have learning and vision problems and many will have physical disabilities. the first u.s. case of zika related microencephaly was confirmed in puerto rico in mid may. meanwhile, important changes and protection from the zika virus. the world health organization said if you have travelled to the country with an outbreak of zika, you should practice safe sex or abstain for eight weeks that's double the previous guidance. men who have shoen shown symptoms should wait six months. it was a wild flight when there was a hard landing made in new jersey. the boeing 767 carrying 214 passengers bounced up and down on the runway before the pilot ditched the landing. that caused several panels to fall from the plane's ceiling. fortunately, the panels collapsed into the aisle, and no one was hurt. the plane circled newark 30 minutes before landing to the cheers of the passengers as you can imagine. still no word from united on what caused that incident. donald trump berated journalists while listing which veterans groups received millions of dollars from his fund-raising event. trump promised the millions back in january. when he held a competing event after refusing to participate in the fox gop debate. so why did he wait until now to make the donations? trump said his team was vetting the organizations. and then he unleashed attacks on his favorite target -- the media. nbc's hallie jackson has more. >> reporter: for 39 minutes a fiery roast. >> you're a sleaze. i have watched you on television. you're a real beauty. >> reporter: at a combative news conference -- >> i find the political press to be unbelievably dishonest. >> reporter: donald trump angry for being held accountable for the fund-raiser, when did they get the money, why did it take so long to get it to them? >> i have raised a tremendous amount of money for the vets and instead of being like thank you very much, mr. trump, or trump did a good job, everyone saying who got it, who got it? and you make me look very bad. >> reporter: trump listing the donations totaling $5.6 million to 41 different charities including a million of his own money. nbc news confirms nearly a third of the total, $1.9 million has only been disbursed in the last week after growing pressure on trump about the status of the donations. >> i wanted to keep it private because i don't think it's anybody's business if i want to send money to the vet. >> reporter: yet that money came from the public rally held during a debate trump refused to attend. at the time, he slammed the fellow republicans doing so again even after promising a path toward party unity. >> bill kristol is a loser. >> reporter: insulting bill kristol and former gop nominee mitt romney. >> if i have a republican that's not on my side, i'm not going -- why should i be particularly nice to that person? >> reporter: new mexico governor susana martinez -- >> she wasn't nice. you thyme going to change, i'm not changing. >> reporter: trump said he won't. this is how he'd be at the white house. even with only one in ten voters giving him high marks for having the right temperament to be commander in chief. do you need a thicker skin to run for this office? >> no, i think it's bother some because i love the vets. when the press portrays it differently they're being dishonest. >> reporter: a preview of a president trump. hallie jackson, nbc news, new york. to the democrats and california governor jerry brown's major endorsement of hillary clinton a week before his state's primary. calling clinton's delegate lead insurmountable and emphasizing that donald trump must be stopped. bernie sanders responded by railing against the primary system calling it an anointment in front of the packed california crowd last night. a new online hoover institute golden state poll has clinton beating sanders in california 51% to 38%. clinton is also increased her ad buy in the state and spending $861,000. and bernie has spent over $1 million in ads in california. however, clinton continues to reel from new reports regarding her private e-mail server. newly released testimony from clinton aide cheryl mills says that little -- that little thought was given to potential issues over the former secretary of state's private e-mail. clinton called in to msnbc and said she never intended to hide her personal e-mail use. >> i e-mailed with hundreds of people. and i e-mailed department officials and there's directly -- directly with my e-mail as other secretaries have done. i certainly never instructed anyone to hide the fact that i was choosing a personal e-mail. that was obvious to hundreds of people, visible to the many people that i was e-mailing. throughout the state department and the rest of the federal government. >> clinton is campaigning in new jersey this morning and then she'll head to boston for a fund-raiser and rally while she'll be joined by jon bon jovi. she'll resume her california campaign tomorrow. over a thousand migrants have died crossing the mediterranean in just the past week. the international organization for migration says the majority of those who died were on barely seaworthy boats which sank in calm seas traveling from libya to italy. the united nations reports an estimated 2,500 have died crossing the mediterranean alone. that's up substantially from last year. approximately 200,000 migrants have arrived in europe in 2016 so far. amateur video appears to show workers in syria rescuing a child from the rubble of the destroyed building. look at this, the video claims to be taken in the rebel held city after a russian air strike there. the child appears bloodied and covered with debris, but alive. the syrian observatory for human rights says at least 23 people were killed in the strike including seven children. the exact date of the video is unknown. although the strikes reportedly occurred monday. russia has denied any involvement. back here, the water's still rising in southeast texas after unrelenting rain has led to historic flooding. the horses are looking for shelter on flooded farms and neighborhoods on the verge of being washed away as hundreds struggled to find higher ground. the death toll from the flooding has risen to nine after the body of a 10-year-old boy who fell into the brazos river was found. look at this heart breaking video, a dog chained to a house trying to keep its head above water. the good news is rescuers were able to free the traumatized dog and carry it to the boat. and then get it to higher ground. and more rain could be on the way. not what they need. meteorologist bill karins is here with that. just looking at this dog, it puts it in perspective. >> so sad, panicking. >> that's just one tale but we have lives lost in this. >> and the flood threat continues. we had a big thunderstorm complex that passed through, one little one in the middle of the state. but we're going to get more rounds of thunderstorms over the next three or maybe four days. flash flood watch for 13 million from dallas to corpus christi, san antonio, all the way back over to st. angelo. rounds of heavy rain will lead to new river flooding to as we head to the weekend. widespread, two to four inches. i read some of the discussions out of san antonio, they think it's possible someone could get a foot of rain over the next couple of days. so very serious situation with that ground like that. also we'll see extended storms in chicago and st. louis today. but we're not looking at the severe threats of flooding like in texas. today is the first day of the hurricane season. as far as the forecast goes, average season, we'll consider between four to eight hurricanes. the major hurricanes are the ones we're concerned with. betty, we haven't been hit by a major hurricane since wilma. we're way overdue for a category 3 hurricane. >> let's push that back. >> but the numbers say we're due. a sirius xm radio personality is silenced. and the wildcats visit the white house. you're watching "first look." wahhhh... right. in. your. stomach! watch this!... >>yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasn't it? try lactaid, it's real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. motrin helps you be an... "i can totally do this in one trip" kind of woman. when pain tries to stop you, motrin works fast to stop pain. make it happen with motrin® liquid gels. also try motrin pm to relieve pain and help you sleep. shoshow me more like this.e. show me "previously watched." what's recommended for me. x1 makes it easy to find what you love. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. welcome back. 12 minutes past the hour. amid the uproar over the cincinnati zoo gorilla killed on saturday, police are focus on the parents of the 3-year-old boy who fell into the enclosure. authorities say they're looking into the parents' actions leading up to the incident and not the operation or safety of the zoo to determine whether criminal charges should be filed. sirius xm announced yesterday that it has suspended glenn beck's radio show for at least a week after he agreed with comments made by fiction author brad thor which was widely viewed as assassination of donald trump. thor denied that he made the suggestion saying he was only discussing quote hypothetical america under a dictator. check out the full story on following the shocking road rage incident the florida couple that was run over by a car while on the motorcycle has spoken out. >> us as bikers we're on the road to have a good time and we're out to support the veterans and this happens to us. everyone should share the road. we're out there to have a good time and ride and this happens. >> 31-year-old robert vance apparently caught on camera as the admitted hit and run driver and the habitual traffic offender has been charged in the incident. let's get down to business with cnbc's landon dowdy. good morning. >> good morning. the big automakers, ford, gm, fiat, chrysler and toyota report today. we're expecting a strong month for the industry, but analysts will be examining the quality of the sales. in march and april, the automakers had to use hefty incentives to encourage people to buy. that often eat into profits. >> yeah. meanwhile, while a number of employees are actively looking for job, half of employers can't find the workers they need to fill the workers. >> how does that add up? >> not us, we're very happy where we are. career builder says it may take longer to land a job and companies aren't necessarily done with you if you don't get an offer. so don't let that scare you. >> yeah, exactly. general mills, listen to this, this is a good one. it's recalling 10 million pounds of flour due to the possible link to the e. coli outbreak in 20 states. the recall is for a variety of gold medal and signature kitchens flour. general mills said it's being cautious. just last week i was making brownies out of a box and i'm a sucker to lick the bowl before i make brownies. not good. >> make sure you check the boxes to be safe. thank you. >> thanks. now to sports. we start in chicago where the cubs' jake arrieta going for his 20th straight regular season against the dodgers dating back to last year. arrieta threw seven scoreless innings but his cubbies were shut out by the dodgers late surge against the bullpen. final score, 5-0. it wasn't pretty for san diego as the marlins put 16 runs up on the board. it got so bad that the padres had to have a couple of position players pitch to finish the game. including starting catcher christian bethancourt. he threw this knuckleball which drew laughs from his own dugout. final in seattle -- 16-4. well, over in baltimore, boston's mookie betts became the first leadoff hitter in red sox history to hit three home runs in game. he started off in the first inning and followed that up with one in the second. boston won 6-2. he had five rbis. north of the border, kevin pa lar made the diving catch. he singled home and the go-ahead run. that was a beauty. the villanova men's basketball team were welcomed to the white house. they won the ncaa tournament this year. since winning, they have had a parade in philly, rung the opening bell at the new york stock exchange and threw out the first pitch at a phillies game. not too shabby. so "scrambled politics" is up next. unstoppable kind of mom. when pain tries to stop you, motrin works fast to stop pain. make it happen with motrin® liquid gels. also try motrin pm to relieve pain and help you sleep. with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. ...another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. with the... fastest retinol formula. visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. here's your hump day look at "scrambled politics." the editorial board of "the wall street journal" is flirting with the libertarian party this election. the paper telling voters to consider former new mexico governor and libertarian nominee gary johnson for the presidency. calling him and bill weld alternatives in the race. that might be the only optional for the never trump, never clinton voters. johnson and weld joined chuck todd yesterday. they welcomed the editorial but said they don't plan to go negative on trump or clinton. >> i have no intention, neither of us have any intention of attacking trump or hillary. but you know, from an issues standpoint absolutely. the stuff that he is saying, i think he's said a hundred things that would have tubed any other candidate but here he is. a road sign in texas was hacked this weekend and reprogrammed to suggest donald trump is a shape shifting lizard of all things. but that wasn't the only sign hacked. another backed bernie sanders for president. they have been changed back to normal. a wedding now adds more drama to florida's ninth congressional race. alan grayson is giving up his house seat to run for the senate and he married one of the candidates looking to replace him. yes. dina meaning, a doctor and former lobbyist has had grayson as her biggest asset and she promptly changed her social media accounts to include her new last name. boasting my handsome husband, alan grayson. the primary for the old seat is scheduled for august 30th. mitch mcconnell has jumped into the donald trump tax debate tilling business insider quote for the last 30 or 40 years every candidate for president has released their tax returns and i think donald trump should as well. meanwhile, in a strange twist north korea is backing donald trump for president. coming out with a propaganda website. the country's government praised trump as a quote, prescient presidential cdidate who can liberate americans living under the daily fear of a nuclear attack. no word yet from trump on that endorsement. and that, my friend, is your morning dish of "scrambled politics." all right. coming up on 22 minutes after the hour, best selling author, ellis henican is here. you want to respond to that? >> i'm still on the shape shifting lizard. you're from texas. how does that work? >> i'm not sure. i think that's something from the movie or the movie "trueblood", but who knows. let's get back to donald trump. because at that press conference yesterday, boy, that was a doozie, wasn't it? >> yeah, sleazy. >> shape shifting of all sorts was going on there. there was a debate over whether he was shamed into donating to veterans for the delay was about vetting the organizations. i mean, is this an issue where people are looking at this and thinking can we trust you? >> well, here's what we know. he made the promise to give the money and then not much happened for a long time. "the washington post" wrote a story questioning it. then all of a sudden, after the questions were asked, a lot of the veterans groups started to find checks in the mail. so you just have to decide what you think the reason was. >> well, you know, trump has promised a whole lot of changes for the veterans. how fast -- especially after this, how fast does he have to come through to -- for them to back him or will they move away? >> i think donald has done very well with the older white vets, right, the folks who are at that rolling thunder rally in washington. i mean, they're pretty pro trump, but there are different kind of vets today -- they're all over the political map. it depends on who you're talking about. >> we have to stay with that news conference because trump really went after the media for asking questions about his donations calling on -- one reporter a sleaze. he was upfront saying he won't change his demeanor. so far though, voters they like that. they like what they see. will they continue though in a general election? >> well, you know what? i think he's going to be exactly the same way if he's elected. i don't think he's going to change at all. i think he'll be the same kind of guy he's been and, you know what? you love him, you hate him, but that's going to be donald, i think. >> what you see is what you get. ellis, thank you. just ahead, one cyclist's violent run-in with a kangaroo. plus, a star studded premiere. happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. with the... fastest retinol formula. visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax constipated? use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief it takes a lot of work... but i really love it.s. i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a great taste. i don't plan on slowing down any time soon. stay strong. stay active with boost®. it's my decision to make beauty last. fix. roc® retinal started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. and the longer i use it, the better it works. retinal correxion® from roc® methods, not miracles.™ leading the news on nbc, tigers were removed from the tiger temple amid abuse allegations. 40 dead cubs were found stored in a freezer. wildlife authorities seized 33 tigers on tuesday and plans to remove all the living tigers from temple by friday. they earn $6 million a year in tourism. in the u.k.'s metro newspaper, cyclist has breast implants popped by the jumping kangaroo. the 45-year-old was cycling with her friend along a vineyard trail in south australia. she says her implants acted as an air bag cushioning her fall. those were her words before they unfortunately exploded. the woman will undergo surgery this week. and the new variety show "maya and marty" premiered with a special guest last night. >> oh, gene, i can't believe you're going to space for five years. what am i going to do without you? >> hey hey hey. no tears. >> gene? why are you sitting in a parking lot eating chicken fingers. >> fries. >> why aren't you in space? >> i need to run more solid time. >> i'm betty nguyen. this is "first look" on msnbc. don't forget to like us on facebook. "way too early" starts right now. she was not nice and i was fine, just a little bit of a jab. she wasn't nice and you think i'm going to change, i'm not changing. go ahead with one more question. >> nothing was off limits yesterday for donald trump as he lashed out at republican rivals in the media, deploying sleaze, fool and of course loser. plus, bill kristol's mystery candidate is revealed. who exactly is david french? and the death toll rises as the rain keeps coming in texas. we'll have the latest on the flooding now at record highs. 5:30 on the east coast, and 2:30 on the west coast. this is a show that lives by its name. it's "way too early." good morning. it's wednesday, june 1st, i'm sam stein. now, you can live by the press, you can die by the press and then there's what ever happened to donald trump yesterday. he invited reporters to his home turf of trump tower and seeking to set the record straight on his fund-raising for veterans organizations. trump defended the months it's taken to release the money, saying the groups had to be vetted first. he said he didn't want the credit or hostility from the media. >> on behalf of the vets, the press should be ashamed of themselves. they are calling me and they're furious because i sent people checks of a lot of money and we're going to give you the


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