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Transcripts For DW Focus On Europe 20220922

mother, queen elizabeth the 2nd. britain bid farewell to its longest reigning monarch in an elaborate state funeral. well, the new king now faces the momentous tasks of leaving the monarchy and preserving his mother's legacy. but the future of the monarchy is uncertain. there are those in great britain who want to abolish it altogether for them it represents social inequality and injustice. it's a sentiment that's also shared in some commonwealth nations. king charles is head of state in 15 of the 56 member states, most of which are former british colonies. while the commonwealth was a great source of pride for the queen, but cannot survive without her. the seniors from bygone days, the queen meeting had sustained government of the british commonwealth that went to catherine 2018 by her side as former parent. prince charles, now king charles the 3rd. the commonwealth was very important to the queen. it remains a great pleasure and honor to serve you as head of the commonwealth and to observe with pride and satisfaction. this is a flourishing network. it is my sincere wish that the commonwealth will continue to offer stability and continuity for future generations carry queen with the symbolic hands of the commonwealth. but many wonder whether her son will be able to follow in her footsteps as leader because some of the 15 commonwealth realms, mostly former colonies, where charles is officially king no longer want to the monarchy, nor in britain is explicit leadership role in the commonwealth set in stone, the new king had already prepared for their se, observe as such as david howell along serving commonwealth. thanks. but tim charles, he's very well versed in all this. he's been following it for years. he knows most of the country, the world, but certainly the comforters, lucon, wolfe, he understands as very few. oh no other politicians understand that we do need to make new links and new networks. in november 2021. barbados removed the queen as head of state and declared itself a republic within the commonwealth. ah, the then prince was invited, but had rather a supporting role that the ceremony the creation of his republic of the new beginning. and so were commonwealth of 16 states under the british crown became 15, and it will likely not stop there. charles, his son william, taught the bahamas, belize and jamaica in spring 2022. his father is now formally head of state in all 3, but the 3 countries have been recently making moves to change that rather than praise prince william, he was greeted with criticism from the public with a focus on slavery during the british colonial era. during the visit, the jamaican president announced the country's intentions to leave. we're moving on the intent to a, to short or a little civil additions to prosperous. but for many jamaicans, this isn't enough. they're demanding compensation for the suffering under colonialism or economic conditions today are a result of colonialism or psychological problems. are a result of colonialism or lack of development in every sense of the word. a direct consequence of colonialism. the future of the british crown is also being debated in australia, the 2nd largest commonwealth country. however, there is support from the younger generation, the keeping charles as the nominal king the polling has showed that my generations actually the most monica's generation of the most republican generation in australia is actually the baby boom. um so and i know plenty of people on the left who aren't necessarily own mama cliffs where they support the system we have because they don't say a better alternative camera. but can charles become a symbol of a new reformed commonwealth? the leadership role of great britain is historical, but no longer contemporary says commonwealth expert, howl. life has changed and the diplomats have to faces. and they have to get away as of to does the public from this sort of vision of a hub and spoke or not how it was broken. hm. or when it works with it and upon ship, not the crown over them. that is a like minded friends round the world, which we can talk to, and the richer ones can help the poor ones. at the recent commonwealth summit a few months ago, then prince charles spoke of the british colonial era of the suffering. it cost so many people. an apology, however, did not pass his lips. if he is to succeed, his mother charles the 3rd must pave a new path for the royal house. and the one most adept to change is the one that survives europe's looming energy crisis brought tens of thousands to the streets in the czech republic, people are calling on the government to tame soaring energy prices. will the country get almost all of its gas from russia and alternatives are lacking with winter looming, many are worried about the cost of heating their homes. and for some business owners, cutting back on angie consumption is simply not an option. the town of her heart is home to one of europe's oldest glass works companies. the furnace is used to melt glass require massive amounts of energy, putting the company in a fragile situation. within the idyllic mountain range, known as giant mountains, lies jorge. the town popular with winter sports enthusiasts near the check polish border. but it's iconic horror, half ski jump has seen better days. not far from here at a local glass works. things aren't looking promising either. to keep these furnaces running owner frantisha, nova sod needs to pay the equivalent of 4500 euros every day. a year ago, he was paying just $400.00. he says, these expenses have made his business and viable, but he's determined to keep going. there are some of there is not so as you what he, i'm an optimist order we're getting by because we're dipping into our savings. it's about if we put some aside for our new furnace, hospital 4 or 500000 euros. that's how much we spend in the 1st half of the year is over with us. now we're using up even more savings so that we can give our employees a pay rise them. and we even scrap their bonuses so we can pay our energy bells, garages. plenty of is a new line that again, it's not hard to imagine how his staff feel about being paid less and facing at an inflation rate of over 16 percent. though they are glad to still have a job in these difficult times. check businesses have been ordered to cut back on gas, but glass works don't have that option, says no visit either they're furnaces or on or they're not lead them if, what's the day yet enough? people don't care where we get our gas brown at agibbs. they just want reliable energy, especially in winter. no, no, they don't care if it's from america, russia or china? no 50. they just want to be able to afford it on check wages. oh, it's a new mutiny chest scheme of blood to frantisha recently made his way to the capital, prague. police estimate that $70000.00 people turned up to protest against the rapidly rising cost of energy. they were calling for the government to step down. many of them like frantisha, are worried about an unaffordable future. though the protest organizers and parts of the crowd also expressed support for russia and demanded their country, lead nato, and the e u. the despondent and the extremists form an explosive alliance. the dean of progs, university of economics spoke of the protest. his view that economic sanctions against russia must be dropped divides opinion at the university. what could be lossy mis sunset that i will if we impose sanctions that are effective fine for bottom u. c. t. but when we see, after just a few months, that they're only strengthening the russian economy, economic, that's a serious problem. i had trouble loki. good. are the sanctions really so ineffective and it's public support for them waning? oh, wow. the dance lessons at the check ukrainian community center. the women come here to forget about the war. ukraine. b. o r. repeal runs the center. she fled ukraine in february and already speaks check. she says public opinion has changed here since arriving. as news a desi marcus winter is around the corner, and of course everyone is worried about expenses and missed them. so i think most people in the check for public support ukraine and want the war to end as soon as possible. there's a thought melba saxon adequate esc lunches, the czech republic has taken in more ukrainian refugees per capita than any other country. ukrainian children attend check schools and kindergarten and many ukrainians. like allah, i found work. she understands why many here worry about the cost of energy and says they to are empathetic. yeah, miss lenses ardently. it's not right at the price. the gas is human lives and bloodshed, litski image of the child, people still remember the year 1968 and the russian occupation for the set of the camilla. i think they understand what is happening in the ukraine themselves and how people that feel that. so yeah, i accidentally g, although many check people show understanding for ukraine. they want authority is to understand their predicament to and so support for the check government is crumbling. back at the glass works frantisha can oversight insists that the protest in prague was not about criticizing ukraine. check people still support them. he says though without affordable gas who have to switch off his furnaces and that more in the war fever she fled her homeland of iran to escape oppression and a bleak future. for women like sonya, alec band. life in the islamic republic is a struggle. in recent days, a thousands of women have taken to the streets to protest for their rights after a woman died in police custody. while sonya is grateful for her chance at a new life in germany and she is eager to enter the workforce at a time when german companies are suffering from a lack of skill personnel, well it's a win win situation for both sides. sonya is training to work for germany's state. well, company deutsche a bon? now she has her eyes set on a career in the fast lane. a commuter rail. debo near stood guard rail car for 3. o 7 o starts rolling out. it's almost 70 meters long with 3200 horsepower in the driver's cab as sonya allegra band who fled to germany from iran, about 6 years ago. supp garnished with us this year. i never imagined that i could do something like this here. never over yet says specic of war, but now things have got better. if finish men, i'm not nervous any more on i'm less stress and i'm excited to be able to drive all my im seeing my the father can this is a pilot project. currently 14 refugees are learning to become trained driver's sama from iran, like sonya, others from syria and afghanistan. and b. wanted to look when you press there and go to info. you see what's missing. i see it isn't even up to a bar yet. to school. the project has also been very new for instructor alex hen doctors office. i was just hoping they be able to speak german and were motivated than when so otherwise i didn't think much about it real back to help, but we always love. i just let things unfold and i'm actually positively surprised by the whole thing. me. okay, we do our best with the training i was, but in the end it's also up to them. elizabeth la, nina. a woman driving a train has become more common in germany. and for sonya, this job is a big step towards equality escape. then he ran there and no female train joined us and not even allowed to do this job. he said the whole man it's one of many things . she disagrees with about iran, but out of fear of the regime. she doesn't want to talk about it. she gave up her job as an english teacher and escaped to germany alone with only her dog chica. her family lives in iran and is proud of sonya's career with deutsche haben, i'll explain this. everyone is very happy about or that when i have exams or class work, i write to my father and he says, yes, you can do it by. you can do anything. this gonzales this in sonya's class. there are 13 men. she's the only woman. would you give him was up. it has to stay level good. it could be that a bridge comes with it than the current collector comes down to be, be looked at. the collector head still has to be level to day. andreas shaunberger is explaining the current collector. this is new material for every one. then they're given classwork to see what they've learned. every one here had another profession in 2016 when many refugees arrived in germany deutsche. a bon created more than $700.00 apprenticeships for them both tighter. and this has also benefited the company which is facing a serious shortage of skilled workers. the h r director is thrilled that most of the refugees have been so successful. as an isley feller, there are only a few cases of people not making it to the exam who received as a whole. they're highly motivated and it makes you proud when new employees pass the test wideman and also in a brutal shopping. but for people like sonya, that's not enough. she already has bigger plans, insight, vinnish. if i can drive a local train spots, i'm sure i can drive and into city express, train parish. have her new dream driving 300 kilometers an hour on the inner city express. sonya a leg, a bond is planning to go the distance. this is who sans my ich, an entrepreneur from bosnia and herzegovina. he was renovating his property when he came across the ruins of an old christian church, whose same decided to rebuild the place of worship on his land. hussein is muslim, and that makes his renovation project, especially remarkable in his country. the southern european nation is deeply divided along ethnic lines with the trauma of the war 30 years ago, still fresh. but with tensions arising ahead of october's general elections. who's saying at once, his church and begonia to become a symbol of unity. his church isn't finished yet, but it's getting there. the official opening was at the beginning of august. now hussein smiled, which says it's time to take a break. winter is coming. plus he's hoping for more donations so he can keep building in spring. this church is his life's work. fuller for, for ethan rios, all right, that makes me very happy. people will see that this is a church of peace. love and respect for every one born muriel rover, but it brings people together. so instead of dividing them, would you never fly on hussain. a muslim is building a catholic church to reconcile his torn country. it's now been 30 years since war broke out in bosnia unleashing a blood bath between serbs, croats and bosnians. hundreds of thousands of people died, the war left deep williams to day there are still bullet holes in many houses. with her souls, too, still scarred by the war. hussain says that he and his family remained here in his hometown of google, you know, throughout the war. but that's all. he says, the room is colonel. i don't talk about the war. i don't want to talk about it. they will never for me. it's in the past, but boy and honestly, i don't like to remember at his current level in the future. but others do like to talk about it, especially now ahead of the elections. a whole class of politicians benefits from the fact that both near is still divided for it, secure was their power. the leader of the bosnian serbs has been holding military parades while both ian and corporation, politicians are quarrelling over voting rights. and i support report. i'm really surprised that there is such tension between bosnians and cro. absolutely. surely. there's always been compromise and they've always worked together. but this time i don't know. talk over lawyers, eva closed my dream in life, is that the situation in bosnia changes said that we're all better off and young people no longer leave the country than alone. love not nasal as he now lucy domino erupt. was allison, the war is long over there, but nothing has changed. instead, the situation is escalating. no, shall. the door esc escalade, who same with as the people of bosnia are tired of the nationalistic rhetoric of the politicians by all additions of thought. either we see what they're up to. all of them, people are true. they want to divide us to spread unrest among the people. major, i'm so sick of it. yes, yes, read a book is filled out. after all, says husein different religions have been living together in bosnia for centuries. and these stones are evidence of this. he discovered them by chance when he wanted to start building on his property. instead of making a foundation, he discovered one, the foundation of a church from the middle ages will never from him will appear to know when my wasn't disappointed when we discovered these walls. but what though, after all there the foundation of a medieval church, nelson, i knew it was treasure, vital, bogus. with the help of scientists, he continued digging at his own expense and finally came across something sensational. the tomb of the bosnian queen yelena where la la la boyce normal, she ruled the country from 139521398 as the queen of every wonder, bosnians, an heretic of bonanza serbs and cro. at z, sorted by her art, he erected a monument in her honor. uniting all the peoples of bosnia is what inspired him. that's why he's rebuilding a church here. he's received support from all over the country. all this church was built by all of us. a stone by stone. i can't count all the donors, serbs, muslims, crowds were all just human beings. were you. the lady of the angels is the name of the new church. and despite all the nationalistic rhetoric in the election, it represents a new symbol of peace. 30 years after the war in bosnia meet does, he'd come at during the day. he's a farmer, it's a job that he loves, and one that he was born into. at night he hangs up his pitchfork and suits up to perform in a cabaret show staged on his farm in france. it's an unlikely business model, one that allows the v to stay afloat financially, villagers and getting near to lose. we're skeptical at 1st, but david and his performers are winning them over one step at a time. ah, here in rural france. preparations are underway for an extraordinary evening. ah, ah showtime. ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha! and here's the man behind it, all that be to commit. what the story of you may go ahead. the venue is booked out all by the state doctor. every one has come to enjoy a professional cabaret show with all the trimmings with them to say, oh yeah. then can you be there when they saw i was starting a cabaret show, the elderly villagers came to my grandfather and said to when your grandchild is losing his way, cabaret is about drugs and prostitution. that's what they thought. he's ivy. if he says he buffy. oh, oh said sylvia t f n is a professional musician who performs here 4 times a week. oh, ah . audiences are enamored. anne surprised. i did just mendez, you being a performance like this out here in the countryside. a way for me to know as a crazy product. lassie, scott, this is such a friendly place in your out in the countryside, which is wonderful near anemia as you arrive here at the end of the day. you see all the hills and valleys often join it. it's a different world. the minority, good dog. so now you have the, the next morning. the comment is that his other work hours after a short night sleep at 7 am and he is already in the stables, emotionalism, because i feel happy when i'm with a cow, you can raise my job. but here is my passion. but working 2 jobs is exhausting record that images that actually of us, my accountant says i should stop pending to the cows not just to cabaret and the farm shop. i can have weekends off. can we even go on holidays? but with the front state help a small business like mine. i think it prefers huge 1000 heck their farms with a 1000 cows. we don't want to be part of that agriculture, but you will come to the bead took over his father's farm with $100.00 cows and $700.00 chickens to meet normally. what does he think of his son's cabaret business? crazy. it's got nothing to do with farming. no, but we thought he'd keep the farm running like before. and then he did that. good, but these days farming isn't all that lucrative any more. no more than a po for the other too many people want a piece of the pie, the shuttle middleman have too much power to what is in demand. yeah. it's just not profitable any more. you know, price up in france, 27 farms give up every day. you know, talk about the whole point of children. yes, we branching out into show business has worked to day. david has 15 performers on his payroll and every performance is sold out. 4 ah, feathers are flying day and night in the barn. thanks so much for your company. bye for now. ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ah ah ah ah, ah, ah ah, ah, scan in progress. upload complete. individual avatar created an international team of developers is now being copies of real life, people to the med averse. this makes the tubing a mirror in the market a business model of the future made in germany in 30 minutes on d w. ah, what people have to say matters to us. m. that's why we listen to their stories. reporter every weekend on d. w is the end of the pandemic in site. we show what it could look like. return to normal. and we visit those who are finding it difficult successes are seen in a weekly coven 19 special every thursday on d. w. and when you work as an architect that go all in or not at all. women in architecture. why are they so invisible? to the larger public we decided to ask them. and if women grow up with insufficient little models, they can't identify with certain professions about their guiding principles versus i, what is the poetry, the secret of a house and i'm house about their motivations. tax return so much to you. it means the goal of architecture is to create habitat for human about their struggles and dreams. responsibility are huge. they have so much to lose. and shattering the glass ceiling. women in architecture dismiss has to be really, really good. start september 30th on d, w. ah ah, this is dw news lie from berlin, a surprise prisoner swap between russia and ukraine. russia releases some 200 prisoners as part of the deal. most of them captured during the siege of modern you also coming up.


Transcripts For DW Focus On Europe 20220922

a great pleasure and honor to serve you as head of the commonwealth. and to observe with pride and satisfaction, and to ready prepared for their se observers, such as david howell, a long serving common well, thanks, bet tim charles, he's very well versed in all this. he's been following. it's a years he knows most of a country the world, but certainly the characters of the colewell. he understands as very few other narrow alley politicians understand that we do need to make new links and new networks. in november 2021. barbados removed the queen as head of state and declared itself a republic within the commonwealth. then prince was invited, but had rather a supporting role that the ceremony the creation of this republic of the new beginning. and so were commonwealth of 16 states under the british crown became 15 and it will commonwealth country. however, there is support from the younger generation, the keeping charles as the nominal king, the polling as showed that my generations actually the most monica's generation. but most republican generation in australia is actually the baby boom. i'm so and i know plenty of people on the left who aren't necessarily monica spirit. they support the system we have because they don't say a better alternative. but can channels become a symbol of a new reformed commonwealth? the leadership role of great britain is historical, but no longer contemporary says commonwealth expert howell. life has changed on the diplomats have to face this and they have to get away as of to does the public from this sort of vision of a hub and spoke when i haven't spoken him or when it works with it in a partnership. it's commonwealth cement, a few months ago. then prince charles spoke of the british colonial era of the suffering it caused so many people. an apology, however, did not pass his lips. if he is to succeed, his mother charles the 3rd must pay if a new path for the real house. for the one most adept to change is the one that survives europe's looming energy crisis brought tens of thousands to the streets in the czech republic, people are calling on the government to tame soaring energy prices. will the country get almost all of its gas from russia and alternatives are lacking with winter looming, many are worried about the cost of heating their homes. and for some business owners, cutting back on energy consumption is simply not an option. the town of harrow hall is home to one of europe's oldest glass works companies. the furnace is used to melt glass require massive amounts of energy, putting the company in a fragile situation. within the idyllic mountain range, known as giant mountains, lies jorge. the town popular with winter sports enthusiasts near the church polish border. but its iconic horror off ski jump has seen better days. not far from here at a local glass works. things aren't looking promising either. to keep these furnace is running owner frantisha nova sod needs to pay the equivalent of 4500 euros every day. a year ago, he was paying just $400.00. he says, these expenses have made his business and viable, but he's determined to keep going. there are some of there is not so as you what ye, i'm an optimist order. we're getting by because we're dipping into our savings. it's above net. if we put some aside for a new furnace, hospital 4 or 500000 euros. that's how much we spend in the 1st half of the year. he's in philadelphia now we're using up even more savings so that we can give our employees a pay rise them. and we even scrap their bonuses so we can pay our energy bills logic. but i mean, obviously like that again, it's not hard to imagine how his staff feel about being paid less and facing at an inflation rate of over 16 percent. though they are glad to still have a job in these difficult times. check businesses have been ordered to cut back on gas, but glass works don't have that option, says no visit either their furnaces are on or they're not lead them. yeah. which i didn't know. people don't care where we get our gas brown at agibbs. they just want reliable energy, especially in winter on august. they don't care if it's from america, russia or china? no. they just want to be able to afford it on check wages. oh, it's a new nittany just came a blood to frantisha recently made his way to the capital, prague. police estimate that $70000.00 people turned up to protest against the rapidly rising cost of energy. they were calling for the government to step down. many of them like frantisha, are worried about an unaffordable future. though the protest organizers and parts of the crowd also expressed support for russia and demanded their country, leave nato and the you. so despondent and the extremist form and explosive alliance, the dean of frogs, university of economics, spoke with the protest. his view that economic sanctions against russia must be dropped. divide opinion at the university could be la, see miss sung sick. that if we impose sanctions that are effective, fine, and but when we see after just a few months that they're only strengthening the russian economy economical, that's a serious problem with a terrible though key. good. are the sanctions really so ineffective and his public support for them waning? oh, wow. the dance lessons at the check ukrainian community center. the women come here to forget about the war ukraine. he offered repeal runs the center. she fled ukraine in february and already speaks check. oh, she says, public opinion has changed here since arriving as news a desi mark as winter is around the corner and of course everyone is worried about expenses m. as long as i think most people in the check for public support, ukraine and one of the war to end as soon as possible, is that the law melba saxon ada closest crunches the czech republic has taken in more ukrainian refugees per capita than any other country. ukrainian children attend check schools and kindergartens in many ukrainians. like allah have found work. she understands why many here worry about the cost of energy and says they too are empathetic. yeah, miss lenses identically. it's not right at the price. the gas is human lives and bloodshed, litski image of the child, people still remember the year 1968, and the russian occupation for the set of notes at the camilla. i think they understand what is happening in the ukraine themselves and how people that feel that. so yeah, i accidentally g, although many check people show understanding for ukraine. they want authorities to understand their predicament to and so support for the check government is crumbling. back at the glass works 22nd oversight insists that the protest in prague was not about criticizing ukraine . check people still support them. he says though without affordable gas who have to switch off his furnaces and that more in the war fever she fled her homeland of a ran to escape oppression and a bleak future. for women like sonya, alec band, life in the islamic republic is a struggle. in recent days, a thousands of women have taken to the streets to protest for their rights after a woman died in police custody. while sonya is grateful for her chance at a new life in germany and she is eager to enter the workforce at a time when german companies are suffering from a lack of skill personnel, well it's a win win situation for both sides. sonya is training to work for germany's state. well, company deutsche a bon? now she has her eyes set on a career in the fast lane. a commuter rail. debo near stood guard rail car for 3. o 7 o starts rolling out. it's almost 70 meters long with 3200 horsepower in the driver's cab as sonya allegra band who fled to germany from iran about 6 years ago . supp gardens with a fish. yeah, i never imagined that i could do something like this here. never, ever yet suspects i good. now things have got better. if englishmen, i'm not nervous anymore on i'm less stress and i'm excited to be able to drive home . i am seeing my father can this is a pilot project. currently 14 refugees are learning to become trained driver's sama from iran, like sonya, others from syria and afghanistan, and b, y dot a local. when you press there and go to info, you see what's missing. i see it isn't even up to a bar yet to school. the project has also been very new for instructor alex hen. it backed out this whole from this. i was just hoping they be able to speak german and were motivated and when so otherwise i didn't think much about it real back to help, but we are lucky, i just let things unfold and i'm actually positively surprised by the whole thing. me. okay, we do our best with the training. i was, but in the end it's also up to them. elizabeth lenin, a woman driving a train has become more common in germany. and for sonya, this job is a big step towards equality escaped. then i ran there and no female train joined us and not even allowed to do this job. these, if the whole muffin it's one of many things. she disagrees with about iran, but out of fear of the regime. she doesn't want to talk about it. she gave up her job as an english teacher and escaped to germany alone with only her dog chica. her family lives in iran, and is proud of sonya's career with deutsche haben. i'll explain this. everyone is very happy that when i have exams or class work, i write to my father and he says, yes, you can do it like you can do anything. this gonzales, this is in sonia's class. there are 13 men. she's the only woman who did it was up. it has to stay level go north, it could be that a bridge comes with it, then the current collector comes down to be be looked at. the collector head still has to be level to day. andreas shaunberger is explaining the current collector. this is new material for everyone. then they're given classwork to see what they've learned. every one here had another profession in 2016 when many refugees arrived in germany, georgia bon created more than 700 apprenticeships for them both either been and this has also benefited the company which is facing a serious shortage of skilled workers. the h r director is thrilled that most of the refugees have been so successful. as an isley feller, there are only a few cases of people not making it to the exam who received as a whole. they're highly motivated earlier and it makes you proud when new employees pass the test wideman and also in a brutal shopping. but for people like sonya, that's not enough. she already has bigger plans inside vinnish. if i can drive a local train sponsor, i'm sure i can drive it into city. express train parish half her new dream driving 300 kilometers an hour on the inner city express. sonya a legged bond is planning to go the distance. this is susan, but that's all. he says. the other is colonel. i don't talk about the war. i don't want to talk about it. and i will never for me, it's in the past toys. and honestly, i don't like to remember it. his current, my role in search of others do like to talk about it, especially now ahead of the elections. a whole class of politicians benefits from the fact that bosnia is still divided for it, secure was their power. the leader of the bosnian serbs has been holding military parades while both ian and corporation, politicians are quarrelling over voting rights. and i support report. i'm really surprised that there is such tension between bosnians and cro. absolutely. surely, there's always been compromise and they've always worked together. they are tired of the nationalistic rhetoric of the politicians. listen by all cushions of corridor, we see what they're up to. all of them. people are true, they want to divide us to spread unrest among the people major, i'm so sick of it. yes, yes. really quickly filled out. after all, says husein different religions have been living together in bosnia for centuries. and these stones are evidence of this. he discovered them by chance when he wanted to start building on his property. instead of making a foundation, he discovered one, the foundation of a church from the middle ages will never from him will appear to know where my wasn't disappointed when we discovered these walls. for what though, after all there the foundation of a medieval church nelson, i knew it was treasure, and i thought began with the help of scientists as he continued digging at his own expense. and finally came across something sensational. the tomb of the bosnian queen yelena claire la la la boss, normal to she ruled the country from 139521398 as the queen of every wonder bosnians and hertz are given ins. serbs and croats z sorta by her locker. he erected a monument in her honor, uniting all the peoples of fuzzier is what inspired him. that's why he's rebuilding a church here. he's received support from all over the country road for this church was built by all of us, a stone by stone. i. i can't count all the donors, serbs, muslims, crowds were all just human being. and were you, the lady of the angels is the name of a new church. and despite all the nationalistic rhetoric in the election, it represents a new symbol of peace. 30 years after the war in bosnia mit david come at during the day. he's a farmer. it's a job that he loves, and one that he was born in to at night he hangs up his pitchfork and suits up to perform in a cabaret show staged on his farm in france. it's an unlikely business model, one that allows the v to stay afloat financially. villagers in gary is near to lose . we're skeptical at 1st, but even in his performers are winning them over one step at a time. ah dear. in rural france. preparations are underway for an extraordinary evening. ah, ah showtime. ah ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha. and here's the man behind it all the bead commit. what the story, cuz you may go ahead. the venue is booked out all by the state doctor. every one has come to enjoy a professional cabaret show with all the trimmings with . yeah. oh yeah. then can you be there when they saw i was starting a cabaret show, the elderly villagers came to my grandfather and said, your grandchild is losing his way. cabaret is about drugs and prostitution. that's what they thought. he's ivy. if he says he said, buffy, oh oh, i tell you t f n is a professional musician who performs here 4 times a week. oh, ah! audiences are enamored and surprised. i just wonder you being a performance like this out here in the countryside, a way for me to know as a crazy product. lassie scott, this is such a friendly place in your out in the countryside, which is wonderful near anemia as you arrive here at the end of the day. you see all the hills and valleys often join it. it's a different world. the minority good dog. so now you have, oh the next morning, david's comment is at his other work hours after a short night sleep at 7 am and he's already in the stables. oh, the modem is ambiguous. usually i feel happy when i'm with a cow, he'll go bobby bobby. cabaret is my job on that, but here is my passion. you. oh, but working 2 jobs is exhausting. oh, look, would that be mindy talking to leave us? my accountant says i should stop pending to the cows not to stick to cabaret and the farm shop. if i did so, i can have weekends off. can we even go on holidays? i've ordered, but with the french state help a small business like mine. i think it prefers huge 1000 hector farms with a 1000 cows of food. we don't want to be part of that agriculture to buy the acreage you look on the davida took over his father's farm with $100.00 cows and $700.00 chickens. jimmy dudley. what does he think of his son's cabaret business? who with his crazy it's got nothing to do with farming. another good. we thought he'd keep the farm running like before you do good and then he did that pretty much. but these days farming isn't all that lucrative any more? no, no, no, no audio too many people want a piece of the pie, the shuttle middleman have too much power to what is in domain. yeah, it's just not profitable anymore. in france, 27 farms give up every day. kinda talk about a sweet branching out into show business has worked today. debbie has 15 performers on his payroll and every performance is sold out. ah, feathers are flying day and night in the barn. thanks so much for your company. bye for now. ah ah ah ah, ah, ah, ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah, with who enter conflict with sebastian a year of taliban rule in afghanistan and the country is on its need you expert to highlight to the extra judicial killing, staggering repression. women and girls, my guess is week is how female stopping all my minister in the last afghan government swept to side by the taliban because she feel country was betrayed by the way. conflict zone in 30 minutes on d. w. o . you become a criminal pre climb, aol, already know that with hackers, paralyzing the tire societies, computers that out some are you and governments that go crazy for your data. we explain how these technologies work, how they can work for and how they can also go terribly. watch it now on youtube. mm hm. when you work as an architect, like all when we're not at all women in architecture, why are they so invisible to the larger public? we decided to ask them and women grow up with insufficient models. they can't identify with certain professions about their guiding principles. message, what is the poetry, the secret of a house, and i'm house about their motivations. i'm a texture does so much to you in the real goal of is to create habitat for humans about their struggles. and dreams for responsibility are hugely have so much to with shattering the glass ceiling women in architecture dismiss has to be really, really good. start september 30th on d, w. ah ah, this is dw news life from berlin. a surprise prisoner swamp, russia releases about 200 ukrainians. most of them captured during the siege of murray all put in exchange. you crank, gives up a prominent ally of flatter me booth and also coming up the greatland's decision to mobilize hundreds of thousands of reservists to fly in ukraine smocks. protests across russia. ukraine's president calls for a special war tribunal and lays out his conditions for peace.


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