Latest planning applications in the Grantham area
| Updated: 11:35, 09 February 2021
Folkingham, S21/0098: Mr Keith Knight - Proposed rear two storey extension and alterations at 27 West Street.
Grantham, S21/0103: Mr S Wagle - Conversion of garage to habitable space to facilitate change of use from small HMO (C4) to larger HMO (Sui Generis) at Collingham House, 2 Edward Street.
Manthorpe, S21/0135: Mr David McMullan - Erection of single storey garage to rear of existing garage at 10 High Road.
Planning Applications (12078486)
Grantham, S21/0139: Clegg - First floor extension over existing garage at 37 Lincoln Close.
Grantham, S21/0141: Mr Gordon MacKenzie - Lawful Development Certificate for new vehicular access to rear of dwelling at 17 Garden Close.