The animated comedy follows the antics of the Starfleet crew residing in the ‘lower decks,’ which is to say, where the lowly, less important crew goes about their business; new season kicks off September 7 with two episodes that go boldly – but not too boldly – ‘where no man has gone before.’
Ahead of the film’s highly anticipated release July 21 on Digital and July 25 on Blu-ray, AWN shares a new video – ‘100,000 Vanquished,’ because how fun is it to track your villainousness?
The Animation Guild will represent artists and production workers in upcoming negotiations at the studio; Texas becomes the first Right-to-Work state to have union-represented animation workers.
The film, based on Adult Swim's longest-running, award-winning original adult animated series, will be available for purchase on Digital July 21 and Blu-ray on July 25.