Despite alerting City of Windhoek officials of their plight last month, the Nyanyukweni community in the Tobias Hainyeko constituency say their problems remain unresolved.Community.
Years of drought have eroded the lives of thousands of subsistence farmers and recently, the economic fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic has forced hundreds of Angolans to leave their homes to search for food while those remaining barely get by, foraging for wild berries.
Share: The Desert Whisper, with its wall of glass, offers two guests complete privacy and luxurious shelter in the Namib Desert, near the Tropic of Capricorn. (Sharri Whiting De Masi)
Long before 2020 became the year of social distancing, Namibia was the ultimate destination for remote luxury. New properties are ever more high-end, and ever more private. Some are grand desert hideaways for only two guests, who share infinite desert horizons with no other humans (except perhaps the dedicated chef and driver, who appear only when summoned).
We retreated with anticipation to be the first at the
Desert Whisper, far into the Namib Desert, just as Namibia was preparing to open again to international tourists. Developed by the locally based Gondwana Collection Namibia group, which has spent more than two decades perfecting its 20 Namibian offerings, this one is the pinnacle.