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phase, they are looking to return to that argument that the older brother planned all of this and now they have to decide whether he'll get the death penalty. leon: the jury in the aaron hernandez trial in boston returned today from the first full day of deliberation. he is charged in the 2013 murder of his friend oden lloyd. hernandez hernandez's lawyer acknowledged he was there but not the one who pulled the trigger. prosecutors said that he planned the murder and tried to cover it up. alison: we turn to breaking news coming to us from the district this afternoon. police have made a second arrest in the murder of david messerschmitt. he was the attorney found dead inside the donovan hotel back in february. brianne carter is in northwest with these breaking details. brianne, tell us about it. brianne: alison this is in the last 90 minutes we've learned there have been another arrest made by metropolitan police. they tell us that 19-year-old dominique johnson was arrest the earlier today in connection with the death of 30-year-old david messerschmitt. now, according to d.c. police johnson who is said to live in southeast washington is charged with conspiracy to commit robbery. now, this comes less than a week after that arrest that we first learned about in connection with this, 21-year-old jamyra gallmon arrested and charged in the stabbing death of the d.c. lawyer. messerschmitt was found dead in a hotel room at the donovan hotel back in february. according to court documents, messerschmitt used craig's list to set up a meeting at a hotel. authorities believe it may have been an e-mail account he was contacting connected to that first person who was arrested. now, according to court documents, gallmon went to the hotel with the intent to rob messerschmitt but at some point stabbed him. her lawyer saying in court it was self-defense. she is expected to be back in court sometime later this week. we are continuing to follow these latest developments in this second arrest in connection with this. we'll have much more coming up throughout the evening right here on abc 7 news. reporting live brianne carter, abc 7 news. alison: we have new details now on a white police officer charged with the murder of an unarmed black man in north charleston south carolina. officer michael slager has now been fired from the force and north charleston's police chief has announced he's ordered body cameras there. they will be worn by every single officer. karen traverse has more on the developments and the video that really changes the case. karen: the north charleston south carolina police chief didn't mince words. >> i was sickened by what i saw. karen: he's talking about this cell phone video showing the final seconds of the fatal encounter between officer michael slager and 50-year-old walter lamar scott. it started with a routine traffic stop for a broken taillight and ended in a nearby field when slager fired his weapon eight times at scott's back and killed him. until that video came to light the north charleston police said slager opened fire because he felt threatened and that scott grabbed his stun gun. >> shots fired. subject is down. he grabbed my taser. karen: an independent state agency and the f.b.i. are investigating that shooting but slager has already lost his job. this morning, the police chief and mayor met with walter scott's family. >> this has been a horrible tragedy within our community. karen: scott's devastated mother said she almost couldn't watch the video. >> it cooled my heart to see this. i pray this never happens to another person. this has got to stop! karen: that was the message coming through loud and clear from demonstrators gathered in north charleston a familiar sight in several american cities after recent police officer involved shootings. >> all lives matter! karen: the mayor of north charleston announced today the city will purchase 250 body cameras so every officer on the force is equipped. karen traverse, abc news, washington. leon: let's turn to the weather now here. this morning's rain made for a gloomy start for a grayish day all day long today. alison: absolutely. don't put away the umbrellas just yet. doug hill in the storm watch weather center with the rest of the forecast. doug: most of the day has been cloudy and damp and kind of cool. cloudy outside of the belfort weather center. showers and some big storms we've been watching. let's get to doppler radar and show you this is a complex of thunderstorms that has got into western ohio late this morning. very strong. they've been moving eastward at a steady clip. 35 405 miles per hour. the air overhead is cool and damp. that's going to mean more than likely this line of storms as it crosses the appalachians and encounters the much cooler damp air, it will kind of diminish these storms. now, the thunderstorms will break into just individual heavy pockets of rain. we'll track it all during the afternoon and evening. definitely, more rain coming here later this afternoon and this evening. probably arriving in the metro area probably after 6:00 6:00 to 7:00 at its current speed. we'll monitor that as well. look at the numbers. 50 at reagan national. 46 in fredricksburg. 50 degrees in quantico. 46 in annapolis and through the evening, we'll call for showers. maybe western parts of the viewing area might have a thundershowers as these things diminish somewhat. everybody will be in the process of getting some rain during the evening hours and overnight, we'll hang on to some patchy drizzle. temperatures holding in the 40's. we'll look at the next few days and especially the weekend in a couple of minutes. leon? leon: ok doug. funding for schools. that's what the fairfax county board of supervisors is discussing this week but there are some concerns about the potential cuts. northern virginia bureau chief jeff goldberg live in fairfax where the talks are still under way at this hour. tell us what's going on there. [no audio] >> the proposal that was put forth by the superintendent and the school board is a bare bones minimum budget. that was part of them trying to do good business with the county supervisors this year. >> we can't say to the school here is your transfer increase. make sure it goes to teachers' salaries. that has to be a decision the school board. so sometimes it's a little frustrating. [no audio] alison: thank you very much. the spotsylvania county sheriff's office has arrested four suspected pedophiles in an undercover cyber investigation. the suspects are tyler martin from richmond, john howell from fredricksburg, toby parker from manassas and another from fredricksburg. they're also among the very latest arrests there. all four suspects face felony counts of indecent liberties and using a communications system to facilitate certain offenses involving children. leon: the final suspect has pleaded guilty in the 2007 killing of redskins safety shawn taylor during a botched burglary. timmy brown will serve 18 years in prison under today's plea agreema agreement agreement. he was one of five men who drove to his home in florida with intent to committing burglary. taylor confronted the men with a machete and he was shot and killed. taylor's father says that brown's conviction brings the family some closure. alison: a woman is in critical condition after she was struck by a metro transit police vehicle overnight. metro says that woman was trying to cross branch avenue near the naylor road metro station in temple hills. investigators say she was not in a crosswalk intersection or at a traffic signal when she was hit. people we talked to say that area is not pedestrian friendly. >> i walked down the street last night. >> people should be paying attention when they drive. they'll be on their phones or doing whatever they're doing. alison: the officer involved has been placed on administrative duty which is standard procedure during investigations. leon: fire investigators say a towel left too close to a hot lamp is likely what caused a fire that killed three people in anne arundel county. that fire happened in february at a home in brooklyn park. leticia and her son were trapped in an upstairs room. all three got trapped inside and died. alison: a former lacrosse player convicted of killing his ex-girlfriend is trying to appeal his case before the u.s. supreme court. he filed a petition to get the case before the nation's highest court. chief justice john roberts granted that petition and now the justices will decide whether to hear the case. earlier this year the virginia supreme court ruled against hugley's request for an appeal. he's served nearly five years of a 23-year prison sentence for the death of yardly love. leon: coming up here at 4:00 new details in the lawsuit filed by the widow of marion barry against his kidney donor. what barry's widow wants to stop immediately. alison: what you need to avoid a costly parking ticket. reporter: who hacked into the white house computer alison: today, the white house is assuring the public that recent hackers did not gain access to classified information. leon: the question of who is responsible for the hack, that still remains. senior political reporter scott thuman is live at the capitol hill bureau and has a look at the investigation currently under way. scott? scott: leon alison what the white house is saying about this hack attack that took place last fall, they're calling it a cyber intrusion is that it did not reach any classified information. that does not mean however, that sensitive information like the president's schedule or e-mails weren't necessarily accessed. so at today's press briefing for the most part, relatively quiet on this particular subject and understandably but the other big part of the story is several news agencies says u.s. officials are blaming the russians. the white house press secretary josh earnest avoided today naming any possible culprit or government and purposely wouldn't be specific about what hackers may have gained access to. >> we're not going to talk about information directly related to the president and his e-mail. any time people are dealing with material or any time there's activity of concern that's detected on the white house network, that that is -- puts that individual or that entity in close proximity to sensitive information. reporter: what exactly is the government doing to prevent another attack in the future? we'll talk about that coming up tonight at 6:00 as well as possible legislation here on the hill and finally, what is russia's reaction to these accusations? we'll have that in just about an hour and 45 minutes. leon alison? leon: thank you scott. turning the focus to something two miles over your shoulder. drivers are going to have to pay more to park at nats park. it will enforce meters on sundays and holidays even if the meters are turned off everywhere else in the city. ddot is supposed to have temporary signs up in time for the d.c. emancipation day game on april 16th. we will see. all right. let's check to see how things for those moving on the roads this evening, jamie sullivan. hey, jamie! jamie: they are moving very well. we have a couple of different spots and i want to focus in first on northwest d.c. so we have police activity closing off 20th street northwest. that's between l street and m street northwest. now, we're hearing about a suspicious package. so that is why police are on scene. as far as accidents, nothing major to worry about. it's going to be our slowing. for you heading outbound on 66 getting through falls church once you get outside of the beltway, let's take a live look and show you 66 near nutley street. past this point continuing to the vienna metro, we are on the brakes. again, typical slowing for us this afternoon and moving to the american legion bridge. getting on the inner loop basically from virginia into maryland, this is the inner loop so this is really the heaviest spot that we are seeing. the beltway for you though top side once you get into maryland we're ok. heading outbound on 270 not a lot going on just yet. if you live in gaithersburg and are working your way out, no delays. virginia, 95 pretty typical heading south from newington stop and go to triangle. that's a look at traffic. hope of -- hopefully no accidents to have to worry about. leon: fingers are crossed. alison: weatherwise, gloomy day today. doug: don't be gloomy. think of how nice it will be this weekend. leon: yeah! doug: we had rain this morning. most of the day it's been drab and dreary and cool. maybe a couple of downpours this evening. let's get started and look at the rooftop camera in rosslyn. gray skies and not so much drizzle around the area. kind of cloudy and damp and cool as the winds come off from the east to northeast cutting across the atlantic ocean and keeping us on the cool side. as we'll see in a couple of minutes, plenty of areas not far from here that are in the 70's and 80's. go downstairs, outside talk with steve rudin to talk about some parts of the country that got nailed with severe flooding. steve: nothing like that for us at least not for today. out to the west of us st. louis, missouri were dealing with some strong thunderstorms yesterday evening and look at the flooding. they saw upwards of two to three inches of rain in, get this, less than two hours. localized flooding there and the winds kicked up. this is the time of year that we see severe weather across the mid part of the country. and stronger storms eventually will make their way to our area. but it appears now that's not going to happen until at least friday and by friday we're going to look for bigger storms here in the washington metro area. more on that. plus this brief cooldown right, doug? doug: absolutely. we'll warm this back up here. its going to take until friday. we have right now on doppler radar, a line of thunderstorms part of a large complex that's been rolling across the upper midwest all day long and still some thunderstorms now from petersburg southward. a little earlier when it went through elkins wind gusts at 54 miles an hour. we're well to the east. this line is moving quickly. over the past several hours, time lapse goes about 1:10 ago so this line is spreading rapidly to the east. you might notice the number of storms, red intensity showing the heaviest rain is diminishing a bit because this whole line which is originated in the warm and humid air mass is smacking head long into the cool and damp air that we have. in time over the next hour or two, the thundershowers will diminish. look at the difference. 50 in washington. 84 in raleigh. 83 in greensboro. roanoke at 79. back behind this system, warming up to the upper 70's. wedge of cold air coming down from new england keeping cool. this cold front kind of stationary but over the next 36 hours or so this front is going to turn around and come back to the northeast as a warm front and that's going to open the door to us friday. sotherly winds and temperatures rising through the 70's. maybe the low 80's. big deal about friday is it depends how long a period of sunshine we get, how many areas of sunshine. if we get enough that means when the cold front comes through during the late afternoon, we could see possibly severe thunderstorms here. as i mentioned at the outset good news for the weekend. high pressure takes over for saturday and sunday and it would be just fine. check it out for yourself here. tomorrow we're stuck in the 50's with drizzle and light rain. then we get into friday it brightens up. some sun or maybe periods of a lot of sunshine. high temperatures approaching 80 degrees but then in the afternoon, showers, thunderstorms, some potentially severe. the weekend, monday looks great. and then we'll see things -- i don't think it's going to be 50 on monday. i'll check. need to check on that. alison: we have a little time. doug: what are you doing? we'll see. alison: never. all right. see you in a little bit. still to come on abc 7 news at 4:00, a new big endorsement in congressman chris von holland's bid for a u.s. senate seat in maryland. >> fascinated about the whole thing. didn't think about the fact that i was potentially in danger. leon: crazy catch caught on camera, too. how a photographer stumbled on a bobcat nabbing a shark. leon: maryland congressman chris van hollen has picked up another endorsement. alison: van hollen is vying for the seat when barbara mikulski retires. brad bell shows us sch one is supporting van hollen. >> he's going to fight for prince george's county. brad: with that announcement, rushern baker surprised some who imagined his support would go to the fellow prince georgian donna edwards and her run to replace retiring senator barbara mikulski and not van hollen who is from montgomery county. baker says he's simply endorsing the best candidate. >> i'm endorsing a person that understands prince george's county. brad: as for the role race plays in his decision baker says it's not his primary concern. >> i know it's in the best interest of the county and the state. brad: montgomery county executive, a van hollen supporter as well on hand for today's announcement speaks of his history in the civil rights movement and he says van hollen shares his values. >> his leadership on all of the issues that we have fought for is impeccable. brad: for van hollen the value is immense. he has a huge fundraising lead and this will make raising more campaign money even easier. >> i am grateful to these two leaders for the incredible work they do every day on behalf of our communities. brad: we reached out to the edwards' campaign for comment today and have not heard back. she remains the only other announced candidate for the soon-to-be open senate seat. brad bell abc 7 news. leon: and easter dinner leaves one couple with a bad taste in their mouths. >> i was embarrassed. he was embarrassed. and it just turned to just disgust. leon: yeah. you'll find out why. coming up ahead here what they were shocked to see on a television at a family restaurant. how the manager there is responding. leon: d.c. police say they need your help in finding a man caught on camera stealing a package from a home. the theft took place last friday outside of a home on ninth street northeast. the house surveillance camera captured a person taking the package off the porch and then walking away. if you know anything police want to hear from you. now, let's get back to the weather and let's get ready for another round of rain tonight. alison: yep, chief meteorologist doug hill joins us with a check of the forecast. how is it looking, doug? doug: it's coming our way. not a question of if just a question of when. we're tracking rain out west. doppler radar, live images and off to the west of the metro area well west other side of petersburg, we have a line of showers and some thunder. you can see the marks. 22 lightning strikes in that segment alone. we expect that area to diminish. what will not diminish is the rain potential. with the rain we've had through last night and today as well inch and quarter in laurel and silver spring. college park close to an inch. so it's been in a lull most of the day. continuing to push eastward at a good clip and we expect timing wise for most of it to push through. we're chilly in stable air. look at how warm that is. that's fueling the showers and storms. as those storms enter our cool air mass that will diminish the thunder potential but continue likely with rain. later tonight, taper it off down to some showers and drizzle with temperatures holding in the 40's. there are brighter days ahead in the seven day. share that with you in a few minutes. leon? leon: thanks doug. navy has reassigned an officer after a civilian managed to get on base and kill a sailor aboard a ship last year. the officer was running security operations at naval station norfolk. this move comes after an investigation reveals a series of security lapses and allowed a truck driver to drive on to the base without a reason to be there. the driver walked on to the u.s.s. mayhem and then shot and killed another sailor. alison: anne arundel police need the public's help catching a check fraud suspect. here's the surveillance picture of the woman. it was taken about 4:00 yesterday afternoon. now, police say she attempted to cash several stolen checks at a check cashing store in glen burnie. the checks were stolen from a mailbox in the pasadena area. if you have any information about this case you're asked to call police. leon: new report predicts a big jump in demand for water in virginia. the state department of environmental quality says the need for water will increase by 32% in the next 25 years. "the richmond times dispatch" reports about $6.1 billion in improvements are going to be required to reduce that influx. that includes building some new reservoirs as well. alison: come take a look at this. a wild catch caught on camera down in florida. leon: the reporter talked with a man who took this photo of a bobcat snagging a small shark right out of the water. >> really surprised. reporter: caught on camera. a bobcat catching a shark and john bailey just stumbled on to it. >> initially, pretty quick. it looked like it spotted it it grabbed it. it snatched it and pulled it up. the shark floundered for a while. reporter: from fort pierce bailey tells the story. how he was walking, saw the bobcat and saw it watching the shark. >> it looked initially it was going for a swim. what appeared to be like a shark. reporter: it all happened at sebastian inlet state park last night. bailey was on vacation relaxing but was instantly riled over this. >> fascinated with the whole thing. didn't even think about the fact that i was potentially in danger. reporter: as for himself, he was far enough away to take the photo safely. >> it actually noticed me and ran the other way. reporter: as for the shark, it may have thought it was safe to go into this water at least at this moment. >> it was absolutely, i don't expect to see it again. really definitely unique. leon: that's right. don't mess with the bobcat. we know that. alison: you know that well. leon: bobcats. photographer said he was 50 feet away and shot the thing on his iphone. there you have it. alison: wow. leon: ok. her generosity helped marion barry but now his kidney donor is facing a lawsuit from barry's widow. alison: sam ford is live in southeast washington to explain what this lawsuit is actually about. sam? sam: alison leon we're near the big chair which is a symbol in marion barry's ward eight and where his widow, cora masters barry is suing the woman who gave barry a kidney in 2009. >> so carora masters barry argues in the lawsuit that no one including kim dickens who donated a kidney to barry has the right to use anything from his image without permission from his estate run by his widow. dickens contends she and barry formed a nonprofit together when he was alive and it functions such as fundraising can continue after his death. neither woman was speaking on camera today. both had spokesmen. >> kim was willing to risk her life to help to save his life. and because of their friendship yes, they had dated before. >> this lawsuit is about protecting the right to control how his name and image is used in fundraising, marketing, promotion. you name it. sam: and that last person who spoke was cora masters barry's attorney who says that he expects this matter to go to court in june. and he expects to win. the other side said of course, they're going to be fighting. we'll have more on this story coming up on abc 7 news at 5:00. reporting live from southeast washington, i'm sam ford, back to you. alison: ok. coming up at 4:00 now, a restaurant serves up more than what one couple expected. the investigation under way after porn was shown on the restaurant's tv. >> and we all know how paperwork can pile up plenty when you're filing your taxes. but what do you keep and what do you toss? "7 on your side" with some help leon: a couple goes out for an easter meal at a restaurant in north carolina and they say pornography pops up on the tv screen there. alison: as rex hodge reports, the restaurant's manager vows to find out how this happened. >> they're good people. good waitresses. we've never had a problem until sunday night. rex: bonnie thompson and her husband have enjoyed meals here for years. >> all of a sudden i couldn't help but notice shock on his face. rex: it was easter about 8:00 p.m. when thompson's husband looked up on the tv screen and drew her attention to a nude couple having sex. >> i was embarrassed. he was embarrassed. rex: she says it was playing in a family restaurant. and she was surprised. >> then it just turned to just disgust. rex: she says a man with young kids grabbed the remote and changed the channel but she was left with questions. >> what kind of control do these restaurants have on what is to the public and watching television. rex: thompson registered her complaints and met with the area manager for answers. >> i cater to my community. and i'll take care of this. rex: she says the restaurant carries charter cable's basic service. nothing x-rated. >> absolutely not. rex: she's contacted the company to investigate how an adult channel might have appeared. >> i'm not real intelligent on how somebody can feed in to show something on our television that we don't subscribe to. but i will find out. rex: she says on sunday night, employees and customers had access to the remote. she's changing that policy to managers control only. and if an employee is the culprit -- >> community knows i will absolutely take care of that employee. rex: she says she'll do whatever it takes to keep the community comfortable. thompson says she appreciates the positive action and says this experience won't keep her away from huddle house in the future. >> not at all. not at all. alison: that was rex hodge reporting. charter cable says there's a possibility a video may have been projected wirelessly from the smartphone or tablet. the cable company plans to examine the equipment from the huddle house. leon: a new survey is ranking the most popular spots for first dates. see which restaurants made the top five? alison: and "7 on your side" this afternoon with a consumer alert. how to avoid making costly mistakes while filing your taxes. alison: police in california are now looking for a man who had this angry outburst inside a convenience store. take a look. he was talking on his cell phone and then he suddenly shoved a bunch of items right off the counter. and then shoved the clerk, too. police hope to track the man down but it's unclear what charges he could face. leon: the environmental protection agency is looking into more possible exposure cases of a poisonous pesticide used at a caribbean resort. a family of four was sickened there after the chemical was used in st. john. two sons remain in a coma. the e.p.a. says the pesticide has been used at that condo complex in the past and they're now contacting employees and former vacationers. >> we have sent a team of epidemiologyists and health experts. they're doing a number of interviews because some people may have had some exposure. leon: terminex the company that used that chemical faces a criminal investigation. the company says it's cooperating with authorities. alison: indiana pacers forward copeland and his wife and another friend are ok night. leon: copeland had to undergo surgery and the suspect was arrested. atlanta hawks players were also arrested for obstructing the crime scene. ex-nfl kicker lawrence tines is speaking out about a $20 million lawsuit he filed against his former team. he's accusing the tampa bay buccaneers of negligence. he said he contacted the staph infection at the bucs training facility where equipment "wasn't properly maintain disinfected or cleaned." >> it can kill you! i was so mad that they did not diagnose me. clearly they knew. something i loved and worked hard for was taken away from me. it could have been prevented. leon: he wasn't the only player affected by this but one of three bucs players to attract mrsa in 2013. it started in his toe and moved into his kicking foot and that ruined his career. alison: well "7 on your side" with a consumer alert today about an ice cream company that has expanded the recall linked to a deadly listeria outbreak. blue bell creameries says the recall now includes banana pudding ice cream pints made out of broken arrow oklahoma plant. seven other products have already been recalled and the outbreak has been linked to three deaths just this year. leon: it's that time of year. if you're about to wrap up your taxes, you probably have a big stack of papers you'd like to get rid of. should you keep it or shred it? alison: john matarese has helpful advice so you don't waste your money. john: it's almost tax day. with taxes done for another year it's a great time to clean house and get rid of old paperwork that you don't need. what should you pitch and what do you need to save? wouldn't it be nice to send all those boxes of papers off to the big shredding truck. it would make your home feel a lot cleaner. after one year you can safely toss old credit card bills and statements, utility bills and cell phone bills. but wait at least four years to shred bank statements insurance statements in case you're filing or disputing a claim and receipts for tvs computers and big ticket items in case you need warranty work. and from the doesn't that stink file documents that you'll regret ever shredding. yahoo finance says save tax documents for at least 10 years, not the three to five years some advisors suggest. if you're audited and don't have your back paperwork, you'll say doesn't that stink? and it says never destroy papers proving you paid off your mortgage or your car loan. if you sell your old car, you want to hold on to some proof of sale in case anyone has an accident or uses it to commit a crime in the future. that way you don't waste your money. i'm john matarese. alison: there are ways to avoid costly mistakes while filing your taxes. avoid typos and bad numbers because they could get your tax return rejected. also make sure your social security number is listed correctly and know your credits and your dedeductions. tax experts say many people are just taking the standard deduction but they can save money if they actually itemize. >> people are either not claiming deductions for which they qualify or they're not using credits that are available to them. alison: if you missed something on your tax return you can file an amended return and that's up to three years after you file. leon: the world's top ranked golfer is teaming up with a member of one direction and of all places the masters. rory mcilroy is hoping for a career grand slam with his third consecutive major victory after winning the open championship and the pga last year. now, hopefully for him, mcilroy will get some good luck with his caddie. fellow irishman and one direction singer nile horan. alison: interesting combo. sugarland star kristian bush is giving a fan a chance to win a v.i.p. experience with him at a concert in atlanta. you'll get to spend a day with him in his studio. if you want to enter, go to you have until april 12th to enter. good luck! leon: starbucks is in a bit of a hot spot when it comes to first dates. huh? alison: that's right. there's a dating app out there called clover and it released a survey when it conducted popular restaurants to hold the first dates. starbucks topped the list followed by chipotle cheesecake factory and olive garden. it analyzed data from the 200,000 users for the survey. leon: was it sponsored by the starbucks, cheesecake factory, panera or olive garden? alison: it could have been. coffee is always a good first date. you're not committing too much time. leon: if you want to go doesn't take long. alison: there you go. leon: coming up on abc 7 news at 5:00, lights out. one day after that power problem in parts of maryland and the district, we're taking a look at what's being done to protect our grid now. alison: and malia obama learning how to drive. who has the time to teach her? find out who is giving the advice coming up shortly. leon: does she have secret servicemen running around the car as she parallel parks it? alison: probably. weatherwise, potential storms moving in. doug: rain definitely in our future in the next few hours. let's get started. look right now at what we're checking out across the area. still a continuation of cloudy skies. damp and cooler weather. northeasterly breeze. temperature right now 50 degrees. dew point 44. cool and damp day. lost sight of the fact that the average temperatures now are well into the middle 60's around the area. we'll get back there. in fact by friday we'll go well above that weather. right now, doppler radar indicating a line of showers. well to the west of the metro area to the west of interstate 81 corridor. that's moving to the east and the timing is probably going to be 6:00 to 7:00 hour for this to start affecting our viewing area and western suburbs first and the whole area will transition to the east. there's still a lot of thunder and lightning and severe weather back across severe thunderstorm warnings and couple of isolated tornado warnings. at least looking at the motion here, most of the heavy duty stuff will push well to the south and southwest of washington venlt but some of these storms will degrade into downpours. lot to watch. still the chance of a little thunder and lightedening. mostly it will be rain through the evening hours and tonight, kind of taper off to drizzle and patches of light rain. won't change the temperatures. pretty much holding steady in the 40's to near 50 degrees tonight and pretty of the same tomorrow because of the frontal system that's pushed to the south and west as the cold front, high pressure will remain. it's pulling the air off the atlantic ocean making it cool and damp. to the southwest, it's very very warm. heavy duty storms are bubbling up. as we get to tomorrow night front will start turning around and headed back our ways. temperatures warm up. and few showers with that. we break into the warm sector on friday. we'll get a little bit of sunshine and temperatures close to 80. if we get enough sunshine during the day, that could contribute to some of these storms becoming severe. lot to watch. good news at the end of this story is it will clear up just in time for this upcoming weekend. so here's our weather story for the next seven days. only 55 at best tomorrow with rain mostly light and then friday, drizzle in the morning. becoming partly sunny. very breezy and very warm. approaching 80 degrees. showers and thunderstorms likely in the afternoon. 80% and there is a possibility some could be severe. clearing for the weekend. delightful. look at the mild temperatures. that's going to -- the cherry blossoms are going to like that. very mild temperatures ahead. alison: we're going to like it too. very good. let's get a check on traffic and see if we like anything on the roads today. jamie: the thing is we're not worried this afternoon about what we were worried about this morning and that was the really wet roads. we're ok so far for our afternoon commute. let's move into northwest. so police activity there's a suspicious package so we do have police on scene closing down 20th street northwest between l street northwest and m street northwest. so in this area you're going to see a lot of flashing lights. as far as our delays we've got it. but it's difficult. it's nothing out of the ordinary for you leaving the city on 395 weave -- we've got it. that's if you're heading towards the beltway working by the wilson bridge or heading northbound from the 11th street bridge getting on to the b.w. parkway. we're ok on the g.w. parkway heading out towards the beltway, it's just when you get to the beltway that we've got the slowing mainly crossing the american legion bridge. outbound on 66 we really picked up. we're at about 55 miles per hour. the slowest stretch for you is once you get outside the beltway on 66. we'll take a look just to give you an idea of how slow our traffic is right now. working your way past 50 volume. that's what we've got and then slow traffic for you on the top side of the beltway right near connecticut avenue. that's a look at traffic. back to you. leon: you got it. check back with you in a bit. coming up next on abc 7 news at 4:00 here, a new partnership between howard university and d.c. public schools. how the program will help prepare high school students for college. alison: d.c. mayor muriel bowser visited howard university this morning to announce a new partnership between that university and d.c. public schools. leon: under this new program, some high school seniors can enroll in college courses at howard university and earn high school and college credit. john gonzalez has more. john: what high school senior wouldn't want six college credits already in the bag once they've stepped foot on a university campus like howard university here and, perhaps, even softened the blow of the culture shock from college life? d.c. public schools are finally jumping on an educational bandwagon that has been touring the country for sometime if you will. the city is announcing today a dual enrollment partnership starting this fall. students at mckinley tech high and benjamin bana sk er will have the opportunity to enroll for and receive credit for classes here taken on campus. these classes will be taken at no cost. high school college program is not new around the country but listen to why an old home rule law prevented it here in d.c. until now. >> some silly regulation on the books that said if a high school student taking a college level class couldn't get high school credit, that prevented a lot of parents and students from taking classes at the university. and then it was expensive. >> you have preparation of actually going to college. but however, we don't have any preparation actually inside the college. reporter: if your child is a freshman or, perhaps, in middle school, over the next three years, this program will expand to all the universities and include all 17 high schools in the city. in northwest washington john gonzalez, abc 7 news. leon: the trial of the boston marathon bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev, 30 verdicts. one question left to anls. >> i have watched the video and i was sickened by what i saw. leon: a cop accused of murder and a community demanding justice. now, a mayor announces changes that could prevent another tragedy. >> miss barry, no. kim. leon: why marion barry's widow is suing her late husband's kidney donor. leon: 30 counts, one verdict. alison: today jurors found dzhokhar tsarnaev guilty on all 30 counts that he faceed in the boston marathon bombings trial. roz slater in our newsroom with details including what happens next here. roz? roz: after two days of deliberations, the jury found tsarnaev guilty across the board and 17 counts make him eligible for the death penalty. it comes a week before the two-year anniversary of the horrific terror attack. dzhokhar tsarnaev and his older brother tamerlan had been accused of setting off two pressure cooker bombs near the finish line of the 2013 boston marathon. the blast killed three and injured more than 200. then three days later the brothers are accused of gunning down a campus police officer at m.i.t. now, tamerlan died in a shootout with police during this. and during the trial, defense attorneys argued that dzokhar was just a teen at the time and under the control of his older brother who planned the attack. outside the courtroom, the victims' victims said they were happy the jury didn't buy that attack. >> he's all in. he's a grown man and made choices knowing what the outcome could be and knowing what the consequence would be and he made the choice to go ahead. roz: another survivor who lost both of his legs in that bombing tweeted this today. he said today's verdict will never replace the lives that were lost and so dramatically changed. but it is a relief and it is one step closer to closure. next, of course, comes a sentencing phase where jurors have to decide if the 21-year-old gets the death penalty or life in prison. roz slater, abc 7 news. alison: thank you very much. well, strong storms swept across part of the midwest today and that same system is headed our way. doug hill in the storm watch weather 7 center with a check of what we can expect next around here. hi, doug. doug: at the moment still cloudy and damp outside of the belfort furniture weather center. we're watching this large


Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20150408

west. because it's moving into this marine layer, this colder more stable atmosphere. it's going to move eastward and move into the 40s and 50s. we won't see anything too terribly heavy. bad news we've got a nats game tonight. this will move due east and head into leesburg about 6:47 and chantilly 6:58 and into downtown d.c. between 7:30 and 7:41. so pretty much during the start of the game. wear something warm and that will repel water. temperatures now by 8:00 will be in the upper 40s and low 50s. you can see the rain, heavy activity just to the north, leesburg in yellow up toward frederick with temps of 50 or 51. by 10:00 most of the activity pushes across i-95 and across the bay, but we aren't done. we'll come back, talk about a yellow alert for friday. this time it's not for showers or drizzle. we pop back in the warm sector, some big storms possible on friday. we'll explain. a mysterious death of a loudoun county high school student has a community saddened and confused. 18-year-old madison small got sick suddenly and died tuesday. students returned to broad run high school today without their beloved friend and classmate. surae chinn joins us outside of the ashburn school. >> reporter: it's been a somber couple of days at broad run high school. friends are using the #weplayfor24. that is madison's softball jersey. her teammates couldn't bear to come to school today, but they couldn't be alone either. >> we still think she's going to be on the field tomorrow playing with us. >> reporter: madison's softball team spent the last 24 hours together laughing, crying and sharing memories. >> never failed to brighten your day and i think all of ashburn would agree with that. >> reporter: suzanne gobsteen texted madison monday and all seemed fine. that night her friend didn't feel well, went to the hospital and by tuesday morning she had passed away. principal david spade had to tell his school madison became fatally ill. >> one of the things i'll remember about her is i would stand in the hallway every morning before school. she was willing to stop and kind of make contact and sort of say i appreciate you. >> she was the best leader you could ask for and she helped us on and off the field, every single one of us, and she touched every single one of our hearts. >> reporter: her teammates remember her fierce competitive spirit and that distinguishable pink bow she'd wear at softball games. she's are the girls who know her well. even though who didn't wrote heartfelt messages on a school banner. flowers were left at her desk in 1st period. in place of the game last night hundreds came to pay tribute at the softball field and even dad had a message to her daughter's community. >> life could be short. we found that out today. make the most of it. love each other. >> i know we all know that she's going to be on the field with us looking over us, laughing at us when we mess up and making a point of knowing that she'll be there and she loves us and we love her. >> reporter: madison's death remains a mystery. her dad said all of her organs shut down. grief counselors will be here the rest of the week. the principal wants madison's friends back on the field as soon as possible. the team said they'll play their home game monday wearing no. 24 on their jerseys. back to you, jan. >> the northern virginia district of the chief medical examiner's office is now conducting an occupancy, but public health and the loudoun county school district said small's illness poses no risk to other students or the community. if you left the nats game monday to find your vehicle missing, that is because ddot is cracking down on parking around the stadium. a new measure is catching people by surprise and not in a good way. stephanie ramirez was down around the ballpark today. >> reporter: if you're headed to a game, forget these. it's the white temporary parking signs you'll want to look out for, ddot announcing online this season meter parking around the stadium will be enforced during nationals game days on sundays and holidays, both previously free days to park at the meters for those traveling to d.c. and those who live in the area. >> it's really not cool. it's going to be really frustrating. it's hard enough to find parking already. >> i know a lot of people who drive to the games. it's not fair. >> reporter: a ddot spokesperson said they started enforcing these changes last year but stopped for some reason. it's back again. if you think parking in the residential zone 6 is a way to avoid meter trouble, ddot is cracking down there, too. >> it's terrible. on game day i cannot leave this property, go to the hardware store because if i leave, when i come back, no place to park. >> reporter: these two in zone 6 welcome the crackdown one describing opening day. >> it was chaos. there was one tow truck would pull off and another one come around the corner. >> as a long time d.c. resident with two children in the public school system i really do appreciate the revenue generation that will come along with it. >> frustrating. >> reporter: on the other side of the stadium? >> park somewhere else or catch metro. enjoy the game. >> reporter: of course, ddot wants you to take metro or another form of public transportation. the first home game on a holiday is set for thursday, april 16th. expect parking enforcement to be in full force then. at nats stadium stephanie ramirez, wusa9 news. >> ddot says at least 16 nats games will fall on sundays and holidays at nats park. there are several new developments in the case of a police officer charged with murder in the shooting death of a black man in north sheryl ton, south carolina. that officer -- charleston, south carolina. that officer michael slager has been fired from the force. walter scott's family has been promised a police escort for the funeral. >> the mother and father were wonderful people and the other family was there. they're suffering. >> mayor summey says all the patrol officers will now be outfitted with body cameras. officer slager pulled scott over saturday for a broken taillight. slager claimed he feared for his life as the two men struggled over the officer's taser. video recorded by a bystander shows scott shot eight times as he ran away. people accused of traveling to spotsylvania to meet up with the girl and she was an undercover cop. tyler martin, john howell, toby parker and robert chata'an a catanzaro -- catanzaro. congressman chris van hollen is going to be the running ton the next senator even though -- to be the next senator even though donna edwards is running, too. >> reporter: the county executive not only crossed political boundaries, he crossed racial and gender lines in this endorsement today which surprised a lot of people here. >> i'm very surprised. >> reporter: constituents at prince george's county surprised by what their county executive rushern baker did today. >> my good friend chris van hollen. >> reporter: baker foreswearing the politics of race, region and gender by choosing congressman chris van hollen of montgomery over prince george's county congresswoman donna edwards to fill the u.s. senate seat vacated by the retiring barbara mikulski. >> or do i spend my time raising hell? >> reporter: the longest serving woman in u.s. congress history. lots of women here would like to see the arc of history continue with another woman in the senate. >> because females rule. >> i thought definitely he would go with edwards. >> reporter: many others would like to see more history with the first african american to be an american senator. that would make donna edwards the easy doris. for baker to make, but the county -- endorsement for baker to make, but the county executive specially close to van hollen. >> the ranking member on the budget committee is a very important thing for us in the state and county. i know he'll do the same thing on the senate side. it was an easy decision in this respect that i don't know him as a name, a congressman. i know him personally and i know the working relationship. >> reporter: montgomery county executive ike leggett backed baker up today saying van hollen's record on diversity is beyond question. the edwards campaign released a statement today saying, "she has the backs of prince george's county voters on issues." scott broom, wusa9. >> donna edwards has been endorsed by other key players in prince george's county politics like the council chair mel franklin. new information on the officer who shot a man inside a home in crofton, maryland, over the weekend. the officer is lieutenant harry peterson. two officers responded to the home saturday after receiving a call the suspect planned to hurt himself or family members. once inside the home cops say the suspect dallas michael ruff pointed a weapon at them that was a realistic looking air rifle. lieutenant peterson shot ruff who is in stable condition. he's charged with first and second degree assault and reckless endangerment. one u.s. serviceman is dead, two others injured after an afghan soldier opened fire on them in jalalabad after a meeting between afghan provincial leaders and a u.s. embassy official. american troops immediately killed that afghan fire. we are just getting started on wusa9 news at 5:00. there's a new metro station getting closer to reality. bruce leshan tries to find out if the proposed potomac yard station would really be worth the coast. >> plus why marion barry's widow is suing the woman who donated a kidney to the late mayor for life. >> plus topper is back with more on tonight's yellow alert and when we could finally see a day of sunshine. >> even though this surveillance camera captured video of two vandals defacing this synagogue, i'll which car company is the first and only to offer built-in 4g lte wi-fi in cars, trucks and crossovers? ranking from top to bottom. i'm gonna say mercedes is the innovator. bmw just because they're pricey. the final answer... wow...(cheers) chevy. this model has the wi-fi in it? -yep that's the dream to have wi-fi in the car. get cash back for 15% of the msrp on select 2015 models. that's almost thirty-seven hundred dollars on this chevy malibu. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. gaithersburg police are asking for your help in solving what they're calling a hate crime. debra alfarone is live by the synagogue on main street. >> reporter: they're looking for the two people that the surveillance camera caught right here on video, but two things are standing in the way. >> one of the individuals had a skull looking kind of design. the other had one of that scream movie that came out in the '90s on their face. >> reporter: these two made sure to wear facemasks. still police say that don't deter them. >> we're looking at video footages from other businesses, residences that may have cameras. >> reporter: the vandals left the temple covered in 11 swastikas painted in white just hours after it was announced that next week is holocaust remembrance week here. it's something police are looking into. >> i think it's just mischievous kids that wants to play and make some bad jokes for the neighborhood. >> reporter: a day later members of this community repainted and offered signs of support. to some it's still amazing this kind of hate happens here in 2015. >> obviously it's pretty sad that something like this is lapping in our neighborhood, actually in our area. i think unfortunately any type of racism, especially antisemitism or what not, it's hard to hear growing up here in america. >> reporter: if you know anything at all this could help gaithersburg police find these two vandals, maybe you know someone with those types of masks, someone that bought some type of spray paint or you saw anything going on in this area around this time early tuesday morning, give them a call. live from gaithersburg, debra alfarone, wusa9. >> police are looking to see if they stopped anyone at the time the vandalism happened. marion barry's widow is suing the woman who donated a kidney to the late mayor for life. cora masters barry filed a lawsuit against kim dickens. dickens is accused of using marion barry's image to help raise money for the barry dickens kidney foundation, a charity unded. marion barry's estate will not let dickens use his name. the washington city paper reports the lawsuit demands that any pro potional materials with -- promotional materials with barry on them be turned over and destroyed. always watching always tracking, wusa9's first alert weather. , d.c.'s most accurate. >> a little brisk today. >> we lost almost 30 degrees essentially from the 70s to the 40s. >> we knew it was coming. >> april can be cruel, not as cruel as march. we're looking at one more day with that marine layer. then we'll bust into the warm sector on friday. let's start with a live look outside, our live michael and son weather cam, a little dreary. you're looking north toward the cathedral. it's 50 downtown, relative humidity pretty high, 80%, and winds still east, northeasterly at 9. until the winds turn southwesterly we'll have low clouds, shower, drizzle and cool air. here's the radar over the past hour. we're looking at the activity back to the west and it looks impressive because it's warm out west of us. it's in the 70s in west virginia. these are thunderstorms from cumberland down to romney, but they'll weaken as they move into this 40-degree air. right now pretty good rain from cumberland to romney and on the doorstep of woodstock. they are moving eastward essentially. you see the yellows and orange, pretty heavy rain from ft. ashby back toward romney, but they'll weaken going back to the east. the bad news is they'll move into the nats game early on. i don't think they'll wash the game out. here's the storm tracker. we're looking at strasburg about 5:22, olney about 6:38 and fairfax at 7:14. by then it will be very close to the nats park. game time is 7:05. headlines, yellow alert tomorrow once again for showers and drizzle. bus stop temperatures in the 40s. take an umbrella and hopefully the kids wear a jacket. morning and evening commutes are wet for most and big thunderstorms are possible on friday as we go back into the warm sector of air. the warm front will push through late tomorrow night and early friday morning. a little yellow showing up in leesburg and frederick, showers, light rain and some drizzle as we go through the 8:00 hour. then by 10:00 most of the activity in baltimore, d.c., east into prince george's county around bowie and mitchellville, maybe a couple leftover showers in silver spring, temperatures in the 40s by 10:00. probably leaving the caps game about 11:00, so drizzle, showers, maybe 40s, too. by 6 a.m. we kind of do it all over again, light activity with temperatures mid- to upper 40s to start. by 9:00 it's still light, leesburg, d.c. back to la plata, upper 40s with light rain or showers. by 1:00 a lot of clouds. we should crawl into the mid- 50s at least tomorrow as a warm front pushes in from the southwest. by 5:00 tomorrow night we're 57, petersburg 72 and oakland 71. that air flow keeps us cool and unsettled until we get the warm front. tonight cloudy, chilly, showers, drizzle, low temps in the 40s. by morning yellow alert, cloudy and chilly, showers and drizzle again, 40s and 50s. by afternoon showers and drizzle. grab the umbrella and maybe a coat for the kids, 55 to 60. that's it. we'll be struggling to get to 60 tomorrow. here's a look at the day planner, upper 40s at 7:00, low 50s by 11:00, mid-50s by 1:00. you need the umbrella on and off all day. thunderstorms could be heavy friday, another yellow alert, 78, still nice on saturday, 66. hope to see you early morning on saturday at ayed. sunday upper 60s with sunshine, mid--- at the parade. sunday upper 60s with sunshine, mid-60s and by tuesday temps in the lower 80s. still ahead why a woman fighting bone cancer was thrown off a plane while trying to return home from vacation. >> some relief could be on the way if you've had enough of those annoying robocalls. >> plus uber takes a bigger bite out of cabbies' profits, all of those stories and more in tonight's consumer alert. in tonight's consumer alert there is good news as the markets made gains on wall street by the closing bell. the dow rose 27 points. the nasdaq was up by 40. so you're on the do not call list, but you're still getting those annoying robocalls. consumer advocates want the fcc to look into blocking those automated messages altogether. phone companies are questioning whether that could be against the law, but consumer groups say it's not true and it accuses them of moving too slow on the issue. a new report finds more business travelers are choosing ride hailing apps over traditional taxis. data shows 47% of travelers use uber and lyft instead of waiting for taxi service. that is triple the number of users from one year ago. calling all slurpee lovers, 7-eleven will sponsor its first ever bring your own cup day today. you can bring in a container no larger than 10 inches and fill it with your favorite frozen drink of choice. you'll only pay the medium prize which is $1.49, but this is not byob. so leave your buckets at home. some people bring buckets. our pothole patrol is on eighth street. you'll find one huge crater in the middle of the intersection between butternut and aspen streets. the asphalt is almost gone down to the cement. we alerted ddot. hopefully they'll patch it within the next two days since the district is on an accelerated repair schedule due to potholepalooza. if you need a pothole fixed, go to or tweet us at wusa9 using the #potholepatrol9. please include the city or cross street or block number for the pothole location. plenty more still to come on wusa9 news at 5:00. >> reporter: montgomery county police are still investigating a hit and run that injured one of their officers. i'm ellison barber and i'll have more on what they know today in a minute. >> reporter: it has been on the books for four decades. is it possible that the potomac yard metro stop could be just three years away from opening? police in montgomery county found the car involved in a hit and run last night that sent one of their officers to the hospital. ellison barber is life in chevy chase with the latest. >> reporter: this is the spot where police say an off-duty officer tried to stop a suspicious looking vehicle. they say everything seemed to be a routine traffic stop, but it quickly turned dangerous. around 5:00 yesterday evening montgomery police say one of their officers was working a second job as security for this high end shopping center when someone came up to him and said there was a suspicious car parked just around the corner on south park avenue. he noticed a sedan parked illegally and a tag he thought was improperly displayed. >> at that time the vehicle had left the side of the road and was stopped at the red light. >> reporter: the officer walked up to the driver's window. police say it was a normal traffic stop until the driver looked at the officer, turned the wheel towards him and hit the gas. >> the officer's hand got caught on the car. he tried to get away, but he was thrown to the ground and struck. >> reporter: the suspect got away and the officer went to a concussion and cuts on his arms and legs. police are still looking for the suspects but have the car. d.c. police found this silver two door acura earlier this morning in northeast d.c. it's the car montgomery police say the suspect was in, but they still don't know who was driving. police aren't sure whether it was one or two people in the car. they don't know if the car owner had anything to do with this. at this point the investigation is very much still ongoing. i'm ellison barber, wusa9. >> the officer injured in this was released from the hospital yesterday. he's 30 years old and has worked with the montgomery county police force eight years. aging anyone with any information to give them a call. people have been dreaming of a metro station at potomac yard in alexandria almost since metro opened nearly 40 years ago. could the multi-million dollar station finally open in 2018 and is it worth the huge price? bruce leshan looks at what would be only the second station added on rededicated land since they built metro. >> reporter: alexandria predicts 26,000 new jobs will pour into potomac yard over the next three decades. to move those workers it wants a new metro stop here along the tracks between the gw and route 1. >> we know once we add a critical piece of infrastructure like a rail station the jobs will follow. >> reporter: the city is looking at four different options, building the station right here and closer to potomac yard which would cost around $200 million. pushing it down this way closer to the airport as much as $500 million, but it might encourage more commercial and retail development in here. still the city thinks this option may be just too darn expensive. the state just kicked in a $50 million low interest loan and much of the rest of the money should come from special taxing districts and new revenue from all that development. this woman would love hopping on the metro here to take her kids downtown. >> i think i would like that idea, yes. >> reporter: critics say there is a fifth option, skip the station and let commuters depend on bus rapid transit from reagan national or braddock road. >> it's a tremendous amount of money. this will be more than double the largest expense the city has ever paid for anything. >> reporter: but the new station is a top priority for city leaders and alexandria predicts it will bring in $2 billion in new revenue, far more than it will cost. at potomac yard bruce leshan, wusa9. >> alexandria is holding an open house on the project tonight at the charles houston rec center. the plan is to open that new station in about 3 1/2 years. the family of a man found hanging from a tree in mississippi says they do not believe he killed himself and they are hiring independent experts to conduct an investigation separate from one pursued by state and federal authorities. 54-year-old otis bird was found hanging they're his home last month. authorities are -- near his home last month. authorities are trying to determine if he was killed or took his own life. alaska airlines apologizes tonight after kicking a woman with cancer off the plane. >> elizabeth sedway suffers from blood cancer. she and her family were heading back to san jose after their hawaiian vacation. since she gets sick easily, elizabeth puts on a surgical mask and that evidently got the crew's attention. >> she had asked me a bunch of times how are you? can i get you anything? if you look at me, you wouldn't know i was ill. >> elizabeth was then told that she could not fly without a doctor's note. the crew suggested elizabeth spend the night at the hotel which the airline eventually paid for. a grand jury in new orleans has indicted robert durst on weapons charges. the millionaire real estate heir is charged with possession of a firearm and possession of 5 ounces of marijuana. his attorney claim the weapons arrest was illegal because the hotel room search was done without a warrant. durst is also charged with the death of his long time friend susan berman in los angeles. deputies arrested a man accused of killing more than 300,000 chickens. investigators in bishopsville, south carolina, believe james lawrie killed those chickens as payback against his employer when he was terminated. he tampered with the climate controls and some of those birds froze to death. others died from overheating. right now a federal judge is refusing to lift a temporary injunction on president obama's executive order to shield millions of illegal immigrants from deportation. that means the president is barred from implementing policies allowing as many as 5 million illegal immigrants to stay in the u.s. the judge said the president has not given any reasons why the order needs to take effect right away. there are more than a dozen candidates running for the seat vacated with the passing of ward 8 council member marion barry. at 6:00 you can hear their vision for d.c.'s future during a forum held today. >> trending now why directv is pulling the plug on those popular rob lowe commercials. >> if you're going to the nats game, a heavy jacket, even a cap is not out of the question. here's the radar. i've got showers off to the west. we'll come back and track those and explain why we issued a yellow alert for friday, a little different story betw directv is pulling those popular rob lowe ads featuring a number of his alter egos. >> i'm rob lowe and i have directv. >> and i'm super creepy rob lowe and i have cable. >> was it super creepy rob lowe that did it? >> no. the commercials declare that directv have better signal reliability than cable and shorter customer service wait times, but the national advertising division of the better business bureau said those statements are unsupported and directv should discontinue those claims. it is pretty disappointing news for directv because they've been losing subscribers and during the ad they've added them. a street artist in los angeles apparently had enough of the kardashians. >> a guy who goes by the name of street jesus has posted no parking any time signs. one of the signs is near dash, a store owned by kim kardashian. the man tells a reporter we've allowed mainstream media to be so profit driven we are sacrificing genuine news stories to serve our obsessions. no kardashian parking. the golden girls may soon be a children's toy. >> lego apparently has accepted a detailed golden girl play set into its ideas program. if 10,000 people vote in favor of it, lego versions of rose and blanch and dorothy and sophia will be sent into production. the classic kitchen and all the food stuff will be in it, too. so are the kids supposed to vote on that? >> i don't think they would understand because this was kind of my generation. i watched this with my grandma. >> they don't know anything about the golden girls. this picture has been trending hard on facebook today. someone snapped a picture of a bobcat attacking a shark at a florida beach. john bailey is the man behind the lens. he said the bobcat leapt into the water, snacked the shark and ran off with it into the woods. after taking a picture florida fish and wildlife say there's no reason to believe the photo is not real. >> if you wash up onshore and a bobcat is nearby, it may not end well for you. the caps and wizards are playoff bound this season. coming up we'll hear from both teams as they make that final push to the postseason. >> some trouble tonight for a couple of drugs that could have been cheaper alternatives for treating kids with adhd, details after the break. >> starting this saturday there will be more news, weather and sports in the mornings on wusa9. join mike hydek and meteorologist erica grow this weekend. they'll be on saturdays from 7 to 8 a.m. and sundays from 7 to 8:30 followed by capital download and cbs sunday morning. so i'm working from home. i get on a video conference. with my boss, and my boss's boss. but i forgot to attach the presentation it sends in a flash, good thing i have fios. i don't and it was taking forever. we don't miss a beat. i'm yelling at the kids to get off wi-fi. get off the movies! get off the video games! i think i got a promotion. i think i need a new job. are you guys hiring. why settle when you can have you have fiber optics with a two year price guaranteed. fios. the fastest, most reliable internet. a woman convicted of poisoning her son with salt has been sentenced to 20 years in prison. lacey spears lives in the new york city area. investigators say spears put salt in her son's breathing tube while he laid sick in the hospital. the district attorney called spears' acts evil, inhuman and despicable. chicago mayor rahm emanuel survived the city's first ever runoff election baiting jesus garcia who had the support of the chicago teachers union and that is because emanuel shut down 50 city schools giving some in the community he was out of touch with voters. baltimore county police arrested a shoplifting suspect hiding in the ceiling of a giant supermarket for seven hours. the woman got away from a loss prevention officer and made her way into the ceiling yesterday. the store was closed while police searched for her. for some kids with attention deficient hyperactivity disorder medication can be essential to functioning in school, but last december two generics released to treat the drug may not be as effective and that's why one teen and her family decided it was time for a new prescription. >> reporter: the start of senior year was frustrating for emily hingel. >> one teacher told me i was slacking. i knew i was not doing this on purpose. >> reporter: the 17-year-old was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder and had been taking a generic form of the drug concerta, the long acting form of ritalin. then something changed. >> emily's grades dropped significantly. >> reporter: the fda announced in november it has concerns about whether or not two approved generic versions of concerta or therapeutically equivalent to the brand name drug and may not have the same benefits. the fda has taken a good first step some doctors say. >> two of the generics were not exactly providing the same rate and extent of absorption of medicine that concerta has. >> reporter: the fda says the two generics in question have no serious safety issues and can still be prescribe but are no longer recommended as an -- prescribed but are no longer recommended as an automatic substitute for concerta. emilyous a new medication that she says works for her. her grades are up, too. >> it's like a weight has been taken off my shoulders. >> reporter: she'll be off to college in the fall to study anthropology. >> the food and drug administration has given the manufacturers of the two downgraded generics six months to prove their products' worth or take them off the market voluntarily. the fda says patients with questions about who manufacturers their medication should contact the pharmacy where that prescription was filled. always watching always tracking, wusa9's first alert weather. >> your 3-degree guarantee had 2 degrees of separation. >> last night. that's good. we don't want 4 degrees of separation. >> no. >> here's the deal for tonight. i predicted a high today of 62. will it be that warm? we'll let you know at 11:00 tonight. we'll have to see if i'm within 3 degrees of separation, i kind of like that. we went 62 today, 75 yesterday and it was 73. see if i can keep my streak going at 2. let's start with a live look outside, our live michael and son weather cam looking north toward the cathedral, a drizzly day. temperature up to 50, winds east, northeasterly at 9. we get these winds much like wintertime, that locks in the cold air. jump the divide on the other side of the mountains 70s in west virginia. here is the radar over the past hour. we're tracking these showers and thunderstorms, but they are losing intensity very quickly because they're moving into much more stable and colder air. that said they'll still produce rain through the metro area. winchester, a little heavy downpour, cross junction, heavy downpour, woodstock on the east side of i-81, still some yellow. further south we see red. this had lightning in it a minute ago, lightning strike around shenandoah. they'll lose their lightning going into this more stable air mass. this is moving due east, head toward culpeper at 5:44 on our storm tracker and warrenton 5:58 and leesburg 6:27. it's kind of a solid area of showers and light rain rolling through. what does that mean? yellow alert again tomorrow, showers and drizzle kind of like today, maybe not as chilly. bus stop temperatures in the 40s. the kids need a jacket and umbrella. morning commute, evening commute will be wet for most again, not necessarily heavy but just enough to wet the roads. then we go in the warm sector friday, big thunderstorms possible, some could be heavy, a few even severe. 8:00 tonight on our futurecast still have some showers and light rain across the metro area, temperatures upper 40s to around 50, heavier rain up toward gaithersburg and leesburg denoted in yellow, not quite sold on that. by 10:00 most of the activity on the east side of 95 and also in prince george's county, out to the west you can walk the dog in leesburg and gaithersburg, still in the 40s and some drizzle. by 6:00 in the morning scattered showers reappear, everyone in the 40s and by 9:00 scattered showers again, drizzle, temperatures still in the 40s. so again nothing crazy heavy but just a nuisance-type pattern tomorrow as well with temperatures in the upper 40s and low 50s. by 5:00 tomorrow we should go back in the upper mid-50s. in fact, the high temperature tomorrow will probably be just before midnight on friday as this warm front tries to work its way northward. by 5:00 tomorrow it will be 70 in luray, 64 in culpeper, only 57 downtown d.c. then by 8:30 tomorrow night we're still in the 50s with a couple showers toward frederick. tonight cloudy and chilly. what you see what is you get really, showers and drizzle, 40s, winds easterly at 10. by morning more showers and drizzle, enough to slow you down for the morning commute, 40s and 50s by afternoon. more showers and drizzle, 55 to 60. on the day planner we've got 40s to start, 49 by 9:00, 51 by 11:00 and 53 by 1:00. ignore the sunshine at 7:00. thunderstorms heavy, could be severe on friday, yellow alert friday, upper 70s. nice on saturday, breezy and cooler, mid-60s. hope to see you at the parade saturday morning. upper 60s sunday and mid-70s on monday and tuesday and we're looking at warmer air wednesday, low 80s but with showers and storms. now wusa9 game on sports brought to you by xfinity. >> when the caps missed the playoffs last season, the coach and gm shown the door. this year the team is opening up the door back to the postseason. the caps have a chance to get home ice the 1st round and have three games left including e bruins at verizon center. the caps are dualing it out with the islanders and penguins for the second spot in the metropolitan. now the caps hold a one-point lead over new york and a three- point cushion on the penguins. tonight's game is a late start at 8:00 at verizon center. >> we just got to make sure we have some urgency in our game so that we finish where we want and that's as high as possible, second in our division. >> you just never know how playoffs go, what can happen. so you want to get as high as you can. i think we're a good home ice team. it's to our advantage if we can snatch that up. playoff ticket are available for the wizards on friday, five games left in the regular season. now wizards are in the fifth spot in the east and would likely face toronto or chicago in the 1st round. tonight visitors visiting the blowly philadelphia 76ers. >> just to help do whatever it takes to stay healthy is the most important thing, try to save your energy and get yourself ready for the main battle. >> it's great to see both the caps and wizards in the playoffs. at 6:00 you'll want to see this, a golden moment. the masters starts tomorrow. somebody hit one heck of a shot and he's in his mid-70s. we'll tell you who. >> i think i know who. we'll save it. coming up at 6:00 candidates to replace the late marion barry's council seat lay out their vision for the future of d.c.'s ward 8. >> tonight investigators are on the hunt for a band of thieves who made off with nearly $300 million in jewelry. next how they manage detectives in britain are trying to track down jewelry thieves who pulled off a heist in london's most exclusive jewelry district over easter weekend. >> the crooks took off with nearly $300 million worth of valuables. >> reporter: hat and garden is the heart of london's diamond district and a gang of thieves drilled right through it. while forensic teams collect up clues jewelers are counting up the costs, though some of the contents weren't the kind declared on any legal document. michael miller is a local jeweler. >> private and they don't want to disclose all their wealth. >> reporter: when big heists go down in london, they call in the flying squad and its former commander john o connor said the first place they'll be looking is close to home. >> somebody who gives the information about the alarm system, somebody who gives the layout of the building. >> reporter: somebody on the inside. someone with intimate knowledge of the vault installed in 1949. >> now has its own giant strong room. a 2-foot wide bomb and burglar- proof door. >> reporter: burglar-proof until last weekend anyway. detectives have begun the slow and painstaking process of forensic examination photographing the scene and collecting evidence. they believe that will take two days. they further believe it's between 60 and 70 boxes that were broken into during the burglary. estimate -- a rare neurologic virus has put a high school student in a coma for months, how and where he got it is still a mystery. >> reporter: more than a dozen candidates vying to replace the legendary marion barry on the d.c. council. this could be one of the elections with a surprising outcome. >> yellow alert tomorrow for showers and drizzle, plus by friday tracking some showers and thunderstorms. some of those could be severe. a mysterious virus that attacks children has put a healthy marshall high school athlete in a coma. his prognosis is uncertain. thank you for joining us. i'm lesli foster. >> i'm derek mcginty. this virus is call ad cute flaccid -- called acute flaccid myelitis and it can damage the spinal cord and brain. >> reporter: in january this student was suddenly stricken by this rare known virus with no known cause or treatment, but today his friends saw a sign of hope they say. >> we're all kind of shocked and can't really wrap our minds around it as to why it's happening to him. >> reporter: it's been a rough five weeks at marshall high school for friends of 10th grader justin lee. he's been in a coma since the end of february. >> i was with him the day he went homesick at first. it just seem like he had normal flu symptoms. >> reporter: justin, a 16-year- old from vienna was on the marshall football team and played basketball since grade school, a picture of health. >> here's a grade school of him cheering at one of the marshall games. >> he's one of those people who makes everybody laugh. >> reporter: his long time basketball coach was saving a spot on the team for him. >> we was just blown away how has this happened so fast. he went from going to the hospital to have sort of a virus checked out to suddenly he's in the hospital and in a coma. >> reporter: justin's mom says her young son has been diagnosed with acute flaccid myelitis, a rare neurological virus affecting his brain stem and spinal cord. >> one day he's totally fine and the next day he's in icu and nobody knows why or how he got it or how to treat it. >> reporter:


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