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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20200718

economic recovery package. the indian film star, aishwarya rai bachchan, and her daughter havejoined other family members in a mumbai hospital, where they are all being treated for covid—19. the uk government guarantees financial support for holiday makers seeking refunds for trips that that were cancelled because of coronavirus. hello and welcome if you're watching in the uk or around the world — and stay with us for the latest news and analysis from here and across the globe. one of the last surviving leaders of the civil rights movement of 19605 america, john lewis, has died following a battle with pancreatic cancer. he was 80 years old and had been a congressman for 17 terms. stephenjackson has been looking back atjohn lewis‘ extraordinary life. john lewis was a giant of the civil rights movement and was present for many of its key moments. he helped organise the march on washington in 1963 at which martin luther king made his "i have a dream" speech. and he was there for the selma to montgomery protest marches that were instrumental in securing laws against racial discrimination in voting. i was beaten, knocked to the ground. his skull was fractured when alabama police attacked the marchers. we were beaten, we were tear gassed, i thought i was going to die on this bridge. elected to congress in 1987, john lewis continued to fight racial injustice and poverty and he was there for an event he said he had never even dreamt of seeing — the inauguration of barack obama, an african—american president. stephenjackson reporting there. politicians have been paying tributes to mr lewis. among them — senator kamala harris — who described john lewis as "an icon who fought with every ounce of his being to advance the cause of civil rights for all americans." and senator eliza bath warren tweeted. .. seven years agojohn lewis delivered an address to mark the 50th anniversary of martin luther king's landmark ‘i have a dream speech' in washington. mr lewis told the bbc about that experience, and how he was inspired by dr king. when i was growing up, we would go downtown and we would see those signs that said "white men, coloured men, white women, coloured women." we would go to the theatre and all of us like children had to go upstairs to the balcony and i would go home and ask my mother and my father, my grandparents, "why? " and they would say, "that's the way it is. don't get in the way, don't get in trouble." when i first heard martin luther king junior it inspired me. it moved me. this man spoke to my soul. i think in some strange way he was saying to me, "you can do something, you can make a contribution." i wanted to go and attend troy state college. it was a school that had never admitted black students. so, i wrote a letter to martin luther king junior and told him i needed his help. he wrote me back and sent me a round—trip bus ticket and invited me to come to montgomery to meet with him. so, in march of 1958, by this time i am 18 years old, and i saw martin luther king junior standing behind a desk. i was so scared. and doctor king spoke up and said, "are you john lewis? are you the boy from troy?" and from that day on he started calling me the boy from troy. we became friends. john lewis there, speaking to the bbc seven years ago. london's metropolitan police deputy commissioner says images posted on social media, of an officer appearing to kneel on a man's neck, are "extremely disturbing". the suspect, who was black, was arrested in islington, north london on thursday. the officer has been suspended, and another officer has been placed on restricted duties. a man has been charged with possession of a knife in a public place. danny shaw reports. get off me! get off my neck! an officer appears to kneel on the neck of a man police are trying to detain. i haven't done anything. they were called after reports of a fight. the footage, shot by someone at the scene, shows the struggle with police. we have blurred the faces of those involved for legal reasons. at this point, the officer's knee seems to be on the ground but his hand remains on the man's head. when i went to see what happened there was a crowd and his knee was stood on his neck, like i told you, and i got down there and his knee was on his neck still. the crowd has told him, screaming, "take your knee off his neck," so he listened to the crowd and removed his knee. scotland yard believes in recent weeks officers have been unfairly targeted for using force after footage of incidents has appeared on social media. police say clips tell only part of the story but on this occasion the met‘s response to the video has been robust. in a statement, sir steve house, the met‘s second highest—ranking officer said... he went on... the incident comes after black lives matter protests sparked by the death of george floyd in america. a police officer knelt on his neck for almost eight minutes. after this arrest the suspect was taken to a police station and examined by a doctor. he has been charged with possession of a knife. danny shaw, bbc news. message from the page - the head of the united nations has called on countries to work together to tackle the coronavirus crisis. secretary general antonio guterres said the relationship between the us, china and russia has never been so dysfunctional. and he said the economic effects of the virus are widening the gap between rich and poor. the pandemic has exposed, exacerbated, vulnerabilities and inequalities within and among countries. it has reconfirmed that the systems on which we depend — food, trade, health climate — are not only increasingly interdependent but increasingly fragile. indeed, the pandemic has underscored the world's fragilities, notjust in the face of a health emergency, but in confronting the climate crisis, lawlessness in cyberspace and the still very real risks of nuclear proliferation. eu leaders are meeting for a second day to try to save a huge post—coronavirus economic rescue plan. so far, little progress on a deal to help rebuild their economies has been reached. paul hawkins reports. birthday elbow bumps for germany's leader on the day one and a present from the bulgarian pm. but angela merkel‘s best birthday gift would be eu approval for a 750 billion euro rescue package. along with the french president, emmanuel macron, they want most of the package to be grants. but the so—called ‘frugal four‘ nations led by the netherlands prime minister mark rutte, along with austria, denmark and sweden, disagree. they want most of the package to be loans, not grants, and they want conditions attached such as getting greece and italy to reform their pensions and labour markets. translation: it's crucial to know what this money will be used for. we're fighting that this money will be used for future—orientated investments, for the environment, for digitalisation, for reforms, but not for past—orientated projects. but the southern eu states say attaching conditions will delay getting much needed help, especially with the eurozone economy forecast to slump by 8.7% this year. we should not lose the big picture and the big picture is that we're faced with the biggest economic depression since the second world war. maybe some compromises would be necessary but we need to be certain that we achieve an ambitious solution because our citizens expect nothing less of us. the dutch prime minister said the chances of a deal were 50—50, while poland's leader said failure was highly probable. there's also the eu budget for the next seven years to rubber—stamp, but with little agreements on day one, day two looks like being the same. paul hawkins, bbc news. the president of iran, hassan rouhani, has said that 25 million iranians have now been infected with the coronavirus. the figure is nearly 100 times the official number. in a televised speech, mr rouhani did not explain the discrepancy, but said the figures were based on a new ministry of health report. 111,000 iranians have officially lost their lives to covid —nineteen. iran has been the country worst—hit by the coronavirus in the middle east. president trump has vowed not to order americans to wear masks to contain the spread of coronavirus. his remarks, given in an interview with fox news, appear to contradict the country's top infectious disease specialist, dr anthony fauci, who has urged all americans to wear masks to prevent a further rise in cases. there have been more than 139,000 deaths in the us — the highest death toll in the world. one of bollywood's most famous actresses, aishwarya rai bachchan, has been taken to hospital after testing positive for covid—19 earlier this week. she's being treated at mumbai's nanavati hospital according to reports. her daughter aaradhya has also been admitted. aishwarya's husband abhishek and father—in—law amitabh bachchan — both also considered bollywood royalty — have been in hospital since saturday with the virus. let's get the very latest on this from harron rashid, he's the bbc‘s asian network's entertainment reporter thanks so much forjoining us. obviously huge amounts of interest in the story globally. what is the latest ha rd in the story globally. what is the latest hard facts that we have and what is going on with the family? what we know is that last weekend exactly a week ago, one of bollywood's biggest as was admitted to hospital after suffering mild symptoms after testing positive for covid—19. later that evening his son was also admitted to hospital and the following day we found out that his wife, aishwarya rai bachchan, again, a bollywood megastar and her eight—year—old daughter had tested positive. at the time, all we knew was that they were self self—isolating a home because they we re self—isolating a home because they were asymptomatic which means they won't show any symptoms. we know last week it was kim's firms that aishwarya rai and her eight year daughter had been moved to the same isolation unit in hospital where the other two bachchans were receiving treatment. and obviously, we have been talking about the united states is the worst affected country but india is now not that far behind? more than1 india is now not that far behind? more than 1 million cases of covid—19 tested positive in india right now and essentially this is a huge shop for many, many millions of people in india that worships stars like aishwarya rai bachchan. she is one of the most successful hindi film actresses of all time, also a successful tamil actress, former beauty queen, won miss world in 1997, great international present as well because she is a regular cans film festival so there are millions of people worldwide notjust in india who are concerned about her health and is whole incident and the family being tested for covid is actually broken some stigmas about covid—19 in india too. actually broken some stigmas about covid-19 in india too. well, i was going to ask you about that because we have talked quite a bit in the last few months of that stigma around the disease in india but surely such a high—profile family coming out and publicly saying that they are suffering just like the rest of their country, it might help break things down a bit? absolutely. i think there is also concern and a lot of worry about normal working class folk in indie about what the virus actually is, what the risks of itare, virus actually is, what the risks of it are, how dangerous it can be, and although the bachchan family themselves were involved in a number of government videos warning people to stay at home and follow the guidelines there was still quite a large misunderstanding i would say amongst the majority of the country but the bachchans talking openly about having a bonus has sparked a conversation and more people are likely to test or stay at home and self isolated thinking that if the richest one of the richest families in the country can get covid—19 then so can in the country can get covid—19 then so can the rest of us. thank you so much forjoining us. the latest changes to coronavirus restrictions in england come into effect today — after the prime minister expressed the hope of a return to normality by christmas. councils now have new powers to close shops and cancel events to manage local outbreaks of coronavirus. it's one of a series of measures to help ease lockdown over the coming months. let's take a look at what's planned for england . from july 25th, a week today, indoor gyms, pools and other sports facilities can reopen. august 1st will see the return of live indoor events and wedding receptions with up to 30 people will be allowed to go ahead. the prime minister will also update employers on plans to get more of us back into workplaces. from september, schools, nurseries and colleges will reopen. from october, the government intends to allow audiences to return to stadiums, while conferences and other business events can also resume. the changes come at the same time as warnings that the winter could bring further outbreaks. our political correspondent, jessica parker is here this is a very difficult tightrope to tread. yes, it is a balance of risk as it has been for some time 110w risk as it has been for some time now and i think borisjohnson laying out this plan yesterday trying to strike this note of optimism dangling rather ta ntalisingly in front of people the idea that potential, rather tangential, idea ofa potential, rather tangential, idea of a return to some kind of normality by christmas. what people have been picking up on as a contrast of what he is silent on issues that is what his scientists are saying on issues that is what his scientists are saying on some issues that is what his scientists are saying on some issues on thursday you had the chief scientific adviser saying he didn't see any need to change the guidance which says work from home if you can, the next day borisjohnson said he was updating that guidance. any nearby minister pointed to easing social distancing at the earliest from november then chris whitty a few hours later the chief medical officer said that he thought social distancing would need to be with us for a long time so i think there will be questions over to what extent ministers and scientists are on the same page, but on this idea of easing social distancing in time for christmas, it was something that was put to the transport secretary, grant shapps earlier today on whether he thinks it will be possible. the prime minister and i and others have spoken about this this week because we want to give people, sort of, some sense of direction because a lot of people are running businesses or rely on, you know, the christmas period, for example and need to know that if everything goes well that this is our intention. but, as i say, you can't get away from the fact that this virus is, in many ways, still a bit of an unknown and of course it depends how millions of people respond and how good and alert we are in terms of all the things we know about now very well, like washing your hands and, for the time being, keeping that social distancing at one metre plus. now, something that grant shapps was alluding to their and the prime minister spoke about yesterday as it is all very conditional. conditional on people's behaviour, how much they observe the rules on how much they observe the rules on how much the virus is kept under control. and of course one of the critics of the government say that it is very conditional and then running an effective testing tracing regime. —— some of the critics of the government. yes, anything ever various mitigation measures that the government is putting in place on the success of those well, you are right, bk and the mantra seems to be hoped that the best prepare for the worst in the preparations are things like a big flu vaccine programme, expanding test and trace, i think scrutiny of how well that programme is working will continue, and having powers for councils and ministers impose these local lockdowns as well and of course, underlying all of this, deep concerns about the economy and that is one of the reasons they really want to try and get things going again. yes, thank you. a majorfire has broken out at a cathedral in the city of nantes in western france. dozens of firemen brought the fire under control after several hours. the fire blew out stained glass windows and destroyed the 15th—century cathedral‘s grand organ. police say they are treating the fire as a criminal act. the blaze comes just over a year after a majorfire at notre dame cathedral in paris, which destroyed its roof and main spire. street protests have continued for a seventh day in russia's far east, in support of the detained local governor, sergei furgal. then of thousands of people have marched in the city of khabarovsk in open defiance of the kremlin, demanding sergei furgal be returned from detention moscow. this was the moment he was arrested. he is now being held on charges of ordering the murder of at least two businessmen, 15 years ago — which he denies. our correspondent, steve rosenberg is with the protestors in khabarovsk. let's find out more about these protests from arkady ostrovsky, russia editor at the economist. thank you very much forjoining us. tell us why has it been 15 years between these alleged crimes and the arrests ? between these alleged crimes and the arrests? well, that is the very question that protesters, really, the citizens of khabarovsk in the russian far east are asking themselves, and that is what actually makes it very hard to believe. in fact, they are not saying if he was not involved in murder, they are saying, you know, he was a governor they have elected and they are the ones who should try him, he should be tried, if he was indeed involved in this, he should be tried in khabarovsk, but what they suspect, rather is that this is a political revenge by the kremlin against survey for gal who won elections in 2019 in 2018 —— against fugal. this is a way of intimidating and not just him fugal. this is a way of intimidating and notjust him but the region as a home and this follows the source of cedar referendum last year which very clearly displays that putin is losing his legitimacy and now has to fa re losing his legitimacy and now has to fare meant by the salsify is farcical means of this pseudo—referendum and he will rely more and more on repression and what is happening in the far east with mac one is that he is sending a very stern message to the elites, sit quiet, don't challenge us, and don't stay. —— in the far east with fugal. did he challenge president putin? no. he was not a rabble—rouser or a leader of the opposition. he was a populace. he challenge the kremlin by the very fact that he has become more popular in the vision and putin is because this is the reality because for much of putin's ruled the setup was, you know, the goods are who is an arbiter and the unpopular local authorities, and he would sort of protect the people against the egregious local elites, this has changed and this is a very significant change. it is now that the angle is directly at vladimir putin and the regional bosses are becoming more popular. —— the anger is directly. what is very significant in this protest, and this is the largest one and this is the largest in the far east of russia in its history i think, is that it russia in its history i think, is thatitis russia in its history i think, is that it is fuelled by this very strong anti—moscow sentiment, the country, you know, has lost its federalism, it has been strayed by the kremlin, and people want... they feel that the moscow attitude, the kremlin attitude towards the region isa kremlin attitude towards the region is a colonial one, they are depriving them of resources, they are depriving it of taxes, and now they are depriving it of the control over their own, elections and the right to elect a governor. and it is this regional identity that is driving this protest and this is very striking that the flags people are waving are the flags of that region, of the far east, which is seven times aims to the east of moscow. it is fascinating to talk to you but we have to move on. thank you but we have to move on. thank you very much forjoining us. -- seven time zones to the east of moscow. thank you. let's get some of the day's other news... dozens of defenders of islamic law have protested in the sudanese capital khartoum against recent government reforms that allow non—muslims to drink alcohol and grant more freedom to women. under the new laws, women no longer need permission from a male relative to travel with their children and anyone convicted of renouncing islam will no longer face the death penalty. the financial crisis in lebanon has contributed to an energy shortage that people are trying to combat on their own. without mains electricity, many residents and institutions, including hospitals are installing diesel generators. the lebanese pound has fallen by nearly 80% since late last year, holidaymakers in the uk who were given refund credit notes, rather than cash, for their cancelled package holiday are being reassured their money is safe. previously customers would have lost their holiday if the company they were travelling with went bust — but credit notes for future holidays will now be covered. katie prescott reports. jennifer and her partner were due to get married in las vegas injune. the coronavirus put that trip on hold. the couple is still waiting for a refund. we need that money to pay for the wedding that we have rearranged, so we're just chasing them, wejust keep rearranged, so we're just chasing them, we just keep asking them, please, please, please will they refu nd please, please, please will they refund us but they are just saying there is a queue. £6,000 is not a small amount of money to anybody for normal people like this, especially when my partner has been furloughed for three months. travelers who see their holidays cancelled should get a refund within three days but given the sheer number of cancellations that the travel industry has seen over the last few months many have struggled to meet there and have been instead issuing credit refund notes for holidays at a later date. the concern has been, though, if those companies go under, that travellers would lose their money and their holiday. the government has stepped in to change this, pledging to underwrite all reef and credit notes issued between these dates. up until the 30th of september 2021. this will cover atol protected booking specifically cancelled due to covid—19. in the body that regulates the airline say this should give travellers peace of mind. it gives consumers that confidence to accept these credit notes. if they don't want to accept the refund they can still take a refund if they want but it also does give companies the opportunity to help to encourage those customers to book with them again in the future and starts to get that pipeline customers for them moving forward. it is hoped the change will help keep people relaxed about taking a break. katie prescott, bbc news. now it's time for a look at the weather with ben rich. various different types of weather on offer today depending on where you're spending a saturday. for some it is very cloudy and we have got some outbreaks of rain but for others there is something brighter to be had. on the satellite picture you can see the stripe of cloud bringing pulses of rain to parts of wales, northern england, the midlands particularly. to the south—east we have had some areas of cloud were also some decent sunny spells with some warmth in that sunshine as well. some showers to be found at the other end of scotland and northern ireland but with some showers and a cool fresh feel it will be quite windy across the far north of scotland as well. this is lunch time and we can see the rain will still be falling on and off across parts of england in the north midlands down into wales and then those sunny spells along the south—west south coast london area and into east anglia. as we go through the afternoon our band of cloud and rain does not make much more progress southwards and eastwards. highest temperatures today will be found across parts of east anglia and the south—east where we hold on to some sunshine. it could be up to his 26 of 27 degrees but further north and west a cooler fresh feel, 17 for example in glasgow, and in belfast. it is not the best of days for cricket at old trafford. i think rain will continue to come and go throughout the day for the test match. chances are, though, it will dry up a little bit through the late afternoon and into the evening as our band of cloud and patchy rain sinks away southwards, but as we go through the night, as our weather front continues to make progress a cross our weather front continues to make progress across wales and england we will see some heavy rain pushing through for a time, 30 mild and muqqy through for a time, 30 mild and muggy in the south—east but further north and west by the sky is clear it is going to be quite a chilly night especially across north—east scotland. tomorrow night chilly still some spots of rain but for most still some spots of rain but for m ost pla ces still some spots of rain but for most places tomorrow we will see some spots of sunshine and quite a few showers i think developing across scotland and a cooler fresher feel for all of us. highs between 17 and 22 degrees. that weather front in the south—east will finally get a move on as we move out of sunday and into monday. high pressure builds its way and so it is a fine start to the new working week for most of us. certain areas stay fine through a week and turn a bit warmer as well. there will be some rain at time through the north and west. hello and welcome to dateline london. i'm carrie gracie. this week, coronavirus questions with multiple choice answers in the, uk and london may have said no thanks to huawei's 5g, but where does that leave chinese tech in the rest of europe and beyond? my guests on socially distanced screens, writer and broadcaster maria margaronis and political commentator steve richards. we are hoping for the writer and broadcaster maria. we are having a slight tech problem with her scream, but we are hoping she will be with us but we are hoping she will be with us in but we are hoping she will be with usina but we are hoping she will be with us in a moment. —— but we are hoping she will be with us in a moment. —— screen.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20191107 06:00:00

at 8:00 p.m., sean hannity takes over. have a great night. >> because you know, the democrats are louses i didn't go politicians. lousy. how do you like ving an open board we are mexico? you like that? >> sean: welcome to "hannity." the president just held up a article. the coup has started.nn whistleblower attorney said in 2017 post calling for impeachment, the president just mentioned it. he is in west monroe, louisiana. by the way, that is where "duck dynasty" is. this is huge. my monologue coming up but we go to the president's "keep america great" rally in monroe, louisiana. >> president trump: i'll tell you what, i have to thank the mexican government in some way. 20,000 soldiers but they have other problems. these cartels are a tremendous problem. and we are building a wall. that wall is going up and it is going up fast. it's going up. [cheering] our military is now building tha wall, and it's going up fast. the army corps of engineers, and it's going up and it's doing great. it's doing great. it should've been built years ago. that wall should have been built many years ago. never did. they never could figure it out but i figured it out. it wasn't easy. i had 100% of the other party fighting me. 100%.ti do you think that's easy? and you know, we had a majority of a few people. very little. very little. we needed democrat votes, but we have 100% of the people -- and i made one mistake. i should have said, i don't want the wall, and the democrats would have absolutely insisted that i build it. i should have said that. you know, five or six years ago they all wanted the wall.ix it was only when i came along and i said, we've got to build the wall now. you know, you wanted it but you never had the vision or the talent to get it built. so we got to build it.i figuredn and understand. they said, no, we don't want the wall anymore. they said, no, no, we can have drone technology. h that's great.people were pourind we've got drones flying all over the place. that's great! that great. we should have said, never build a wall. h and they would have insisted that it get built immediately. i call them now the do-nothing democrats. we have loopholes that they could solve inde 15 minutes.we . loopholes, catch and release, chain migration. you know, that is when you come in and then everybody you ever met in the history of the world comes in with you. your mother, your grandfather, your cousin, your brother, your aunt, your uncle. any person that ever met you! come on into our country. we had a man on the west side highway, i don't even call him a man, i call him an animal. he ran over a lot of people.he , very fast speed where we had a beautiful park in new york city. and he killed, i think, eight people. they never talk about the people that lost their legs, that lost their arms, that are permanently disfigured. they never talk about that. they said, eight people were killed. they don't talk about people. these are people that want to keep themselves in shape. they are running, they are running all over. then, this maniac turns to the right going at an unbelievable speed and he kills people, and he horribly injures people. and we can't let this happen. we can't let it happen. these unhinged extremists, the democrats, have been plotting to illegally overturnbe the electin that we won. i didn't win it, we all won it together. they came from all over the place. [cheers and applause] and they came from all over. i mean, your state isn't thatve republican, and yet we are so far up and i will come to see you anyway. you could say, you know, focus on a couple of the closer ones, but we are going to come here anyway because we do love it. [cheers and applause] but think of this, 19 minutes after i took the oath of office the horrible, disgusting "washington post," which is a terrible paper, it declared the campaign, this is 19 minutes, i had just taken the office, and an article comes out, the campaignth to impeach president trump has begun. that is nice, thank you very much. a reporter over there?re [audience booing] >> president trump: and during the term, sleepy joe biden, who is dumb as a rock, says you fire the guy, you get a billion dollars. you don't fire the guy, you get nothing. it is on tape and the press refuses to print it. you talk quid pro quo. you fire the guy, you get a billion. you don't fire, you get nothing. think of that one, okay? that is called quid pro quo. not here. that was said by joe biden to get rid of the prosecutor in the ukraine who was looking at his son who just got thrown out of the navy, who was paid millions and millions of dollars, even though he had absolutely no energy experience. in louisiana, you wouldn't have hired him in your energy companies. h they would've paid to keep him the hell out. he hads. no experience. right? [cheering and applause] how old is your son? how old is that young man there? howw old are you? how old? eight. let me tell you, he is eight. he knows energy better than joel biden's son. [cheers and applause] then, biden flies to china, he obviously met with different people than i deal with because we are doing welll with china. but, i tell you -- but he flies with his father, who was then vice president, and in 10 minutes, he picks up $1.5 billion for his fund. these are different chinesear people than i've been working with, excuse me. i called up one of the top guys atn wall street. i said, can you do that? nope, i've been trying for years. i can't do that. he is like the smartest guy in the world. now the democrats are coveringg up slow, sleepy joe. and they are trying to steal your vote and to silence your voice, and i can't even know because i'm looking at pocahontas. can you imagine? no, pocahontas is starting to emerge from the ashes. i thought she was gone, we hit her very hard six months ago. i give her credit. she is emerging from the ashes. not a nice person. 1,024th indian blood. i have more than she does and i none. i have none. but i have more than she does. [cheering and applause] i would love to have some, i just happen to have none, but i believe i have more than she does. generations of american patriots sacrificed everything they have to secure this republic and your sacred right to vote. we will not let the democrats take that incredible privilege away. [cheers and applause] the american people are fed up with democrat lies, hoaxes, smears, slanders and scams. the democrats' shameful conduct has created an angry majority and that is what we are. we are a majority and we are angry. that will vote the do-nothing democrats out of office in 2020, especially, we are going to take back the house. and we are going to focus on those 36 democrats and trump areas, areas that i won by a lot. i didn't run in 2018.think keep. i didn't run. they said go out and vote, go out and vote. a lot of people said, i'm not going to vote until trump runs. i love the people! i didn't run in 2018 but people forget. we picked up two seats in the senate, they never want to talk about that. we picked up two seats. they never talk about it. p i try to getou them to talk abot it, and because of that, what we've done with judges and different appointments, but with your help, we are going to drain the swamp, and that is what we are [cheering and applause] right now, louisiana can send the radical left a message that they can never ignore, and don't forget, in 2016, people came from the mountains and the valleys and the rivers and the oceans, they came from all over. thells democrats said, what the hell is happening? where are these people coming from? these were people who were great americans, worked hard, made a lot of money, much smarter. you know, they call them the elite. we're the elite. we're the elite. i know this, i know this, speaking for myself, i went to better schools than they did. i have nicer houses than they do. i have nicer apartments. i have nicer everything. and they are elite. but we are not elite. you people work your asses off. you're making a lot of money. you are smarter than them. you're smarter than they are. antifa, you ever seen antifa? [booing] >> you know what that is? that's the size of their arm. they come in with the black, big tough guys, and they start hitting a single reporter, conservative reporter. they start battering him. but when the tough guys show up, antifa says, think we will take a pass. y y let's get out of here. now you are smarter, you are tougher, you are richer, you have more going, but a lot of people, they came out because they didn't like what they were seeing. they didn't want to vote for the people that were running for president. they didn't want to vote for obama. they didn't want to vote for the people that were running for president. for but, when i ran, something happened that was amazing. the lines were -- i tell you what, in some cases, miles long. and they saw something, they said, what is going on? and you know what was going on? probably the greatest election in the history of our country. k really. [cheering and applause] it's your election. i was your spokesman. i was the person that was able to tell a message but i'm representing you. and now these people illegally through corrupt people like adam schiff, that makes up what i he gets up in front of thei united states congress and the american people and he reads my statement but i didn't say it. he made it up! and then we called him on it because he never thought that i was going to release t the conversation because you just don't do that. but, ukraine was great, we called them up,, do you mind if we release the conversation? no, we don't. why? we said, don't worry about it we're going to release thank you very much.e we released it and we caught them in the middle of a giant lie. their scam. they are scammers. so, you're going to fire your liberal democrat governor. i don't know how the hell he ever got there. how did he ever get there? this is louisiana, right? how did you get a liberal democrat to be your governor? could you explain that,et pleas? no, actually no, it was a convergence of a lot of different things happened and congratulations, and your car insurance is the highest in the world, your taxes are horrible. you are rated number 50 in economic development. can you believe it? with all that we are doing, you are rated 50 out of 50. but we want to send governor, and i know this man for a long time. he is an incredible talent. he is an incredible businessman. he doesn't need the money. m he is a wonderful person. he has the backing of ralph, and i tell you what, ralph is a winner. you know ralph. [cheering and applause] right? ralph abraham. he has the backing of ralph. i just spent a lot of time with ralph abraham. we came in together. ralph wouldn't have missed it and he is an incredible man. he is an incredible man. and he respects eddie and eddie respects him a lot. they had a hard-fought deal, but they respect each other and like each other a lot. and that'sct rare, because i tel you what, if i'm going against somebody, i don't know if i can ever like him. i don't know. but ralph is a better man than me. k he's a better man. [cheers and applause] and they are going to put that all over television tonight! because they are going to say ralph should run for president if that's the case. and that's okay. no, he is, he is a great man. so eddie risponi is not a career politician, he is a business leader. highly, highly respected. a man of faith and a lifelong louisiana patriot. and many of you know it, he is a success. eddie will cut your taxes and regulations. he will cut your car insurance in half. [cheering and applause] you have the highest car insurance in the entire nation by far. some people call it auto insurance. call it whatever the heck you want. you have the highest in the country. he is going to cut it in half or more and turn this state into a giant magnet for great-paying jobs. that is what he wants to do. [cheering and applause] eddie is tough on crime, strong on boarders, and he will work with i.c.e. and border control to get violent criminals off the streets. we will bring them back to their country, ideally, or we will put them in jail where they belong. [cheering and applause]] eddie is pro-energy, pro-family pro-life, and pro-second amendment. totally. [cheering and applause] eddie will defend your values from the all out assault by the extreme left. that is what they are, they are the extreme left. i call them aoc plus three. aoc, that is a real beauty. you only have 11 years to live,an folks, 11 years, because of climate change is just coming up on us so fast. 12 years, but i heard one of these crazies say it's down to 11. and they arrested jane fonda! nothing changes. i remember 30, 40 years ago she always had the handcuffs on. she is waving to everybody with the handcuffs. i can't believe it. remember that? she went to vietnam to find out how nice they were. they weren't too nice to her, by the w way. they arrested her. jane fonda. nothing changes! they arrest, every 25 years they arrest her. eddie's opponent is a radical liberal, and you didn't know that. in fact, he even says goodod things about me, but he will never vote for me. you know why he says good things about me? because he thinks you like me. if you didn't otherwisen' he wod say bad. but he says good things. i said, he must be a republican. he sometimes has better about me then republicans, but here's the problem, he will never vote for us. he will never support our second amendment the way we need the support. he is never going to reduce your car insurance. he is never going to cut your taxes. he's had a long time, he wasn't able to do it. i got you a big tax cut. the biggest ever. [cheering and applause] i mean, the democrats, they have this crazy theory, i don't know how it works. i don't think i could be a successful democrat. you know one of their theories? we are going to raise your taxes. how doest. that work? i'm always saying, we are going to get you a bigger, we are going to cut your taxes more. they are saying, look, what do i know, i've only been doing this for three years. but they say, we are going to raise your taxes! i'm saying, excuse me, does that work?y, that is what they say. i'm going to cut your taxes even further. you see what it's done for our country. [cheering and applause] but you have a radical liberal named john bel edwards. hewards was an ardent supporter of crooked hillary clinton, and she is crooked as hell. john bel edwards broke his dollar promise to the people of louisiana when he rammed, that is the only word i can say, rammed through the largest tax hike in louisiana history. does everybody remember that? [booing] he gave you the largest tax hike, and then he probably says i raised your taxes, vote for me. i'm saying this, i lowered your taxes, i gave you the greatest tax reduction inin the history f our country. greater even than ronald reagan's reduction many years ago. [cheering and applause] now, maybe that doesn't work in modern-day politics, but you know what, i'm going to stick with it. whether it does or not, i'm sticking.n and you see what's happened. billions and billions and trillions of dollars is coming back into the country. we are the hottest economic force anywhere in the world. anywhere in the world. and taking in more with a lower rate, we are taking in much more money than we did with a higher rate. that is saying something. he violated your sacred trust and can never be trusted again. he raised your taxes and has done nothing about your car insurance. one of the big things about here is car insurance, right? i kept saying, what are the things because i wanted to pinpoint it, and i kept saying car insurance. that is very unusual. i never have heard of that with the state, car insurance. but here your car insurance is the highest in the nation and it's out of control. and it's so easy to do. now edwards is trying to demolish your state's economy by shutting down louisiana energy on behalf of the crazy, radical far left.. [booing] edwards is totally owned by the liberal trial lawyers who are causing your state insurance rates and car insurance to skyrocket through the roof. perhaps the most disturbing edwards has allowed illegal aliens to steal millions of dollars in health care from hardworking louisiana citizens. [booing] he cares more about illegal aliens then he cares about louisiana citizens. i tell you what, i love our military. eddie loves our military. [cheering and applause] they care more about illegal aliens than taking care of our vets and taking care of our military. edwards is dangerously soft on crime. you know that. andcr louisiana has the highest murder rate, i hate to say this. please turn off those television cameras immediately. i don't want to say. but you've the highest murder rate anywhere in the united states. i didn't know that. i didn't want to say it. i'm sure they turned them off because they really listen. edwards is back by his fellow open border extremist and pro-abortion lobby. edwards is a complete disaster for the state of louisiana, and you cannot afford for two more years of this far left travesty. it is time to replace your failed governor john bel edwards with eddie rispone, who is going to do an incredible job. [cheering and applause] so everybody needs to get out and vote early! vote early. 40%, i can't believe, i've never heard 40%. usually it is like 2% and they say don't worry about it, but early voting has started so get out and vote for eddie rispone and do it right away, then let's go to the football game, and let's do lots of things. do lots of things. do it before the game, just make sure you get it out. and you t know the election itsf is going to be taking place saturday. so get out. get out early! get out early. get out early. i want to bring up a man that i've gotten to know well but i knew him through reputation because he is really a business legend in many ways, and he is going to put that genius to work for you. eddie rispone, please come up. [cheering and applause] >> that is crazy! [chanting] >> eddie! >> thank you. thank you, thank you so much. before i get started, i want to say this. congressman abraham, i would not be here,br john bel might be yor governor today if it wasn't for congressman abraham working very hard, the twoor of us traveling this state to make sure we got the vote out and letet the state of louisiana know we can do better. let's give them another round of applause. [cheering and applause] >> louisiana is trump country! isn't that right? [cheering and applause] >> we are so grateful for the president to come down here more than once now to get out the vote, to mobilize, toid make louisiana great like it deserves to be. we need something different if we want to be different. we don't deserve to be last. we are last, folks. we've got to do something different and it starts by electing a different kind of governor. [cheering and applause] >> we need a pro-trump conservative, an outsider, someone with serious business skills, somebody who does not be hold to special interests, someone who has backbone to go against the status quo. someone like trump! [cheering and applause] >> that is what we need, and we want to thank the president for coming here and exposing john w bel edwards, the liberal as he is. thank you! [cheering and applause] john bel edwards would want you to believe he is not one of those liberal lunatics that are trying to impeach our president. we can sendpe a message to him y voting me in and voting and supporting our president donald trump! [cheering and applause] >> listen, i didn'tt think they could go any lower, folks, but just this saturday, they are running ads now and push cards all over this state accusing our president of being a racist, and me being a racist, and you being a racist. [booing] it is disgusting how low they will go. that d is their m.o. when they start panicing and worrying, they play the race card. it is unacceptable. we have a president here that has had the lowest unemployment for minorities in the history of the united states, and they call him a racist? [cheering and applause]] >> we need to send them a message, folks. louisiana is conservative. we aress going to have a conservative governor, an outsider, a businessman, someone who would make us number one in the nation. we can do that with your vote! [cheering and applause] [audience chanting "eddie"] >> thank you. that is amazing. that is amazing. this man can get the crowd fired up, and he is getting louisiana fired up so we can go out and early vote and get this state turned around! thank him. [cheering and applause] i need your support, i need your vote, and my wife and my family could use your prayers. thank you! [cheering and applause] and i'm going to take one more liberty. go tigers! [cheering and applause] >> beat 'bama! [cheering and applause] >> president trump: thank you, eddie. great job. thank you. [chanting] >> four more years! >> president trump: thank you very much. thank you, eddie. good man.great man. he's going to be a great governor. we are also thrilled to be joined tonight by many of your wonderful louisiana leaders, and i have to say, right now, two of them are warriors. they are incredible warriors. i will ask them to come up for just a second, but they don't stop. very different type personalities. both unbelievable. they fight so hard for me, for you. they love this state, they love this country. senator bill cassidy senator john kennedy. come on up, fellas. [cheering and applause] [cheering and applause] >> let me just echo what eddie rispone said. this is trump country! [cheering and applause] >> and let me add to what he said. with your help, but only with your help, we can make it rispone country. thank you! [cheering and applause] >> hello, louisiana! thank you, mr. president, for visiting our state! [cheering and applause] >> in three short years, president trump has doubled the growth in the greatest economy in all of human history. [cheering and applause] and you know what our democratic friends have done for him? speaker nancy pelosi is trying to impeach him! [booing] i don't mean any disrespect, but it must suck to be that dumb. [cheering and applause] >> now let me tell you, let me tell you one other thing. the same people that are backing speaker pelosi are sending tens of millions of dollars to support governor edwards. [booing] and all he has given us, all governor edwards has given us is decline and uncertainty. now, unless you're happy with crappy, i want you to vote for eddie rispone for governor. [cheering and applause] and i want you to vote for kyle ardoin for secretary of state! and, i want you, this is important, i want you to vote for robert millss for the louisiana state senate! god bless louisiana, god bless our president, and god bless the united states of america! [cheering and applause] [audience chanting "usa"] >> president trump: two great guys, two great warriors who love our country, they love our country and i appreciate it very much. two great senators. i just want to bring up for a second, a man who was an incredible campaigner, and incredible congressman. you talk about loving our country, he will die for ourov country, he will die for the people of this state. he loves the people of this he did really, really well. it was a tight race and he is all in for eddie, and that is ralph abraham, congressman. come on up, ralph. [cheering and applause] >> thank you so much. thank you so much. mr. president, thank you for coming to monroe, louisiana. [cheering and applause] >> and thank you for making america great again! [cheeringak and applause] now, mr. president, this crowd and all of louisiana loves to win. we are going to celebrate again when the saints win the super bowl. [cheering and applause] we are going to celebrate again when lsu wins the national championship. [cheering and applause] and, president trump, we are going to celebrate you when you once again rid the world of evil al-baghdadi. thank you! [cheering and applause] but you heard the president, we are dead last. we much do better. and to our veterans here, whose shadow that we stand in every day, to our farmers and our ranchers that deal the land and heard the cattle from dawn until dusk, for our oil and gas industry that has, as you heard the president say, made us energy dominant. to our law enforcement, who run towards the bullet when we run away.en and to all of us who fill up the church pews on sunday morning god, we will win this race. [cheering and applause] so, mr. president, mr. president you have shown the world what america could do. you have shown the world what america can do. and, more importantly, mr. president, you have shown the world what america will do when we are challenged. [cheering and applause] so we are going to win this race. go vote saturday for eddie. let's get this thingng done, put the horse in the barn, and go win a ball game! thank you! [cheering and applause] >> president trump: thank you very much. he is a great guy. he is a great guy. we appreciate it. i called ralph, i said w i'd loe to have you. he said, sir, if you want me, if you need me, i am here. and that is a real man. thank you very much. that is a real man. and they are friends, they are real friends. a so where's mason? where are you, mason?raffle ral? what a job he did. what'd you do, fly around the world is the youngest person ever or something? ralph said, i've got to mention you. thank you very much. thank you very much, thank you. very important to ralph.k i want to thank the other of our incredible, and i call them warriors because that is what they are. they have to be today. they won't be around long. garrett graves, great congressman. thank you, garrett. great job. they fight hard at jobs tougher than we all thought. it shouldn't be tough at all but they made it tough. we had people that made a lot tougher than it is supposed to be, but these are incredible people. clay higgins. [cheering and applause] thank you, clay. and mike johnson. [cheering and applause] thanks, mike. great job. all of you.ob and your state's attorney general, somebody i've known for a long time. he is terrific. jeff landry. [applause] and two terrific men on the ballot with eddie. john mentioned that, kyle ardoin and your next state senator robert mills. [cheering and applause][c we are also joined by louisiana's own phil and willie robertson. i love them. applause]and i can learn plenty from these two. come on up here. come up, come up. come up. [cheering and applause] come up. great people, they've been with us from the beginning. right from the beginning. smart as can be and wonderful people. and they hit big. they hit it big. and you don't hit big unless you have it. come on up, fellas. >> i got it down to this, if you are pro-god and pro-america, and pro-gun and pro-duck hunting, that's all i want! [cheering and applause] >> well, i don't know what else to say after following phil and the president and eddie, but thank you guys so much. you have been such a great community to share life with, to worship with, and i am so tickled to be here with the president, that he actually came down to our community. let's go, eddie! [cheering and applause] >> president trump: thank you, fellas. two great guys. they were with me right at the beginning. i said, who are they? they said, they are two big television stars. i said, wow, then i started watching a little bit. a lot of wisdom there. republican policies are lifting up americans from every background and every walk of life. t t america is an economic powerhouse again, like never before, actually. like never before. we eliminated a record number of job-killing regulations, saving an estimated $3,000 per household. we also passed the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in american history, saving a typical family of four another $2,000. and we are boldly adopting a policy of american energy independence. we don't have to go to these faraway places anymore. [cheering and applause] i was at the opening of the $10 billion cameron lng sports facility in hackberry, louisiana, employing thousands and thousands of louisiana workers. they couldn't get their permits for years. i got them real fast, people. i said, how long? i said, t let's go get them that permit! for years and years they try to get those permits. they couldn't get them. i got them very fast.we cut a rn a couple of months ago, it was incredible. i've never seen a building like that one. there are more pipes in that building than i have ever seen before. meanwhile, every top democrat running for president has pledged to abolish all american production of oil and natural gas, shipping thousands of your state's energy jobs overseas. that is all they are doing. [audience booing] but louisiana will not give them that chance. we are reversing decades of disastrous trade policies. louisiana lost one in four manufacturing jobs after the twin disasters of nafta and china's entrance into the world trade organization. past leaders did not care onee bit what happened to those louisiana communitiesde because they were getting rich by sacrificing your wealth to other countries. you remember, we talk about all the time. but under this administration the great betrayal is over. america is no longer for sale. [cheering and applause] thanks to my tariffs, we are taking in billions and billions of dollars from aki country that never gave us ten cents, china. can you imagine if we ever let the radical democrats take over negotiations with china? it wouldn't be too good. let's get hunter to do it right?h come on, hunter. come on, hunter. let's see how you do, hunter. china would love it more than anything else. they would love to be dealing with a different president. w they actually do like me, but they don't like me when i am doing exactly to them -- they are having the worst year they have had in 57 years. but it's not going to happen that way because we can't let our country go back to the days of being ransacked and plundered by other nations. we will not be taken advantage of any longer. before my election, our leaders used the great american middle class as a piggy bank to fund their delusional global projects. they decimated american manufacturing, you know this. american manufacturing was broken and decimated tofa promote, they promoted economic growth and foreign countries. they didn't promote economic growth in our country. they used our military to defend immensely wealthyef nations, subsidizing their welfare states with your money, and they poured precious american blood and treasure into the middle east while our great cities fell into disrepair. $8 trillion was spent in the middle east, and you want to fix a highway and they say, that is pretty expensive, right? not anymore. but i was elected to be the president of the united states not the president of the world. [cheering and applause] after years of rebuilding other nations, we are finally rebuilding our nation. [cheering and applause] and we are finally putting america first! haven't heard that for a long time. [cheering and applause] past leaders transformed faraway nations into chaotic war zones. then they demanded that american citizens accept unlimited migration from those terror-afflicted regions, stamping their visas for travel straight into your communities. not anymore. my administration implemented the travel ban to block migration from some of the world's most dangerous and deadly places. [cheering and applause] and we are keeping terrorists criminals, and violent extremists the hell out of our country. that is what we are doing. [cheering and applause] on no issue have democrats more totally betrayed you than immigration. they threw you open, and you saw itey all through the years, they threw open yourr borders to drug dealers, human traffickers and to vicious ms-13 gang members. now we are getting them out of the country by the thousands. [cheering and applause] thanks to our tireless efforts to secure our southern border, illegal crossings have now dropped 70% since may. [cheering and applause] and when you look at what's happening over there, there is a good reason for what we're doing. we are building that wall faster than anyone thought it was possible to build. the army corps of engineers. we are also confronting the deadly menace of sanctuary cities, which released dangerous criminal aliens into your neighborhoods, school zones, and city streets. republicans believe our cities should be sanctuaries for law-abiding americans, not criminal aliens. [cheering and applause] and republicans will always stand with the heroes of i.c.e. border patrol and law enforcement. [cheering and applause] in the last administration, vile slanders of our police went unanswered and unchallenged. now we are once again condemning antipolice bias and giving our officers the respect that they so rightly deserve. if you want to show your love and support for american law enforcement, and just plain success of your state and your country, then vote early for eddie rispone. democrats are becoming more extreme by the day. the democrat-planned government takeover of health care would demolish your medicare. i will always protect medicare for our nation's seniors. we will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions, and we will also protect patients with pre-existing physicians. [cheering and applause] democrats want to take away our doctors. republicans will strongly defend your right to keep your doctor. you remember that with president obama. you keep your doctor, you keep your plan. 28 times. it k was a lie. our ambitious campaign to reduce the price of prescription drugs has produced the largest decline in drug prices in over 50 years. virtually every top democrat also now supports late-term abortion, ripping babies straight from the mother's womb right up until the moment of birth. [booing] right up until the moment of birth. that is why i've asked congress to prohibit extreme late-term abortion, because republicans believe that every child is a sacred gift from god. [cheering and applause] democrats are now the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, late-term abortion, socialism, and blatant corruption. the republican party is the party of the american worker, the american family, and the american dream.of it's also the party of the late great abraham lincoln. people forget. [cheering and applause] we have confirmed already 158 incredible judges to interpret the constitution as written including two great supreme court justices neil gorsuch and brett kavanaugh. [cheering and applause] our historic investment in rebuilding the military has included more than $30 million to barksdale. do you know where that is? do you know where that is? barksdale, where is barksdale? nice? good? barksdale air force base right here in louisiana, and $40 million to naval air station joint reserve base in new orleans. [cheering and applause] i withdrew from the horrible one-sided iran nuclear deal, and i recognized israeli's trueof c, and israeli sovereignty after 52 years. for years, you watch as your politicians apologized for america. now you have a president who is standing up for america, and we are standing up for the people of louisiana. the next step to victory begins in this state and it begins with you right now. with your support, we will show the correct democrats, and they are corrupt, do-nothing democrats, that the american people are not backing down. we need you to get your friends, get your family, get your neighbors and get out to vote early for eddie. and if you don't vote early, i will be back on thursday to get you to vote onot saturday, okay? [cheering and applause] with your help, we will lift millions more of our citizens from welfare to work,dependenceo independence and poverty to elprosperity. together, we will elect a republican congress. we are going to be able to do that, we have to be able to do that, to create a fair, safe sane, and lawful system of immigration and many other things. we will enact trade deals that result in m more products proudy stamped with that beautiful phrase, "made in the usa." [cheering and applause] we will achieve new breakthroughs in science and medicine, finding new cures for childhood cancer and ending the aids epidemic in america. did you know that? within 10 years. i never knew we could do it until recentlywe put up the mond weht will have the aids epidemic ended. who would've thought? we will charge a new area of discovery in space and very soon we will land in american astronaut on the surface of mars. we will defend privacy, free speech, free assembly, religious liberty, and the right to keep and bear arms.y, [cheering and applause] above all, we will never stop fighting for the sacred values that bind us together as one america. we support, protect and defend erthe constitution of the united states. [cheering and applause] we stand with the incredible heroes of law enforcement. we believe in the dignity of work and the sanctity of life. we believe that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, are the true american way. we believe that children should be taught to love our country, honor our history, and to always respect our greatt american fla. [cheering and applause] >> we live by the words of our national motto. they will never, ever change as long as we are here "in god we trust." [cheering and applause] and it may be 120 degrees in this room, and i don't know about you, but i'm having a good time. it is a pretty hot one. [cheering and applause] a little hot. a little hot. somebody saving on air-conditioning. that is all right.always got toe money. you go home and you lost 9-pounds. you b say, what happened? well, i went to louisiana with some big friends and i lost about 9 pounds. [laughter] wewe stand on the shoulders ofad oceans, settle as continent, revolutionized, pioneer scientist, won two world wars, defeated fascism, communism and made america the greatest nation in the history of the world, and we are making it greater every single day. [cheering and applause] proud citizens like you help build this country. and, together, we are taking back our country. really. do you believe what is going on in washington with these do-nothing, somewhat evil and in some cases very evil people. but that is the way it is. and here is the story, we are we are winning like never before. [cheering and applause] and, if we weren't winning, they wouldn't care. life would be a lot of fun in washington, probably. but we have to do what we were sent to right?to we have to do it. we are returning power to you, the american people. with your help, your devotion and your drive, we are going to keep on working. we are going to keep on fighting. and we are going to keep on winning, winning, winning. [cheering and applause] let me ask you this. are the people of louisiana getting tired of winning? is anybody getting tired of winning? >> no! >> president trump: because i iuld go to john or bill, and i can say, fellas, and they will come in. they will be told by yousenatory more, it is too much winning. we can't take it anymore. there is too much winning. we like our old way of life. we have lousy jobs. we got paid very little. no business, no nothing. please go to washington to see the president and tell the president please, please, stop winning so much. we are working too hard and in louisiana. we are winning too much. and i will look at them and say sorry, fellas, we are going to on winning. [cheering and applause] because we are one movement, we are one people, we are one family. and we are one glorious nation under god. [cheering and applause] america is thriving like never before. and ladies and gentlemen of louisiana, the best is yet to come. [cheering and applause] together, we will make america wealthy again. we will make america strong again. we will make america proud again. we will make america safe again. and, we will make america great again! thank you, louisiana, thank you. thank you. ♪ >> hannity: the president wrapping up a huge rally ruckus. if you are eight years old, you know more about oil in ukraine than hunter biden. we don't have a lot of time left. breaking just before the show came on tonight, a huge development. the president referred to it surrounding a nonwhistle-blower whistle-blower. his complaint as we have been saying, was a political hit job all along. now, if he wants anyone to take him seriously, he better get a different lawyer. breaking tonight. they have uncovered a series of tweets from the fake whistle-blower's attorney. this this guy's name is mark zade they make no mistake downright disturbing and terms of it is now obvious that this lawyer is despicable, deranged the trump hater, partisan hack plotting the president's destruction starting ten days after he was inaugurated. look at your screen, january 30 2017. zade retweeting news about acting ag sally gates getting fired. look at this, captioned #who has -- #coup has started,y first of many steps #impeachment will follow ultimately, #lawyers.s. h a few months later as july 1st 2017, tweeting we will get him and this country strong enough to survive even him and his supporters. we have to. more mark zaid tweeting incessantly about president trump's impeachment. comparison to nixon tweets fantasizing openly what it will be like for the president to be impeached and of course, there is even a tweet highlighting how fake news cnn will help take trump down. i predict cnn will playy a key role in president stomach trump notro up finishing out fl term as president. who has started. we will get rid of them and cnn will play a key role. this is the embodiment of rage hatred and unwillingness to accept the election results. trump derangement syndrome. this is a so-called whistle-blower nonwhistle-blower, that is his lawyer? hearsay whistle-blower. honestly we are to believe the whistle-blower had the best interest of the country at mind? no. by the way, it is time to put him under oath. put the compromised coward corrupt schiff himself under oath. biden needs to go under oath. both of them. that means hunterr and joe. oh, you get the billion dollars


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